《The Hazards of Skinny Dipping》Chapter Eight


At least his bed was comfortable. That's what I kept telling myself as I tried to fall asleep. If you've got to recover from unsatisfying sex, at least do it on nice sheets and a good mattress. It was a lot better than the dorm-issued one I usually slept on.

Even with the ultra-comfy sheets, I was still wide awake an hour later. The worst part was that I really needed to use the bathroom. Finally, I untangled myself from Dylan's arms and legs. I searched in the darkness for my clothes, but couldn't find my skirt anywhere. After a few minutes of frenzied searching, I decided to throw Dylan's boxers on with my tank. They were better than nothing, and I really needed to go. I hoped everyone was still downstairs.

I quietly left his room, relieved when I heard shouting and laughter from the first floor. I tried to count the doors on my way to the bathroom. There were no numbers, and knowing my dumb luck, I'd end up in the wrong bed.

I found the bathroom, and it wasn't nearly as disgusting as I'd expected. Clearly, the boys paid for a cleaning service. I was washing my hands when I heard the door open behind me.

"Nice look."

Ugh Ryan. "It is, isn't it?" I dried my hands and turned around.

"How'd you convince Dylan to let you out of bed? I'd have thought he'd have you tied down all night."

"What?" Oh my god. Was Dylan into bondage and hadn't mentioned it yet? Bondage and bad sex? Not happening.

"So you couldn't run out on him again. Wait, what did you think I meant?"

"Nothing." I crossed my arms, wishing I'd put my bra back on.

"Oh." He grinned. "As far as I know, he's not into that. But if you are, he'd probably go for it."

"No. And we're not talking about this." I tried to move past him.


"Don't fuck with him, okay?"

"Excuse me?"

"He's a pain to be around when he's upset. Try not to upset him."

"Okay...so along those lines, can you move so I can get back?"

"Sure. Have fun."

"Not likely," I mumbled.

"What was that?" he called after me.

"Nothing." I walked down the hall and back into Dylan's room. I took his boxers off, but kept my tank and underwear on.

I'd just gotten comfortable when Dylan reached out to me. "Hey, baby. What are you doing all the way over there?"

I didn't turn toward him. Maybe if he thought I was sleeping, he'd go back to bed.

No such luck. His arm wrapped around my waist as he kissed the back of my neck. "Why are you wearing clothes?"

I didn't answer.

"Are you really that uncomfortable being naked with me? I swear I'm going to get you over this."

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. I had to put him out of his misery. I rolled over to face him. "I'm wearing clothes because I went to the bathroom."

"You went to the bathroom in just this?" He ran a hand over my legs.

"I wore your boxers."


"I couldn't find my skirt."

"Can I get rid of the shirt now? It's in my way." He moved his hand underneath my tank and stroked my stomach.

"You seem to be managing just fine."

He ignored me, pushing the tank up over my head. "That's better." He kissed my neck, his lips moving down.

"How did you just go from sound asleep to this?" I asked.

"You have that effect on me." He moved a finger under the elastic of my panties. "These are also in my way."

"I don't think so. You might be waking up, but I'm finally ready to sleep."


"I won't—"

I didn't hear what Dylan was going to say because his door burst open. I pulled the blankets up around me as the light burned my eyes.

"Dylan why aren't—" Kyle stopped mid-sentence, noticing me in the bed. Could the night get any worse? "Oh, shit. Hi, Juliet."

"Hi. Could you just leave for one minute so I can get dressed? Then Dylan is all yours."

"No, Jules. You don't have to go anywhere." Jules? No one called me that.

"Kyle, can you hand me my clothes?"

"Oh, sure." He tossed me my skirt. It had been stuck under Dylan's desk chair. He took a little longer tossing over my bra. My tank was right next to the bed where Dylan had thrown it.

"Thanks." I started dressing under the covers.

Dylan sat up, nearly exposing me in the process. "Is there a reason you're interrupting us?"

"Yes, of course. And for future reference, lock your door when you have company."

"I did." Dylan looked at me. "Juliet must have forgotten when she got back from the bathroom."

"Oh. Well, I left you two messages. Mom called. Dad's in the hospital."

"What? Is it his heart again?"

"Yes. He's going to be okay, but he has to take it easy. Mom wants you to come home for a few days to help."

"Me? Why not you?"

"It's freshman year, and I'm pledging. I can't."

"Fine. I'll leave in the morning."

I finished dressing and pulled back the blankets. "I'm sorry about your dad." I found my flip flops and tried to slip past Kyle, but he stopped me.

"Juliet? Wait. Are you going back to your dorm? I'll walk you."

Dylan patted the bed. "You should stay here. It's late, and I'm not leaving tonight."

"I'm going to go. This was, uh, fun though. I hope everything goes okay at home."

Dylan started to get up but stopped. He probably remembered he wasn't wearing anything. "Why are you so against staying?"

"I'm not. I wasn't. It just feels weird now."

"I'll call you."

"Okay, cool."

I walked into the hall but hesitated when I heard Dylan yell, "What the hell, Kyle? I could kill you right now."

"If she was having a good time, she would have stayed anyway."

"Shut the fuck up."

It was time to leave. I knew walking home alone at night was dumb, but I wanted to get away. I looked straight ahead as I passed through the first floor to the front door. I sighed with relief when I reached the street.

"Juliet! Juliet, wait up!" Kyle sprinted to catch up with me.

"I'm fine. You don't have to walk me."

"I want to. It's really late."

"No kidding."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were there. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"It's fine. I'm the one who chose to sleep with him again."

"I wish you'd choose to sleep with me."

"What?" My jaw dropped.

He held his hands up in defense. "Sorry, I'm joking. It's just the way you said it."

"Whatever. I just want to get home."

"You shouldn't waste your time with him."

"You're saying that about your own brother?"

"Yes. He's an asshole and doesn't deserve you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Want to do something tomorrow?"

"Like with our friends?"

He hesitated a moment before answering. "Yeah, exactly."

"Sure. Just call me."

"I need your number."

I programmed it into his phone.

"Cool. I'm sorry again for embarrassing you."

"It's not a problem." We reached my dorm. "Thanks for walking me back."

"My pleasure. See you tomorrow."

"Good night."

Tally was already sleeping when I got back to my room. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and pulled on some PJ's. My bed might not have been as comfortable as Dylan's, but at least it was mine.

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