《The Hazards of Skinny Dipping》Chapter Seven


"Is this all a plan to make me jealous?" Dylan put a hand on my lower back and pulled me toward him.


"Are you sure?" He brushed his lips against my ear.


"I don't believe you."

"You should. I really needed a job."


"Because I need money..."

He mumbled something under his breath.

"What did you say?"

"Don't worry about it."


"Do you want to come back to my house? Like I said, we're having a little party."

"Could we do something else? Coffee maybe?"

"You want me to take you out for coffee?" He stopped in front of his car. A black Audi SUV.

"Is that a problem?"

"Of course not." He opened the passenger door for me. "I just thought you might like to get to know my friends."

I waited for him to get in. "It has nothing to do with trying to get me back to your room?"

He grinned. "I was hoping that would happen no matter what we did tonight."

I looked out the window. It was dark and hard to see the stores lining the street.

He started the engine and put a hand on my leg. "I'm glad we're on the same page. I was worried when you skipped out on me that you regretted it. I know I don't at all...I'm ready for it to happen again."

Damn my body's response. Even knowing how lackluster the first time had been, I wanted him. It had to have just been a fluke, and the foreplay had been good..."I need you to be honest with me."


"Are you just looking for someone to hook up with? I know it sounds weird, but a one night thing I can do, but I'm not interested in a friends-with-benefits setup."

"I don't want that either. I have no intention of sharing you with anyone."

"But will I be sharing you? Obviously, you don't owe me anything exclusive but—"

He put his hand on the back of my neck. "You're the only one I want. I already told you I've wanted you for a while. Now that I've had you, I'm not interested in settling."

He ran his fingers down my neck, and something about it drove me wild. Maybe it was thinking about what else those fingers could do. "We can skip the coffee."

"Are you sure?" He gave me an amused smile.

"Yeah. We can get some next time."

"Or tomorrow morning...that is, if you actually stay the night this time."

"That really upset you, didn't it?"

"Of course it did. I asked you to stay, but you didn't. I had no idea where you went."

I shrugged. "I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted. Just don't do it again."

I didn't say anything while Dylan drove the short distance to his house. He parked right out front, and met me on my side of the car. "Get used to waiting for me to open your door."

He wrapped an arm around my waist and led me up the front steps. He opened the door, and loud voices greeted us. The house was set up completely differently than it had been the night before. Large couches filled with people took up what had been open space.

"Juliet!" Jana ran over and hugged me. It took me a second to recognize her with her hair curly. She usually wore it straight.



"Finally, I'm not the only Delta Mu." She turned back to the group. "Everyone, this is my favorite pledge, Juliet."

Favorite? I doubted that. She must have been trashed.

As Jana steered me toward her seat on the couch, Dylan intercepted. "You're the reason I had to wait hours to see her."

"It wasn't my fault. Blame Amanda. By the way, Juliet, I'm so sorry about that. I heard the guys weren't too bad, though."

"It was fine."

"And it won't be happening again." Dylan said it as if he actually had authority over the decision. Who knows? Maybe he did.

"And the girls who weren't there today will have to do something later on. It will all even out in the end." Jana finished off her drink.

"Great." I knew I didn't sound enthusiastic, but I was too busy trying to calm my nerves. I hated the effect Dylan had on me.

"What can I get you to drink?" Dylan nodded toward a guy—who I assumed was a pledge—holding a tray.

"Oh, I'm fine."

"Come on. What do you want?"

I refused to admit that I didn't know. The first and only time I'd been drunk was when I'd checked it off my cousin's list. I'd accomplished that with wine coolers at my friend Marie's house. Not something I'd recommend...watermelon doesn't taste as good coming back up.

"Really, don't worry about it."

Dylan gave me a funny look. "She'll have an amaretto sour, and get me my usual."

He led me over to a spot on the couch that was barely big enough for one, let alone two. His solution was to have me sit on his lap.

I couldn't have been more uncomfortable as everyone stared at us. I'd met a bunch of the guys and some of the girls the night before, but it was one thing to meet them standing. It was something completely different to face them while sitting on top of a guy.

Dylan whispered in my ear, "You need to wear skirts every day. You have incredible legs." He ran a hand up my leg, not stopping when he reached my skirt. He left his hand on my thigh. If I thought sitting on his lap was uncomfortable, having Dylan's hand up my skirt made it so much worse. I shifted, subtly trying to get him to remove his hand. All that accomplished was getting him aroused. I figured that out pretty quickly. In case I hadn't noticed the large bulge pushing into me, Dylan filled me in. "I want you so bad."

The pledge returned with our drinks, sparing me from making a reply.


He nodded and let his eyes roam to my legs. "No problem." He handed Dylan his drink. "Here, sir."

"Did you just check out my girl, pledge?"



The pledge didn't wait to be dismissed.

I struggled to move off Dylan's lap, but he used his free arm to stop me. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To sit somewhere else."


"This isn't particularly comfortable."

"It's your fault."

"I didn't mean that."

"Well, I like you where you are." He took a sip of his drink.

I used Dylan's momentary distraction to stand up. I didn't look at him as I stood, sipping my surprisingly good drink. I'd have to remember it. It was better than what I'd had the night before.

I looked around the room. Everyone was busy in conversation—that is besides Ryan. He eyed me with an amused smile. "Dylan, it looks like your girl is anxious to get to your room."


Not exactly. I couldn't have been less in the mood.

"Not as anxious as I am to get her up there." Dylan walked toward me. "I'll let her finish her drink first."

I knew without looking that everyone in the room was staring at us. Mortification had taken on new meaning. Did they have to make it obvious to everyone? Maybe I could sip my drink so slowly that people would forget by the time I finished.

Dylan watched me.


"I'm just enjoying the view."

"Can't you stare somewhere else?" He only attracted more attention.

"Nope, I want to look at you." He reached out to touch my face.

I'd been so brave at the beach house, but I was nervous. I couldn't do it. There was no way I was walking upstairs to his room when everyone in the house knew we were about to have sex.

"If you don't finish that drink in thirty seconds, I'm carrying you upstairs."

"Dylan, I don't think—"

He brushed some hair that had fallen out of my bun from my face and leaned over to speak quietly. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to. You know that."

"So, it's okay if I go?"

"If I really thought you wanted to, I'd take you home right now. I think you want to stay but you feel embarrassed. Am I right?"

"Yeah." I tried to smile. At least he got it.

"I'm sorry. I could have done this better. I just like showing you off."

"I'm nothing to show off." I looked down.

"Oh, Juliet, you most definitely are. Every guy in here, even the ones with girlfriends, wants to be me right now."

I'm sure I blushed. "You don't have to say things like that."

"It's the truth. Why do you think you got the job? That guy wants you."

"No, that's not true."

"It is, but it's okay because he can't have you. I'm not sharing you." He leaned over and kissed me. There was nothing gentle about the kiss. He pushed into my mouth. It took me a moment to respond, but I couldn't help it. The guy could kiss. By the time he pulled away, with a huge grin on his face, I was like putty in his hands.

He smiled, brushing a finger over my now swollen lips. "Ready?"


"Good." He took my cup from me and set it down on the bottom stair.

Taking my hand, he led the way. Cat calls followed us. "Have a good time, you two!" I knew that was Ryan.

We were almost out of sight when Dylan slapped my ass. "Don't wait up for us. We won't be coming back down tonight."

"Was that necessary?"

"Completely." He opened up his door and switched on the overhead light. I looked around. The main furniture in the room was a double bed pushed against the wall, a dresser, and a desk under the window. Everything was neat and orderly. It was exactly the opposite of Reed's room. The background picture on his computer was from the beach at Kiawah. Nervous as I was, it was comforting to see a familiar image.

Dylan closed and locked the door. "Finally, I have you to myself." He didn't waste any time. His arms wrapped around my waist, and he leaned down to kiss me. I groaned as his tongue once again pushed its way into my mouth. He moved a hand under my tank top and bra. He squeezed my breast harder than I'd expected.

He didn't seem to notice. He used his other hand to unbutton my skirt and tug it down over my hips. By the time it hit the floor, he had his hand moving underneath the cotton fabric of my panties. I definitely hadn't worn that pair with the intent of having sex. They were light purple and definitely not sexy. I don't think he noticed them before pushing them down as well. He stopped kissing me long enough to pull off my tank top and to unclasp my bra. He took a step back and watched me. I instinctively covered myself with my arms.

"Nuh uh. No covering yourself." He pulled the hair tie out of my hair.

I'd never felt more exposed. I was completely naked, and he was completely dressed. Something snapped. "I can't do this."

I started getting dressed.

"Juliet, no. Stop."

"No. I'm going."

"Why? You were totally into it."


"Wait, you're not self-conscious about your body, are you?"

I looked down, relieved to at least have my underwear and bra on.

"Aren't you the girl who was skinny dipping?"

"Not really. That isn't what I'm normally like. Plus, it was dark out, and I was caught up in the moment by the time we got to your room."

Dylan turned on his lamp and turned off the overhead light. He walked over to the bed and pulled back the blanket and sheet. "You're not getting away with this every time, but I want you comfortable."

"Oh. You still want to, then?"

"Are you crazy? Of course I do. You get me all worked up and then try to run out on me." He reached out and took my hand. "Now please, can we get back to where we were?"

I nodded.

"Good." He led me over to the bed.

I sat down while he took off his shirt.

"You want to help?"

I unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his zipper. He stepped out of his jeans and then his boxers.

"It looks like I get to undress you a second time." He reached around to unclasp my bra, leaning over me so I had to lay back. He pulled off my panties, tossing both garments aside.

"Look at me, Juliet. You have an amazing body. Don't be embarrassed to let me see it."

I nodded.

He picked me up to move me to the center of the bed, resting my head on his pillow. "I need you, Juliet."

He put his mouth on my breast and his hand between my legs. It didn't take long to get me back in the mood. I was so close to complete satisfaction when he moved his hand. "Not until I'm inside you." He ripped open the wrapper of a condom.

My body wanted to argue with him, but it didn't have a chance. With one thrust, he was in, and then a few more and it was over. It was even worse than the first time.

"You're so perfect, Juliet. You're absolutely perfect for me." He moved off me and reached over to turn off his lamp. Was he seriously going to bed again? After that?

He lay down on his back. "Put your head on my chest, baby. I want you close."

I did as he asked without meaning to. I was still trying to accept that the first time wasn't a fluke—Dylan sucked in bed. Either he didn't get the concept of satisfying a woman, or he didn't care. The only thing he had going for him was foreplay, and he didn't even finish what he started.



He ran his hands through my now tangled hair. "You don't have to worry about being quiet. No one cares, and I don't want you holding back. I want to hear how good I make you feel. "

What could I say to that? "Okay."

"Good night."

"Good night," I mumbled.

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