《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Forty


Josie didn't end up going to the party that night, instead she stayed in with my parents and I as we played card games. Because of that it is now Saturday and Lizzie has held her sister captive from me for the whole two days saying that I will have her for a whole week, so it's only fair when you kept her away from the party.

I spent the whole day yesterday filling the bus with all the things we'll need for the trip. I made sure the electrical side is all good and the water heater works, basically just making sure everything is working to make a good trip.

Today's the day that I take it for a drive, making sure that the engine sounds good, nothing overheats, you get the idea.

"Are you sure you're ready for this Ro?"


"I know, it's just that I am your mother. I worry."

"I know mom, I'll be fine. I promise I'll be safe."

"Okay." She says as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"Hey lighten up, you're squeezing the life out of our daughter."

My mom let's go at my dad's words and I turn to hug him, and he also holds me in a tight grip.

"You guys realize we're not leaving until tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, but you're going out alone right now."

I give them both a kiss by their head and I get into the bus.

"I'll be back in a few hours you weirdos." I say as I wave and pull out of the garage.

The all-terrain tires feel great on the gravel driveway we have and I'm not going slowly either.

"Wheels, check." I say to myself.

It's a little hard to get used to just because the steering wheel is so damn large and it is a big vehicle with a raised roof, but as I get an hour into the drive I relax.

It's probably going to annoy me that I am going to have to drive in the truck lane but that's not a big sacrifice seeing that this drive is going very smoothly.

It's about 4 hours in, I am in some random middle of nowhere town, when I need to stop to fill up the tank. I get out and start to fill up when a guy approaches me.


"Hello." I say back with a questioning look on my face. We're really the only two people here.

"I own the gas station. I need your help."

"What do you need my help with?"


"Some asshole stopped and dropped his dog off. I can't even get close to her but she needs to eat and also probably be taken to a shelter. If you think you could do that, I'll void what you owe for the diesel."

"Yeah, take me to her."

He takes me around to the back of the building, maybe if I wasn't a hybrid, I would be scared but soon enough a crate that looks like it was thrown off the back of a car with the door open comes into view.

There's a big dog cowering in the cage and she's shaking. When she sees the guy, she starts barking and lunging warningly in his direction, I am right behind him but she's focused on him.

"Hey, I think it might be a man thing, she's too focused on you, could you go inside and grab some food and I'll gauge her behavior while you're gone."

"Yeah, I'll be right back."

I squat down a respectable distance away from the cage not wanting to scare the poor thing.

"Hey beautiful, you had a rough day huh?" I ask in an even soft tone.

She looks weary of my presence and is still growling from the situation from earlier.

"Shhhhh you're okay, it's gonna be alright now."

She is a beautiful dog, probably around 80 pounds, and could most likely put on an extra 15. She has the markings of a Rottweiler but not the build. She looks almost like a large pit bull.

Her gums she just gave me a view of while she was snarling earlier were pink and unscathed but slightly pale, probably meaning she's dehydrated, but with the gums and the fact that her teeth are bright white I can't imagine she's much more than a year old.

"Aww you're just a baby, here let me go get you some water." I walk back to the bus and grab the water bottle I was using. Before I can grab a bowl, I hear the barking again.

I run back to where she is and I see the guy getting far too close to the cage.

"Yo, unless you want to get your hand taken off, I suggest you back off. I know you want to help but it looks like she's reactive towards men. I got this, go back inside."

"Thank you, your gas is free." He says as he makes his way back inside. He left the food and bowl he brought out so I grab them slowly.

I put the little packet of shitty dog food into the bowl and leave it just outside the cage.


"Go ahead." I say as I motion her towards the food. She seems to get the picture because she slowly stalks her way towards the bowl.

I watch her while she eats and she gives me a constant side eye, probably just to make sure I won't try to take the food away.

"That's all yours."

She finishes the food and goes to sit at the back of the cage looking a lot more content. She switches back and forth between me and the bowl.

"Ha, I'm sorry no more food right now, but water's important too."

I fill the bowl with my water bottle and watch as she drinks it all in one go. She paws at the bowl.

"Not a good idea. I'll give you more later." I can't let her drink all the water she wants right now because if she does it will lead her to throw up down the line.

I move to go sit on the wall beside the cage, I bring my head up to the sky and take a deep breath.

"You know, I definitely didn't think this is how my day would go."

I sit there for around 30 minutes before anything happens.

I keep my head to the sky as I hear her moving around, then I don't hear the movement of the metal on the concrete, only nail sounds. I look over to her as she keeps her head low in a submissive manner and tries to get closer to me. She's giving no signs of being agitated so I encourage her.

"Come on baby, it's okay." She walks closer and goes to the space in between my legs and sinks onto my body as she lays down. "Oh, so you are sweet."

I bring my hand up to her head to pet her gently. She starts to fall asleep and I take that as my cue to try to lead her to the bus.

I slowly rise to my feet and she gets up with me, I call her over to walk with me and she does. As I open the door she jumps in and I shut them behind her.

I take out the pump when I hear the guy call for me, he walks up to me and when he gets closer, I see the dog start to bark at the window. She looks terrifying and the guy jumps a bit.

"She's mean isn't she." He says with a bit of a smirk.

"I don't know man, I'd be pretty mad too if someone dumped me in the middle of nowhere."

"Good point, anyways I wanted to send you off with these. I wish you luck."

"Thank you." I say as I grab the treats out of his hand.

I get back on the bus and she immediately sniffs me like she's checking my well-being.

"Want some treats?" I say as I put two biscuits in my hand and hold them out to her. She sniffs and gently takes the treats out of my hand to crunch them down.

"Good." I say to praise the action, that's when she looks up and wags her tail for the first time.

I lead her over to the bed in the back and pat it. She jumps up and immediately lies down and starts rolling around, almost as if she's never been on a bed before.

"God, what am I gonna do with you?"

She tilts her head while she's on her back and she looks extremely funny, I can't help but laugh at the action.

I go to sit down back on the bench. I turn on the engine and start to pull out. 

About 10 minutes in I hear the clicks of nails on the floor. The dog jumps onto the bench and lays down with her head on the side of my thigh, just touching it. I start to stroke her ear as I drive, and she's quiet for 2 hours not moving an inch.

I pull out my phone and make a call.

"Hi, mystic falls animal hospital, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm looking to set up an appointment for a dumped dog I just found, is there anyway you guys have an opening in about 2 hours?"

"Actually yes, just a general checkup?"

"Yeah, just to make sure she's okay, is it possible for me to ask for female staff, she seems reactive towards men."

"Yeah, that should work, do you want me to set up a place at the shelter for her?"

I look down at the sleeping dog by my side. She lifts her head and places it on my lap, and lets out a deep sigh before closing her eyes and falling right back asleep.

"Hello, ma'am?"

"Sorry... no that won't be necessary, I'll take her."

"Great, so what's the name for the appointment?"

"Cypress Merrick."

"Alright see you then, bye now."

"Bye." I hang up the phone and look back down. "Now how is Josie going to feel about you?"

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