《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty One


When I wake up the next morning it is 8am. I set an alarm because I have to go set up this date. As I am gathering all the things I would need from my room, I hear a knock.

"Come in."

Lizzie walks through the door.

"Hey Cy."

"Hey what's up."

"I was wondering if your dad would be up for helping me set up the van today. I know it's last minute but I had a really good idea last night and I would like to set it up."

"Here, you should call him." I say as I hand my phone to her.

"Uhm no, actually we should probably do it some other time he's probably busy."

"Lizzie you wont know if you don't ask, just call."

"Okay fine." She says in a huff as she snatches the phone out of my hand and walks into the hallway.

I laugh at that just because I know that she's only being like that because talking to a parent you don't know super well over the phone can be nerve wracking and awkward. But I am almost positive that my father will be more than willing to help, he loves my friends.

I go to get a plaid blanket out from my closet.

Yes it is a picnic. I know I know alright, it's a bit basic but it's a perfect first date idea especially when we both agreed no dressing up. And the fact that you can personalize it.

Just then Lizzie comes back into the room with a smile on her face that she is trying to contain.

"My guess is that he is not busy today?"

She nods and goes to sit down on my bed.

"He said he would be more than willing to help, and that he will come pick me up to take me out to breakfast before we start working."

"That's great Lizzie I am glad. Where are you guys going?"

"I don't know, he said it was a surprise."

I chuckle at that because I know where he's gonna take her. It's a dinner on the edge of town and their skillets are to die for. I am glad that he's taking her, I think that she needed this and my dad really likes to show he cares about my friends.

Ever since I was little he always made it very clear that if my friends were ever going through something that they were always welcomed into our house. My parents like taking care of people, that's what makes them such good parents.

"Thank you Cy, really. I can't explain to you how much this means to me."

"You don't have to. It's no problem my parents like you Liz, in their eyes you're already family so they are going to treat you as such. But Josie and I are going on a date today, so after the date we can stop by the house to come pick you up if that works?"


"Yeah that sounds great, thank you again but I should go get ready. Enjoy your date with Josie."

"Thank you but one more thing, what is her favorite food here in town?"

"Oh easily the sushi at that place downtown, it's expensive but I am almost positive that she would sell her kidney for the spider rolls and the strawberry mochi."

"Got it, thank you so much."

"Of course, bye Cy."

"Bye Lizzie, have fun."

"You too." She says as she leaves.

I gather all the things in my hand as I go to take the things out to the dock on the lake where we first kissed.

When I get there I unload everything in my hands. I place the blanket on the dock and put the cooler down. There's those little cans of whine in there, hopefully Ms. Forbes doesn't find out.

Then I put more blankets on the side just in case she gets cold.

I grab the cute picnic basket and walk to my car to get the rest of the things that are needed.

When I get there and turn my car on it's almost 11, which actually works out because the sushi place doesn't open until then.

I stop by a quiet little antique shop I have been in a couple of times before because I know they have traditional chopsticks.

I pick up two pairs with flowers engraved into them. The reusable options are always better.

Then I go to the sushi place and get as much as I can hope fits into the basket, including the strawberry mochi Lizzie mentioned.

Then I stop by a grocery store just to top it all off really.

When I get back I drive my car to a spot closer to where the date is, and use it as a barrier to make sure Jos won't see until I want her to, and drop off all the food.

It's just about time to go get Josie so I set up finishing touches.

When I walk into the Salvatore building I run into Ms. Forbes. It was almost as if she was waiting for me.

"Well hello Cypress."

"Good afternoon Ms. Forbes."

"What are your intentions with my daughter this evening?"

"I would like to take her out to the dock for a picnic and probably just talk and enjoy."

"You're going to make sure you both don't do anything stupid correct."

I can't lie to her, I am a bad liar and she'll probably catch onto the fact that my heartbeat will increase its pace.

"Correct, but there is wine involved, not enough to get really messed up or anything. It is only there among other drinks in case she wants it. I am going to pick Lizzie up later from my house so I will not be partaking."

"You better not."

"I won't, I promise. I just know it pairs well with sushi that is why I brought it."

"You got her sushi?" She asks in a softer tone.


"I was told it's her favorite."

"It is, she will love it. And thank you for telling me the truth, if I am honest I already went to inspect the scene." She says with a bit of a grin on her face.

"Do you think she'll like it?" I say as I nervously slide my hands through my hair.

"Cypress, you already have her heart. You could get her a painted rock and she would basically melt. She will love it, don't worry. Now go get her."

"Thank you Ms. Forbes I will see you later." I get out as I excitedly pick up my pace to her room.

I stand outside of the door and take a deep breath. I raise my knuckles and let it hit the wood before me three times. I step back.

It seems like forever before the door opens but I know it was only a few seconds.

I see Josie in a denim jumpsuit with a blue sweater over it. It's so simple but she looks stunning. There's a slit in her eyebrow that looks freshly cut.

"You look gorgeous Josie."

"Thank you but it's casual like you said."

"Doesn't matter, you always look beautiful."

"Cypress you don't have to keep the flattery up, you already secured the date." She says through a laugh.

"Doesn't mean I am going to stop. Unless you tell me to, this is what you have to look forward to from now on."

"Oh no, that's not what I am saying." She says as she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me into a slow kiss.

"And you smell phenomenal." I say into the kiss.

"Thank you baby, you too."

"Are you ready for this date?"

"Yes, please lead the way."

I wrap my arm around her waist and she puts her arm around my shoulders.

I walk her out to the forest and she gives me a look.

"What? What's wrong." I say with wide eyes.

"These are new." She says with a bit of a pout on her face and she directs her attention to her shoes.

"Well that's an easy fix babe."

I go in front of her and lean down a bit. She doesn't need to be told twice as she jumps onto my back and I grab her legs.

"I don't think anyone has ever carried me more than you have."

"Good because that is my job and my job only."

I feel her as she leans her head into mine and laughs.

"Alright, close your eyes."


"Just do it."

I walk over to the dock and slowly put her down on the ground. I bring my hands up to hers and take her hands away from her eyes.

I watch as her eyes go wide and she turns in circles taking in the whole setting.

She sees the lights that are strung up in the trees around us and the plaid blanket on the doc. Next to the dock is the boat I had to row over from the other dock that is across the lake, with music playing on a speaker that's on top of my car.

"What do you think?" I say impatiently.

She doesn't give me an answer but she turns around and places a kiss on my lips that immediately calms my nerves.

"I love it, thank you so much Cypress, this is beautiful."

I can't stop the beaming smile on my face when I get the confirmation that she loves it.

"You haven't even seen the best part. Are you hungry?"


"Good." I say as I open the basket to reveal all the sushi that I got. It is absolutely too much but the thing I was going for was variety. Yep, totally variety.

"You didn't."

"Yes I did."

"All this is worth a fortune, you shouldn't have."

"You're worth it." I say almost as if it is second nature and that it should be obvious.

"You're amazing."

"Nope, that is all you. Here." I say as I hand her the spider rolls and the chopsticks.

"These are beautiful." She says as she holds up the chopsticks.

"Right, there's like an antique shop downtown and they have a lot of cool things, we should totally go one day."

"That sounds amazing." She says as she takes a bite. Her hum of approval is all I need to know that all the running around I did today was worth it.

I lean over to the cooler and bring it around to her. She opens it and her mouth drops a bit.

"How did you get these?"

"They may have been in my fridge, my mom really likes them and she gave some to me to try."

She takes one can out and tries to hand it to me. I shake my head.

"None for me, if we want to watch the stars in the middle of the lake tonight I am gonna need to operate that boat. But please enjoy."

"But your mom got them for you. I would feel bad."

"Josie, she has so much more at home, plus it was the first thing you reached for. Your mom already said it was okay so take it." I say as I pull out water.

"My mom knows you brought alcohol and she's okay with me drinking it. She must really trust you."

"I hope so. So don't go crazy with it, the last thing I need is to lose that trust before it's even really built." I say in a teasing manner.

She laughs at that.

We eat our sushi and I grab her empty can of house wine.

"If I get the whole tab off, what do I win?"

"Hmmm with the alcohol and that proposition, I would think you're trying to seduce me, Cypress."

"Maybe I am." I say with my eyebrows raised in a challenge.

"Then you can have whatever you want."

I pop off the tab and hold it out to her.

"Seems like I am the lucky winner."

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