《Part II》Chapter thirteen 
😗sorry for any mistakes
Montego Bay, Jamaica
June 23rd
Kacey walked out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around his waist and water still dripping down his body. The hot steam coming from the bathroom and his hair up in a man bun.
"Y'all goin' out to eat. Where?" Caydence asked Kory over facetime. She had her phone up against a half-empty water bottle on the nightstand while fixing the bottoms of her neon green bikini.
Kacey walked around the other side quickly, hoping he didn't get in view of the camera. "Olive Garden. You kno' I love it there. Then we're goin' to see Mimi at her house and work in her garden. I think her granddaughter, Novah is goin' to be there too" Kory spoke excitedly.
A small smile grew on Kacey's face at the hearing of his grandmother—Mimi. She wasn't his blood grandmother, she is his cousin's grandmother but she always treated Kacey and Kyro as her own. Not having either of his grandparents in his life, he was grateful to have Mimi and that side of the family.
He made a mental note to go visit her once he gets back to Houston.
"Oouu, you gonna save me something?" Caydence asked. Kory giggled "No silly. It's not going to taste the same" She spoke in a duh tone.
"You so fake bookie"
"I am not! Is tall—kind sir around? Can I talk to him" She asked. "Yeah, he's right here," Caydence said, walking around the bed, to the other side where Kacey was sitting on the edge, still in his towel and checking on his auto shop back home.
Caydence sat next to Kacey on the bed and gave him the phone. Kory's eyes lit up once she saw Kacey and a smile finally broke out on his face "Hi Kacey! Wait, sissy does he have his earpiece in?" She asked.
Kacey chuckled "I do. You takin' care of Benj?" He asked. He was going to leave Benji with his dad and stepmom but Kory begged him to let him stay with her. He missed Benji, he hated going on trips and not being able to bring his son.
"Yes. We went to the park yesterday and I taught him how to catch stuff. It was sooo cool" She smiled and nodded. "But I have to go. I'm hungry but I'll bring him to Mimi's house with me. I promise" She said, then put the camera on Benji.
An even bigger smile broke out on Kacey's face "Wassup man, you miss me?"
"Umm, you didn't hear that I was hungry?" Kory got back in the camera and frowned.
"Whatchu' mean Phat? You put him in the camera" He chuckled and Caydence just shook her head.
"So? You can see him not talk sir. Bye!" She smiled before hanging up. Kacey looked over at Caydence when her facetime call log popped up on the screen.
"She's a trip" He softly chuckled, giving her the phone back.
"Very much so. And she gettin' older. I wish she would stay little forever" She sighed, and tossed her phone behind her to the other side of the bed. She stared at him for a moment before climbing into his lap.
Kacey hid the groan from escaping his lips, she was sitting directly on top of his hard member. He just couldn't control himself around her anymore now that they have been giving each other oral since Tuesday.
"You wanna tell me what's wrong now?" She asked, softly pecking his lips.
Kacey furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, kissing her back"Wrong? Nothin' wrong" He said.
Caydence rolled her eyes at him "You don't have to lie to me bubba. You didn't want to come out of the room this morning. You jus' wanted to lay under me and on top of it, you barely touched me last night when you came in from doing whatever." She read him like an open book.
"Talk to me, it's okay" She held his face in her hands, softly rubbing his cheek with her thumb.
Kacey let out a short sigh "They jus' irritated me last night. I almost killed a nigga" He shook his head.
"Who? And can you tell me what happened or you can't talk about it?" She wondered.
"I can. I was doin' what I always do. Makin', sure we got all our money and making sure it went into our hidden account. Everything was goin' good until that bitch ass nigga fixed his mouth ta' say something about you" He scoffed, with his hand gripping her ass.
He loved that he was able to do this more frequently. He couldn't keep his hands off of her even more than before.
Caydence scrunched her face up and jerked her head back some "Me? What did I do?" She questioned confusedly.
"Nothin'. He saw you perform back at home when we had a meeting at the club. He wanted you to come up there so he could talk to you but I wasn't goin' fa' nun of dat" He shook his head "Last night, he was jus' on some weird shit. Talkin' about how he hoped to see you since he knew you were here and if he does all the shit he would do to you. I jus' snapped and pulled a gun out on him" He explained.
Caydence chuckled "That's nothin' new at this point. I'm used to weirdo behavior" She shrugged her shoulders.
"And that's you. I don't play dem typa' games and I told him ta' watch his mouth once. He ain' listen and I wasn't finna repeat myself either, but when I pull my gun out and point it at his temple then I'm doin' too much and needa chill out" He amusingly chuckled. "I will deadass kill dat man and leave this country untouched." He shook his head.
Kacey was quiet, yes. But he wasn't anyone to play with, if you weren't someone he truly cares about, he would kill you on sight. People try to bitch him because he is soft when it comes to his partner but he will make someone his bitch before they could ever try to bitch him.
"Bubba... calm down" She frowned. "He's not goin' ta' touch me. He was all bark and no bite. Don't even waste your energy on him." She said.
He was irritated all over again. He hated how men just wanted a quick fuck from Caydence. If Osan commented on how beautiful her face is or how much of a goddess Caydence looked like then he wouldn't have been so upset.
Yet he was commenting on how he would fuck her and that blew him.
He hated how people looked and treated her like some quick fuck because of her job. All strippers weren't girls that have sex easily or whores.
But it didn't seem like men could see that.
"Kacey, you hear me?" She grabbed him by the chin and turned his head to face her.
"Yeah. I hear you Mami."
"Cay, if you don't get on this damn thang. Ain' nobody gonna get yo ass" Ro laughed along with everyone else who was already on their bamboo raft.
"Yes, there are! They're mermaids in these waters!" Caydence fussed, folding her arms across her chest.
"Cay... Mermaids ain' real friend" Bree frowned, letting Trey—who was cracking up—help her onto the bamboo raft.
Caydence sucked her teeth "Maybe not in the states but in the Caribbean, yes they are. Look it up" She rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Kacey just shook his head at her thinking process. The whole trip, she wouldn't get any type of water that went past her knees. Especially pool water.
She was just so hell-bent that a mermaid was going to drag her by her leg if she went far and take her under the water with them. She has been reading up on mermaids in the Caribbean since she said yes to coming on the trip.
"Y'all told me we were going to a water park anyways. This doesn't look like no water park" She huffed, then looked at the man who was standing next to her up and down since he was chuckling.
"Who said that?" Everyone said at the same time with their faces scrunched up.
Kacey tucked his lips inside his mouth and looked around the river water. He could tell Caydence was glaring at him at the moment.
Trey busted out laughing, looking at Kacey who just looked guilty "Nigga you told her we were goin' ta' a water park?" He laughed even harder and Kambree slapped him in the chest "Shut up Trey" She shook her head.
"I don't even think they have a water park here" Kapri looked over at Dee who just shrugged, not sure.
"Mami, this is a river. It's not any mermaids in the river. Right?" He looked at the man standing next to her.
Cay looked over at the man who was nodding "No mermaids" He lightly chuckled. "Are you sure?" She challenged, squinting her eyes at him.
"Yes ma'am. No mermaids in the river" He assured her in his thick Jamaican accent. "Other water..." He tailed off, scratching the back of his neck.
"Please don't tell her that" Mya chuckled.
"Fine." She huffed, dropping her arms to her sides. "Can I get on someone else's rafts? I don't want to be the same one as a liar, I might accidentally push him in" She spoke, looking directly at Kacey. His eyes widened, seeing she was serious.
"Caydence. Get on girl, you are wasting our time. He just wanted you to come out" Kapri tried to reason with her.
Caydence rolled her eyes at her cousin's statement "It's on y'all if he gets pushed off. I don't like liars" She grumbled, grabbing ahold of the man's hand that was helping her.
Kacey stood up to help her since she was shaking while getting on "Don't touch me Naiyeir" She grumbled, snatching her hand away from him and carefully sitting down.
Kacey just sighed and sat next to her. "Good luck my boy," Trey waved at him as his raft was now floating away.
Kacey looked over at her while she looked ahead, watching the man pull them further into the water. "Mami" He called out, only to be ignored.
"Syncere," He called out her middle name and squinted his eyes at her. She continued to ignore him, not even glancing at him.
"I hate you," Kacey grumbled, side-eyeing her.
"Fantastic," Caydence carelessly shrugged her shoulders.
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🎶Love, let's talk about love
Is it anything and everything you hoped for?🎶
All the stars by Kendrick Lamar & SZA played through the speaker on Kacey and Caydence raft. Kacey watched the man who was selling alcoholic drinks on the side of the river they were on, give Caydence the change for the drink she just purchased.
"Thank youu" Caydence smiled, taking the drinks from the man and carefully going to sit back down. It was now an hour into their raft ride, it was very relaxing but hot at the same time. They got to smoke while on and as they went down the river, people were setting drinks on the side.
Caydence still wasn't talking to him but he was still enjoying himself.
"Hm," Caydence hummed, giving Kacey his change and his frozen strawberry-flavored daiquiri. "Thank you" He took the drink, then moved her hand away that had the money in it.
"Keep it" He shrugged, taking a spit on the drink out of the yellow color straw. Caydence blankly looked at him first before putting the twenty dollar bill inside her bikini top.
She knew better now to question him or protest with him after he gives her loose money.
"I bought you a drink. Does that mean you will stop bein' mad and talk to me now?" He wondered. He didn't like being ignored by her, it got under his skin way too easily. He didn't like how she could easily ignore him for an hour either.
Usually, she would crack and give in but today she didn't.
Caydence shrugged, sipping from her blue color frozen daiquiri "I been stop bein' mad. Hearin' you whine is jus' fun" She smirked.
Kacey started mugging her making her laugh out loud. "You the one that said you hated me. What happened?" She chuckled as he moved his bag to the other side of him to be closer to her.
"What are we doin' for Phats birthday?" He asked, grabbing her thighs and putting her legs over his lap.
She chuckled "Her birthday is in September. We're in June Bubba." She moved his hand that was in between her legs, close to her vagina. "We're in public boy" She lowly fussed, moving his hand once again after he put it back.
"You aren't close enough. Lemme jus— Kacey. No" She cut him off and frowned.
"We can't do what we do in private in public Bubba" She chuckled. Kacey sucked his teeth, putting his hand back in between her legs "I'm not gonna do anything Mami" He huffed, rubbing the inside skin of her thigh.
"But I kno' you planning already, with it being months away" He stated. Caydence couldn't fight the smile on her face "Fine. Last year I did like a Minne mouse-type theme but this year she's been obsessed with butterflies" She informed him.
"Oouu or I was thinking of an ice cream theme and getting an ice cream truck. I saw some cute stuff on amazon and Etsy. I can find some good stuff there. You can't really get good decor from party city or I can make sum stuff like balloons. I can't wait to make the invitations. She wants to invite her whole class— I'm sorry" She chuckled, shaking her head.
"Stop doin' that. I never hear you talk so much until you talk about planning an event, Mami" Kacey slightly frowned.
"I jus—I jus' got too excited. It's nothin', probably this drink. It's strong but doesn't taste like it" She sipped out her drink again, and looked around at everyone. Mya and Ro were asleep, Pri and Dee were taking pictures while Trey and Bree were looking at something on an Ipad.
"You always deflect when it comes to you talking about planning an event. I think you should do it, Mami. It seems to make you happy" He stated. Caydence just went quiet like she always did when it came to talking about what makes her happy.
Kacey sighed lowly "If you would become an event planner, how would it go? What would you do?" He asked, hoping to get her to talk instead of shutting down.
"I want to travel" She mumbled, looking down at the water. "I want to plan in different states or different countries. I don't—" She stopped, Kacey rubbed the skin on the inside of her thigh to encourage her to keep going.
"I don't wanna jus' plan birthday parties. I want to do gender reveals, baby showers, anniversary parties, and even weddings. I want to do a wedding so badly. I know it's goin' to be annoying wit' all of the bridezillas but I want to. The outcome is so much better than the stress and beautiful." She smiled slightly.
"I want to plan big events like flashy parties with celebrities. I don't want a big business. Just me, I can't have other people working for me, as soon as someone messes up, it's on me not them. That's why I have to do everything myself. Ima have a small office space so I can have meetings with like the clients" Her smile got wider.
"Why don't you do it? I kno' you have the funds to start it up'' Kacey spoke, turning her head to look at him. Even if she didn't have all the money, he would give it to her without hesitation.
"Because. My life is on pause until my dad gets out. I have to save up enough money for him to live comfortably when he gets out. He deserves it, I'm close to a million now, once I get that and can assure him of being straight, then what I want comes" She sighed, laying her head on his shoulder.
"Mami, I can give you a million dollars. Hell, I can give you twenty million once we get back. Don't stop your dreams and do something that makes you happy" He stressed.
"You have to take your own advice first before tryin' to give it Bubba" She mumbled.
Kacey scrunched up his face "What is that supposed to mean?" He looked over at her.
"It's not me trying to be mean. But you keep sayin' do what makes me happy but you aren't doin' the same with your mom" She spoke bluntly.
Kacey shook his head "That's not the same Caydence. Why are you tryin' to compare the two" He looked at her funny.
"The situations aren't but when it comes to happiness, it is. I'm not blaming you or tryin' to hurt your feelings. Your happiness counts too, she is so draining to you. You flinch a lot around women, you can be so happy for days but as soon as she calls or texts, all of that is gone. She takes your happiness away from you and you shouldn't let her. Just like I take my happiness away to help others" She said.
Kacey didn't say anything, he grabbed his bag. He went inside the bag, grabbing the pre-rolled blunts and his orange lighter. "Bubba... I didn't mean to make you upset. I was just—"
"My mama ain' the only reason I do all of that Cay" He held the blunt to his lip and lit it with the lighter.
"Whatchu mean?" She deeply frowned.
After inhaling, he grabbed her wrist. He held the blunt between his lips while lifting his shirt. He put her hand on the scar that you can still feel from when he was shot. Caydence looked at him with soft eyes "A woman did that, not something that happened because of your..." She tailed off.
Kacey took another pull from the blunt before passing it to her. She shook her head no. "My ex-girlfriend—Bianca did it three years ago. I was inna coma for almost a year afterward" He put the blunt out, not even wanting to smoke any more.
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