《Part II》Chapter six
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
February 3rd
"I missed you too ma" Kacey chuckled a little, rocking side to side in a hug with his stepmom—Nadia. "I haven't seen you in so long boy! Yo' brother comes over but you don't, why?" She questioned, shifting her weight to one side and looking at him with a frown.
He lowly sighed and fixed the hat on top of his head "You kno' why, ma. I'on want to hear her mouth and hear how I'm a bad son" He spoke low, only feeling worse for not coming to visit his dad and stepmom more often.
Kacey wanted his mom's acceptance and love so much, that he did anything to try to keep her happy. But it seems as if nothing kept Cheyenne happy or at least proud of her son.
Although he had Nadia who loved him and cared for him from the beginning of her walking into his life, he couldn't help but crave for the same love and care from his birth mother.
He paid all her bills and bought her anything she wanted. Gave her money anytime she wanted. He never received anything much as a thank you from her. When he opened the auto shop with Kyro, she didn't even show up to support or text him how she was proud of him for following his dreams. She didn't even come to his high school graduation because she said she was 'busy'.
Nadia shook her head "You're old enough to pick and choose who you need and want in your life, Kacey. I understand the want of her in your life and I'm not speakin' out of jealousy. I'm speaking out of wanting you happy. One day, you have to see she isn't worth trying for" She spoke truthfully.
Kacey nodded, already knowing. He knew it was stupid to continue to try and try with his mother but he just couldn't let go. He couldn't let go of the idea of one day, she might love him as he wanted. One day she might treat him like a son instead of a burden or stranger.
"Come on. Dinner is almost ready. I would ask have you eaten but I already know the answer" She chuckled, turning around to walk towards the kitchen.
He sucked his teeth "Ma, that's not funny" He muttered, following behind her into the kitchen where he already smelled the fumes of jerk chicken. His stomach started growling but he knew if he ate, he was going to throw up once making it home.
He didn't want his night to be filled with him throwing up. Something he hated doing.
"Yeah it's not but why aren't you goin' to the doctor? To see what the problem is." She asked, standing at the stove now "You startin' to look sick sweetie" She frowned, checking on one of the pots.
He rubbed his hands down his face "You kno' I'on like goin' ta' the doctor. I already gotta go a lot for my ear since this new hearing aid is hurting" He signed to her, not feeling like talking.
She nodded understandingly, "You should go back to your old hearing aid" She signed and suggested before putting the top back on the hot steaming pot.
Although Kacey was completely deaf in his right ear, with his new hearing aids, he experienced a very loud ringing in his ear. It was very painful and extremely uncomfortable to the point, he wanted to take it out altogether.
His ear was always aching lately.
"The old model I had always gone out, remember?" He signed. He huffed at the aching feeling again, he aggressively snatched it out, put it on the table, and rubbed his ear.
"Maybe try a new one? More effective, you know?" She signed and put the glass of water in front of him. That seemed to be all Kacey drunk besides liquor. He didn't drink too much juice or soda. The sugar hurt his teeth at times from being too sweet.
"Thank you" He signed. He was about to sign something else until he saw a tall, muscular figure out of the corner of his left eye.
"Wassup boy," Ameer smiled. Kacey smiled back but blankly looked at him, trying to understand what he just said by reading his lips.
"Babe he doesn't have his hearing aid in" Nadia informed him with a small chuckle. "Oh shit, my bad" Ameer chuckled, glancing down at the table and seeing the hearing aid sitting right in front of him.
"Wassup boy. Why didn't you bring your dog?" Ameer signed before dapping him up into a hug. They hugged for a minute before pulling back. It's something they adapted to doing since Kacey started his teen years.
When they were 12, Cheyenne kept them away from Ameer for a year and 6months until they got phones. No matter how many times Ameer went to court, they didn't care. So when Ameer did get to see his kids, even now as them being adults, he hugged them a little longer.
Also because of what they do for a living and how dangerous it is.
"I just came from handling business so he is at home" He signed and grabbed the glass of water. He wanted to tell them how Benji was over fighting crime but he didn't want anyone to think he was silly.
"Why does he look so sad?" Ameer signed. Nadia busted out laughing as Kacey mugged both of them.
"He doesn't. He looks happy" He signed and frowned.
Benji didn't even look that sad in his opinion. Probably when he was in the shelter and was around all of those other loud dogs but he didn't think so now.
"That nigga sad" Ameer chuckled. Kacey shook his head and then looked down at the plate of food that Nadia put in front of him. He blankly took at the cabbage, jerk chicken, cornbread, and red beans and rice.
He looked up at Nadia who had her eyebrow raised as she handed her husband his plate. "It's not a lot, pop" She signed, trying to reason with him.
He sighed, picking up the fork. Now that he had a plate in front of him, he didn't want to eat. He didn't have an appetite anymore.
But he knew he should at least try since he hasn't eaten anything in 2 days.
Houston, Tx
February 4th
"Mya and Pri coming wit' us too?" Kory questioned, standing in the full body mirror of the Caydence room. Caydence fixed the white hair bow at the bottom of Kory's twist.
Caydence nodded "Mhm. We gonna go ta' the movies then out to eat. Pri gonna do your nails and toes later this week" She told her, looking at her hair one more time before feeling satisfied.
Today was their sister's day. Caydence started these days at the beginning of last year. She was working so much because she was working 2 full-time jobs. She barely got to see Kory and it started to affect Kory's behavior when she was in school or with other people.
She would act out or cry for hours just to get Caydence attention.
Caydence quit her job at Mcdonald's and worked as a full stripper instead since that was being in the most money. She and Kory had to have a long talk too about her not always going to be around 25/8 anymore so she could pay the bills and provide for them.
They both agreed to have days for them. They'll do anything Kory wanted whether it was just watching movies in their PJs or going out. It was a free game for her.
"We're going to see Lightyear?"
Caydence nodded "Mhm, that's what you wanted to see right?" She asked, going over to the bottom of her bed where her clothes were already laid out.
"Yes. Can the boys come out to eat with us?" She asked, doing little poses in the mirror like she was posing for a camera. Caydence furrowed her eyebrows as she slipped her black lace thong on "The boys? Like Dee and em'? " She questioned, grabbing her black high-waisted jeans.
"Yeah. I haven't seen them in so long. Pleaseee" She pleaded, walking over to where she was standing. "Pri said you jump into your jeans so you can feel like you gotta booty" She giggled, and grabbed her iPad that was on the edge of the bed.
Caydence's jaw dropped before she busted out laughing "All this ass back there. Y'all betta' stop playin' wit' me" She chuckled, buttoning up her jeans after jumping to get them up a few times.
Cay knew she didn't have an Instagram model type of butt but she did have enough that fit her slim and tall figure well. She knew she wasn't imagining it because all the men tell her every day and try to grip her ass if she lets them.
"Pri said it. Not me" Kory laughed. Caydence shook her head, Pri was her number one hater.
"But today is girl's day. Why do you want the boys to come?" She questioned, taking off her silk robe, letting her saggy but a bit perky tittes be shown. She quickly grabbed the white long sleeve crop tee to put on.
"Because I miss them. They are so nice to me sissy. I know they miss me" She cheesed. Caydence chuckled, walking to the full body mirror "Get my phone and call Dee then Bookie to ask" She said, fixing her top.
She tilted her head to the side, looking at her hard nipples that she could see through her shirt. She had been thinking about getting her nipples pierced for a minute now but working on a pole. She knew she might injure herself.
She took her bonnet off and put it on top of her dresser. She sucked her teeth when she realized she didn't have her necklace on. She went over to her jewelry box, thinking that was the last place she had it.
"Hi, tall sir!" Kory beamed. Caydence's eyes widened and she snapped her head over to Kory who was sitting on her bed with her feet kicked up.
She heard Kacey chuckle "Hi Kory."
"Bookie I said call Dee. Not him" She shook her head, going over to her bed to get her phone. Kory frowned "But I wanted to call Kacey instead "
"Girlllaa, he doesn't wanna talk to you" Caydence playfully rolled her eyes. She didn't know how she felt with this attachment that Kory had with twins, to be honest.
Mainly Kacey.
Ever since they exchanged numbers last week, Kory would always find a way to call him. If Kacey called Caydence and Kory had her phone, she would want to talk to him for hours. Caydence didn't know why she grew so attached to him and so easily. She was always friendly but never this friendly to strangers.
She kinda didn't like it because she didn't want Kory to get hurt in the end if her and Kacey's friendship didn't work out.
"Yes, he does. He's my friend, right kind tall sir?" She asked with a smile on her face when she looked down at the phone. Caydence heard him laugh, making her peep her head over a little to see.
"Yeah. She jus' hatin' phat" He nodded, calling her by the nickname he and the rest of the boys gave her.
Kory stuck her tongue out at her sister "I told you. You hatin' like Pri" She rolled her neck at her.
"Call him on yo' cracked iPad den'" Caydence snatched her phone out of her little hands.
Kory's jaw dropped "That's not funny! Can we please get it fixed" She pleaded, giving her begging eyes.
"Nope. I'm a hater remember? Ask yo' friend" Caydence shrugged. She honestly didn't want to get the iPad fixed anyways since Kory had no business throwing it without a case when a game made her mad. It wasn't shattered but it did have a long crack down the middle and little cracks on the side.
"Sissyyyy, pleaseee" Kory started to whine and tear up.
"Nope," Caydence smiled, then leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I'll get you a new iPad phat. Don't worry" Kacey spoke, making Caydence mug him.
"Why do you gotta be so mean?" He frowned. Caydence rolled her eyes, putting her phone down to wipe Kory's tears away because she was silently crying now.
"Ain't nobody bein' mean. She shouldn't have taken it out of the case and thrown it when she got mad" Caydence spoke before kissing Kory's red and wet cheeks to make her feel better.
"Go get your black and white dunks and black jean jacket so we can go. I love youu" She picked Kory up from her bed and put her on the floor. "I luh you too" Kory hiccuped, walking out of her room.
Caydence just shook her head and grabbed her phone seeing Kacey letting the smoke out through his nose and looking at the phone with low red eyes. "Hiii Kacey" She smiled.
"Hii Caydence," He said back shyly.
"Bookie wanted to kno' if y'all aren't busy later do y'all want to come out to eat with us" She stated, walking into her attached bathroom to start on her hair.
"Yeah. Where tho?" He asked after a moment of silence. She grabbed her lime cucumber scent edge booster and pink edge brush after setting the phone up so he could see her.
"That new burger spot with the robots as servers. It's called Bots, it's in downtown" She spoke while swooping her edges. She looked down at her phone when he went silent. She pulled down her shirt when she noticed her under boob was showing and how close her nipple was to show.
"My-my fault. I—I ummm" He started getting flustered and his face was turning red. She chuckled "Do yall wanna come or not Kacey?" She asked.
He just nodded.
"I don't understand why y'all was cryin'. It was nothing to cry about" Caydence frowned after they sat down at the table in the kinda packed restaurant and waited for the boys.
"It was sad because the lady died. They didn't have ta' kill her off like that" Mya shook her head, holding her hand out for some hand sanitizer from Kapri.
Caydence chuckled to herself, holding her hand out as well. She was the only one that didn't cry but throughout the whole movie, Kory cried maybe 3 whole times. When she was trying to calm Kory down, she looked over and saw both Pri and Mya sobbing in each other's arms.
Caydence tried not to laugh at all of them. She personally thought it was kinda boring. It was a little twist at the end but not that caught her interest.
"Sissy, can you open this please?" Kory tapped her arm from sitting beside her. Caydence grabbed the pack of crayons that were wrapped in plastic wrap.
"Thank you" Kory smiled when she gave them back. She set them to the side first then grabbed the blue crayon to start coloring in the cartoon robot.
"It says to click the button when we are ready. Y'all ready or y'all want to wait for the boys to get here?" Pri asked, and looked up from the instructions that were placed on the table.
"I'm fine wit' waiting," Caydence shrugged, picking up her phone to scan the QR code for the menu.
"Ro comin'?" Mya questioned with a mug plastered on her face. Pri chuckled while Caydence just shook her head at her.
"Yes, girl. I'm convinced you the problem Mya" Pri tucked her lips and Caydence nodded in agreement, remembering what Ro told her earlier this week.
Mya jerked her head back "Me? No. It's 100 percent him." She said. "Be foreal, y'all wouldn't be mad if y'all man followed his ex and akeke wit' her?" She questioned.
"All he did was like a post. It's not like they havin' full blown conversation with her and they didn't end on bad terms. And how he yo' man but you keep sayin' how y'all not in a relationship?" Pri questioned.
Mya sucked her teeth "Cause we aren't. But it's not like I don't want to be in one, his ass just never asked me to be his girlfriend. I'm not about to claim someone and jus' assume we are in a relationship when he never asked" She stated.
"Oh. Well, when you put it like that then yeah" Caydence chuckled, texting Kacey back before she forgot. He always complained about how she always texted back late but she always saw the message she just forgets.
"Yeah but you're still wrong for bein' mad over a post that you went looking for. " Pri shrugged. Mya rolled her eyes "It's Twitter! It's not like I went thru his phone. It's available for the public to see" Mya reasoned.
"Y'all only sayin' Im wrong 'cause he a nigga?" She eyed both of them.
"Noo, you're wrong because all he did was like a tweet. It wasn't anything that threw shade at you or with someone you got a problem with. Or he was akeke wit' ole girl. You makin' it seem more than what it really was in my opinion" Pri stated with a shrug and scanned the QR code with her phone.
Mya looked at Caydence. "You think I'm doin' too much too?" She asked.
"Do you want me to lie or be honest?" She raised her eyebrow.
Caydence set her phone down to give her her full attention "I feel like you'n care that he follows her because you prolly follow an ex or someone from your past. You care that he liked the post because you assume he still messing with her on the low and that's probably why he hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend because you assume he's doin' sumthin' else wit' other girls" Caydence spoke truthfully.
"And honestly if he won't ask you to be his girlfriend and you feel like he's playin' leave him alone and stop wasting your time. Or ask him to be your boyfriend" Caydence shrugged.
Mya jerked her head back and pointed her finger at herself "Me ask him to be my boyfriend? Be foreal?" She chuckled.
Caydence laughed and picked her phone back up "Stop following society. If you want him, make him yo' boyfriend. Take charge of it. Gotta stop waitin' for a man to take charge and do it yourself. Buy him a card and roses. Tell 'em' I like, and I want you. You be my nigga or get the fuck on so I can find someone that does. Straight like det"
Caydence didn't think it was anything wrong with asking a man to be theirs. She felt like society set everyone up to think a man always has to make the first move. The man always has to be the dominant factor etc.
She felt as if you really liked someone, you aren't going to stress and wait for them to make the move. It's either going to come naturally or you were going to get what you wanted. Everyone always tells men to go get what they want but that applied to women too in Caydence's opinion.
"Roses?" Mya questioned, Caydence nodded. "Yeah. Flowers or Roses aren't just for women. Men like them too but nobody tries to give them. If you think about it, when have you ever seen a man get flowers besides on their deathbed?" She asked.
"Damn. That is true. I didn't think men like them or they were going to think it was gay" Pri said.
"There's a difference between little boys and a man. A man is going to appreciate the small things you do for him. Flowers aren't gay, it's sweet and thoughtful" She explained.
As much as she hated men, she still believed in equal rights. She believes everyone should treat someone else the way they want to be treated. If a woman wants to be spoiled by a man, she should spoil the man right back. If a man wants to be loved and cherished by a woman, he should love and cherish her back.
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