《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty


The dinner was nice. It was honestly delicious and I tried to pay because that is what my parents have taught me, especially when you are at dinner with people who have helped you so much in the course of your life.

I was turned down by everyone except Mg. So I took my ass and sat back down.

We're on the car ride back when Josie starts to slump up against the console out of exhaustion. I take my coat that I placed in the backseat and lift her head up gently to give her something soft to rest her head on.

We're about halfway through the drive but Jos is already almost asleep and it's only 9pm. I can hear her heart slowing and her breath evening out slowly.

I turn down the music to a lower volume and I move my hand to start stroking through her hair gently. She has enough energy to grab my hand and kiss it before putting it under her cheek for more comfort.

I laugh lightly before returning my eyes back to the road keeping my hand in its place.

When we pull up to the school, everyone exits the car except for Josie.

"Ms. Forbes, Josie is completely passed out right now. I can carry her up to her room."

"No, don't you dare. If she wakes up from that sleep and you aren't there, she's gonna be mad. I am not dealing with grumpy Jo tonight. She's sleeping in your cave." Lizzie says leaving no room for argument.

I look to Ms. Forbes in a silent question. She nods her head in a fast answer, but then narrows her eyes at me.

"Remember I have supernatural hearing, and wake her up at a decent time."

"You don't have to remind me Ms. Forbes, and I will, does 9:30 work?"

"Yes, that sounds great."

"Oh and one more thing." I walk up closer to her so no one else will hear. "I would like to take Josie on a date tomorrow if that is okay with you?"

"That is more than okay with me, Cypress, but I appreciate you asking anyway. Have her home by 11, and have fun."

"We will Ms. Forbes thank you." I give her a goofy grin and she laughs before walking into the building leaving only Jos and I outside.

I walked over to the car and turned it off. I kept it on because I didn't want to let her get cold while I was outside.


I circle around to the passenger side of the car and open the door quietly.

"Jos, babe, you gotta get up so we can go to bed." I say shaking her leg lightly. I hear her groan in response.

"Okay I am going to carry you is that okay?"

She doesn't give me a verbal answer but she shifts her weight to her right to lean on me instead of the center console.

I gently slip my arms around her and lift her up. I shut the door with my foot and lock the door with the convenient button placed on the outside of the handle.

I start to walk into the building with a half asleep Josie in my arms, and head towards the stairs.

"You guys are really comfortable now aren't you?"

I know that voice anywhere. It's the same voice that I couldn't wait to hear in the middle of the fight. Now I so desperately want to stay far away from it.

"Let me get Jos in bed and then I will come back down so we can talk."

"No, I think I want her to hear this."

"Finch, she's sleeping. Can this wait for tomorrow please."


I take a deep sigh knowing that this won't pass over so I lean down and plant a kiss onto Josie's forehead and whisper in closer to her ear.

"Hey Jos, wake up, Finch wants to say something."

As soon as the word Finch leaves my mouth her eyes shoot open, and she scrambles in my arms like she wants to be put down.

I gently put her down and she stands tall beside me.

Finch looks hesitant to continue as Josie nods her head signaling that she's listening. Finch finally starts talking.

"Cy, I wanted to apologize." She takes a second to formulate her thoughts. I was not expecting that the conversation would go this way so I stand there eyes wide.

"I'm sorry for letting my ego get the better of me for the time that I have been here. In reality I didn't want to accept any of this because it is a great environment that I didn't think I deserved so I guess I tried everything in my power to get people to kick me out so I couldn't get attached. I really hope that you can forgive me."

She looks at me for a split second before she moves her head to the ground and starts to get antsy with her foot placement.


"Finch, you're already forgiven. I should apologize as well, I am sorry for not giving you a proper chance. I shouldn't have done that and it is definitely not a way that I want to lead. How about we start fresh with a clean slate?"

She looks up at me very quickly, almost not believing my words.

"Yeah that sounds great, thank you." She takes a deep breath and moves her attention to Josie.

"The thing I mostly regret is the fact that I didn't treat you right, and the words that I said before the fight are constantly circling my head. I am so sorry Josie. I fully understand if you can't forgive me what I did was wrong. I know that, I just needed to say that you didn't deserve it. You're the kindest person I know."

I see as Josie takes a small intake of breath as she rings her hands together. I put my hand on her back and start rubbing circles into her back.

"I do forgive you, but I don't think I can forget just yet. Thank you for apologizing Finch, I will probably just need some time to process."

"That is totally okay, please take your time. Thank you both and you guys are really great for each other. Thank you for doing what I didn't Cy."

I nod in response and just like that she walks down the corridor and disappears into the darkness.

I see Josie standing there with a blank expression on her face. I remove my hand from her back and reach for her hand.

"You okay?" I ask as I rub circles into the back of her hand.

"Yeah, I guess I just thought we were going to get yelled at. That wasn't what I was expecting to happen."

"Me either. It's okay if you need time to process that Jos. I was gonna take you up to my room but it's okay if you want to process this with Lizzie."

She turns so that we're facing each other.


"Of course, we can even reschedule the date if you would like. I can walk you up to your room."

"We're not canceling that date but can we move it to two ish? And I would really appreciate it if you would walk me to my room, please."

"Absolutely, and yes it is now at two I will come to your room to come get you." I say with a grin on my face and I intertwine our fingers as we walk up the stairs.

When we get to her room she opens the door and she turns around to face me as I wait outside.

"What did you do, why is my dear sister here when we made an agreement?" I hear Lizzie say as I turn my head to see her and Ms. Forbes in the bed together.

Just as I am about to speak I hear a voice that isn't mine.

"Liz, don't be rude, this was my decision, I would like to talk to you both about something, but I am going to say goodbye to Cypress before we do." She says as she puts a flat hand on my chest to push me back outside.

"Super hearing." I hear Ms. Forbes say before the door shuts, I can't help but laugh.

Josie raises her hands to my cheeks and starts moving her thumbs back and forth.

"Thank you Cypress, I really appreciate you and your understanding. I can't wait for our date tomorrow."

"Me either." I lean in and kiss her lips very quickly as she chases after me. She gives me a weird look.

"Your mom is inside, I would like to keep myself in her good graces."

"GOOD CHOICE." Ms. Forbes yells through the door.

"I can't wait for some alone time tomorrow." Josie says a little on the louder side probably just so Lizzie can hear as well.

"Goodnight Jos. Sleep well." I say as I pull her into a hug.

"Goodnight Cypress." She says as we pull apart and she places a kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight you two." I say louder so Ms. Forbes and Lizzie can hear.

"Goodnight." They yell back.

As I start to walk away from Josie I keep our hands connected until they can't be anymore, and I walk back to my room alone.

I always liked being alone, it's a place where I could just recharge and when I am in those moods I usually don't like people in my space.

I always thought that I wanted a partner to respect that, one that would leave me alone when I would need it, and that would be true love.

But maybe it's the person that is supposed to change that perception.

All I know is that I never like leaving Josie. I want to be around her all the time and I have never felt that way around anyone before.

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