《Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler》Chapter 11


"This is a bad idea." Jake whined.

Ivy shook her head.

The two teenagers were on their way to Lexi's house to deliver Chucky.

"This is a good thing, Jake." She muttered. "We can finally get rid of Lexi for good."

He sighed. "I guess.."

"Would you stop being such a baby?" Chucky groaned. "It's pissing me off."

They walked into Lexi's yard.

Her mother was the mayor so she had the biggest house on the block.

Of course.

Jake was breathing heavily.

"Stop that.." Ivy mumbled, trying to shield her words from the red-haired doll in his grasp. "It'll be okay."

He nodded slowly.

"I'm not deaf. Just shut the fuck up and think about how much better your lives will be without this bitch around."

They walked up to the door and Jake knocked.

"You cant just ring the doorbell like a normal person?" Ivy frowned.

The door swung open and Blondie popped her head out.

She groaned. "Why are you two here?"

Jake hesitated. "I was.. I thought it was cool of you to apologize the way you did."

Lexi nodded as if his statement was obvious. "I know."

Ivy rolled her eyes.

"I just thought that.. you should have Chucky." He said, barely a whisper.

She stared at them.

Suddenly, the door swung open again and Caroline rushed out, her eyes filling with excitement as she spotted the doll.

"Chucky!" She jumped up and down. "Chucky!"

Jake swallowed nervously, clearly regretting his decision.

Ivy didn't care.

Any creature that grew up in that house was a monster, no matter how old.

"She can have him?" Lexi questioned, her voice slightly less snotty than usual. "Really?"

Ivy tore the doll from her brother's arms and handed it to her.


Caroline squealed with joy.


Lexi smiled, watching her sister.

She actually almost looked human.

"This means a lot to her.. thank you."

Jake nodded.

Blondie's mean switch snapped back on. "But, just to be clear I don't want you to think we're like friends or something.. now."

"No.. no, no." Jake stuttered, trying to form a sentence.

"Don't make us regret this." Ivy sneered.

Lexi nodded and lead her sister back inside.

They were now accomplices to a sinister killers murder.

"When it all comes together, it's like fireworks."

"Not friends.." Jake muttered as she closed the door in their faces.

"And god, I love to watch the sparks fly.."

* * *

The Wheeler twins walked into the house.

They hadn't said a word to each other since Lexi's.

Jake turned off the alarm.

"Where is everyone?" Ivy frowned, noticing the cars gone.

"Logan and Bree are at the parent teacher conference, remember?" He reminded her.

She nodded and walked into the kitchen.

Jake stayed at the front door.

"What are you doing?" She asked, grabbing a sprite out of the fridge.

"What are you doing?" He snapped, storming into the kitchen. "We just handed a serial killer over to a child, Ivy."

She shrugged "So?"

"So?" He repeated. "So, he's gonna fucking kill her too!"

Ivy sighed. "Jake, relax-"

"No!" The anxious teen cut her off. "No, I cant relax.. we're criminals now. This is not what mom would've wanted.."

She froze.

Jake pressed both of his palms into the edge of the table, leaning over as if he was about to puke.

Ivy slammed her sprite down, quickly getting his attention.

"Mom wasn't the queen of good behavior like you make her out to be. She did drugs half her life and died shit-faced in a car accident."


His expression faltered.

"I'm going to bed."

He hurried over to the staircase.

"It's three in the afternoon?"

"I don't care.."

Ivy watched him disappear up the stairs.

She groaned and clawed her fingers through her tangled hair.


She sucked down the rest of the soda then crumpled the aluminum between her palms.

"Fuck!" She yelled, hurling it across the room.

Her chest began to burn and she slid to the floor, tearing glazing over her eyes.

"Why did I say that...?"

* * *

It was almost ten o'clock now.

Jake left a few minutes ago to check on moms grave.

Of course, that was completely Ivy's fault for bringing back those painful memories, by trying to make her sound like an ass hole like their father..

Logan was in the living room with Bree was asleep on the couch.

Junior was to where to be seen.

She was in the shared bedroom with her head in her hands.

She had been so numb the past few days that giving a murderous doll to an eight year old sounded like a good idea.

What kind of person does that?

He could be stabbing her in the face right now.

The brunette lifted her head and turned her focus over to the door.

Ivy wanted to leave.

She wanted to join Jake at the cemetery.

She wanted to visit her mom..

"Fuck it."

Ivy stood up and grabbed her phone.

She stormed out the door and rushed downstairs, nearly waking up Junior's mom.

Logan glanced back for a split second then turned away, not interested to know where she was going.

The teen practically bolted out the front door and headed to the cemetery to join Jake.

* * *

Ivy laid eyes on her brother.

He was about 10 feet away, standing in front of their parents gravestones.

"Mom.." He mumbled.

Ivy began to walk forward, trying her best not to disturb him.

"You always said it would get better.. but, it never did." Jake continued, shuddering as the wind blew.

"Everything just got worse.."

He paused.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. I-I'm sorry that I'm not the person that you wanted me to be.."

Ivy held her breath as her foot landed on a twig, snapping it in half.

Jake's head snapped up.


She sighed.

"What the hell-"

"Before you say anything.." She interrupted. "I came here to apologize."

He hesitated then nodded and gestured for her to come over.

She rushed over and threw both arms around him.

"I'm so sorry, Jake.. this is not how I wanted our lives to end up. I.. I just didn't know what else to do-"

He pulled out of the hug. "It's okay."

She frowned.

"Uh.. it is?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

Ivy stared at him, expecting an outburst of anger but he just turned back to their mom and sighed.

The two of them stayed there like that for a while.

Ivy stepped forward. "I think she'd be proud of you.."

Jake's watery eyes lifted up to hers.

"I do."

He shook his head. "Why? I haven't done any good."

She scoffed and tossed an arm over his shoulder. "Are you kidding? You're the smartest, most caring guy I know. And hey, you've been dealing with me for fourteen years."

He chuckled slightly.


Ivy opened her mouth to say more but immediately clamped it back shut when sirens echoed down the road.

Lexi's house.. shit.

Jake gasped and fell to his knees.


He started breathing heavy and more tears filled his already watery eyes.

"Im sorry.." He whispered, staring at their mom's stone again. "I'm so sorry.."

Ivy kneeled down to his level, guilt clawing at her stomach.

"I'm sorry." He repeated, again and again.

She wrapped her arms around his torso. "It's okay.. we'll figure this out."

He shoved her away. "No! We won't!"

Ivy stared at him.

"This is your fault. You gave Chucky to Caroline and now they're fucking dead!"

His eyes widened as if he was shocked by his own words.

Ivy began to nod.

"You're right.. it is my fault."

Jake locked eyes with his sister.

"And now it's up to me, to make it right."


"By going to the hospital."

He frowned.


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