《Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler》Chapter 9


Ivy walked into the garage.

She had been hearing strange noises for hours and thought there might be a homeless person trying to find drugs.

Happens more often then you'd think..

But no, it wasn't a homeless person.

Just her weird brother.

He had a scythe in his hands.

"What are you, the grim reaper?" She scoffed from the doorway.

Jake spun around, surprised by her sudden appearance.

He sighed.

"I'm looking for a weapon to kill Lexi with."

She nodded and walked over. "Maybe don't choose the biggest thing you can find."

He placed it on the ground and reached for the gardening sheers.

"What about these?"

Jake snapped them open and closed.

"Maybe," Ivy crossed her arms. "If you're thinking of cutting off her fingers."

He groaned.

"This is hopeless.."

Ivy furrowed her eyebrows. "Why don't you just use a knife?"

"Didn't work out so well last time. Plus, Chucky said a knife might not be my "forte"."

She frowned. "Forte?"

"His words, not mine." Jake stated, holding his arms up defensively.

Ivy turned to the rack of gardening supplies.

Her eyes landed on a large curved knife-like took with a wooden bottom.

"Try that one." She said, pointing to it.

Jake snatched it.


He swung the blade around a few times.

"Looks like it could do some damage."

He continued to test it.

Ivy froze when she spotted Lexi walking up to the front door.

"Jake!" She hissed, grabbing his attention.


Ivy pointed to the blonde teenager making her way towards them.

"Hey, freak shows." She greeted, strutting into the garage.

"What do you want, Barbie?" Ivy sighed, hoisting herself up onto one of Logan's work benches.

"Junior's not home." Jake muttered, angrily.

Lexi shrugged. "Who cares?"

She turned to Ivy. "I'm here for you two."


Jake rolled his eyes.

"What's that for anyway?" Lexi asked, referring to the large blade in his grasp.

He held it up. "Uh.. it's.. for gardening."

Ivy face-palmed.

"Actually, it's for my new sculpture, I-"

"Whatever." She interrupted. "Don't care."

She walked past him, looking up at the wall of sharp tools.

Jake looked upset.

"You know, dad took us to a wax museum once." She went on. "Totally sucked."

"Why do we care?" Ivy questioned, leaning forward.

She continued rambling, but Ivy was too focused on her brother who looked just about ready to take her head off.

"Jake." She whispered. "Not here.."

He lowered it just as Lexi spun back around.

She made a disgusted face and glanced between the two twins. "You two look even weirder then usual right now.."

"Why are you even here?" Jake snapped.

"Yeah, we don't need demonic energy here." Ivy said, a frown stretched across her face.

"I'm here, because I need to talk to.. you." She turned to Jake.

Ivy leaned back and folded her arms over her chest. "Well, this should be interesting."

Lexi sighed. "If you can fit me into your body gardening schedule.."

He stared at her impatiently. "Ok, talk."

She hesitated.

"I.. want to.. apologize, for the whole.. dead dad halloween costume, thing." She started.

Ivy chuckled. "Seriously? It's a little late for that.."

"I guess I can see how you guys could take it the wrong way.." She continued.

Jake frowned.

"There was a right way?"

Lexi sighed, once again.

"Right.. um, sometimes when i'm upset, I hurt people, or something. And it.."

Ivy laughed.

Watching her struggle to come up with believable words to make the situation better was probably the funniest thing she's ever witnessed.

Blondie was probably scared that her daddy would find out and take away her phone.


"Look, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings."

They stared at her, unconvinced.

"I am."

Jake shook his head.

Her demon switch snapped back on. "Even though you both are like weird social tumors that are creepy a-f and you thought you could mess with me at the talent show."

Ivy clapped her hands together. "There it is!"

"I just thought since maybe I was a little harsh, I should be the bigger man." Lexi rambled. "You know?"

Jake was glaring at the teen now.

Clearly fed up with her lies..

But Ivy on the other hand, was amused.

She's never seen someone struggle so hard to keep their 'brave' face up, when trying to form an apology.

"I think people really underestimate my humility." Lexi chuckled. "Anyway, now that I've done this like.. act of charity, I'm sure you want to know what you can do for me."

Jake scoffed. "Wasn't really thinking that, but ok."

He paused, an unidentifiable expression spreading across his face.

"Hey, Lexi. What can I do for you?"

She grinned.


Ivy's amusement was short lived. "Chucky?"

"Yeah. Can I like, have him?" She questioned. "Not for me, I think he's totally creepy. For Caroline."

Jake shook his head. "No, absolutely not. No."

Ivy nodded. "Yeah, sorry, but we don't share our "charity"."

Lexi scoffed. "Excuse me?"

"You cant have him." Jake repeated, louder this time. "For any reason. You can never have him."

Her fake pity turned into a deep death stare. "You mean I came all the way here to apologize and this is how you repay me?"

"No one asked you to come here.." Ivy reminded her.

Lexi gasped. "You two are a WASTE!"

Jake hurried inside.

Ivy's expression darkened. "You better get your scrawny little pampered ass out of here before I get angry."

Blondie folded her arms. "I'm not afraid of you, Ivy."

The brunette grabbed the saw blade beside her and held it up. "You should be. There's a room full of weapons in here. I can make this your own personal torture chamber with a click of a button."

Lexi didn't budge.

Ivy shrugged and pulled out the garage door remote.

She pressed down.


It started to go down.


Lexi began to inch towards the opening.


It was half-way closed now.


She ran out just as it shut.

Ivy huffed out an aggravated sigh and dropped the blade.

"Damn. I really wanted her to stay.."

* * *

Jake was in their shared room stabbing Chucky's knife into his life-sized Lexi sculpture.

"This is probably the strangest thing I've ever experienced." Ivy muttered from his bed, her feet brushing against the hard-wood floor.

"So you two had the chance to kill her and.. you choked." Chucky sighed.

"And not in a good way."

Jake stopped for a second then began stabbing the statue harder.

"Well, if we had killed her. It would've been caught on camera so we'd be fucked right now." Ivy explained, trying to defend them.

Chucky shook his head. "Don't worry about the cameras. A true killer knows how to kill without getting caught, even if there's evidence."


Before she could finish, Jake's knife slashed through the stomach of the sculpture, causing millions of tiny orange beads to pour out.

Ivy sat up and stared at the floor. "I'm not picking that up."

"It's called completion anxiety."

"Look, I wanted to do it. But I just couldn't." Jake said, trudging over to them.

Ivy frowned. "That's not what I saw. I saw the look in your eyes, Jake. You wanted to slice that blade right through her."

He shook his head. "No, with our dad and Annie, I couldn't just kill Lexi in the garage. It's too risky."


Ivy rolled her eyes.

"And that means, once again, I gotta do your dirty work for you."

"I don't know.." Jake sighed.

"Oh, come on, Jake. Let me fix your Lexi problem."

"I'll kill her." Ivy admitted, snatching the knife from her brothers hand.

Chucky laughed.

"Oh, I know you will, Ivy."

She frowned.

"But, we need to give Blondie what she wants." He held out his hand.

Ivy glanced over at Jake who looked like he was about to puke.

He never did handle blood well.

"Give it to me."

Ivy nodded and placed the knife into his hand.

He admired the sharp edge.


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