《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty Six


I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out to answer it as Josie keeps tracing the tattoo.

"Hey Pen, what's up?"

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good and you?"

"Good, is that Jo behind you?" She says as she gets closer to the phone and narrows her eyes at the screen.

"Yeah, it her first time seeing the tattoo, and she's currently drooling over it."

I feel a slap of retaliation on my back and I laugh at the action.

"Do you like the fox, it's for me." Pen asks as she flips her hair behind her shoulders in a proud manner.

"Wait that's for you?" Josie asks as she is brought out of her trance and she takes my bra and gently rolls it back to its previous resting place.

"Yeah, who else would embody a fox in Cy's life?"

"I should have known, and there is no way anyone else is going to see that except for me." She says as she walks over to a drawer, grabs a shirt and throws it at me.

I laugh as I slide it over my head.

"Ah, so I am going to guess you had the pleasure of seeing the body Cy has worked out so hard for." Pen says through the phone.

"Thank you, Pen." I say because she does know how hard I have worked to get here. She used to come out to the woods with me sometimes to hang out with me when I would do some boxing warm up, and even sometimes go on runs with me when she actually decided to get up.

"Yep, so now no one gets to see the muscles that are mine." She says as she places a possessive kiss on my cheek.

"Yours." I say with a stupid smile on my face just to confirm her statement.

"Gross. Well, I hate to break it to you both but I have gotten to see both of you naked so really I am the winner."

"That you are Pen." I say with a laugh bubbled in my throat. I lean in closer to the phone and whisper "But just so you know, that's not happening again."

"Josie, come tell your dog to calm down."

"Yeah baby, calm down." I look down to the floor out of guilt before she continues. "Trust me Penelope won't get the opportunity, your eyes only."


I look up to the phone just to catch Pen's smirk turning into a dropped mouth. Seems like she couldn't take the ego bruise because she hangs up right then.

"I thought you said you weren't jealous, Cypress." She says with a smirk on her face.

"I just don't like the thought of her seeing you like that, or the fact that she has."

"It's okay, you know it's kinda hot when you're possessive."


"Yep." She wraps her arms around my neck before giving me a quick kiss. "But I have to get to class, I'll see you later?" She says as she brings me into a hug.

I quickly reciprocate and wrap my arms around her before she leaves, and a Wednesday full of boring classes begins, because we have a headmaster again.


It's now Thursday evening of the following week and I have to get ready for this dumb game.

I am sitting in my room lacing up my old lacrosse cleats when I hear Josie knock. I know it's Jos because I know what her footsteps sound like at this point.

"Come in."

She comes through the door and she's wearing a shirt with the number 13 they gave me on it. I can't lie, I love the look of it.

"If this is what you look like before a game, you should join a sport for real." She says as she comes up to me to give me a kiss.

"If this is what it looks like when you support me, I might do it just to see you with my number on. Plus, you missed when I was playing a sport."

"What did you play?"


"I know absolutely nothing about it but I am sad I missed all the times you had a post-game glow."

"Hm, you and me both babe."

I watch as Josie moves to straddle me and I put my hands on her thighs and rub up and down as I move in to kiss her.

"As much as I would love to keep kissing you, I came here for a reason. Lizzie said the whole team is wearing blue paint and I came to put it on you, so lay down."

She puts her hand on my chest to push me back slowly.

"Fuck Jos, do you even understand the affect you have on my body."


"No, I don't, how about you tell me." She says as she starts applying the cold thick paint around my eyes.

"You make my whole body feel like it's on fire with a single touch."

"I'm glad it's a good effect."

"It is."

"Well, just so you know the feeling's mutual."

"So, what happens when I do this?" I ask as I move my hand higher on her thighs and move my thumbs back and forth on the inside of her thighs.

I hear her take in a breath. "It feels like I want you to move your hands higher, but we can't." I frown. "You have to get out there, or Lizzie will inevitably barge in on us again. How about after the game we continue where we left off?"

"I want to, you know I do but my parents are coming to the game to watch me and they're taking me to dinner after. You can come if you want?"

"I would love to but I have to leave by 8 so I can go to the party Lizzie wants me to go to. You should come."

"Maybe I don't know." I watch as she applies the blue to her lips. "What are you doing?"

"Well, with you looking as good as you do, I have to stake my claim." She says as she leans into my cheek to plant a clear mark of her lips there.

"Why don't you put some on my neck as well, that should send the message."

"Nice try hot stuff, but you just said your parents are coming."

"Good call."

"Yes, let's go." She says as she wipes the blue off her lips and climbs off of me.

I get up and roll the band of my shorts showing off the tattoos of a lioness and a tiger just above each of my knees. They're really the only reason I like wearing shorts.

"Cypress, you're joking. There's more."

"Of course there's more, it's fun to watch your reaction whenever I reveal them." I say as I lead her out of the door.

"What do those ones represent?"

"The lioness is for strength and courage and the tiger is for power and bravery. Do you like them?"

"You know I do. Tattoos just look so hot on you, makes me work up an appetite." There's a sly smirk on her face.

"You should act on it then." I say as we start to approach the field.

"Get on that field and start warming up before I actually drag you into a bathroom and do it."

I give her a quick kiss before I turn to jog to the rest of the team. I get next to Kaleb in the lines.

He looks at me and I give him a quick smile. He returns it but he gives me an even wider grin when he sees the mark Josie left me with.

He nods and daps me up for it. "She's hot, you're a lucky one."

"Oh, I know." I say back with an incredibly large smile on my face.

As we keep warming up Jed makes an appearance and chooses the spot beside me.

"What's up Cy, you didn't tell me you were in the game when we were talking yesterday."

"The subject wasn't brought up. Plus, I absolutely don't want to be here."

"I feel you bro."

Soon enough we're all brought into a circle by Lizzie. She tells us the game plan which consists of us losing, and breaks it. I don't walk away immediately.

"What?" She asks in a tone.

"Don't pass me the ball, my instincts tell me to win."

"Got it." She says as she walks to the ref for a coin toss.

I walk onto the field and look at Josie and send her a wink before looking at the other team. Mg walks up to me.

"Careful Cy, Maya's making eyes at your girl." He says as he points at the pretty curly headed brunette looking right at Josie.

"It's okay to look, Jo's gorgeous I can't blame her, but that's my number she's wearing right now." I say as I am walking to my position and make a finger gun at him, click my tongue and wink. He laughs as he settles into his position and Lizzie joins us.

The whistle is blown. 


Yes, Ethan and Maya still go to Mystic Falls High, mostly because if Ethan gets to stay Maya should as well.

I don't condone writing off lgbt characters, more the marrier. 

Also, Ethan doesn't get mixed up in this and doesn't get the weird power.

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