《Part II》Chapter five
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
January 22nd
Today 9:36 PM
He can help get the footage from both stores.
He ain' no snitch, but he is the only person that can hack into it.
Caydence read over the message as she kept the white towel that was her body after she had just gotten out of the shower. She sighed, sending a 'Okay' before opening the door, allowing the hot steam to fill her room.
She chuckled at Kory who was cuddled up in her comforter in her bed. She just insisted on sleeping with Caydence tonight which was fine since Cay wasn't going to work tonight. She took Today and Tomorrow off just because of how sore her body was.
Her what used to be pretty painted white toes had blisters all over them. She had black and purple bruises all up her legs and thighs.
She just needed to give herself a break for the first time in forever.
Her sports bras and regular basketball shorts were already laid out on the bed. She threw her onto the side not close to Kory before she dropped her towel.
She grabbed her sports bra first and put it on before she put her shorts on. She picked up her towel from the floor and hung it up behind her bathroom door.
She turn the lights off in the bathroom, walking deeper into her room where her lotions and perfumes were in a big basket in the corner.
Grabbing the cocoa butter oil and Japanese cherry blossom lotion and perfume to apply to her body. After 10 minutes of rubbing her body down, she put the bottles back in the right place. She quietly went over to the bed to grab her phone first then leaned over to kiss Kory's head.
She quietly left out of the room, closing the door behind her after she turned the light off. She went over the hardwood stairs, light jogging up them. Once getting to the top, she went down the hall, hearing the light music of Rod Wave playing.
She knocked on the white door first before walking into Kapri's room. Kapri looked up from her Ipad pro as she sat crisscrossed in the middle of her queen-size bed. She rolled her eyes at Caydence climbing into her bed "You are so hard-headed. I said to try to get some sleep. Not come in here ta' chat" She fussed.
Caydence ignored her, taking her tablet out of her hand and laying on her lap. "You need some sleep Cay. 1 hour a day isn't cuttin' it. I'on now how yo' body hasn't broken down yet" She picked her tablet back up.
"I kno' Pri. Too much is goin' on fa' me to sleep now" She rubbed her temples, now getting a headache from hearing everyone saying the same thing. She tried everything but nothing worked. The fear that something might happen to Kory while she was sleeping like it did two years ago had her stuck.
She knew Kory was safe now but the fear just kept her stuck.
"Pri, whatchu' kno' about Ace?" She asked, remembering why she came up there in the first place. Pri looked down at her and raised her eyebrow "The twin Ace?" She asked.
Caydence nodded "You think he's trustworthy? Like I should be okay wit' tell him my business?" She questioned. She wasn't good at trusting people. In fact, she would rather just not talk to a person if she has to learn to trust them.
In her eyes, trusting and loving someone is one of the scariest emotions and things a person can do. Everyone talks about how blind it is to love but nobody talks about how blind you can get when you put your trust into someone else.
"Yeah. He's actually my favorite out of everyone. He doesn't say much" Pri shrugged.
"Ugh, I love a man that kno' how to shut the fuck up" She sighed and they both laughed.
"Don't we all. I wish Dee would shut the fuck up" Pri chuckled. "But yeah he's cool. He's deaf"
Caydence raised her eyebrow "Deaf? He doesn't seem deaf" She said. It explained why he always talked low but she never thought he was deaf only because she's never seen him with a hearing aid but she doesn't pay attention like that to others.
Which she should start doing.
"It's only in his right ear I think. But as in trustworthy, I think so. It has been times I went to him about me and Dee and he didn't tell Dee anything." She explained, "Why tho?" She asked, giving her the Ipad.
Caydence took the Ipad and looked at the nails she was showing her "These cute. But Dee said to get the footage and stuff he had to get help from Ace. And you kno' how I be when tellin' people my business and stuff. I'on wanna be blindsided" She explained, giving her back the Ipad.
"Ohh, nah Ace ain' like that. None of them are or Dee won't be around them. Just don't piss him off tho. I heard hackers take it personally and might hack yo' bank account" She twisted her lips to the side.
Caydence started laughing "Bitch what? You so stupid bra" She laughed even harder. "I'm foreal! The hacker is the craziest one. Trey did it to his ex when she cheated on him" She said and Caydence's jaw dropped.
"Oh, my—" She started laughing again. She's never heard of anything like that before.
Houston, Tx
January 23rd
"Trey. Get outta my face!" Caydence fussed, getting annoyed with him trying to take some of her pineapples. She wasn't even supposed to be eating them because she stole them out of Dee's kitchen.
"Best, stop bein' a fat ass and give me one!" Trey huffed and mugged her. Ro shook his head at them going back and forth of the can of pineapples for 30 minutes now.
"How I'm the fat ass when you want my pineapples? Dummy" She rolled her eyes, sticking her white plastic fork in the can of pineapples. She doesn't even know why she was there. She was the only girl since Pri had nail appointments and Mya had hair appointments today.
"Say I won't knock dem shits out yo' hand" He threatened, and mugged her as she ate the pineapple in his face. "Do it bitch. I'll beat da' fuck outta you. I promise" She looked at him unfazed before they both started laughing.
"Go get a fork. I'on kno' where yo' fingers been" She chuckled.
"In some pussy" Trey smirked, standing up from his seat. Ro busted out laughing at the disgusted look Caydence was giving him.
"Your disgusting and whore" She shook her head, going back to eating her pineapples while Trey laughed and went back inside the house.
"Ay, you would like sumthin' like this" Ro questioned making Caydence look up from her pineapple and squint her eyes a little at him show her something off his phone. He just gave her the phone when he saw her struggling. She took the phone, looking at the denim marc jacobs tote bag.
She nodded, giving him his phone back "Yeah, it's cute"
"Would you take it as an apology gift?" He asked, she chuckled a little and shrugged "Depends on what you're apologizing for. A simple 'I'm sorry' and meaning it never hurt" She said, sticking her pineapple with her fork and Trey came back outside.
"I'on think I should be apologizin' in the first place but" He shrugged his shoulders carelessly. Caydence scrunched up her face "So why you buyin' da' bag if you really don't think you should apologize?" She blankly looked at him.
"Mya must be mad at you again" Trey chuckled, sitting back down next to Caydence and she handed him the can of pineapples.
"Hell yeah. It's over sumthin' so dumb bruh. Why is she goin' through my Twitter likes?" Ro shook his head, looking at his phone.
Trey shook his head "Twitter wrong as hell fa' showin' people whatchu' like. That's why I jus' scroll and screenshot" He chuckled "What did she see?" He asked.
"Mane, all I did was like one of my ex's old tweets. The shit was funny but she was mad cus I still follow shawty." He scoffed, and Caydence chuckled to herself.
"Why do you still follow her?" Trey laughed.
"Cus I can. She ain' the damn follow police. It's not like I'm hittin' shorty up or nun. And if I was, I got every right to. Im single" He stated nonchalantly, Caydence just shook her head.
That was a man's favorite line 'I'm single'.
"What you shakin' yo' head fa'? I am single. She always talm 'bout how we ain' in no relationship so therefore, I'm single." He frowned.
"Oh. Well yeah, when you put it like that. You are single" Caydence chuckled.
"So you'n think he wrong even tho' they both kno' they messin' with eitha'?" Trey asked, giving her the pineapple back.
"Not if she keep sayin' they aren't in a relationship. It's kinda like he can do whatever he wants just like she can do what she wants." She shrugged, "But don't listen to me, I never messed with nobody" She put her hands up in defense.
They both looked at her confusedly "You never messed wit' anybody? At all? Best stop lyin' " He asked incredulously.
Caydence shrugged her shoulder and stood up from her spot in the chairs "Niggas are a waste of time and I hate all of them beside my daddy" She gave him the pineapples and pulled down her crop top a little.
"You hate niggas but never been wit' one? It's givin' gay" Ro chuckled.
"I hate bitches too. Crazy huh?" She said before opening the door to go inside. Relationships and dealing with someone were honestly always a waste of time to Caydence. She put all the men in the same category because the ones she encountered at the club were all the same.
They were all creeps, liars, and cheaters.
In her eyes, her dad was the only good man on earth. He did no wrong in her eyes. And they didn't make men as loyal and honest as him anymore.
Dee was a good one which surprised Caydence when she first met him. He treated her cousin like a spoiled brat but other men weren't on that type of time if it came to Caydence.
She was a stripper that shakes her ass in front of men most of her days. No man would be able to put their ego to the side to understand her job without trying to control her. She wouldn't be a stripper anyways if she had a man but that was only because being a dancer wasn't her passion. If it was, no man would understand that.
She also didn't have time for relationships. She waits on Kory's hand and foot all the time.
"I was jus' finna come to get you," Dee said after she closed the back door. "You asked him?" She asked and he nodded.
"Yeah but you gotta go tell him more info about yo' pops" He stated, going into the black refrigerator. She furrowed her eyebrows "Why? I thought you already told him?" She asked, confused.
"I'on kno' yo' pops personally Cay. He needs more info about who he is besides what I can say." He explained, closing the refrigerator once he got a bottle of water out. "Go in dere and talk ta' him. He ain' gon' bite" He chuckled, pushing her towards the living room while she groaned.
"Fine" She rolled her eyes, walking into the living room. She didn't like talking about her dad mainly because she was still traumatized from it.
She sighed walking fully into the living room, seeing Ace sitting on the long couch with his MacBook in his lap. As if he could feel her presence, he looked up at her. She walked over to the couch he was sitting on and sat next to him.
"Dee said you wanted to speak to me?" She asked, looking over at him but he quickly looked down at his computer when they made eye contact. She took in his appearance for the first time ever, she could see the black color hearing aid in his ear since his hair was up in a messy ponytail.
She also never noticed how fine he was. The neck tattoos, his strong jawline. The slight dimples showing, only make him more handsome. He needed a haircut and a retwist but he still looked handsome.
"I'll help you" He spoke up, a little louder than his usual low voice. He broke her out of her daze of staring at his side profile when she heard his voice and it was kinda sexy how deep it was.
She nodded "Okay— But you have ta' let me get ta' kno' you" He cut her off, still looking at his computer.
She sucked her teeth, she thought they had already gone over this when he came to her job "Ace—"
"I told you, it's Kacey" He cut her off, and frowned, finally looking up at her.
"My bad. Kacey, we already went through this. You don't wanna get ta' know me. You only find me physically attractive" She frowned back at him.
His face slightly scrunched up and he started rubbing his ear making her feel bad which she didn't know why she did. She didn't do anything but this felt bad.
"Dats not true. I do want ta' get to kno' you and if I'm gonna help you, I wanna kno' who I'm helpin' " He shook his head and stopped rubbing his ear.
She wanted to protest again but decided not to. She's so used to putting all men in the same category of not being shit and only wanting sex for her. It's hard not trying to do the same to him. But she wanted to help her dad and would do anything to help him.
"Look at me" She grabbed his chin to turn his head to face her. She doesn't know why she grabs people's chins a lot, it was out of habit but the men seemed to love it so she kept it going.
He tensed up at first but relaxed while looking into her eyes "You wanna get ta' kno' me on some friend shit. No funny shit?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow. He nodded slowly.
"Words Kacey"
"Yes," He replied with a mumbled, still holding eye contact with her. She could tell he was getting nervous and flustered from the intense stare down so she let his chin go.
She nodded and held her hand out. He looked at her hand funny "How are you gonna get ta' know me and help me without my number?" She questioned.
"Oh. Shit, right" He mumbled, looking around for his phone and patting his side. Caydence chuckled a little watching him. He found his phone in his side pocket, pulling it out and opening it.
She took it, typing her number then putting 'Cay 🤍' and she texted herself so she knew who it was when she got her phone. "Here" She gave him back his face and she could see him slightly blushing but tried to hide it.
This is why she loved shy people. He was so adorable.
"What's your real name?" He asked.
"Caydence wit' a C," She said before standing up. "I have ta' go pick my sister up. I'll see you later" She gave him a real smile, something she doesn't do often.
He nodded and waved at her, making her chuckle even more and she waved back.
🎶Four, five bitches walkin' with me all from Pre-Bay
No turntable, scratch that pussy like a DJ🎶
Replay by Rich homie Quan played inside of Kacey's home as he picked Benji up from the floor. "You like it?" Kacey looked over at Benji as he held him and looked back at the dog bed he just got him.
Kacey chuckled at him just looking up at him "You like Perry the Platypus? You fight crime when I ain' lookin'?" He asked but Benji just blinked his eyes.
"Yeah, you ain' slick" He laughed to himself that he was talking to a dog. He put him in his bed. He only got it for when he isn't at home. Since Kacey brought him home, he's been sleeping in his bed with him. Which Kacey never knew was so comfortable until he got Benji.
He was helping him. He was his comfort dog. Instead of drinking, he just cuddles with Benji and they watch a movie. It didn't help all the time but it did help the feeling of being alone all the time.
Kacey hated he had this fear of being alone. Going through life of having nobody at least nobody to truly love him. He was grateful to have his friends and family that does care about him but he couldn't help but feel like they were all going to slip away one day.
He dragged his feet over to his bed before flopping down in the soft but also hard-push bed. He grabbed his phone to change the song to something more upbeat so he didn't drown in his sorrows. He smiled when he saw the notification of Caydence. He immediately clicked on her text.
lmao no. I just put Kory down for sleep.
He rotated his thumbs around the keyboard, trying to think of what to say. He had asked her if she was busy like an hour ago but as they have been texting, he could tell she was a bad texter. Mainly because the notification at the bottom of their thread said her phone was on DND.
But it's been like that all day. He never met someone whose phone is on DND all the time.
He was actually happy when she gave him her number. He wanted to figure out why he was so intrigued with her. Why every time she's around he gets nervous and flustered.
Out of impulse, he clicked on the button to facetime her. His eyes widened when it said connecting on the second ring and he sat up in his bed.
"Hello?" She spoke after it connected and he could only see the top of her head in a pink Dior bonnet. She seemed to be laying in a bed since he could see a grey headboard in the back and what he thought was a reflection of a TV light.
"Oh. I-I didn't think you would answer" He said nervously, not knowing why he called her. He should have hung up on the first ring.
He heard her chuckle before a pretty face came into the screen making butterflies swarm his stomach. This was so crazy to him, nobody ever made him feel this way.
"Why didn't you think I would answer?" She asked, then looked at something.
He shrugged "Because your phone is on DND when I text you" He replied.
"Sholl is." She laughed, making him smile a little. "I needa see why yo' call even came through. My phone stays on DND, faithfully" She still laughed, putting him on pause.
He frowned, not liking he couldn't see her anymore "That me off pause" He demanded.
"Boy—I will hang up on you. Fix ya' tone"
He huffed but he liked the authority in her voice "Take me off of pause...please" He asked better this time.
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The Youngest Divinity
The continent of Vaine is a place of technological and magical might. It is the pinnacle of human brilliance, and is more powerful than it has ever been—truly approaching a never-before-seen golden age of magic. But what if that was all a lie? Dominic, shipwrecked and confused, wakes up one day on the shore of a continent which shouldn't be there. No maps in Vaine show it; no sailors have ever reached it; as far as anybody knows, the continent of Hesia does not and has never existed. In the last thousand years, no one has left, and no one has made it in. And on this hidden continent, he finds demons—a race of people who are far more adept at magic than humans. As Dominic uncovers the lost history of the two lands, he must come face to face with kings, mages, gods, and the dark past of the most powerful organization in Vaine, which has long done everything it possibly could to keep those skeletons buried. And they're not the only ones who can keep a secret. YOU MIGHT LIKE THIS IF: ↠ You like long-running fantasy stories with an intrigue/mystery focus. The world is vast and full of secrets—and our main character is not one to tell. Be careful what you believe, because Dominic himself might be the one lying to you. ↠ You enjoy decisive protagonists that don't have qualms about what tactics solving some problems may require. ↠ You like dragons. I like dragons. By the gods, there will be dragons. AUTHOR'S NOTES: ↠ This is not a webtoon. I only draw illustrated chapters for the prologues to each book and for the side stories at the end of each book. All drawings including covers are done by me. ↠ Release schedule is 2 chapters per week, every Wednesday and Saturday at 3:15PM CST. ↠ Up to 8 advanced chapters (4 weeks of releases) are available on Patreon. Thank you for your support. :)
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Цусыг цусаар...Буруу зүйл хийсэн бол шангаа хүртэх л хэрэгтэй. Харин энэ боломжийг бидэнд цэвэрлэгээ олгодог юм.
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