《Part II》Chapter twelve
😗sorry for any mistakes
A month later...
Houston, Tx
June 18th
"No, we jus' got here now. You really called at the best time" Caydence chuckled, over the phone with Quincy. She looked over at Kapri in the driver seat, seeing if they were about to get out but Kapri just sat back in her seat.
"You got everything? Did you get sunscreen? It gets really hot there bubbles." He said.
"Oooh, I actually don't but we can jus' get some when we get there. Everything else I'm pretty sure I have '' She informed him while taking the phone from her ear and putting it on speaker.
"Okay na'. Y'all be safe and watch your surroundings bubbles. You're goin' to a different country a—"
"I understand daddy. I will watch my surroundings" She chuckled and Kapri shook her head at him now ranting about the importance of safety. He gives the same speech every time she sees him or gets on the phone with him after she told him she was going to Jamaica for the week.
The boys had some type of business to handle but Caydence didn't ask what. The less she knew was probably the best. They ended up turning the two-day business trip into a week-long friend group trip.
At first, Caydence wasn't going to come because she couldn't bring Kory. Her granny and dad got onto her about it, telling her she couldn't take Kory everywhere with her. They told her to go on the trip because it was free, and she needed this trip from work.
She needed a break.
Caydence was still being stubborn, making up excuses on why she couldn't go to work. Trey being her boss at the club gave her the week off without telling her. Then on top of Burlington not putting her on the schedule for the week for some reason.
She had no other excuses why.
It took a lot of convincing from everyone around her for her to give in. She was happy she gave in early enough to get a passport since she didn't have one.
She was excited about the trip, she hasn't been to a beach since she was a child. Yet alone going out of the country which she has never done either.
They talked to Quincy a little more until Dee told them they had to start getting on the jet. She hasn't been on a private jet since she went to New York with her dad for his last boxing match.
"Let them get y'all stuff out first then they're gonna take it to the parking lot," Dee told Kapri before leaning down to peck her lips a few times. "Why can't I take my own car? I don't kno' these people Demetrius" She frowned as he closed her driver's side door.
Dee shook his head at his girlfriend "Ain' nothin' gonna happen to your car mama. It's straight," He assured her. Kapri only stared up at him with a slight mug across her face.
Dee raised his eyebrows first then leaned down to Kapri's ear. Caydence almost threw up watching her cousin start to bite down on her bottom lip slightly while Dee continued to whisper into her ear.
"Disgusting." She muttered, looking at the workers to get her and Kapri's suitcases out of the trunk. "Hey, smexy!" She heard a loud voice. She turned to her left seeing Mya walk towards her with a Louis Vuitton book bag on her shoulder.
"Hey, bae...What's in the bag and why is it makin' so much noise?" She asked.
"Girl my snacks, a few drinks for me and Ro." She shrugged "Oh and like five plan b's nothin' too major" She added and Caydence busted out laughing. She always said sexual things so causal and it was funny to her.
"You have that but no condoms bae?" She raised her brow.
"Hell nah. I want it meat to meat!" Mya exclaimed, making Caydence laugh even harder only because she knew she was being serious. "Fuck a condom, I wanna feel the veins when I tell him to do deeper you know what I mean?" She tried not to laugh.
"This ain' no condom typa pussy. Dis that pussy you gotta feeeelll. This ain' not no pussy that every nigga gonna get you know? So yeah, fuck them condoms" She finished and shrugged her shoulders again.
Caydence laughing started to calm down "You so fuckin' stupid. Everyone jus' be fuckin' besides me huh?" She asked as Kapri finally walked over to them.
Mya sucked her teeth and gave Caydence a certain look "Girll, how long are you gonna hold onto that lie? We all kno' Ace is beatin' dem doonies down"
Scrunching up her face, Caydence looked at her weirdly "No he isn't. Why do you think that?" She wondered and this time Kapri smacked her lips.
"Look at you!" Mya threw her hands ups "Your aura jus' gives off a sexual appeal. Then your voice, I see why all those niggas be fallin' to your feet and why you the only one that doesn't have to get fully naked in the club. You don't need to because of your Aura" Mya explained, making Caydence laugh.
"I wanted to fuck you when I first saw you so I know Ace gotta be beating the doonies down. It's jus' no way in hell he isn't'' Mya shook her head. Caydence just laughed, he wasn't beating anything down, at least nothing to Caydence's knowledge.
She did have a high sex appeal, as all the men always told her. They tell her it's the way she is able to look at men in their eyes. How she isn't afraid to hold eye contact which makes it hard and how nice her body was. Or how good she always smells.
"C'mon Cay, he bein' the cobwebs out yo' shit?" Pri creepily wiggled her eyebrows.
"No" She answered truthfully and shrugged. She did tease Kacey a lot, she found enjoyment in seeing him flustered. She did it all the time to men at work but doing it to Kacey turned her on. Just knowing she had some type of control and how he couldn't control it at the time was a turn-on.
But that's all she did. Tease him.
"Well if I break up with Ro, can I beat the doonies down?" Mya pouted, making Caydence smirk. She put her index under Mya's chin, softly stroking her while looking at her. Mya's jaw was slightly jaw "No" She whispered to her before kissing her cheek and then moving her hand.
Mya started fake sniffling as if she was crying "You make me rethink my whole sexuality" She hugged Pri who was laughing.
"Aww, it's okay" Pri chuckled, patting her back. "Y'all kno' Trey bringing someone? We gotta keep her company while they handle business" Pri informed them.
Mya pulled away from the hug with her face scrunched up "He says they're jus' friends but we know the feeling of her and jus' doesn't want to say it yet" Kapri shrugged.
"I'on like people. I barely like my boyfriend at times" Mya rolled her eyes.
"What's her name?" Caydence wondered. She didn't like people either, and she was surprised since she and Trey are best friends. He talks her ears off all the time. It shocked her he didn't say anything about this person coming on the trip.
"Bre or Bre bre. That's all Dee told me"
"Ohh, she works at the club as a bottle girl. She's the only person I like there" Caydence said. They weren't tight friends but they were acquaintances with each other.
Caydence didn't like the other dancers because of how messy they are. Bre didn't like the other bottle girls because of how much they felt like they had to compete. So when at work, they only talked to each other. They also bonded over raising their siblings and being the youngest in the club.
"Aw, then I like her already. We kno' yo' mean ass doesn't like anyone so she must be cool foreal" Mya chuckled, Caydence flicked her off with her middle finger.
"Stawpp, you kno' I wanna fuck you" Mya playfully rolled her eyes making Caydence start to laugh at her.
Montego Bay, Jamaica
"Mami" Caydence heard a low voice in her ear. "You gotta wake up" She felt Kacey's hand softly rub her bare arm as she had her head on his chest. She didn't fully understand it beside her being comfortable with Kacey but she got the best sleep. Even when it was small naps they took together.
"Bubba... leave me alone" She mumbled, still with her eyes closed and snuggling more into his chest.
She felt him chuckling "We're about to land and you needa put on your seatbelt" He informed her, still rubbing her arm to wake her up as he always does.
Caydence lowly sighed, opening her eyes, seeing Mya and Ro on the other side of them smirking at her. Ro was smirking, and Mya had her phone out, pointing toward them. She guess she was recording her and Kacey so she flicked her off with her middle finger before moving off of Kacey's chest.
She moved down some, where the other seatbelt was placed. She pulled it over her lower body. Hearing clicking noises, she put her arms over her face while the flight attendant got on the microphone.
She moved one arm when she felt someone tapping her shoulder. She looked over, seeing it was Kacey, and raised her eyebrow in response. "Are you mad at me?" He signed, with a slight frown on his face.
Caydence matched his frown, confused "No. Where did you get that from?" She signed, looking confused.
Kacey shrugged his shoulders "I was just asking" He signed. She eyed him before slowly nodding.
He's been randomly asking her that a lot this week. They could be smoking in silence, just vibing like always and he asked if she was mad at him. It always confused her, she thought it had something to do with his mom again.
His mother came to his house unannounced again maybe two weeks ago while Caydence was there. She went off on Kacey because he hadn't texted her back since the day before and he 'stood up' the date she set him up on after he expressed multiple times how he wasn't interested in the girl.
Of course, she started getting disrespectful to Caydence, calling her a black porch monkey.
Unlike the time Caydence walked away last time, she didn't walk away this time. They got into a huge argument, it even almost got physical until Kacey grabbed her before she could hit his mom. He did his best to get his mother to leave because Caydence was close to beating Kacey's ass just to get to his mother.
Caydence wasn't mad at him because he couldn't control what came out of his weirdo mother's mouth. She couldn't be mad at him for not cutting her off either after she showed her true colors more than once.
Caydence went through the same thing with her mom when she was beating her and Kory. So she was more understanding of the situation than most people.
Caydence could've easily left once the abuse started when she was fifteen but she didn't. She couldn't, it's not as easy as everyone makes it seem especially when she was a parent. She wanted her mom to change and had hope that maybe she would come to her senses but she didn't.
Kacey was going to hit his breaking point with his mom one day. He was going to stop letting her abuse him one day but only on his time when he felt like enough was enough.
Just like Caydence did when she felt like enough was enough when Shelby kicked her and her sister out.
It wasn't any repairing the relationship after that.
After twenty minutes passed, they finally landed. Caydence rubbed her sore ears from them popping when they landed and took the seat belt off.
"We're in Jamai-camon!" Trey jumped up from his seat.
"Shut up Trey," Everyone said as they took their seatbelt off and started to stand up from their seats.
Trey sucked his teeth, looking over at Kambree who was also shaking her head at him "You see how they do me?" He asked as she stood up with her blanket.
"You do talk too much, friend" She twisted her lips to the side. Trey just mugged her "Get off befo' I push you off" He pointed to where everyone was starting to walk off the plane. She laughed, following behind Kacey and Caydence.
Caydence held Kacey's hand, while he was helping her down the staircase.
🎶Who am I, the girls dem luck
And I and I will make love to precious🎶
Who am I by Beenie Man played through the speakers of the two black escalade trucks. Two men were standing by each truck with frozen drinks and smiles on their faces.
"Ooouu" Caydence smiled, moving her hips to the music playing. She didn't know they were going to get this type of treatment when getting off the plane.
"This is nice and all but where is the weed?" Trey asked, furrowing his eyebrows, taking the drink from Kambree after she was handing it to him.
"No seriously" Caydence mumbled, sipping out her drink as she still moved her hips to the music. They got her all hype about how easy it was to get weed here, she was ready to try it out.
"If y'all don't get y'all pot-headed asses in these trucks" Ro chuckled. Caydence rolled her eyes, letting Kacey help her inside the truck they were sharing with Mya and Ro.
"Who said I wanted you to sleep in my room?" Caydence playfully rolled her neck, watching Kacey put his suitcases by the bed.
Kacey smirked, looking around the room. "Mami, I'on kno' why you are trying to act like that." He rolled his eyes, walking over to her.
"We never agreed on you sleepin' in my room soooo" She teased, unzipping her Adidas jacket.
Kacey's eyes landed right on her breast being inside the basic grey sports bra. "Your nipples are always hard" He mumbled, never taking his eyes off her breast.
"You must be a tittes man. You are always, openly staring at them" She chuckled.
Kacey's eyes widened "I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I— Calm down. It wasn't that serious bubba" She cut him off, wrapping her arms around his neck after standing on her tippy toes.
"You look so handsome" She smiled softly, looking up at him. She did her thang on his retwist like always.
Kacey blushed a bit "Thank you Mami. Can you rub my ear? It hurts" He frowned.
She nodded, moving her arms and going to the bed. She removed her Adidas pant, leaving her in regular Victoria's secret panties. She didn't care to put on shorts since he's seen her in a thong at the club before.
She got into the bed as Kacey closed and locked the door. She sat on her phone, texting her granny back about Kory. She missed her so much, she never saw the day she would leave Houston without her.
"Boyyy" She mugged him after he took her phone out of her hands and placed it on the side. He shrugged, getting in between her legs with a no-shirt on and Adidas basketball shorts.
"Can I?" He mumbled, staring at her breast. Caydence looked at him funnily, wondering what he was talking about. Hesitating at first, she nodded her head, wondering what he wanted. Her eyes grew big when he started to lift her sports bra. He stopped, looking at her again, just making sure she was okay with this first.
Caydence relaxed her face first and lifted her arms. He leaned up to take the sports bra fully off of her. Once it was off, her breasts were now out, while he folded her bra and put it on the side. He smiled at her breast slightly sagging, he never paid attention to the flowers between her breasts.
He liked it.
Caydence watched him closely, she's never been this naked in front of someone before. She was a bit nervous but didn't want to show it. He gently grabbed her left breast in his hand, massaging it softly before taking the nipple of her right breast into his mouth.
Swirling his tongue around her nipple, Caydence bit down on her bottom lip at the feeling of his tongue. Her body was extremely sensitive because of her never having any type of sexual contact. "Mm," She softly moaned with her eyes slowly growing lower.
She could feel herself growing wetter and her vagina having a pulse the more he groped her other breast.
She chuckled at him going to sleep while sucking on her breast still and still massaging her other breast.
Montego Bay, Jamaica
June 19th
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rarely seen'...always noticed 🌬
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lil sis❤️
How you ashy sittin' in the water🤨💚
↪️Shut tf up bitch💚
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