《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Thirty Four


I finished putting in the shelving unit she picked out and then the rug and other little decorations.

I see it starting to come together and I walk out to the circle around the bonfire

"Babe, you want to come see, just to make sure everything looks good and is where you want it?"

She nods and gets up and she walks over to me and places a kiss on my cheek and she grabs my hand and leans her head on my shoulder. I lean my head down on top of hers and walk with her to the door.

"They're so in love, it's adorable." I hear Ms. Forbes say.

"If only Ro could understand how much she's fallen for Josie." Oh, trust me mom, she's starting to get it, I think to myself. "I think at this point Cypress would drop everything just to do one thing to make Josie happy."

"I WOULD." I yell behind us so they know I am listening in.

"You would what?" Josie asks.

"Do anything to make you happy, our parents are confirming it right now."

"Oh, so they know I have you wrapped around my finger?" She says with a teasing glint in her eyes.

"WE DO." I hear Ms. Forbes yell.

"It seems they have an understanding." I say through a laugh as I grab her hand to help her up the steps. She doesn't need help, it's just a polite thing to do.

"This is perfect, you did so well baby."

"You did all the work, I just put some nails in that's all."

"You did the most important part, now we just need a mattress and a fridge."

"Those are inside, I will put them in really quick and I'll join you all at the fire, okay?"

"Okay." She says as she gives me a peck.

I run inside and get the mattress first and put a sheet on it before I bring it outside and put it in. Then I ran back in to get the fridge. I plug it in and hear it power on. Thank god we got sun today because the solar panels were put in earlier this week and they charged up.


"Alright cool, now we just need to stock it." I say as I walk over and pull a chair closer to Josie's and sit down in it.

"Where's the first place you want to go?" My dad asks.

I look over to Josie to see what she has to say. She looks at me with questioning eyes and I shrug my shoulders in response.

"We could go North but it is still spring so there is a chance it could snow and we don't have preparations for that so I suggest going south. Anywhere there, that's up to you." I say as I put my hand on her thigh and rub my thumb back and forth.

"What about Tennessee, the Smokey's must be beautiful right now."

"To Tennessee it is then."

"That is more than okay with me. I was going to give the kids a week break from school, you two should go then." Ms. Forbes adds.

"Yeah, just take a bunch of pictures of it for me." My mom says.

"And for me." Lizzie cuts in.

"You're not coming?" Josie asks.

"No, I don't think I'll be done with everything by then plus it's your first trip together you should have that to yourselves before I start following you around."

"You're always welcome to join if you change your mind, Liz." Josie says with sincerity in her voice.

"I know, thank you."

We return back to normal conversation and it's a good atmosphere, everyone gets along with each other well.

I just sit back to watch and a smile comes to my face. I can't help but appreciate the moment before me.

Before I know it, it's two in the morning and we have to head back. I say goodbye to my parents and my mom leaves me with some parting words along the lines of put a ring on it.


Lizzie rides back with her mom and Jos comes back in my car.

We walk up to my room and we're both a little exhausted and I can't wait to close my eyes and fall asleep.

We change, I go to Josie in the bathroom and we brush our teeth together, it all feels very domestic.

We walk to the bed in silence and I watch as Josie lays down just so I can lay down on top of her and wrap my arms around her back.

Goodnight Cypress, thank you for the amazing day."

"Goodnight Josie." I say as I kiss her stomach, not willing to get myself to reach up and kiss her lips.

I hear her heart even out and that puts me to sleep.


I wake up the next morning to see that we have changed positions and that I am spooning her. My hand somehow ended up grabbing her boob. I don't know, don't ask me, apparently I am very gay even in a deep sleep.

My train of thought stops when I hear a moan of Josie's while she's asleep.

I feel her rut her hips against my thigh because our legs are tangled. It takes every bone in my body to force myself to wake her up.

"Hey Josie baby, wake up." She groans and I place a kiss on her temple. "Come on wake up, I can't let you do this when you're sleeping."

With that she opens her eyes and rasps out "Do what?"

"I think you might have been having a sex dream. You may or may not have been using my thigh."

"Oh my god, noooooo." She groans.

God, she sounds so good when she just wakes up.

"Don't be embarrassed."

"It's embarrassing Cypress, now I'm just horny and humiliated."

"I would have let you but I couldn't. I can't have you do that if you don't tell me that's what you want."

"You would have let me?"

"Yeah, if we were later into the relationship."

"Well, if I do it again, let it happen. You have my consent."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she says as she roles us over so my thigh is back in its previous place and she's on top of me. "Now you said you were going to let me keep going right?"

"Right." I say through my suddenly dry throat.

"Good answer." She says as she leans down and catches me into a searing kiss.

She starts rolling her hips slowly and I bring my hands to her hips to help her movements and bend my knee a bit so she can get a better angle.

Her breathing is starting to increase into the kisses.

"Put up a silencing spell."

She uses our connected lips to draw power from me and mutters a spell under her breath.

It starts with light whimpers and she starts to get a real rhythm going.

"God you're so fucking beautiful." I praise her.

It has the desired reaction when I feel her pick up her pace. I'm starting to feel a warm damp patch on my thigh through my thin sweats.

"Fuck and your dripping, god." I almost growl out the last word.

Her whimpers turn into moans, and I reach my hand up to her chest and rub her hard bud with my thumb over her shirt.

She brings her lip between her teeth and she just looks so damn good right now.

My door swings open.

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