《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Twenty Nine


We pull up the car wash and the lights that are inside are already projecting vibrant colors into our faces.

Godspeed by Frank Ocean comes through the Bluetooth, and for me this is one of those songs you can't help but sing to.

Now I know that Josie hasn't heard me sing and I am nothing spectacular, like her, but I can hold a tune. But I want to mess with her a bit.

So I cut in, joking around and started singing the ooooohs in the background.

She gives me a weird look, but I continue.

"Do the oooohs." I say between singing and she does but she sounds a bit skeptical.

"Wishing you what?" I ask as I hold out an imaginary microphone.

"Wishing you godspeed"

I joined in.

"Glory, there will be mountains you won't move." We sing together.

"Did you like how I did the voice crack?" I ask jokingly.

"I liked it, yeah." She says in a playful tone.

We laugh together while we're at the end of the carwash.

It was all done in a joking manner but it still was an extremely cute moment that just makes me forget everything else and focus on Josie.

She is my favorite person, no doubt.

I shake out my thoughts.

"Where'd you go just then?"

"Just thinking about how much you mean to me."

She doesn't say anything in response but kisses my cheek, and squeezes the hand that she's still holding.

On the ride over there, its calm filled with the humming of Josie. That is until Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift comes on and Josie immediately starts singing.

I for some reason had a feeling she would love Taylor Swift.

She starts singing the song and she sounds amazing.

She always will.

Josie, Cypress,

"All I knew this morning when I woke

Is I know something now

Know something now I didn't before

And all I've seen since 18 hours ago

Is green eyes and freckles and your smile

In the back of my mind, making me feel like"

She points to my green eyes then to my freckles, then swipes my lips with her thumb. I can't help but smile at the action.

"I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now"


I secretly love this song and I decide to join in on singing because I have a lower register than she does. This feels like an intimate moment that I want to have together, so I sing too.

She smiles at the action of me singing as well and starts nodding like that is exactly what she wanted me to do.

I take her hand and kiss her knuckles. I sing the next part alone because it's the male part but also because these lyrics relate heavily to me. Josie seems to know that and lets me sing.

"And all my walls stood tall, painted blue

And I'll take 'em down, take 'em down

And open up the door for you"

"Oh so she can sing." Josie quips with a playful smile before singing her part.

"And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies

The beautiful kind, making up for lost time

Taking flight, making me feel like"

She has such a beautiful voice it's so easy to get lost in.

We go into a tunnel and I open the sunroof, just out of instinct really and it seems like the right thing to do if all the movies I have watched taught me anything.

We look straight into each other's eyes with wild smiles on our faces.

This is what I want for the rest of my life. This is an incredible feeling I want to never let go of.

"I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you, know you, know you"

Against my better judgment I keep my eyes on her as she sings, instead of the road. Thank god no one else is really on the road.

"'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name

Everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

You'll be mine and I'll be yours

All I know since yesterday

Is everything has changed"

At the end of the verse I start to feel a bit self conscious, I know I shouldn't but it's just a feeling but Josie gives me an encouraging nod to keep going before she sings the outro.

"All I know is we said, "Hello"

So dust off your highest hopes

All I know is pouring rain

And everything has changed


All I know is a new found grace

All my days, I'll know your face

All I know since yesterday

Is everything has changed"

This woman is the most perfect thing I have ever encountered and I don't know what made me so lucky that the feelings were reciprocated.

"I definitely do not deserve you." I say to her with only sincerity in my voice.

"Cypress, that's bullshit."

"No really. You're like a Disney princess but like one of the cool ones that can handle themselves. You're just incredible, and I can't describe it."

She looks at me with tears on the rims of her eyes.

"Baby, pull over."

I pull over immediately because I know that sometimes she can get motion sickness.

When I pull over and put the car in park, she climbs across the center console to straddle me and she pulls me into a searing kiss. Filled with passion and the emotions that she probably couldn't get out in words. She leans back to wrap her arms around my neck to bring me into a hug. I wrap my hands around her waist and bury my face into her neck, appreciating everything she gives me.

"What was that for Jos?" I say still resting my head on the crook of her neck.

I feel her hands come up to my head and she starts playing with my hair. "I don't want you to question if you are not worthy of me ever again."


"No Cypress. I am being dead serious. You are so beautiful, your mind, your soul, and your body. Never ever question if you are good enough for anyone. Not me, not anyone else. Okay?"

She uses the hair that her hands are intertwined in to pull me out from where I was so she can look at my face.

My eyes are watery. I know they are so before she can look for too long I shut them. Then I feel two very light kisses on my eyes and then my nose.

"Okay?" She repeats.

"Okay." I say through a nod.

She gives me a tender kiss before she gets back into her seat. I give her one last look before I pull off the shoulder and start driving again.

When we arrive at the restaurant we are a little late, but at least we can just walk in and sit.

When we get through the sliding doors, the only thing that I can look at is the girl that has her arm intertwined with mine. I am actually glad Jos is leading the way because I have not even taken my eyes off of her to look for the table that is waiting for us. A scoff from Lizzie knocks me out of my trance.

"Cy how were you so busy drooling over my sister that you didn't even notice every single person in this restaurant is looking at you two right now."

"Because no one else matters at this restaurant except for your sister."

"Smooth." I hear Mg say from beside Lizzie who currently has her jaw dropped in fake offense.

"Cy I look fantastic and you're gonna say that doesn't matter."

"Oh Lizzie thank you you're right," I see her nod her head in approval. "You're sister and of course you look absolutely beautiful too, Mrs. Forbes."

I see Lizzie's face drop into the same one she was wearing previously. I can't hold in the smirk at the low laugh I received out of Josie.

"Actually Cy can sit by me." Mrs. Forbes cuts in.

I give Jos a sly grin and make my way to the other side of the table. I don't even get to put down my second step when I feel a hand around my wrist pulling me back.

"Nuh uh, not happening." Jos says almost in an annoyed tone.

She ushers me into the booth before her and sits beside me. I am looking down into my lap, grinning, because I am just a bit proud of myself.

I look up to look at Jos and she is already looking at me, and by that look I think I may be in trouble. So instead I stare right into her eyes and produce the biggest, cheekiest smile I can.

It doesn't take long for her to give in and I start to see the corners of her lips curl up. That's the signal I take to move toward her and kiss her cheek and put a hand above her knee.

"Mom, they're so obsessed with each other, how do you expect me to sit here with them and not throw up in the process?"

"Elizabeth, stop it, be happy for your sister, would you?"

"Yeah I don't know Liz, I think I should start stealing some of Cy's charm." Mg says to Lizzie in a joking manner adding a side poke for good measure.

"Son of a bitch."

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