《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty Nine


When we get to the little diner I am more than happy because that it means I will have food soon. I see my parents at the table and I move to sit down across from them.

"Have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Josie says as she walks away from the table.

"Seems like she calmed you down pretty quick." My dad says, and I nod in response.

"Impressive since your father and I never could."

"Yeah, she's really great." I say shortly as I look at my hands.

My mind is still swirling around the fact that I think I might love her. It's so early but I have never felt like this, and the feeling is so strong.

"What's going on Ro?" My mom asks softly as she reaches for my hand from across the table.

"I think I might love her." I blurt out probably just because of the fact that I tell my parents everything. It's a habit.

"Why is that a problem?"

"Because it's too early, we just made it official."

"Hey Cy can we go for a walk real quick?" My dad asks as he slides out of the booth.

"What about when Jos gets back?"

"I got it, go." my mom says as she flicks her hand towards the door effectively shooing us away.

When we get outside the fresh air is greatly welcomed.

"Can I tell you something?" My dad asks as we walk around the back of the building.


"I knew I loved your mom the week after I met her. She was with someone else at the time and I was too, but she reached an emotion inside of me I didn't even know was real. We were connected in some way or form, like destined in the stars or some shit. We couldn't stay away from each other."


"I know dad, I have heard this story before."

"What do you always say we are?"


"Then why do you think you and Josie could be any different than us? I was ready to give hell to any person who was with you and got to walk through my door, because no one could ever be good enough for the amazing girl I spent half of my life raising. Then all of a sudden that moment happened, but instead I was hit with an immediate feeling of everything is going to be okay. You brought home a girl who looked at you the same way I did."

He abruptly stops walking and grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him.

"She looks at you like she wants to give you the world and then when she looked at us, it was in a way that made me feel like I had raised the most amazing person in the world. Love has no time constraints, don't give it any."

He walks over to his car and goes to the glove compartment. And pulls out a box.

"I know your mother and I made a lot of jokes, but we were being serious." He opens a box to reveal the wolf ring that runs in the family. "We got this made because we knew this was going to last. Give it to her when you're ready, but we want you to know we are in full support for you two. We love you Cy."

"I love you too dad." I say as I quickly run to hug him. "Thank you."

"Of course. Let's get back to our women though, it's not polite to keep a lady waiting."

"You're right."

We turn to walk back into the restaurant with the box in my pocket.


"There you are. We already ordered but I made sure to get your regulars." My mom says.

I watch as my dad leans over and gives her a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you, my love."

I feel Josie grab my hand and squeeze it as she watches the loving action alongside me.

"Your parents are adorable." she whispers in my ear. "I know it's gross." I whisper jokingly back. She squeezes my hand a bit and she throws her head back laughing.

"Are you making fun of us?" My mom says in a silly tone.

"Yes, we are." Josie nods beside me to show her support of my statement.

We're eating our food as we continue the conversation.

"So, when are you guys thinking of leaving for the trip?"

Josie looks like she wants to answer when she realizes she just took and bite of food, and gestures to her mouth while giving a look to my mom that screams really.

We all laugh quickly but I answer for her. "We're probably leaving Sunday and coming back Saturday, I don't want to deal with traffic on the way there."

"My girl." My dad says as he points a finger at me. "The bus was painted, we had professional painters come because although I fully believe you could do it, you are not the greatest artist."

"Hey, rude." I say to him as the rest of the table laughs.

"What? I still have the art projects from 5th grade to prove it, oh, and I put in a bench seat so you both can sit together when you're diving."

"Thank you, dad, you didn't have to but I appreciate it."

"Of course, Ro."

"Where are you guys going to camp?"

"Cypress told me about a state park out there, so we're going to camp somewhere near there. I am really excited because apparently there's a huge waterfall there."

"That sounds so beautiful, I am so excited for you both. Ro, you still have the camera, right?"

"Mhm yeah," I say as I take a bite of my food, but my mom sends me a glare, seeing right through me. "Okay I haven't explicitly looked for it yet but it should be in my room somewhere."

"Cypress Rowan, don't tell me you lost your camera."

"I didn't, at least I don't think so. I'll find it and then I'll send you a text just to show you I was right."

"You better."

"I will."

"She will, I'll dig up Rowan's whole room if I have to Ms. Merrick."

"Kiss ass." I say as I poke her side. She giggles and leans into my side curled into herself a bit.

I look up to see my parents smiling with one of those smiles, you know like the ones they give you when you make a really good life decision and they're happy with where you are in life. They look so perfectly content at the fact that I'm happy.

It's a grounding moment for me. I wrap my arm around Josie's back and start to softly rub it, and when I meet her eyes, I am almost positive my eyes are screaming how in love with this moment I am. 

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