《Part II》Chapter eleven
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
May 16th
Caydence popped up in the bed when she no longer felt Kacey sleeping on top of her anymore. She rubbed her right eye with a pouty face as she looked around her bedroom as the sun spilled through her transparent gray curtains.
She yawned softly, reaching over to her nightstand to get her phone. She shook her head at Benji sleeping at the bottom of her bed. She didn't even feel like fussing about why he was in her bed.
Later she would because Kacey knew better.
Caydence immediately jumped out of her bed once she read the time. 7:18 AM. She was supposed to be up an hour ago to get Kory ready for school. She didn't know why her alarm didn't go off at 6 AM like it usually does if she tried to get some sleep.
She didn't even put on house shoes or a real shirt to cover up the black sports bra she was in. She just needed to get up the stairs to wake Kory up.
She ran out of her room but stopped in her tracks when she saw Kory sitting at the table with a plate of eggs, sausage, and grits. She was fully dressed, even her hair was in a neatly top puff with her school color navy blue bow on top.
Kory looked up from her Ipad that was in front of her playing Peppa pig. She smiled once she saw Caydence standing there in utter shock. "Morning sissy!" She beamed and Kacey walked over to the table with a small pink cup in his hands.
"Goodmorning..." Caydence spoke weirdly, looking down at her phone to see if she was tripping. Kacey smiled at Caydence after giving Kory her juice "My alarm didn't go off" She sighed, pulling her purple compression down between her thighs.
"I turned it off last night. You seemed tired" He shrugged, walking back towards the kitchen. Caydence frowned, following him towards the kitchen "I was fine Bubba" She mumbled, going into the fridge to get her Dunkin' original iced coffee and her International Delight Cinnabon Coffee Creamer to make her iced coffee.
"You weren't but okay" Kacey shook his head with a small scoff slipping from his lips as he cleaned the dishes. Caydence put the stuff she had in her hands on the counter beside him and tapped his arm. "You're mad at me already?" She frowned, seeing he wasn't looking her way.
"No. I'm jus' annoyed wit' you working so much. A double at Burlington and you went to the club when I asked you not to." He put the clean pan in the sink with the other clean dishes.
Caydence rolled her eyes at his statement "You can't control me, Kacey. I wasn't there that long. I did my normal set and came home" She shrugged, going to get her caramel for her coffee.
Did she need to slow down with work? yes. But Tuesdays and Fridays are her stage days when she performs. Those are the days she makes the most money and she wasn't about to miss out on her money just because she worked a double at her other job.
"Nobody is tryin' to control you Caydence. I'm jus' tryin' to look out for yo' ass'' Kacey raised his voice slightly, shocking her. He always talked low, so hearing how frustrated he sounded with her, made her feel bad.
"You can say whatever you want... just can't say it to me." Caydence put ice cubes in her glass cup. "And watch yo' tone too" She side-eyed him while drizzling the caramel in her cup.
Caydence started laughing at him looking so annoyed "Okayyy. Okay, calm down." She wrapped her arms around him before he could leave the kitchen. He just shook his head, not looking at her at the moment.
"It's early in the morning and I don't wanna be fussing wit' you bubba. I hear what you're saying and I understand" She put her head on his chest, feeling how fast his chest was rising up and down.
She didn't have anyone complaining about her overworking habits and no sleep besides her granny and dad. Kapri used to do it until she got fed up with Caydence not listening and started snitching to their granny.
Kacey's hands found their way to her ass. He palmed them in his large hands and gave a firm grip. She bit down on her bottom lip to fight the urge to smile. He's been doing it a lot lately, she didn't know why but she surely wasn't going to complain.
"We can talk about it more when I get back from droppin' her at school." He said and she nodded, pulling away from him.
"Did you take your pills?" She looked up at him with her head tilted to the side. He didn't respond, he just looked off to the side. One day when she was at his house, she came across his pills they were supposed to get his appetite back.
She only knew the pills because she used to have to take them years back.
When she found out he wasn't taking them, it pissed her off. He gets on her about her health but he wasn't using what would help get his health back.
"And you be complaining about me when you jus' as hardheaded. Take it when you get back and I'm not playing Naiyeir" She spoke sternly, gripping his chin to look at her. He nodded quickly knowing when she called him by his middle name she was being serious.
"Thank you" She smiled.
"Mami" Kacey called out, walking into Caydence's bedroom where she was folding her and Kory's clothes. After she got her hygiene and a shower, she decided to call out of going to work at Burlington today.
She didn't have to go to the club today since she usually was off on Wednesdays to visit her dad. But Quincy asked if he could make phone calls the past week that he has been out of solitary. He didn't want his children to see him in the condition that he was in. Caydence understood and had to explain it to Kory for her to understand as well.
"Yes, bubba?" She took her eyes off her tv as George Lopez played.
"What time do we have to go pick up your car?" He asked, leaning on the doorway and spitting on the berry protein smoothie she made for him.
Caydence picked up her phone, reading the time 11:28 AM. She twisted her lips to the side trying to think "Oh shit. Lemme get ready. We have to be there by 12:30" She put the t-shirt she had in her hand back in the basket of clothes. She stood up from sitting on the bottom of her bed.
She went into the bathroom to start on her hair, only for her shadow to follow her. When she was around Kacey, she never went anywhere alone beside the bathroom to shower. The other day he sat outside the bathroom door while she was peeing.
She turned on the light and started taking off her bonnet and brown silky scarf. Kacey stood behind her, sipping from his smoothie and looking down at his phone. She was glad he was getting his eating back in order, but only when she got onto him about taking his pills.
She still didn't understand why he didn't want to take them.
"You kno' you go to sleep because of me?" Kacey asked, putting his cup and phone on the counter and then wrapping his long arms around her waist.
Caydence furrowed her eyebrows as she opened the edge booster "Why do you think that?" She questioned, grabbing her edge brush while he stared at her through the mirror.
"Because you only go to sleep for a long time when I'm wit' you" He smiled proudly, putting his chin on her shoulder. Caydence chuckled "I've been around you before bubba and didn't go to sleep," She said, doing her edges.
"You weren't comfortable then. Now you are, so when are you gonna move in with me?" He asked. Caydence busted out laughing but Kacey just straight-faced her, not thinking anything was funny about what he asked.
"Move in? The hell I look like movin' in wit' you Kacey?" She chuckled, laying her sideburns down.
"You look like Caydence Syncere Holmes that's going to pack up her and Kory's stuff and move in with me," He said seriously.
Caydence chuckled at him again "We're not gonna move in with you Kacey" She shook her head, tapping his arms for him to move them. He dramatically sighed, moving his arms from around her waist.
"You're no fun," Kacey grumbled, watching her put her locs in a low ponytail. "You still not going to tell me what car you gettin'?" He asked.
"Nope. You have to wait"
Kacey chuckled "You don't even need a car. You don't kno' how to take care of them" Kacey muttered, reaching to get his phone.
Caydence's jaw dropped before she started laughing, knowing it was true "Boy fuck you. That's why I have you to do it" She turned around and smiled up at him.
He stared back down at her "You so pretty Mami" He mumbled making a smile grow on her face. "Thank you bubba. Come on help me pick out something to wear" She grabbed his hand to walk out of the bathroom.
🎶I been a (G), throw up the (L)
Sex in the (A-M), uh-huh
(O-R-O-U-S, yeah)🎶
"First class, up in the sky" Kory happily sang along to First class by Jack Harlow.
Caydence chuckled at her as she turned down the street of her granny's neighborhood. Kory loved this song, so much that she knew all the words.
She was in such a happy mood today which Caydence loved. She was even happier when she saw her sister's new car.
Caydence was happy about her Midnight Silver Metallic, 2018 Tesla Model X. It was her dream car and all the hard work of getting her credit right and working so much has paid off.
When her mom kicked her and Kory out, she honestly thought life was over. She thought she wasn't going to accomplish much besides graduating high school.
Now here she was at twenty-one years old, making great money for herself, taking care of her sister, and starting to make friends that she never imagined having.
The next step was buying a house.
Caydence continued to listen to Kory sing as she pulled into the driveway of her granny's one-story home. She saw her sitting in her rocking chair on the porch with a book in her hands. Caydence honked the horn three times with a big smile on her face.
Caydence opened the door while her granny walked off the porch with a smile on her face. "You like it?!" Caydence asked, opening the door for Kory. Mary gasped at the back door being lifted in the air.
"What typa' in da' future car is thisss?" Mary laughed as Kory ran to hug her legs. "Hi, granny!" She beamed.
"Hey bookie, you look so pretty" She bent down to kiss her cheek.
"Thank you. Kind tall sir did my hair, he said it was his first time" She smiled, twirling around in a circle letting her khaki color skirt move.
"Who is kind tall sir?" Mary furrowed her eyebrows confusingly.
Caydence chuckled and shook her head at the nickname Kory gave Kacey. "That's what she calls Kacey. He got her ready and took her to school this morning" She stated, pressing the button on the door to let it down and close.
Mary had a surprised but smirking look on her face as she looked at Caydence. Caydence tried to ignore it, knowing what her granny was thinking.
"Granny can I have some starburst jelly beans pleasee" Kory put up her begging hands.
Caydence sucked her teeth "Bookie we're about to go eat" She reminded her. Kacey wanted to take them to this seafood restaurant today since he and Kory have been seeing it when they're on tik tok.
"Pleasee sissy. I asked nicely" Kory frowned.
"Go ahead bookie, it's on the porch in that jar, bring it to me" Mary stepped in. Caydence sighed, she just hoped this candy didn't ruin Kory's appetite because she could eat the whole jar if you let her.
"Yes ma'am" Kory skipped towards the porch.
"So this is the car you've been stressing me about?" Mary smiled, going towards the driver's seat "I'm proud of you Cay, I kno' when you tell your dad, he's going to be even prouder. Got your dream care at twenty-one, on your own" Mary spoke. Caydence couldn't help but smile when hearing her granny and dad being proud of her always made her heart warm.
Made her feel like she was doing the damn thing.
"Thank you, Granny. That means a lot to hear that foreal" She spoke honestly as Kory came back with the color jelly beans.
"Gimme some" Caydence tried to get some of the jelly beans. Kory moved to the side and curled her nose up at her big sister "No. You didn't ask granny first" She rolled her neck before going over to Mary who was just laughing.
Caydence mugged her, between Kacey's smart mouth and Kory's, she was tired. If she gets rid of one, she turns around and has the other.
"So you and Kacey gettin' closer huh?" Mary smirked, taking the jar of jelly beans once Kory had a handful.
Caydence straight-faced her "Granny. Please don't start," She said. Her granny always talks about what a good man Kacey would be for her if she lets him.
Caydence was honestly conflicted. She could say she had feelings for Kacey but she was hesitant. She could give other people advice on feelings but when it came to hers, she was always confused.
She didn't understand it because she knew been in this position before. She never had a crush before or knew what it was like to have feelings. But she was just going to keep letting them get close, she just hoped it wasn't a slap in the face because she really enjoyed her friendship with Kacey.
"I'm jus' sayin'. Miss does everything herself, finally letting someone take a load off." She smirked and Caydence playfully rolled her eyes.
"Girllaaa, I gotta question about something tho. Bookie can you get in the car so I can talk to granny please" Caydence handed Kory her phone to keep her occupied.
Kory nodded "Are you still picking me up from school on Friday?" Kory asked Mary after taking Caydence's phone. "Yep. 2:30 I'll be in the car lane" Mary smiled and helped her into the driver's seat.
"Okay!" She beamed before Mary closed the door.
"So what's up? Everything okay?" Mary got serious when she looked Caydence's way.
"Oh yeah. I wanted to ask you, what do you know about mommy issues?" She leaned on the side of her car. It was clear as day that Kacey had mommy issues especially after seeing how his birth mother treated him. He was always very attached to Caydence which made her want to know if was it a good thing or bad thing.
A lot of cases that she has seen of a man being obsessed turned into abuse or the man becoming controlling. Caydence just needed to know for her safety and Kory's safety did she need to cool it with letting Kacey get fully attached to her before it was too late.
"A lot of cases of men having mommy issues are different. Some men tend to find enjoyment in hurting or degrading women because of their issues. For example, men that go around disrespecting women for no reason, nine out of ten have mommy issues from havin' an absent mother." She explained and Caydence nodded her head, taking in that information.
Kacey didn't do that. She never saw him look at other women that weren't her. Yet alone disrespected a woman.
"And some men tend to cling on to the women most of the time, older women, a woman that had herself put together." She stated.
"Hm. What if you aren't older than them?" She asked. She wasn't older than Kacey so she was confused about that part.
"Then they don't care and they see how your mindset and maturity is. Most of the time age doesn't mean anything, but if you have a level head and mindset, that attracts them more. They cling to you because they want your love and affection, they want your acceptance."
"They didn't receive those needed traits as kids so when they are in a relationship, they want those things. They want you to baby them at times, and in most cases like these, they are the loyalists in relationships. They want your love and acceptance to the point they don't want to do anything to screw it up. Well, at least that's how I view it" Mary explained.
Caydence nodded her head slowly taking in that information. The clingy part and never wanting to do anything to upset the person was Kacey all day.
But she felt like it was more, more that she hoped he would open up to her in the future about.
"Okay, so this is jus' between me and you" Caydence started, Mary nodded for her to continue. "How Pri is with Dee. Is that how the second case of men with mommy issues are?" She wondered.
Kapri grew up having daddy issues and mother issues because they both were absent in her life. Her dad was in the military but in Caydence's opinion, that wasn't an excuse. He had the opposition on coming home yet he didn't and would try to give Kapri lousy holiday cards with money. Then as the years continued, his calls and cards became nonexistent.
Now he lives in Germany, never visited or called. It was as if he forgot he had a whole daughter in America. Kapri assumed he started another family and didn't care for her anymore.
That affected Kapri badly because she would get into relationships wanting the male to care for her and when they didn't, she was even more heartbroken. She used to crave male attention but never to the point where she was a pick-me. She just wanted a man to care about her.
As much as Quincy tried to step up for his older brother's absence in his daughter's life, sometimes it wasn't enough. But that's mainly why Kapri and Caydence grew up extremely close because they were like sisters. Quincy always included Kapri in everything, even if it was as simple as going down the street to the store.
Luckily Kapri found Dee who has been right by her since the day she met him. He didn't judge her or take advantage of Kapri wanting his love and attention. That was his queen and he treated her as such.
"Yep, it's just reversed roles. You kno' your grandfather had mommy issues." She said, Caydence started smiling at the mention of her pawpaw. He died when she was nine but she still remembers him.
"Yes. He wouldn't let me do anything. Waited on me hand and foot, and was extremely clingy. I wasn't used to him being so clingy but I grew to love it. He could've been overbearing and overwhelming with it at times but I love it because I wasn't used to it growing up" Mary smiled and held the pendant that was around her neck and a picture of the two.
"I remember. He never used to let you cook without being two inches away from you" Caydence laughed.
"And I loved it." Mary chuckled.
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