《Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler》Chapter 13


The Wheeler twins had fallen asleep in the hallway and were woken up by an unwanted guest.

Ivy's eyes snapped open as something hard slammed against her ankle.

Lexi stood there with a bitchy look plastered across her face.

Of course, this was the blonde's normal expression, but today it seemed to hold more anger than usual.

"Wake up." She demanded, jabbing her foot into Jake's leg.

He flinched, startled by her sudden appearance. "Whats wrong? Did something happen?"

Ivy rolled her eyes.

"Yeah." Lexi muttered, the tone of her voice becoming sarcastic. "Two psycho kids told their little ginger doll to murder me."

He sighed.

"At the time, it seemed like a great idea." Ivy said, shrugging her shoulders. "Still does."

The blonde scowled at her.

"So, you're here to yell at us some more?" Jake cut in, elbowing his sister in the arm.

Lexi stared at him.

The hallway went fell silent.

It only lasted for a minute, but sitting there for sixty seconds while Ms. Perfect stared her brother down was the worst thing Ivy's ever sat through.

"No." She finally blurted out, allowing Ivy's anxiety to subside.

Blondie sighed. "I don't really want to spend the rest of my life being scared of getting killed by a toy. And since no one else will believe me.."

Jake shifted in his seat, not ready to hear the words about to escape her mouth.

"Im stuck with the two of you."

He cringed.

Ivy stood up, locking eyes with the blonde teenager before her. "Fuck that."

She scoffed "Excuse me-"

"You heard me. I'd rather rip out my own tongue and eat it before I'd even consider working with a spoiled brat like you." The brunette seethed, balling her hands into fists.

Lexi's eyes went red with rage. "You're fucking dead!"

She lunged at Ivy, ready to swing.

Jake grabbed her arm. "Are you two serious right now?"

Blondie shoved him away.

Ivy clenched her jaw, trying to keep herself calm as her brother intervened.

"We all want the same thing." He said, playing peace maker. "I know we hate each other.. a lot.. but somehow I think we can work together to stop Chucky."

The girls stared at him, unimpressed.

"What is this, Disney channel?"

"Yeah," Lexi joined in, "that was pathetic."

He sighed. "Whatever."

Ivy clapped her hands together, getting their attention. "I say we go back to Blondie's house and see if Chucky's still there, easy enough?"

Jake furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't-"

"Fine." Lexi interrupted, brushing past her. "It's not like me parents will realize i'm gone anyway. God, I need a shower.."

"Stop complaining, princess."

* * *

"This is crazy." Lexi said as the three of them made their way up her driveway.

Ivy was fed up with her at this point. "Shut the fuck up."

"You saw him in the fire, right?" Jake asked, turning his attention over to the blonde.

She nodded.

Ivy pushed the front door open and scanned the room with her flashlight prior to entering.

"Go!" Lexi whispered, shoving her inside.


Ivy stumbled into the kitchen.

Jake closed the old ass door behind them.

"You know, I thought the mayor's house would be bigger." Ivy said, continuing the annoy the brat beside her.

"And I thought your brain would be bigger, looks like we're both disappointed." Lexi snapped, sparing her a quick glance before continuing to search the house.

They waked through the halls.

Everything was burnt to a crisp.

"Oh my god.." Lexi gasped, looking around at what was once her childhood home.

Jake began to breathe heavier as they traveled deeper into the demolished building. He pulled a bottle of pills out of his pocket and flicked open the lid.

Lexi watched him swallow a few. "Zoloft?"


She stared at him. "Anxiety or depression?"

His expression faltered. "Both."

Ivy sighed. "Come on."

Jake bent down and picked up a crowbar and a sharp piece of wood.

Lexi immediately snatched the crowbar from his grasp.

They turned to Ivy.

"My hero's." She mumbled sarcastically.

Jake began to climb the stairs then stopped when he noticed the horrified look on Blondie's face.

"You okay?" He questioned, actually beginning to sound genuinely concerned for her.

"Seriously?" Both her and Ivy said in unison.

They glanced at each other then Lexi sucked in a breath and pointed her flashlight at the top of the stairs. "Okay, the last time I saw him was in my room."

Jake rubbed the back of his neck. "Alright. Let's go."

The twins turned to Lexi.

She nodded her head.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She said, gesturing towards the stairs.

Jake and Ivy shared a confused look. "We don't know where your room is?"

"I'll give you directions, just go!" She ordered, rushing them over to the base of the staircase.

"Alright." Jake sighed.

He started to shuffle up the stairs.

Ivy rolled her eyes and pushed past him, making her way to the top.

Sure, she was scared, no need to hide that, but this wasn't as terrifying as they were making it out to be.

Lexi jabbed him in the back with the crowbar. "Go!"

He hurried forward. "Shit!"

Their flashlights bounced around the room, tracing over every little thing.

"Jake." Lexi said as he lowered his foot onto the last step.

"What?" He spit, clearly nervous.

"Just.. be careful." She muttered, trying to hide her worry.

Ivy placed her hands on her hips, waiting for them to reach the top.

As they were about to join her, Lexi stopped at a row of photos on the wall. She shined her light on them and frowned.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked again.

"Stop asking me that."

"I'm just trying to be nice-"

"You're not nice, Jake." She interrupted. "Neither of you are nice!"

Ivy pulled him up to the top step.

"All of this happened because of you two!" Blondie went on, reminding them of their terrible mistake. "You happy now?"

They stared down at her.

"I'm not happy." Jake stated, breaking the silence. "Can't remember the last time I was."


Lexi scoffed. "Me neither."

Ivy slammed her fist down, feeling a surge of unconditional anger course through her.

"You think you have it so hard? You have parents. A family! We don't even remember our mom, our father was a crazy drunk that beat the shit out of us and you really think I'm going to listen to you stand here and complain like the pathetic brat you are?"

Before she could reply, a thud came from the wall behind them.

The three teenagers spun around, pointing their flashlights down at the floor below.

"Shit!" Lexi squealed.

* * *

A few minutes had passed.

They hadn't heard any other noises and decided to keep walking towards Lexi's room.

Blondie stopped just as they were about to enter the hall.

She shook her head. "Did you guys really want me to.. die?"

Jake looked down.

"Did it really get that bad?"

Ivy ignored her comment. If she were self-aware, she would've realized that dressing up as someone's dead father (no matter how much of a dick he was) was just plain evil.

"Yeah," Jake said, turning back around.

"Then why didn't either of you just.. say something?" She said, trying to comprehend their thought processes.

He stopped again, but didn't turn around. "Because I didn't think it would make a difference."

Ivy nodded, fully capable of making eye contact with the she-devil. "I said something. A lot in fact. But no one can get away with saying anything bad about the mayor's little girl."

The blonde rolled her eyes. "But I'm not a mind reader. How was I supposed to know how upset the two of you were?"

He spun around, ready to pick a fight with this stuck-up bitch. "Well, usually when you treat people like shit they get upset."

"But, you two didn't just get upset.." The blonde pointed out. "You wanted to kill me."

Ivy's anger skyrocketed. "The simple fact that you didn't think the shit you did would make us upset, is exactly why we wanted you dead!"

Jake shook his head, scanning his mind for something to say that wouldn't make him sound so guilt-ridden. "I'm sorry.. we didn't know what else to do, alright?"

Lexi laughed in disbelief. "So you went straight to murder?"

Ivy felt her emotions beginning to take over.

She blew out a breath, attempting to steady herself.

"You dressed up as our dead dad in front of everyone!" Jake shouted, his voice dripping with rage.

Lexi stepped closer to him.

Ivy could practically feel the anger radiating off of her brother's body.

"I know but still," Lexi continued, "there's gotta be something really wrong with you to want to kill someone because of that-"

Jake shot back around, startling both of them.

"But I didn't wanna kill somebody, alright? I wanted to kill you!"


"Because you're a bad person," As he talked, his grip on the weapon in his grasp tightened, pushing it closer to Blondie. "You treat everyone around you like they're nothing and you just expect them to take it!"

"Stop it!" She tried.

"I wanted you to die." He admitted, ignoring her scared expression. "But not because there's something wrong with me, its because you FUCKING DESERVED IT!"

She screamed in fear of his threat, falling backwards as the blade in his hand nearly grazed her chest.

The railing behind her splintered as she fell, causing her to plummet towards the floor below.

Jake grabbed her arm, catching the teenager before she was able to hit the ground.

She screamed, holding onto his hand as tightly as possible.

Ivy stood there, shocked by her brother's outburst.

She hadn't even noticed that Lexi had fallen.

"Jake!" the blonde cried out, reaching for him with her other arm.

He struggled to keep a good grip.

A familiar laugh snapped Ivy out of her daze.


The ginger haired doll stepped into the light.

Ivy screamed at the burnt flesh hanging from his plastic exterior as he advanced on them, knife in the air.

Jake stared down at him, fear in his eyes.

Ivy rushed over to her brother, grabbing ahold of Lexi's wrist.

"It's the easiest thing in the world, Wheeler's." He began to explain. His voice was rough and altered from the affects of the fire. "Just let go."

Ivy's grip began to loosen.

"This isn't a coincidence, Jake. This is a crossroads. This is life giving you a second chance to be the man you know you want to be, not the scared little pussy she tried to make-"

"No!" Lexi shrieked, her hand slipping in their grasp. "Don't!"

"Just let go."

Ivy's hand slipped off, handing everything back over to Jake.

"Ivy!" The blonde screamed.

"The world's gonna be better off without her! Just one less little bitchy Karen on training wheels."

"No, Jake. Please.." She begged.

Ivy stared down at her horrified figure, unfazed by the trauma the blonde was facing.

She deserved it.

"Just let go and then you can go break the news to Junior, and everybody'll get to see him cry!" He went on, bursting into a fit of wheezy laughter.

"You can do it, Jake. Let go!"

The brunette shook his head, overwhelmed with emotion.

"Jake! Jake, Please!" Lexi squealed beneath him.

"I-I'm not like you Chucky!" He announced, finalizing his decision. "I'm not a killer!"

Jake started pulling Lexi back up to the second floor.

Ivy breathed out a relived sigh and leaned over to help him.

Chucky ran forward, swinging his knife around. "You're pathetic, Wheeler's! I'll do it myself then!"

He lunged at Blondie's feet.

They yanked her back up before he could get close enough.

Ivy fell back, drenched in sweat.

Just as they were about to run, a bright light flashed through the room.

"Police!" A man yelled.

Chucky immediately fell slack against the floor, hiding the knife inside his overalls.

"This is detective Peyton. Is anyone here?"

Lexi's head shot up. "We're in here!"

A tall white man, probably mid-forties, walked over to the staircase. "You're not allowed in here."

"I live here." She argued.

Ivy ran her hands through her hair, exhausted from tonights events.

"Not now you don't, its gonna take weeks to clean this mess up." His eyes fixated on the ginger haired doll sitting on the floor between his feet.

Jake stiffened.

"What in the.." Peyton muttered, picking it up by the shoe.

He looked up at Lexi who was on the verge of a panic attack. "Is this your sister's doll?"

Ivy shared a scared glance with her brother.

"You're dad asked me to bring it back to the hospital."

"Don't." Ivy warned.

He sighed. "I'm not taking any orders from a teenager. Let's go."

Jake helped her up off the floor. "Nice job."

She shoved him back. "Don't fuck with me right now."

Lexi hurried past them, eager to get as far away from this house and that doll as possible.

Ivy folded her arms over her chest. "Turns out barbie really doesn't fall for Ken."

Jake laughed. "In what world is Chucky, Ken?"

"He's got the hair."

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