《half witch//five hargreeves Book 1》03


Yn pov

After I gave five the note I quickly went home


XXX: what?

St: it was quite when I got home what were you doing?

XXX: nothing

St: Stan, you're lying what were you doing?

S: I promise I didn't do anything you can search the house I don't care

St: fine I'll believe this time but we are having guests

S: when?

St: I dont know

S: what?

St: you remember diego right?

S: wait no you're joking

St: nope I don't know when they are coming

S: I got to get all of my cool stuff out so it can be ready to show him

St: hey dont get you're hopes up to high because you know how unorganized they all are

S: true

St: I am going to Kamar-taj you know hiw to contact me and dont tell yn it's a suprise

S: dont have to ask me twice

St: ok than you

I then went to Kamar-taj and did my own this

Stan's pov

I was cleaning and organizing room and I heard the door so I ran and opened it and I seen diego and Lila and ran to hug them

S: I missed you guys so much

D&li: we missed you too

F: did you guys knock?

D: yeah?

F: it says on the note to not knock just walk in

S: oh well everyone come in make yourself at home if you're hungry or thirsty help yourself

F: was it you who gave you this note

S: oh no it was strange

D: well can you take us there?

S: yeah but as long as you let show you something

D: deal

I go to call strange and let him know

S: he is on his way

Yn pov

I was on a mission and I needed answers for strange


Y: so ether tell me or pulls out knife* be a finger or two short

Rp: no I am not dumb you are just a dumb girl who is not going to do anything to me

After he said that I cut his pinky finger off

Y: what were you saying? So now tell me

Rp: I won't tell you but I will me with strange

Y: fine write and I'll deliver to him

He starts writing all of the information down and gives me the paper

Y: thank you so much you are so much help

I then blink out and was in my living room

St: were the hell have you been and why is there blood on you?

Y: getting answers

St: please dont tell me-

Y: I didn't kill anyone dont worry

St: then why is there blood

Y: because of this

I gave him the finger that was in a peace of cloth

St: what the hell?

Y: how else do you think I get people to talk

I then gave him a smile

Y: well I am going to my room

St: no stay and insurance yourself

Y: you like to see me covered in blood or in clothes without blood of you're enemy

St: hurry

After I got my room I put on something like this (if you don't like it you can change it)

Once I done was about to go down stairs until I seen diego and Stan laughing in his room as Stan is showing him so many things, I just stood there for awhile smiling then walked away and went downstairs to see everyone on the couch talking

Y: oh my apologies I did introduce myself, I am yn the keeper of all power that gets taken or lost from people like you guys

Sl: wait so you have our powers?

Y: yeah

St: if want you're powers please stay if not then you can walk out

F: wait so we can have it back?

Y: yeah

F: you have our powers how?

Y: well when you guys stopped on the seven bells aka stars, those powers go to me to hold and choose to give back or not

683 words

I wanted to change it because I felt like it would be better but if you guys liked the old one please let me know

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