《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty Seven


The game's pretty boring but the workout is much appreciated.

That is until half-time. I walk over to the water to refill my water bottle, when I see a blonde girl dressed in red already there. That's odd because she's at our water when our colors are blue and yellow.

She gives me a shy smile and I return it before quickly looking down and refocusing at the task at hand.

"Hey, what's your name?"


"Is that short for something?"

"Yeah, Cypress but people call me Cy."

"That's a really pretty name."

"Thank you."

"I'm Tatum." She says, extending a hand out for me to shake. I'm not a complete asshole so I shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you." I say out of politeness.

"So, Cy, are you going anywhere after this game? I couldn't help but notice how good you look out there and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime."

"Uhh." I say as I try to process how to say absolutely not to that in a nice way.

Before I can get to that I feel hands circle around the back of my neck and I am brought into a kiss with lips I am very familiar with. I kiss her back and wrap an arm around her waist and she brings down her hand and drags it down my neck to my chest.

"Hey baby." She says with a big smile on her face, I can't help but smile back.

"Hi I'm Josie, Cypress's girlfriend, what's your name?"

The blonde clears her throat. "I'm Tatum, and I um I'm gonna get going. Nice to meet you both." She says sheepishly as she walks back to her side of the bleachers with her eyes to the ground.

"And I thought the lips on your cheek would be enough." Josie says almost to herself.


"Girlfriend huh?" I was still focused on the word that left her mouth not even thirty seconds ago.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even think. If that made you uncomfortab—" I cut her babbling off with a kiss. When I pull back, I see a slightly stunned Josie.

"I like the sound of that."

"You do?"

"Yes, but expect me to ask you formally sometime real soon."


"Okay. You look beautiful by the way if I didn't tell you that earlier, but I really gotta get back to the team."

"Yes, you do. You look great out there as well." She says as she brings me into another quick peck before she pushes me back out to the field.

As I am jogging back I turn around to see Josie crouched a bit and I see her exhale a breath as it turns into a giddy smile. God she's so beautiful.

Her eyes lift up to meet mine and she looks a little embarrassed about the fact I caught her but I blow her a kiss because I am just as happy as she is.

As I pass my parents in the stands, I look up to meet their eyes and they both wink at me, almost like they planned to do so and I chuckle at their antics.

Just as I am about to pass the end of our benches, I feel a clipboard brought to my chest signaling me to stop.

"Hi Ms. Forbes."

"Hello, anything you would like to tell me?"

"I mean I am almost positive you heard, but it's okay I made things official with your daughter, right?"

"I did hear it, turns out Josie is my daughter after all." She says through a slight laugh. "But yes Cy you have my blessing, but you have to get back out there and score a touchdown so we don't look completely useless, I already told Lizzie to throw you the ball."


"I think I can make that happen."

"Good." She says with a nod and I take that as my signal to turn to go back to the field.

I get in my position and I see now that I am being guarded by the brunette named Maya, and she doesn't look super happy.

The play starts and she tries her best to guard me and push me around a little in the process but I am faster and stronger than her so it's not very hard to sidestep and break free.

I run down the field at an angle and put my hands up to catch the ball. Lizzie throws a great pass to me and it practically lands in my hands as I turn to sprint the rest of the way down the field, ball in hand.

When I get to the end zone, I drop the ball on the floor as Jed picks me up in his excitement that we actually got to put a number on the scoreboard.

"Put me down, you're embarrassing me."

"Sucks for you, I am just happy someone got to do something. Cy, I have been dying of boredom this whole game." He says as he lowers me back to the ground and slings his arm over my shoulders and we jog back to the middle.

"Cypress." I hear Josie's voice from the crowd and I turn to look at her to show I am listening. We lock eyes. "I want to come down there and kiss you right now."

I can't respond so instead I break off from Jed and run up to Josie quickly and grab her hand as I give her a quick victory kiss. I don't want to pull away but I do so quickly and place a chaste kiss on her forehead before sprinting back.

As I get back, I see Jed looking all too proud of me for doing that. Kaleb has a smile to mirror his.

"Yeah yeah boys I get it, you wish you were me." I say in a cocky tone.

"Damn right." Kaleb replies, and Jed ruffles my hair.

That was the only touchdown we scored though and soon enough the game's finally over.

As I am packing my bag up my parents walk over to me and my mom gives me a hug.

"I missed being able to watch you play."

"Thank you for coming guys, I appreciate it."

"You think I would have gotten away with not coming, your mother would literally drag me by my feet."

"Asshole." My mom says as she punches his arm.

"Ow fucker, that hurt." My dad says as he brings his hand up to his arm to rub out the pain.

"Where do you want to go to get food?"

"Honestly I don't care, but can Jos come too?"

"Of course, your girlfriend can come." My mom says in a playful tone.

"Oh god, here we go." I say with a groan. "Well, I am gonna go get her, you guys figure out where we're going."

"Yes, thank you for all your help." My dad says in a sarcastic tone because I never make the decision on where to eat.

I flip him off as I run to the direction of Josie's voice.


I am so sorry for the slow updates but I'm remodeling my whole downstairs rn, so I hate to say it but the slow updates will probably keep happening.

I hope you all have an amazing day

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