《Talk About the Direct Approach...》Chapter Nineteen: Like penguins
For what feels like hours, we just stare at each other in silence. I don't know whether or not he's playing a trick on me, or if he's dead serious. If I at least knew a little something about Cayton, I know he's is being dead serious.
For a good duration of the time I've spent here, I've been waiting for this moment. It's here. I can simply walk out and leave it all behind. Finish this chapter in my life and move on to the next. Forget any of it ever happened and go back to living my life from before.
But here, in this moment, the life I had before just doesn't seem to do it for me.
Maybe it's because I'm hitting my rebellious teenage stage later than most. Maybe it's because I think I'm possibly going crazy. However, I know the true reason.
I'm in love.
Yes. I, Macy Elizabeth Dalton, am in love with my werewolf kidnapper.
Moreover, I realize that even after I found out Cayton is a werewolf; it wasn't enough to push me away. I'm in love with who he is, not what he is. As Tami said, they've been the same people the entire time. It took a while for me to figure that out, but I guess it's better late than never, right?
However, if he doesn't want me here, what good is it?
I meet Hunter's eyes and give him a slight nod towards the direction of the door, telling him and Tami to go. He gets the message and taps Tami's shoulder, who seems to be disappointed to miss whatever is going to happen next. They leave, and Cayton watches me curiously.
Once they're gone, I fiddle with my hands in my lap.
"Do you really want me to leave?" I ask meekly. When he doesn't respond, I lift my eyes from my hands to meet his stony expression.
"If you want to leave, I'm not going to stop you," he repeats.
"I get that. But do you want me to leave?" He remains silent, his face not giving the slightest clue as to what he's thinking. "Just tell me."
Finally, he drops the cold expression and sighs, running his fingers through his brown hair. "No. I don't."
"Then why are you giving me the option to leave? Why now?"
"I want you here because you want to stay with me, not because you can't leave."
I want to tell him that he's an idiot. A cute, lovable idiot. Somehow, he's conjured up in his mind that the best way to handle this is to let me go?
After everything, he's telling me I can leave. Yes, I may love him, but he's an idiot.
Swinging my legs off the side of the bed, I stand up with determination inside of me. Cayton still has some explaining to do, and I'm ready to hear it all. He still has to explain exactly what this whole 'mate' business is about.
It had better be a damn good excuse for kidnapping me.
He watches as I make my way to the door, not trying to stop anything I might do.
So he would actually just let me leave? I guess his heart is in the right place, but come on.
I stop right in front of the door, and close it.
Shock is evident on his face, but soon it's replaced with utter happiness.
I go and sit down on the bed and pat the spot next to me, letting him know it's ok. He wastes no time in claming his spot. When he sits down, I turn my body to face him and pull my knees up to my chest, mentally preparing myself for the flood of information I'm sure to receive.
If I said I wasn't still a little cautious, I would be lying. Considering what I witnessed, what human wouldn't be? However, a sense of security envelops me whenever he's around, and it banishes any fears I might have, even if he's also the source of them.
"So..." I start. Well, I really have no idea how to exactly ask this, so I just come out with it. "Tami told me you would explain what mates are?" He nods and pauses for a second, collecting his thoughts.
"Well, you've heard of soul mates before, right?" he asks. I nod. "Well, it's basically the same thing... A mate is the one person who was made for you. You know, the whole 'two hearts beating as one' thing. You can't stand not being around them, and when you're apart, everything becomes meaningless. No one else can compare to the beauty of your mate, and no one else can come between you." He pauses for a moment, thinking.
"It's the person you spend the rest of your life with, and it's the person you can't spend the rest of your life without," he concludes. He's staring me directly in the eye and I'm able to see that he meant every word. There was nothing but pure admiration and love in his eyes.
Seriously, I almost cried. I briefly wonder if he had this pre-planned, because it's by far beyond his romantic capacity. It isn't some big declaration of love, Hollywood worthy speech, but it's perfect enough for me.
I'm at a loss for words. It's the person you spend the rest of your life with, and it's the person you can't spend the rest of your life without. How much more romantic can you get?
So, naturally, something stupid comes out of my mouth without my permission.
"Kind of like penguins, right?"
I want to slap myself at the moment.
Penguins? Really?
I'm hoping that maybe he's so caught up in the moment that he missed my embarrassing blunder, but of course, that isn't the case. He starts laughing.
Yes, all romance gone. He's laughing at me.
"Shut up!" I defend myself. "Penguins stay with their mates for their entire lives, even if one of them dies; they never find a new mate. It's a legitimate question!"
"So you're comparing wolves, to penguins?" he asks through laughter, swiping a tear from under his eye.
"No! I mean, in a way, I guess... Just answer the question!" He lets the rest of his laughter flow out before regaining his composure. It's quite a sight seeing him laugh like that, and I feel somewhat happy that I'm able to do that. Mr. Grumpy Pants does have a funny bone.
"Yes Princess, like penguins."
"So that's it? You're my penguin-werewolf mate?"
He chuckles. "Technically, yes."
"What do you mean technically?" I inquire. I make myself comfortable by laying my head in his lap while he continues with his explanations. His hand rubs up and down my arm, and I take great enjoyment in the tingles I feel at each spot his hand touches.
"Well, there is sort of a process you have to go through before it's official," he says.
"Which is?"
"Well, first I have to mark you and then-"
"Hold up mister, mark me? Like with a permanent marker or something? Or a tattoo? Can it be a butterfly? Oh! I want it on my ankle, and I could even get your name under it if you want-"
"No, nothing like that," he laughs. Darn. I really want an excuse to get a tattoo. It's number fourteen on my Bucket List. "It's essentially where I bite you right, here." He moves my hair off my neck, poking the spot where my neck meets my shoulder. A feeling of pleasure soars through me when his finger makes contact with the spot, like it's the control button for pleasure. Guess that's it all right.
"Oh. Continue on. And then..."
"The actual mating." I don't have to look up to know he has a smirk on his face; it's clear in his voice. Nor do I want to look up, because I probably look like a ripe tomato. Unless they have some different lingo in werewolf-world, then I know exactly what he means by the actual mating.
"Oh," I mumble, not really knowing what else to say.
"So you're staying, right?" he asks. His voice so full of hope and happiness that I can't even find it in me to give a sarcastic answer, which is a first for me.
"Looks like I am." I flip over so I'm lying on my back and could look up at him. At least my cheeks are back to their normal color now. "But let me get one thing straight. You kidnapped me because I'm your mate?" I summarize.
"... Basically."
I can't help it, I burst out laughing. He gives me a 'WTF' look, as if he fears for my sanity. Join the club buddy. "You couldn't have just talked to me like a normal person, or asked me out on a date or something? You went ahead and kidnapped me?" I shake my head amusedly. "Talk about the direct approach."
He rolls his eyes. "So no more whining about how I kidnapped you right?"
"Whatever, Kidnapper." I tease. He looks down at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I don't have time to question it because the next thing I know my head hits the soft bed and he's hovering over me.
"What was that?" he questions mockingly.
"For someone with advanced hearing, you don't listen very well."
"Say you're sorry." I shake my head.
"I think this will be payment enough," I say—in what I hope was a seductive voice—before I wrap my arms around his neck and lower his head down, capturing his lips in a breathtaking kiss.
Now why would this idiot give this up?
My body fills with familiar warmth and the fiery need settles in the pit of my stomach. Now that my feelings all make sense to me, I don't stop him from deepening the kiss. Nor did I stop myself from exploring him, allowing my hands to have a mind of their own and slip under his shirt. Not that my confusion with my feelings stopped me before, but it's nice to have some explanation.
I find it annoying that he's still wearing a shirt while I'm trying to feel him up, and begin lifting his shirt up.
He pulls away for a split second and takes it off the rest of the way for me, lowering back down and kissing me with so much passion I could have exploded. My fingers tangle through his hair while I pull him closer, suddenly feeling the need to feel every part of him against me.
I pull away for a second to catch my breath, just as his hand grasps the hem of my shirt.
"And I just want to let you know that you are possibly the biggest dumbass on the planet," I say.
"Way to ruin the moment," he mutters, retracting his hand. "And why am I the biggest dumbass on the planet?"
"You almost let your soul mate go! Who does that?" He chuckles, and kisses my forehead.
"You're the one who tried running away from your soul mate. Multiple times."
"That was completely different. I didn't know you were my soul mate. I'm not as gifted in that area as you are wolfy," I say, poking his chest.
"You knew it all along. You were just too stubborn," he says.
"I don't think I really believed in soul mates then," I admit. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. There was always that one little part of me that was hopelessly romantic, but true love isn't exactly something I had much faith in. Who knew that I would be lucky enough to find my soulmate?
"Well believe it Princess," he murmurs, then decides we're done talking and kisses me once again.
Smiling against his lips, I take the upper hand and turn us over so I'm on top, straddling his waist.
"You know, if I was told correctly, you have to mark me or whatever before this gets any further," I say playfully, leaning down to trail kisses across his jaw.
"Well stop doing that so I can," he breathes out. I smirk and pull up, lifting my hair from my neck.
"Right here, right?" I ask, pointing to the spot he said earlier. He nods and I let my hair fall back in place before I smile evilly. "Hm, well I think I'm going to let you suffer a little longer." I peck his lips teasingly once more and get off him.
He still has to be punished for kidnapping me. And I plan to prolong said torture. Besides, this is a lot to take in. I have to give my brain some time to process it thoroughly. Though, I won't be completely avoiding everyone while I do.
Who am I kidding? I've found my soul mate! What's there to figure out?
I'm still going to torture him though. He's just too fun to tease.
His face: priceless. Shocked, lustful, and challenging. The perfect combination.
"You're going to pay for that," he warns.
"You have to catch me first!" I giggle, slowly making my way to the door. He raises a challenging eyebrow and gets up, taking a step towards me before I hold up a finger to stop him. "I believe you have an unfair advantage, so I should get a ten second head-start!"
"Nine, eight, seven," he begins counting backwards, while putting his shirt back on. It distracts me long enough, because by the time he has his shirt back on he's at five. I yelp and immediately make a beeline for the stairs, running as fast as my legs will carry me, all the way down the steps. Once I hit the first floor, I hear him shout "One!"
I take off towards the direction of the kitchen, only to face-plant into Trenton. I start to fall backwards but he grabs my arms before I do, steadying me. All the while, I can feel my nose throbbing lightly from the contact.
"Whoa there, are you feeling ok?" he asks cautiously. "I mean, you're not trying to run away or anything...?" I open my mouth to respond, until I hear a snicker behind me. I turn to see Cayton smirking evilly at me.
Damn boy has some super-human speed. Er, super werewolf speed.
"Hold her for me Trent," he demands. Trenton looks confused at first, but he grabs hold of my arms once again.
"Tami, come take care of your man!" I yell, trying to run away before I'm captured. I probably look like a Scooby Doo character, trying to run but staying in the same spot. She comes in, followed by Hunter and Carter, all giving me curious looks.
"Tami, I need you to distra--eep!" Cayton lifts me off the ground and I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist to keep myself from falling to the ground.
"Cheater," I mumble into his neck. He chuckles.
"I should have probably mentioned Alpha's love a good chase."
"I should have probably thrown a squeaky toy to distract you," I joke. He gives me a flat look and I smile brightly.
"Don't start with the jokes," he says seriously.
"Oh, down boy." He rolls his eyes and I giggle again. This is going to be too much fun.
"So... Everything's good now?" Carter questions. I nod happily and kiss Cayton's cheek.
"Just the way it should be."
This is possibly the happiest I have been in a while. Macy knew everything, she was ok with it, and no longer was I her psycho kidnapper. She was finally mine.
'Hate to be a cock block, but we need to finish up the investigation,' Carter says through our mind link.
'It can wait a few hours.' I couldn't just leave her when she had finally accepted me. However, this was important for the safety of the pack, so I would need to be on that soon.
How they got into our territory the other day is still unknown, but I do know someone is going to be punished for it. Severely, considering it was my mate- their Luna- that could have been seriously hurt because of it.
"Have any of you ever chased the mailman?" Macy suddenly blurts out, distracting me from my thoughts.
...This was going to take a while for her to get use to.
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