《Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler》Chapter 10


"We're not seriously going to kill Lexi.. right?"

Ivy stared at her brother, the expression he was wearing was filled with guilt, grief and fear.

They've been through so much just in the past few days.

I mean, they're teaming up with a fucking possessed doll to kill a popular girl.

"Well, yeah." She replied, laughing.

Jake shook his head. "What- no, Ivy. We cant."

"Why not? She deserves it."

He leaned back, a layer of shock coating across his face.

"You sound just like Chucky.."

"Is that such a bad thing? All he's done is try to help us." Ivy argued.

"Help us? He's a fucking murderer!" Jake exclaimed, standing up from his seated position on the bed.

She stood up as well, snatching her knife off of the nightstand. "Yeah, so? Our father was an abuser-"

"You're brining our father into this?" He scoffed. "He was a pathetic drunk."

"Yeah, and we're pathetic teenagers."

Just as they were about to get into a full on brawl, someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, can I come in?"

It was Bree..

Ivy groaned and tossed her knife under the covers.

"Yeah, yeah. Come in."

Jake plopped back down on his bed as their aunt pushed the door open.

"Hey, how are you two settling in?" She asked as her eyes scanned the room cautiously, as if she was trying to find something specific.

"Fine." Ivy grumbled.

Bree sighed and took a seat next to the teenager.

"Look, I know it's hard adjusting to a new house and sharing a room, but-"

"How the hell would you know?" Ivy interrupted, rolling her eyes.

Jake kicked her in the shin. "Ivy."

Bree sighed. "Because I spent a few weeks in a foster home with three other kids when I was your age."


They stared at her.

"So, I may not understand exactly how you're feeling but I know what change is like.."

Ivy sucked in a breath and looked down at the floor. "Right."

Jake ignored his sisters distress. "Thank you, Bree."

She nodded and stood back up.

"Oh, and you need get ready for school."

Ivy gestured towards the door, "Yeah, we know."

She walked out.

"What the hell?" Jake scolded, slapping Ivy on the arm.

"You what the hell!" She shot back.

He seethed. "Why are you such a dick to everyone? She's trying to help!"

Ivy laughed. "Help us? We're just charity to them! They don't give a shit about us, Jake. We're living with our fathers twin!"

"Yeah, so? I think it's pretty clear that not all twins are the same.." He sneered, slamming a fist down onto the small wooden nightstand that sat between them.

Ivy's mouth fell open. "Wow."

Jake stormed towards the door and she chased after, grabbing him by the wrist.

"You wanna say something? Go ahead, you wouldn't last a day out there without me stomping on every one off your bullies dicks!"

He spun around, shoving her hand back. "Oh, you're one to talk."

She clenched her jaw.

Jake took a large step closer to her.

"All you do is stay by my ass all day watching over me like some kind of guard dog. You hide behind that brave exterior but you're nothing but a broken asshole teenager with anger issues."

Ivy's eyes shot open wide. She stared at her brother in disbelief.

Regret spread across Jake's face almost immediately.


She punched a fist into his shoulder and stormed out of the room.

* * *

"He said that?"

Ivy groaned.

She was in the cafeteria with Oliver, sitting on top of a large grey lunch table as her feet brushed against the white tile.


"Why am I even telling you this, you're just gonna run your mouth and tell the whole school how weak I am."

Oliver chuckled. "I wouldn't do that."

She nodded. "You've done it before.."

He sighed. "Right."

Ivy wiped her hands down her face and let out an odd aggravated noise.

"Do you think he's right?"

She turned to the dirty blonde teen.

He frowned.


Ivy scoffed.

"I don't." He repeated.

There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other, eyes locked.

She tore her gaze off of him and sucked in a breath.

"Alright, I'm gonna get to class."

He laughed. "You? To class? Who are you and what have you done with Ivy Wheeler?"

The brunette snickered. "Yeah, right."

She slid off the lunch table and began to walk towards the door.

"You know, I miss you." Oliver admitted, grabbing Ivy's attention fast.

She stopped.

"You missed me?"

He hesitated.

"When we used to hook up.. no other girls compare to what you-"

Disgust spread across her face as she spun around.

"I mean, you were.. amazing." He grinned.

She hurried over and balled the collar of his rusty orange t-shirt into her fist.

"There it is." He breathed out.

Ivy glared down at the teenager, anger bottling up inside of her.

Oliver seemed to be.. enjoying it?

Her anger quickly turned into amusement.

She leaned over, close enough for her breath to hit his face.

His grin widened.

"You like this?" She questioned, brushing the back of her hand against his cheek.

He nodded.

Ivy squeezed her hand into a fist then let it collide with Oliver's cheek.

He veered off to the side, groaning.

"Fuck you."

* * *

It was almost the end of the day now and Ivy's last class was chemistry, which she shared with.. Jake and Oliver.

She was already ten minutes late, so walking in would be awkward anyway.

Normally, she was pretty good at slipping in unnoticed, but today they were supposed to watch a documentary on rhinos or something so everyone would be staring straight ahead.

She pushed the door open and instantly locked eyes with Mrs. Fairchild.

"Ivy. Nice of you to join us."

The teen rolled her eyes and took her seat next to Jake, avoiding all of the judgmental looks she was receiving.

Jake breathed out a sigh and slid her a small white folded piece of paper.

Ivy stared at it for a second then picked it up.

She held it up infant of his face and placed a hand on each side.

He frowned.

Ivy ripped it into pieces then tossed them to the floor.

"No thanks.."

Mrs. Fairchild shushed them.

The Wheeler twins stared at the screen in front of them, trying to ignore the awkward tension between them.

Ivy could feel Oliver's deep brown eyes glaring at her from behind.

She didn't care, he deserved that punch.

"Ivy, I'm sorry." Jake whispered, trying to get her attention. "I didn't mean what I said.."

Her eyes fell to the floor, glazing over with tears.

"Yes you did."

Just then, the short-film ended and Mrs. Fairchild turned off the projector.

"Alright, get into your groups to finish our lab from last class." She commanded.

Ivy groaned.

Her group had both Jake and Oliver in it.. of course.

The dirty blonde teenager began walking towards them.

Ivy got a good look at him, that punch she threw bruised the corner of his eye and it ran all the way down to the tip of his cheek bone.


A smirk spread across his face. "Looks like-"

She held up her hand, immediately stopping the words that were forming in Olivers mind. "Don't."

Jake ignored him. "Ivy, please."

She turned to him.

"I hate it when we fight, please forgive me." He started. "We need to stick together."

Ivy hesitated for a second then nodded.

"You're forgiven."

He smiled slightly.

"Am I-" Oliver began.


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