《half witch//five hargreeves Book 1》01


Five pov

It has been a whole year since I have lost my powers, I still in contact with my family always catching up with all of them, but today I get to go meet Clare for the first time, yes I know I could of seen her a long time ago but I have been busy and has alison and ray so I couldn't meet but we both are not busy today so I get to meet her and I am excited to meet her.

After I got ready I have decided to walk because it's not that far. As I was walking someone was wear a cloak or something and gave me something and when I opened it it saided "start a family reunion make sure nobody brings plus ones umbrella and sparrow academy place ( an address to some random house) anyway at anytime make sure both academys show up" I was so confused so I hurried to Alison's to let her know.

Once I got there I knocked on the door

A: five hi it's been so long

F: yes it has and I have something to tell you but first I wanna meet my niece

A: ah well she is over here

I walked in behind Alison to suprise her

A: hey honey I have someone you might wanna meet


A: You're uncle five

F: hi there Claire

I pulled out a stuffed animal ( You choose what kind idk)

F: I didn't know want you liked so I got you this

C: thank you uncle five I love it

She ran up to me and hugged me

F: well I have to talk to you're mom about something so I will be right beck ok

C: ok

Me and Alison walked to her office


A: so what is it?

F: well on my way here someone with like a black cloak gave me this

I pulled out the paper

A: what is it? And who gave it to you?

F: they want me to start a family reunion with sparrow and umbrella academy with no plus ones and I don't know who it was there face was covered

A: so it was just someone random?

F: yeah but I think we should call them now and let them know

A: ok I have a phone in my kitchen you can use that to call half of them and I'll call the other half

F: ok ill take Klaus, Ben, diego, Lila

A: and then that means I am getting Viktor, Luther, and stone- wait what does that say?

I look at the paper

F: oh um it says "just walk in dont knock"

A:oh well ok

I walk down to the kitchen

XXX- who the hell are you and why are you in my kitchen

F: oh hi I am Alison's brother five

R: oh well I am ray and like the number?

F: yes and do you know were the phone is?

R: ah yes its over here

508 words


Tbh I think fives family needs to say think you to him because how much he risked for them and saved them, and I just wanna give him a huge hug. I will try to upload as much as I can

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