《half witch//five hargreeves Book 1》02


I picked up the phone and called diego, then Lila, and Ben right after, I told them that there is something important I need to share with both sparrow and umbrella, but the thing that cought me off gaurd out of all three calls it was Ben's because he said the rest of the sparrows were alive and he said that he will gather them together and will get them over at Alison's as soon as he can. I went to Alison's office to see she is yelling at someone but once she nodiced I was confused she mouthed Viktor so I told her to pass the phone over and she did

F: look Viktor this is very important but if you don't wanna see alison right now that's fine but atleast do this for the families sake and be here and listen to what I have to say

V: signs* fine ill be there soon

F: ok thank you Viktor I'll see you soon

We hang up and give her the phone

A: I have already called the other they are on there way

F: well that good oh and the rest of the sparrows are alive with all of there memories

A: wait really?

F: yeah lets wait until everyone gets here it finish this conversation, meanwhile let's go hang out with Claire and Ray

A: yes please

We go to Claire's room seeing Ray and Claire playing

F: can we join?

C: yes

As we are playing, everyone starts to show up and joins us. Once everyone was here, we went to the kitchen to talk about the whole situation

B: ok so what did you want to talk to us all about?

F: well someone gave me this?

V: a paper? This was a waste of time, I'm leaving


A: wait there's more

F: it says start a family reunion, umbrella and sparrow academy

Li: wait why?

F: I dont know but do you guys wanna head to the address right now or tomorrow or some other time this week because we can't keep them waiting

D: I say we go

*they all agree to go*

Li: well let me go get the baby and we can leave

F: no let Ray watch the kids they said only use no extra people that includes dates and kids so let Ray watch them

A: ok

D: ok

Li: fine

A: I'll let him know

Alison left to go let Ray know and came back downstairs where everyone was waiting. We all left and went to the address

430 words

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