《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty Eight


"No thank you." I hear Josie say as I make my way to her.

"Just your phone number no one has to know, you're so hot come on." I hear a male voice I don't recognize.

"I said no thanks." I hear Josie repeat.

Yep, this definitely isn't reciprocated on her side and I know she can handle herself but I step in anyways as I wrap a protective arm around her waist.

"She is absolutely stunning, isn't she?" I say asking the guy with dirty blonde hair. "But if you were admiring her during the game you would have seen us kiss multiple times."

"I saw it."

"Hm, then you also saw the fact that she's wearing my number then, right?"

He nods in a confident way.

"Then how can you even think that it was a good idea to approach her, I'm honestly just trying to understand how that peanut of a brain works." I say in an extremely condescending manner.

 This seems to anger the boy.

"I just thought maybe she started craving some actual dick, you can't give her what she needs, I can."

I hear Jos scoff from beside me at that comment.

"Bud, I can absolutely promise you I have the ability to have any size and color she could ever want, don't be mad that I'm bigger than you. You should have taken the no answer she gave you and moved on with your day."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He says as his face starts getting red.

"But guys like you don't work that way do they, you think that because you're god's gift to earth, you deserve everything and put no effort in to get it. Maybe if you had an ounce of a likable personality and didn't have a rapidly receding hairline, you wouldn't have to rely on the fact you have an average sized anatomical dick to try to pick up women. This tactic you formed is honestly sad." I say through a laugh.


He makes a move to put his hand around my throat but I catch his arm and quickly flip his body around so his arm is pinned uncomfortably to his back.

"I think you need a lesson in manners." I whisper into his ear as he struggles to break free from my hold.

I turn him around and look right into his eyes.

"The next time a woman tells you no, you're gonna leave her alone while you're ahead. That rule is gonna apply for the rest of your life, got that?" I say compelling him.

"Yes, I understand."

"Perfect, forget that I told you this, and never approach my girlfriend ever again."

I turn around and make my way to my parents with Josie still wrapped in my arm. I feel my hand shaking from the anger I was holding in.

"Oh god, what did we miss?" My dad asks when he sees my appearance.

"A guy was being way too persistent trying to hit on me, Cypress gracefully told him off."

"That's my girl." My dad says.

"Don't you hate it when men." My mom says.

"Boys babe, that was a boy." My dad corrects. "Are you alright Josie?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, I don't know about Cypress though she is still shaking and has apparently gone mute."

"I'm currently stopping myself from turning back and ripping his head off." I say in a scarily calm tone.

Josie takes both of her hands and puts them on my cheeks and brings her forehead to mine.

My parents take this as their cue to leave and they start walking towards their car. "Alexander's" my dad says just so we know where to meet up with them.

"Breathe with me." She says as she puts a hand on my chest to monitor it.


She starts taking slow breaths and I follow her lead while looking into her eyes. We're a couple breaths in when I feel my heartbeat slow and I stop shaking.

"You're doing so well baby, there you go."

"Thank you, sorry if I scared you."

"Cypress, you couldn't scare me if you tried. You would never do anything to hurt me." I nod my head and she leans up to give me a calming kiss. "Now let's go, your parents are waiting."

She gently intertwines our fingers as we make our way to the car.

I open the door for her and she gets in the driver's seat without asking any questions. I circle around to the passengers side.

She starts the car once I am inside. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah I trust you, plus my parents would kill me if they thought I was driving mad, even though I'm not."

"Alright." She says as she pulls out of the long driveway.

I put my hand and rest it on her thigh as I start rubbing circles with my thumb. "I am sorry I didn't ask before, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay a little shaken up maybe but the receding hairline joke switched my attention, it took everything inside of me not to laugh." She says with a big smile on her face.

"I don't even know where that came from." I say through a laugh. "It kinda just came out but it felt right you know?"

"You're Penelope is showing."

I actually burst out laughing at that because she is completely right. "I think Pen would have been too proud of me at that moment."

"Oh she definitely would have, don't say she never taught you anything."

"I guess you're right."

"Liz would also be proud, I'm definitely telling her later." I laugh as I feel her out her hand on top of mine and starts playing with my ring gently.

I look over to see a gently smiling Josie with her attention focused on the road. Her hair falling perfectly on her shoulders with two smaller pieces falling forward. If I could look at her all day, I absolutely would.

The realization forms a lump in my throat.

She's the most perfect thing in this world.

And I have fallen for her.

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