《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty Two


"What are you going to do about that?"


I lean over to her and pull her into a kiss and gently lay her down onto the dock. I grab one of the blankets on the side of us and place it under her head.

I slide my tongue across her bottom lip gently, asking for entrance. She gladly accepts it. Our tongues dance until I get warm and lean back to take off my sweater. My shirt lifts a bit with it exposing my stomach.

"Jesus Cypress, do you understand how gorgeous you are?" She says as I see her hand start to reach out before it stops midair.

I reach out to grab her wrist and bring it over to where it was heading.

"You see something you like, Jos?" I say with a smirk on my face as she starts tracing the muscles on my abdomen.

"You're breathtaking Cypress, like an old statue or something... I have never seen these before it was too dark at the lake to really see anything."

"Well, you should," I say as I pull my shirt off of my body "because it's all yours."

I watch as she brings her lip between her teeth, her pupils are blown, mine probably are as well.

She uses the hand on my stomach to push me down so now she is straddling me, and licks her lips. She leans down and places a kiss on the middle line of my stomach. I feel my insides heat up like a fire.

"Mine." She says in between the kisses she is placing all over my abdomen.

"All yours." I shudder out.

I let out a small gasp as she licks a line up my stomach all the way up to the bottom of my bra.

"And what's this?" She says as she kisses the ink below the bra.

"Tattoo." Is all I can say to respond, my mind is too occupied with instinct to give an actual answer.

"Do you mind if I take this off so I can see?"

"Nope." I answer all too hastily, I sound desperate but I don't have enough coherent thoughts to care.

She slips her hands to the back of me and starts wandering her hands around the muscles on my back, but not getting to the hook my body wants her to be at.

She takes her time tracing her nails over my back. I think she is enjoying the reaction she is getting out of me a bit too much.

Just to occupy myself I lean onto her neck and start planting kisses there. They start minimal but are soon open mouth kisses. Just as I am exploring, I reach a soft spot under her jaw that makes Josie moan in response. I zone in there and work it, sucking lightly before scraping my teeth against it just to sooth it out with my tongue right after.


As I am doing that I look up and see the most beautiful image. Josie has her head thrown back with her eyes closed and her mouth parted with small whimpers coming out.

I feel her fingers move back into action as I hear the clip be undone from behind me.

She slowly slides the straps down my arms and I watch her the whole time as she takes it in. She leans into the scorpion on my sternum and places a kiss on it.

"Did it hurt?"

"Yeah, it hurt like a bitch but that doesn't matter right now." I say as I grab her face and pull her into a passionate kiss.

"You're beautiful. I want to take a picture of you." She says between kisses.

"Whatever you want." I say quickly as I detach and go back to her neck. I can only kiss her a few times before she takes her hand and pushes me back against the wood.

"You know that tattoo is incredibly hot, no one should be this attractive. And you took me on this incredible date, I think a thank you is in order."

She dips down and plants a kiss on the scorpion again before she traces my underboob with her tongue, I can't help but groan in response.

She keeps planting open mouth kisses on me until she reaches my neck and starts sucking. I can only focus on that until I feel her hands travel up my body till she's just under my chest.

"Can I?"


With that she climbs up and grabs my right boob. I grab onto her thighs because at this moment I need something to center myself.

When she goes back to placing kisses down my body, she gets lower and brings the other nipple that's getting less attention into her mouth and starts sucking lightly. I dig my fingers into the fabric on her thighs.

She starts to swirl her tongue around the bud and I feel my chest rising and falling very fast. My veins feel like they're on fire and my whole body is pulsing. I wouldn't be surprised if the veins under my eyes are showing.

She moves onto the other one and gives it the same attention before she moves to pull back and take off her sweater. I see her hands go to the zipper on the back of her jumpsuit.

I gently grab her arm to stop her.

"What?" She asks in a shy tone.

"Josie, I would love to see you, to see all of you and I don't want you to think any differently. But if someone does come out here, they'll only see me. You're a different story, I don't want anyone to see you like that."

"Possessive, are we?" She asks with a bit of a smirk on her lips.



"You've never been possessive over other people." It's stated as if it's a fact.

"No, I haven't, but how do you know that?" I say cocking my head to the side. She lays down on my chest.

"Madeline always used to flirt with other people when you were right there, I didn't understand how you could watch that happen at the time."

"Well, we weren't in a relationship." I say as I move my hand up to her head and start putting my fingers through her hair. "Plus, that stuff usually doesn't bother me, well at least from previous experience. As long as you're coming to bed with me at the end of the night, a little flirting doesn't bother me. Now someone else, getting to see your whole body, that's a different story if you didn't explicitly let that happen."

"I could never do that."

"What do you mean?"

"I get jealous pretty easily." She admits in a bit of a shy tone.

"Well, it's a good thing that although I have those views for someone else, I don't have them for myself. Jos, it's you and only you for me."

"Maybe it's me who doesn't deserve you."

"Don't say that, maybe we're just perfect together."

"Maybe we are. You're just insanely hot, it's hard to grasp sometimes."

"What's hard to grasp babe?"

"That you're mine?"

"We're exclusive right?"


"Then I am yours just as much as you're mine, plus you're in all seriousness one of the most gorgeous women I have ever laid eyes on so I understand where you're coming from." I say as I lean forward and give her a kiss on her head.

"As long as we're on the same page then." She says as she laughs.

"We are."

We lay there for a while until it gets a bit colder and I put my clothes on again.

It's finally dark and I load the cooler into the small boat and get in.

"You coming?" I say holding out some wine.

"Absolutely." She says as she walks onto the boat.

I grab the paddles and start rowing.

"I can help you know?"

"What kind of date would I be if I let you do that?"

"I can row a boat, Cypress."

"I am fully aware of the fact that you can, I just don't want you to." I say with a playful smile on my face.

Josie is fully in pout mode if her lips are anything to go by.

"You know what I think about you pouting right now?"

"What?" She says with a bit of an attitude.

I put the paddles back in the boat because we are in the middle of the lake now.

"That you look adorable and I am hoping I can kiss it off." I say as I bring her into a torturously slow kiss. After a little I can feel her lips holding back a smile and I pull away.

"Hm seems like I was right." I say in a triumphant cocky tone.

"Well, if that's how you fix it, I intend to pout a lot more."

"Please do." I say through a laugh.

Just then she looks up to the sky and I watch as amazement crosses over her features.

"This is gorgeous."

"Not as gorgeous as you."

She punches my arm lightly and I drop my mouth as the offense I am feeling comes over my features.

"Don't be a sap."

"But I meant it." I say as I cross my arms like a little kid.

"Yeah, yeah okay Cypress." She says as she looks at me with a huge smile on her face. I can't help but smile with her.

I walk over to her and point out a group of stars.

"You see those bright group of stars that is just over the tree line?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"That's Pegasus. So, the story is that he was born when Medusa got beheaded. No one could really tame him except for when Bellerophon, a king who went to Athena, the goddess of war, created a golden brindle for him. The king tamed him because he needed help to kill the Chimera that was terrorizing his land, when he killed it, he thought he deserved to be a God. He tried to ride Pegasus back to Olympus but failed and fell off midflight. Pegasus made it back but Zues turned him into a constellation. It's said that Pegasus is the one that carries Zues' thunder and lightning."

"So basically, Zues is an ass and Pegasus got sent to the stars for something he didn't do."

"Well, it's not said exactly why Zues did it, but with his track record I think you're on the right track."

"How do you know all this?"

"I was really into Greek mythology and stars when I was little, it was one of the best days of my life when I found out they are connected to each other."

We spent the next hour on the boat as Jos points out stars and I explain them to her. She seems really interested in what I have to say. It makes me want to share every piece of knowledge I have with her if it means she looks at me this way all the time. It feels nice, and comfortable, I don't ever want to let go of this feeling, and if I only feel this way when I am around her, maybe it's the fact that I never want to let go of Josie.

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