《Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler》Chapter 12


"So, I blow up at you for helping in a homicide, and your solution is to go to the hospital?" Jake distributed as the two teenagers walked in the direction of Hackensack Hospital.

Ivy shook her head. "You really don't catch on fast, do you?"

He tossed his arm up in the air. "There is nothing to catch on to!"

"We left Chucky at Lexi's house." She began. "Lexi was in that house. The cops just whipped past us over to that house.."

"Do you understand why we are going to the hospital now?"

He stared at her.


She groaned. "I'm saying that maybe the cops got there before Chucky could hurt anyone. So, we're going to the hospital to find out."

Jake put his hands over his face. "How the hell was I supposed to know that, Ivy?"

"It's common sense." She scoffed, continuing forward.

They walked past Lexi's house a few minutes later.

"Why are there so many ambulances?" He questioned, trying to get a closer look.

Ivy yanked him back. "Do you have a death wish?"

She pulled him behind a bush.

"Looks like she was having a party."

Jake turned to his sister, his expression becoming more aggravated by the second.

"What? It's not like we were on the invite list. How was I supposed to know?" She attempted to take some of the blame off of herself.

"It's common sense." Jake said, mimicking her words.

Ivy smacked his arm.

"Hey!" A man yelled, discovering them.

"Run!" Jake shouted, bolting into the woods.

Ivy face-palmed.

"What are you doing in there?" The man said, pointing a flashlight at the teen as he advanced on her.

She stepped out of the bush and brushed herself off.

It was a cop..

Of course.

"Are you alright? Did you see what happened here?" He questioned, lowering the light.

The brunette shrugged. "Nah, me and my brother were playing hide and seek and came across this."

The officer frowned. "At this hour?"

He looked around confused. "Where is he?"

Ivy sighed. "Yeah.. my brother's not too fond of other people. He bolted as soon as you spotted us."

The man stared at her, he didn't seem convinced with her story. "He doesn't like other people...? Doesn't he go to school?"

She rubbed her neck, trying to come up with a believable excuse.

"Psych ward!" The teen blurted out, laughing nervously. "He just got out of the psych ward.."

The officer to cleared his throat. "Oh.. I see."

"Well, carry on." He walked off, shaking his head.

Just then, a hand latched onto Ivy's shoulder.

She spun around, a fist in the air.

"Woah!" Jake yelled, holding his arms up.

She groaned. "What the fuck, Jake?"

He frowned. "You just called me a mental patient. I say we're even."

Ivy sighed.

"That's fair.."

* * *

Ivy followed her brother into Hackensack Hospital.

She hadn't been here in years.

It was a very modern hospital, the place was four stories and every floor had LED lights.

Their father used to say they were there to give the patients joy before death.

They walked past the front desk.

Jake looked extremely nervous, drawing attention to them.

"You need to calm down." Ivy whispered, dragging him into the elevator.


He shook his head. "I'm sorry.. I just haven't been here since-"

"Yeah, I get it." She sighed. "Just don't make us look more suspicious then we already are."

The doors opened and the twins stepped out onto the third floor.

"Did you push the button?" She questioned, wondering how he did it without her noticing.

"I thought you did." Jake frowned.

Ivy rubbed her neck. "Weird."

They walked past the reception desk.

Oliver's parents were standing there with their hands behind their backs.

She paused for a second.

The nurse muttered something and his mother immediately burst into tears.

"That's not a good sign.."

Jake clenched his jaw. "Shit."

They rushed down the hallway.

Ivy stopped at a room piled to the ceiling with nurses and patients.

"That's Iris." She said, pointing to a girl with short brown hair. "She's in my History class."

Jake slid his hands into his pockets and turned to her. "Think Junior's here?"

The teen shrugged. "Maybe. He was gone when we left."

He nodded and walked back into the hall.

They peeked into the first room on the right.

Just as suspected, there was Junior in a hospital's gown with Logan and Bree at his side.

"This sucks." Jake mumbled, staring at them regretfully.

Ivy grabbed his arm. "Come on."

They headed to the next room across the hall.

Jake pushed past her to see who was inside.

A nurse was blocking their view.

"Are you okay?" Ivy questioned, nudging her brother gently.

He didn't answer.

Finally, the nurse stepped aside, uncovering Devon.

Jake let out a relived sigh. "I am now.."

Devon looked over, spotting them in the doorway.

He waved awkwardly.

Jake hesitated for a second then continued down the hallway.

Ivy frowned. "Why didn't you say anything?"

He turned to her. "What was I supposed to say? Sorry for trying to blow you up."

She sighed.

"Let's go." He grumbled, pushing past her.

They peered into each room finding more and more of their classmates in hospital beds.

But when they came to the end of the hall.. what they saw stopped them dead in their tracks.

Caroline, Lexi's eight year old sister, in a hospital bed, unconscious.

"Oh my god." Ivy gasped, rushing over to the window. "I didn't think Chucky would actually hurt her.."

Jake scoffed. "Yeah, because up until now he seemed like such a great guy."

She smacked his arm.

They stood there watching them for a while.

Ivy felt terrible.

Sure, Chucky was a serial killer but he seemed to care about Caroline.

Nice to know she was just as gullible as everyone else..

Suddenly Ivy began to sense a presence behind her. A hand shot out and grabbed Jake's shoulder.


They both spun around.

"What the hell?" Ivy said as her eyes landed on Lexi.

The prime target.

"You're here?" Jake stuttered, also shocked by her appearance.

She nodded.

"Chucky did it."

Ivy's body tensed up.

"Did he kill your dad too?" The blonde questioned, obviously not ready to face the truth about the red-haired demon doll.

They nodded.

"Holy shit!" She gasped. "I.. I mean- fuck!"

"Yeah.." Jake said, beginning to walk forward.

Ivy stayed at the window with her arms crossed.


All of this chaos and the bitch that started this mess was still standing here, alive and breathing.

"How?" Lexi asked, locking eyes with Jake.

"I don't know." He replied, sighing.

"Well, when did you find out?"

"Talent show." Ivy said, finishing for him.

Lexi turned to her. "Wait. So that was him talking? For real, talking?"

The brunette nodded.


They stood in silence for a second.

"What a dick." Blondie blurted out, scoffing.

Jake shook his head. "Where is he?"

She shrugged. "Last time I saw him he was in my room, surrounded by fire, after he tried to kill me."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "So dramatic.."

"You didn't see him die?" He asked, ignoring Ivy.

"No.." Lexi frowned. "But half the house burned down so-"

"No, that doesn't matter!" Jake exclaimed. "I have to find him and make sure he's dead 'cause if he's not he's.. he's gonna come after you again."

Ivy pushed herself away from the wall.

"Why?" Lexi asked, confusion stretched across her face.

Jake didn't respond.

"Jake, why is your doll coming after me?"

He shook his head. "Cause.. I.."

"Because we told him to." Ivy stated, folding her arms over her chest.

Blondie's eyes snapped over to her.

She tried to come up with something to say. "I.. You gave that thing to my sister."

Ivy nodded.

"You knew what it was and you brought it to my house anyway! You told him to hurt me."

"Jake, did you tell him to kill me?" She asked, her voice cracking with betrayal.

Jake stared down at her, guilt in his eyes.

"No." Ivy said, taking the attention away from him. "I did."

Lexi gasped again. "Oh.. you freaks!"

He shook his head. "Lexi.. I-"

"You two are so dead!" She exclaimed rushing over to the door of the room her parents were in.

Jake grabbed her arm. "Where are you going?"

"Get off of me!" She shouted, shoving him back.

"You cant tell anyone!"

"Watch me." Blondie reach for the door handle and Ivy slapped her hand away.

"I wouldn't do that. Anyone who's told the truth about Chucky's either been put away or worse."

Jake nodded. "Mostly worse."

Lexi stared at the Wheeler twins in disbelief.

"Who's gonna believe you?" He continued. "It's just us."

Ivy looked down. "I hate to say it but he's right.."

Jake sighed. "Look, I know you're pissed at us right now, but he's still alive, so-"

Lexi drew her eyes away from him and fixated on Ivy. "Oliver isn't."

The teen froze, her skin ice cold.

"What?" Jake questioned.

"He's dead." Lexi began. "He died in the fire."

Ivy grabbed the wall beside her, becoming overwhelmed with emotion.

"A fire that wouldn't have even happened if you two didn't send that thing after me!" She yelled. "Maybe I'm still alive.. but that doesn't mean you didn't kill anybody at that party."

"Stay the hell away from me.."

She shoved past him and joined her parents in Carolines' recovery room.

Ivy fell to her knees.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, she cared about Oliver.

A lot, actually.

More than she'd ever be able to say.

"Ivy." Jake muttered, walking over to her. "I'm so sorry.."

She looked up at his, eyes filled with tears. "What do you have to be sorry for? I sent that lunatic to Lexi's house."

He shook his head.

"I killed Oliver!" She screamed, tears pouring down her cheeks.

Her chest burned with both grief and guilt.

She forced her own brother to give his psycho doll to an eight year old, who's now on death's row, and killed the only guy she's ever cared about.

"I killed him!" She repeated, becoming more and more angry at herself by the second.

Jake kneeled down and hugged her.

People were staring as they passed.

She didn't give a shit. They could stare, even film if they wanted to.

Nothing mattered anymore.

Oliver is dead.

"What did I do?" She cried.

"What the hell did I do?"

* * *

Jake and Ivy were waiting outside of the patient's rooms.

Jake was in a chair and Ivy was laying on the floor with tear-stained cheeks.

"Feeling better?" He asked, looking down at her.

"Nope." She mumbled, staring at the dust on the ground.

Before he could respond, a pink soccer ball rolled across the hallway and hit Jake's shoe.

He flinched.

"Uh.." Ivy began to think that their little red-haired friend was about to make a come back, when a woman in an orange dress walked over and picked it up.

"Hey." A voice called out, startling both of them.

It was Devon.

"Hey." Jake replied, already blushing.

"Where's Ivy?" The teen questioned, looking literally everywhere but the floor.

Jake fixated on the brown-haired blob sprawled out on the floor in front of them.

"Right here." Ivy muttered, raising her arm In the air.

Devon turned to her and chuckled. "Uh, hey. What's up?"

She shrugged. "Not much. Just my world ending."

He nodded. "I see not much has changed."

"How's Junior doing?" Devon asked, quickly changing the subject.

"I.. I think he's okay." Jake shrugged. "How are you?"

Ivy groaned.

They both glanced over at her.

Devon grinned. "No permanent damage. Just gonna be stuck with this sexy smoker voice for a while."

"My phone got it worse than me." The teen continued. "I dropped it running out of the house. Camera's busted."

Jake's expression faltered. "I'm sorry."

Devon looked up at him and smiled. "Hey, it's okay. I can still use it."

"No.. I mean.. The fire. Oliver."

Ivy shot him a look.

He cleared his throat. "Must've been so scary."

The teen shrugged. "It was."

Jake looked down.

"I was kinda bummed you guys weren't there at first but.. I'm just glad you're safe."

Ivy pushed herself up and sighed. "We weren't on the invite list."

Devon nodded and sat down next to her brother. "Can I tell you something?"

Ivy propped her head up with her hands, interested.

"Of course." Jake replied, smiling.

Devon leaned closer. "I'm not really supposed to.. No one knows yet, but I can't not tell anyone, and I know you won't say anything."

"Why? Because we have no friends?" Ivy asked bluntly.

Devon shook his head. "No, because you two are loyal and would never do anything to hurt anyone."

She scoffed. "I wouldn't be too sure.."

Jake kicked her arm.

"Oliver was stabbed to death." Devon blurted out, causing Ivy to fall back into her void of sadness.

"During the fire." He continued. "Someone murdered him."

Jake looked around, becoming paranoid. "Really?"

He nodded.

"And.. Do they know who did it?"

He sighed. "They have no clue. It could've been an intruder who snuck in during the party. Either way, there's a killer out there, right now.. running around Hackensack."

Ivy burst into a fit of laughter, startling both of them.

She couldn't control herself, too many emotions were overwhelming her at once.

Devon was so clueless..

He was literally sitting with two out of the three killers.

"Uh.. Anyway." He turned back to Jake then paused. "Oh, I didn't mean to freak you out."

Ivy continued cackling and rolling around on the floor.

Jake shook his head. "No, you didn't freak me out."

Devon nodded. "Oh, and my mom also asked about your doll."

Ivy's laughter began to fade.

"What about him?"

"She asked if I saw it at the party, um, you gave It to Lexi's sister right?"

He nodded. "Right."

"I don't know why she asked, just um.. be careful around her, okay?." The teen stood up. "She has these idea's about you guys."

Jake stood up as well.

"She just doesn't know you like I do." Devon said, grinning. "See ya."

They watched him leave.

Ivy sat up. "Well, he's nice."

Jake nodded, his eyes glued to the door Devon had walked through. "I know right?"

She ran a hand through her dark wavy hair, breathing out an uneven sigh.

"That's a first.."

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