《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty Three


When we get back to the dock it's around 8:30.

"Lizzie's working on the van with my dad, I think we should go pick her up."

"That's where she's been all day?" She says with amusement in her eyes.


"I think we should join her, we could stop by a store and go work on the bus."

"Whatever you want, but I think that would be a great way to end the date."

"Okay let's go."

I start the car as I grab the blankets and put them in the back. I put the back seats down to make more room for the stuff we're about to buy.

I get into the front seat. "So where are we going?"

"I'll give the directions, you drive."


When we arrive, it is a cute little decor store.

"I have had my eyes on this place forever, I couldn't wait till I could come in here for a purpose."

I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles. "I am glad I got the honor of you decorating our project, I have high hopes for you."

"Oh jeez, there's pressure on me and I am tipsy."

"You got this."

She nods at me before she starts leading me through the aisles and packing our cart. She asks for my opinions on the first couple things but all I can say is I think they're cute. It's safe to say that she realizes quickly I will be no help and starts putting things into the cart without asking. I don't mind though.

I am all too happy to watch her do mundane tasks.

I pay for everything and we leave. Josie told me to compel the cashier for half price and I would have if this wasn't a small business.

When we pull around to the back of my house, I see the big bright lights set up to face the van.

"Well, it took you two long enough, I thought you forgot about me." Lizzie says.

"Awwww, Lizzie, are you telling me you hated spending time with me all day?" My dad says as he makes a scene by clutching the clothing over his heart.


"Absolutely not Mr. Merrick, just making sure my dear sister doesn't misplace her priorities."

He walks over to us and points a finger at Josie and raises his eyebrows in accusation, before he pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

"It's good to see you, Josie." He says as he pulls her into a hug as well. "Do I smell alcohol?"

Josie looks scared.

"Yeah, Jos had some on our date but I am sober because I had to drive."

"As long as you drive sober, I don't care, there's more inside if you would like some Josie."

"Does that offer extend to me?" I hear Lizzie say from inside the van.

"Sure Lizzie." My dad says.

I watch and Lizzie grabs her sister by the arm to drag her inside to get the alcohol.

"Could you grab me a beer while you're in there?" I hear my dad say, I laugh at the dynamic already created between him and Lizzie.

"Before I start a bonfire so I can get to know Josie, want to see what we got done?" I nod as he brings me over to the van.

They did the flooring, ceiling, and walls and the electrical is already in. The bed frame is up and the outline for the cabinets are done as well.

I whistle to show I am impressed by their work.

"I know right. Lizzie's a quick learner. She might be better at this than you are."

"Rightttttt, because I am totally not the one who taught you how to do most of this." I say in disbelief and he laughs.

"I am going to see if your mom wants to join us, but how was your date?" He says as he walks over to the fire pit as I carry the wood.

"It was really good, I really like her."

"Well, we really like her and her family, you should call Caroline to see if she would like to join as well."

"Okay I will." I say as I am about to walk away from him.

"Please keep this one. She's great and I really don't think it gets better than that. Get a family ring for her or we'll do it for you."


"I will dad, soon, just not right now. You're jumping the gun as usual."

"Hey it worked the last time." He says through a chuckle before I walk away to call the school. It's only 9:45 so she should be awake.

The line rings 2 and a half times before someone picks up.

"Salvatore boarding school, I'm headmistress Caroline Forbes. What can I help you with?"

"Hey Ms. Forbes, it's Cy. Both of your daughters happen to be at my house and my dad is setting up a bonfire, we would like to know if you want to join?"

"That sounds great. I will be over shortly."

"Great, see you then. Bye."

"Bye bye."

The line goes dead and I turn off my phone and walk back over to my dad to hand him the lighter.

"Thank you, Ro."

"No problem, Ms. Forbes is on her way and I will grab the chairs. Is mom joining?"

"Yes, she's just popping a bottle open."

I nod as I go to grab 6 chairs. As I am trying to figure out how to do it all in one trip and hand snakes over my back. I turn my head to find Josie.

"Hey baby." She says as she leans in for a quick kiss.

"Hey. Your mom is on her way to join in on the fun, I hope that's okay, my dad wanted me to invite her."

"Of course that's okay, I love that our families want to hang out. Lizzie is really happy about today. You just missed her raving about it."

"I am glad she enjoyed it, but my parents want to get to know you better so how about you point to where you want everything and I will install it as you go sit."

I say as I grab 4 chairs and she grabs the other two and we set them around the fire.

"How would we do that?"

I hand her a dry erase marker.

"You draw a circle around the general space and I will use alcohol wipes to wipe it away before I put it in."

"Okay." She says excitedly as she walks up to the bus to start the placing process. I walk in after her to watch her label the spaces.

I can't wait to travel with her. This is going to be amazing if tonight is anything to go by. I'm falling for her quickly and I know it. I have never felt this way for anyone and I don't think I will feel this way for anyone ever again. She's my forever.

I hear Caroline pull up as she writes the last thing down.

"Your mom's here."

"Yay." She squeals and she jumps out of the bus to go greet her. On the way over I see her grab her sister's arm and drag her to the front.

"Hello Ms. Forbes, it's always good to see you." I say as I make my way over to give her a hug.

"I have a bone to pick with you Merrick, you said limited alcohol and I can smell it on both of them."

"To be fair this is Lizzie's first drink and wouldn't you rather them learn their tolerance in a controlled environment with adults present and a designated driver to get them back home instead of at a party." I say with a big cheesy grin on my face to hopefully lighten the blow.

She sighs and brings me into a hug. "I guess I can see your point."

"Yes, crisis averted." I say as I pull away and she laughs. "My Mom just opened a bottle, please join her. I am almost positive she did it for you."

"You're very persuasive." She says as she makes her way inside.

"You handled that like a champ." My dad says as he slings his arm around my shoulder.

"You're just glad I covered for your ass." I say and he immediately shushes me knowing Caroline can hear everything.

"I am gonna work on the bus, but please be a good host. I am trusting you." I say as I walk away.

"You and I both know your mother will keep me in line."

I laugh as I go to the trunk of my car to get to work.

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