《Part II》Chapter ten
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
May 11th
🎶Persian rugs, but she's from Nicaragua
Thought you were Persian love🎶
Persian rugs by Partynextdoor blast through the speakers of the Pnyk. The setting of the club was red led light. The mix of alcohol and food fills the semi-hot scenery.
Kacey watched closely from the section upstairs of the club as Caydence or Coco pulled her body up the silver melt pole. She did a series of tricks for her regular Friday night set.
She looked so free when she was on stage and on a pole. You would think it was her passion but it wasn't. It was just something she was really good at doing.
Kacey slowly licked his plump pink lips, he was trying not to be jealous of the many men downstairs, watching the show and being thirsty over her. Throwing money with no care in the world.
Kacey knew this was her source of income but it annoyed him watching all these men not look at her with respect. It annoyed him that anyone got to look at her beside him. He bit down on his bottom lip watching her slide down the pole slowly into a slit causing the crowd to throw even more money.
She looked so good in the red floral lace cut-out, silver rhinestone detailed lingerie. It hugged her curves just right and her ass looked amazing from the side and back. Her smooth dark skin glowed, he could see the bites of glitter on her soft skin. She threw her long hair that was down today over her shoulder, strutting down the stage.
That's when Kacey felt his anger rise higher and he stopped watching. He hated how she interacted with the men and shook her ass in their faces to end off her set. She even let one put money in the rim of her bottoms.
Kacey couldn't stand it.
Her set was over and she was collecting her money that was on stage. Kacey wished he could go downstairs to be with her but he was stuck in business meetings with new clients from Jamaica. This wasn't their first business with people overseas but it is with black people.
They do more of their business with Russian and Asian mafias.
"What's da' catch? Y'all jus' want 100 guns fa' 2 million. And that's it?" Dee raised his eyebrow, looking brown skin tone, very buff with a full black colored bread and light brown colored waves in his head.
The man nodded "We need them in Jamaica by the end of July. You get them to us with no problems. 2 million is yours" He spoke, as the bottle girls came into the section.
"Let's think about it first before giving them an answer" Trey signed, knowing they were the only ones that could understand. Ace and Ro both nodded in agreement causing Dee to nod in understanding.
"Call the girl that was jus' on stage up here." One of the men from the other team spoke, staring downstairs. He was light skin toned with ginger-colored waves. He wasn't as buff as the other two men he was with but he had a tad bit of muscle. He looked like a pretty boy but Kacey wouldn't put anything past him.
Trey looked like a pretty boy but was the first person to set you up if you crossed him and empty your bank information within ten minutes.
Kacey looked at Ro, seeing an annoyed facial expression on his brother's face. He wondered what the man said since he didn't hear. He turns his hearing aid off when doing meetings. His other senses as touch and seeing were much higher when he did so.
He grew up learning to use his other senses more in case his left side hearing leaves as the doctors told him.
"He wants to have Coco come up here" Ro signed to him. Kacey shot his eyes toward the man, glaring at him. He lost his everlasting mind if he thought that was going to fly.
"Nah you good" Trey spoke up as if he was reading everyone's mind. Really he was speaking before Dee or Kacey got disrespectful. They could tell he didn't want just a dance.
They also wouldn't exploit Caydence to anyone. Especially to people that they do business with.
"I don't remember askin' for your permission" He smirked at Trey.
"Calm dung Osan." The first man gritted, giving him a secure look. Osan looked that the man "I didn't do anything Joe" He spoke.
"Cinnamon!" Trey called out to everyone's second favorite stripper besides Caydence. But she was the messiest and most self-centered.
Kacey didn't like her only because she made passes at him every time he was at the club. When he didn't go for it, she would try to force herself on him which only made him more uncomfortable.
Osan rolled his eyes "I don't want her. And I don't need your permission who I can speak to" He glared at Trey who kept the same smirk on his face.
The boys all looked at Kacey. Dee was the crazy one of the group, no doubt about it but when it came to someone Kacey cared about, he was crazier. The way Kacey had some type of attachment to Caydence that they didn't understand. They knew better to come between any of it.
It was only going to be bad on their end.
"Try to talk to her and see what happens" Kacey reached up to his right ear to turn his hearing aid on. "I promise it isn't gonna be pretty for you or anyone that's try's ta' help" Kacey spoke, sitting up on the lounge couch to look Osan directly in his eyes.
"I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate y'all stopping her money" Osan smirked, trying to intimidate Kacey but it wasn't working. Kacey knew it only took 2 seconds to have him killed and cleaned up.
"Go ask her and see" Kacey raised his eyebrow, already making eye contact with their snipper. He was so close to giving the signal which he was trying to refrain from doing.
"Dat an Enuff Osan '' The older, dark skin male spoke, making Osan shut up immediately.
"You called for me?" Cinnamon finally came into the section, with her breast out and in a pink thong.
"Show our guest, Mr.Osan, a good time for me" Trey instructed. Osan is in his spot with his arms folded on his chest like a child.
Cinnamon nodded and strutted her way over to Osan with a sweet smile "How you doin' baby?" She sat in his lap, blinking her long eyelashes.
Houston, Tx
May 12th
"And bitch?! The fuck?" Cinnamon yelled from the girl's dressing room. It was now the end of the night, the closing time for the Pnky. Kacey was waiting for Caydence to come out so he could take her home. Her car was in his shop at the moment so he volunteered to take her to work, take Kory to school in the morning, and pick Kory up from school.
"Bitch bump into me again. I promise I'ma stab you and don't take the shit lightly either ho!" Caydence snapped. Kacey instantly got up from his seat at the bar.
He knew if she was yelling and cussing someone out, it wasn't going to end well for the other person.
Kacey made his way down to the dressing room with security and Trey following behind him as the yelling and stuff being thrown was heard. He guessed this was a normal thing because Trey just looked annoyed.
"YOU WANTED A REACTION OUTTA ME NOW YOU GOT IT! Wassup bitch? you scary ass fuck, and too damn old for this." Caydence started putting her hair up into a ponytail.
"Woah... What's goin' on dawg? This is an every night thing wit' yall" Trey mugged everyone in the room.
Kacey went over to grab Caydence, he knew the three women trying to hold her back weren't doing anything. She would launch over all of them to get to cinnamon.
"You're mad! You're mad! I'll spit on you bitch and you ain' gon' do NOTHING!" Cinnamon laughed hysterically as the security stood in front of her.
"Spit on who?!" Caydence took off running towards her only for Cinnamon to start hiding behind people. Before she could fully get across the room, Kacey grabbed her by the waist to stop her.
"Spit on who bitch! You had every opportunity and did nothing! Speak on my sister again ho! Worry about that eviction notice on yo' door first before you fix your lips to speak on my sister BITCH!" Caydence yelled, trying to pry Kacey's arms from her body.
"Damn" Trey busted out laughing and everyone looked at him. He couldn't take shit seriously.
"Bitch I'll spit on your sister too! The fuck?! I'm a big dawg in this bitch!" Cinnamon says, trying to get under Caydence's skin. It worked because Caydence started trying to fight Kacey for him to let her go but he wasn't.
He was trying to get her out of the room but she was extremely strong and making it so hard for him. She was picking up things in arm's reach to throw them at Cinnamon.
"Spit on a child Cinnamon? That's weird as fuck"
"As hell nah. Let her go, Ace. She got my bestie fucked up" Trey mugged Cinnamon who was smiling at Caydence.
"You got all six of yo' kids taken from you trying to speak about another kid" Trey shook his head and everyone's jaw dropped, even Cinnamons.
"You such a miserable ass ho! You mad I'm young as fuck making more money you will never make! Bitch you're thirty-four still shaking yo' ass and have to get naked to get a hundred dollars bitch!" Caydence kicked a full-body mirror over causing it to shatter as Kacey carried her out the door.
"Being stripping for more than fifteen years and STILL a broke and unknown ass bitch!" Caydence continued yelling down the hallway.
Now Cinnamon was in tears because Trey put her business out and the other girls were trying to comfort her and some were laughing.
"Kacey let me go! I swear on my daddy bro" She started kicking her legs more widely and swinging her arms everywhere.
Kacey never knew she had a temper like this, she was always so calm but at this moment she was spazzing out. "Calm down Mami," He mumbled in her ear, carrying her out of the club.
"Noo! Let me go! I'm bein' so dead ass!" She yelled, hurting his ear from the yelling. He just put her down since he could see him holding her just made her madder.
"Chill out Caydence" He pinned her to a brick wall by holding her arms so she wouldn't swing on him. He frowned at her breathing heavily and her eyes were pitch black instead of dark brown. Her chest still raised up and down after a minute while she looked off to the side, looking at the parking lot.
He shook his head at the bag under her eyes, knowing she probably hasn't gotten any sleep in a while.
He finally let her wrist go after a few minutes of them standing there. "Take me home please" She mumbled, looking down at her nails and popping the rest of them off.
"Lemme go get— Coco! Here's your bag and phone. Trey wanted me to bring it to you" Kambree—a new bottle girl says, coming over with a black duffle bag on her shoulder.
"Thank you, Bree. And for sayin' somethin' in there" Caydence looked up, giving a tight lip smile. Kacey could see she was still upset but wasn't trying to be rude. He grabbed her phone and the duffle bag from Bree since Caydence didn't.
"You're welcome, girl. She always tries to talk shit about everyone else's life like she's so perfect. Now she is in thea' trying to fight Trey for putting her business out" She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"Stupid ho " Caydence grumbled taking her phone from Kacey.
"I'll see you later tho. Bye, pretty" She waved before walking back inside.
🎶 Now there's nothing left
(You messed up a good, a good thing)🎶
Running on E by Brent Faiyaz played in the background.
"How does she even kno' Kory?" Kacey frowned, handing Caydence the blunt after she just explained to him the story of what happened. They were currently looking at the view of downtown Houston in his Mustang GT.
"She saw us one day when we went to help my granny out at church. She was their gettin' can foods and shit" She said before putting the blunt to her lips. He watched her with low red, rubbing her legs since they were in his lap.
"She and her little followers always have something to say about me. Mad as fuck cause I don't gotta get naked and bring in the most money and exposure to the club. And I'm the youngest one in there" She ranted after blowing the smoke out through her lips.
"She wanted to Akeke talkin' about how Kory is ugly and she looks like some type of bug. I ignore a lot of shit but bitch when you bring my sister into this? Yeah, you got the right one. Lemme catch her tomorrow. I'on fuck" She put her head back on the headrest and took a long pull for the blunt.
Kacey shook his head "Don't fight her. She probably fired anyways for tryin' to fight with Trey." Kacey said. "I have never seen you that mad before" He spoke, taking the blunt from her when she handed it to him.
"It's jus' some shit I jus' don't tolerate. Kory is one of them, she can't defend herself right now either. She's only five, the fuck you talkin' down on a five-year-old for like you don't have your kids. Like you not in and out of court tryin' to get custody of them." She rolled her eyes and shook her head in disappointment.
"I can't stand unfit parents. Bring kids into this world but don't do right by them then want to play the victim in court and shit" She scoffed. Kacey furrowed his eyebrow, it sounded like she knew from experience. He was a bit confused being she had a good relationship with her dad and she told him that her mom passed away years ago.
He did wonder why she never talked about her mom or spoke of small memories even with her dead.
"When was the last time you got some sleep, Mami?" He asked, rolling the window down some to ash the blunt.
She shrugged, "I'on kno'." She mumbled, looking out her side window. Kacey sucked his teeth "Stop lyin'. Yes, you do" He took a pull for the blunt.
"I don't but okay" She rolled her eyes, sounding like she had an attitude but he was confused about why and how fast she got one.
"What's wit' the attitude? Did I do something wrong?" He genuinely asked, putting the blunt out. He no longer wanted to smoke because he felt like he did something wrong.
"No Bubba. I'm sorry, I'm jus' tired and annoyed. Goin' back and forth to court with my grandma because she wanted to lie to CPS" She sighed, taking her legs off of him.
"Ms. Mary? I thought—"
"Noo. Not my granny. She would never. I'm talkin' about my mom's mother. She told CPS that I'm neglecting my sister and that I'm unfit. All these other bullshit lies for the past week. I went to court on Wednesday and this bitch jus' lyin' through her yellow ass teeth." She vented while climbing over the armrest, into his lap.
Kacey had a childish smile on his face. She was getting comfortable with him the more the days went by. It was as if she knew he liked to be close to her and wanted her to sit on him.
"That's why you've been more snappy this week?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist while she put her face in the crook of his neck.
"Yes because now Cps is about to be on my ass, and I have to find another lawyer for this dumb ass shit. She jus' mad because I don't let her or that side of the family see my sister but they ain' never did shit for her. It was and has been me and my granny or Pri" She ranted.
"I understand your frustration but you won't let them see her because they haven't bought her anything. It's kinda childish, Mami" He said honestly. He only thought so because he's been in a predicament where his mom kept him and his brother from family members. After all, they never bought them anything.
He didn't understand it. In his opinion, it was the parent's responsibility to buy things for their child. Not a family member.
"Wrong. It's your family and care so much about the child, so why not buy an outfit or even damn diapers. But you did none of that but feel so entitled to see the child when you never did anything. I'm not talkin' about a distant family, I'm talkin' about immediate family. " She explained while rubbing her thumb on the side of his cheek.
"Oh. I never really thought about it like that" He mumbled, seeing where she was coming from.
"Never even called to see her. Was never involved but now shit it the fan and they see they are not gonna be seeing my little sister on their terms, it's all hell break. Now I'm childish and immature because I won't let them see the child that I raised since birth." She ranted, and he moved his hand under her shirt to rub her back.
"It's other reasons too but I'on wanna talk about it. The bottom line, is they aren't going to be in my sister's life while I got custody. Period" She shrugged.
Kacey didn't like how she was so dismissive of things. He wanted to get closer to her but it was as if she told him bits and pieces of things. He couldn't be too mad because he still hasn't told her about his past. He just couldn't wait for the day for her to fully open up to him.
"Nadia can be your lawyer for that too." He reminded her.
"I forgot about that. Ima asks her tomorrow. I've been saving too since my granny insisted on paying for her with my dad's case" She relaxed her body I'm his hold.
Kacey looked down at her, seeing she was drifting asleep "When was the last time you went to sleep?" He asked, concerned seeing how tiredly she looked.
She needed a much-needed vacation, she has way too much stress on herself.
"I've been goin' to sleep for two hours every day this week" She mumbled.
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