《Talk About the Direct Approach...》Chapter Twenty: Way to go Rover
I open the drawer and shove the last of my socks in. After getting all of them stuffed messily into the tiny compartment, I slide it shut.
Cayton finally convinced me into sharing a room, and despite the fact that the trip from my old room to my new room is a short one; I had a lot of stuff to move. I didn't realize how much clothing I actually had until I had to move it myself.
Cayton is off doing his Alpha duties, whatever that includes, and Tami and Hunter aren't here just yet. The house is eerily quiet, but it's relaxing at the same time. Although some part of me is a sappy wimp and is missing Cayton like crazy. It's like knowing that someone is your soul mate makes everything ten times more real, and suddenly my emotions are being intensified.
I can only imagine where that's going to lead me.
I fall back onto the bed, letting myself sink down into the thick comforter. My few moments of peace are interrupted by some shouting downstairs.
"Macy! Get down here, we're going out!" Tami yells.
"You get up here and dress me! I'm too lazy to move right now!" I shout back, cocooning myself inside the blankets and messing up the carefully made bed. Tami came in not too long after, and tried tearing me out of my cocoon, only succeeding in getting me tangled up in the mess.
"Way to go Rover!" I say, my voice muffled as I start smothering under the blankets. I hear her growl lightly—they didn't find my jokes as funny as I did. Except for Carter, he was the only one who could take a joke and dish it right back.
"Remember what I said about getting us too angry," Tami says threateningly, but there's a playful tone in her voice.
"Yea yea yea. Now help me out before I suffocate!" You would think it was rocket science at the amount of time it took to get me out of the bundled mess. Once I'm out, my hair flipped in odd angles and covering my face similar to the grudge, Tami helps me to my feet and flips my hair back.
"As I said before, get ready because we're going out." She starts shoving me towards the closet, leaving no room for discussion in typical Tami style.
"Where are we going?" I ask, pushing the closet door open before she slams me against it. I flick on the light and take a minute to admire my work. Well, sort of. Stereotype says that Cayton's side of the closet should be sloppy while mine is neat and perfect.
It's basically the opposite. Cayton has his clothes hung up in three different sections: dress shirts, regular shirts, and pants. All folded and hung neatly. His shoes are lined up perfectly underneath and a small chest towards the back contains things like sweatpants and basketball shorts.
My side? Unorganized, messy, and something that would probably make my mother's inner neat freak die in agony. I just threw my shoes on the floor, and my clothes followed no type of organization at all.
I find it funny, considering the state of Cayton's office. Which reminds me, I wonder if he ever got all those sticky notes cleaned up? I smile slightly as I think back to then. Good times, good times.
"Sound good?" Tami asks, piercing through my memory.
"Say what?"
"I said," she repeats slowly, "we can either head to Maysville to get some lunch, or we can stop in Creek Run." I stop for a second at the mention of my dad's town.
"Creek Run? Could we see my Dad?" She nods, as if she had already anticipated my question. I smile brightly, already bubbling with excitement. "Let's go there."
"Ok, I'll let Cayton know. You get dressed now!" she commands, shoving me further into the closet.
"Ok, bossy," I mumble.
"I heard that!" Right. Advanced hearing. It's going to take a while to get used to that.
After a quick skim of my clothes, I grab a pair of jean shorts and a simple red shirt. I work my way through the mess of shoes and settle on a pair of white sneakers.
"Ugh, you take forever," Tami whines as I step out of the closet and grab a pair of socks from the drawer.
"I took a whole five minutes. Is it just a you thing, or a werewolf thing to be so impatient?"
"It's a me thing. Now hair, hurry!" Tami's energy was obviously at a high today- as if it was ever on a low. But I could tell things are different between us now. I couldn't explain it exactly, but it's as if we're a lot more comfortable around each other now. I guess with that big secret out in the open, there isn't really much to hold back.
I grab my brush and quickly run it through my hair, settling on pulling it into a ponytail instead of trying to tame the frizzy waves.
"Ok, I'm done. Happy now?" I ask. She nods and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the room. Once at the front door, I notice one important thing missing from the equation.
"Where's Hunter? We're missing our third musketeer!"
"He's doing some training today," she says dismissively, picking up her purse that was carelessly thrown on the floor by the door.
"Training? What kind of training? Like tricks and treats and stuff?" I couldn't help but add in the last part. I quietly laugh to myself when Tami glares at me, but I give her an innocent smile. She rolls her eyes and pulls out her keys out of her purse.
"No. Just basic training. He turned sixteen not too long ago, and that's when they usually start their training. He was a little busy with something else though, so he got a late start," she says, pointing to me and letting me know that I'm what he was busy with.
"Oh cool, he missed his training because he was too busy babysitting me," I say sarcastically. She just shrugs and walks out the door, leaving me to follow her. "So what did Cayton say?" I ask.
"He said have fun and try not too stay too long," she says. "And he said that he has to tell you something when he gets home."
I don't know why, but her words leave me a little nervous.
What else is there now? What else could possibly be left to tell me?
As if sensing my nervous mood, she adds "Don't worry, it isn't anything bad." I nod, although I can't shake the nervous feeling. I've already been told that my soul mate is a werewolf, who knows what else I could be told. I wouldn't even be mildly shocked if I happen to see a pig flying soon.
She turns on the radio to some pop station and I can't help but groan a little.
"What, you don't like my music?" Tami says, acting as if she's offended.
"Not really..." I admit. She just smirks and turns it up a little louder, then singing along and tapping her hands on the steering wheel to the beat. I roll my eyes, watching out the window at the passing scenery as Tami's horrible singing overpowers the music.
"Never... again..." I groan, slumping down in my chair and putting my hand on my stomach. "Look at this! I'm having a food baby!" Tami laughs, patting her stomach as well. The one restaurant in Creek Run is Papa J's Café, and they're famous for their burgers. I'm not entirely sure, but I think they just take the entire cow and put it on an oversized bun.
Tami had challenged me to eat the entire thing. I did, but I feel like I might explode at any second. She, however, could pack away some food.
"Want a milkshake?" she asks, smirking at me.
"No," I groan. She shakes her head amusedly at me, before waving over the waitress. She came over, looking down at the floor. When we first got here and she took our order, she hadn't said anything except giving a nod or muttering a yes while we ordered.
Tami said she's a werewolf, and her name is Bethany, but that's about all anyone knows about her. She kept to herself, and had little to no interaction with anyone in the pack. Her light blonde hair is tied up into a ponytail, with a loose piece falling out that she keeps pushing behind her ear, only to have it fall back out. I don't know why, but something about her said depression and I instantly felt sorry for her.
"Thank you Bethany," I say as she hands Tami the bill. Her green eyes flicker up to meet mine for a second, and I smile sweetly. She gives me a small smile back, before returning her eyes to the floor.
"You're welcome Luna," she says, as Tami hands her the amount for the meal. As she walks away, I give Tami a confused look.
"Did she just call me Luna?" I ask. "My name is Macy..."
Tami giggles for a second, before standing up and throwing a ten on the table. "I guess Cayton forgot to mention that. Luna is the Alpha female, being you," she says.
"Alpha female? Please tell me that doesn't come with responsibility." I could only imagine the amount of maturity and leadership skills needed for a position like that, two things I am highly lacking. Plus, I'm only a human! People can't really expect me to try to help run a werewolf pack?
"Only a little," Tami says.
"Shit," I mutter. Tami laughs again, pushing the door of the restaurant open.
"Don't worry; it isn't as bad as it sounds. And if it's any help, I think you will do just fine."
"Somehow, I find that hard to believe." I wonder what those responsibilities include. I'll have to ask Cayton later, after he tells me whatever he needs to. Oh great, that again. Now I have two things to be nervous about! Fantastic.
Instead of driving the car the short distance from the restaurant to my dad's, we walk. I feel a little weighed down after my cow-on-a-bun. But I trudge on. When we reach the door, I can't help but smile at the memory of my first encounter with Cayton. Although not a pleasant one, it's somewhat funny looking back on it.
I knock, and patiently wait. Not too long after, Trina answers the door, my phone and headphones in her possession. She smiles brightly when she sees me, and at my stern glare, she realizes she has my stuff. She smiles sheepishly and pulls the headphones out of her ears, then not-so-gently throws my phone and headphones on the couch next to the door.
"Hey sis," she greets. "I've missed you!" Suddenly, she throws her arms around me.
"Nice try. You know that you can't touch my stuff little girl!" I reprimand. See the sisterly love? I'm kidnapped and she steals my stuff.
"It was the only memory I had of you," she says, placing her hand over her heart. I roll my eyes at her and shove her gently to the side, letting myself in. I gesture for Tami to follow, who is smiling at our sisterly interaction.
"Daddy!" Both Trina and I yell at the same time, and then laugh with each other. "Ok, maybe I've missed you a little," I admit, giving my little sister a side hug. I really have missed her, but admitting that would only bring teasing from her that would lower that.
My dad steps through the door connecting the living room and kitchen, his eyes landing on me and smiling. I smile back and immediately run up to give him a hug.
"Hey baby girl," he says, giving me a squeeze.
"Hi daddy," I say, squeezing him back. For a minute, we stay together, before he pulls away and flicks my nose, something he's made a habit of since I was little.
"So how are things with Lover Boy?" he asks, sitting down in his Easy Chair. I sit on the couch across from him, and Tami takes the spot to my right, and Trina to my left.
"Great, actually. Well, hopefully," I say. A little question pops into my mind immediately, and I know that I have to ask it, but it's somewhat risky with Trina in the room. So I do something I'll probably pay for later, and sacrifice my best friend to my sister. "Trina! Why don't you give Tami a tour of the house?" I suggest.
"Um, ok," she shrugs. I give Tami a smile, which she returns with a confused look. 'Go with it' I mouth to her, hoping she catches my point. Once she and Trina are out of the room, I turn to my dad.
"Daddy, do you-"
"If you're going to ask if I know that they're werewolves, then the answer is yes." Ok, so he knew what I was going to ask.
"How? Who told you? And why did you never feel it was important to tell me that we were being sent into a town of werewolves every time we visited?" He chuckles, pulling back the lever on the side of the chair that releases the footrest.
"I figured it out myself. Unlike you, I can put two and two together," he chuckles.
"Hey! I did put two and two together! I just... happen to put the wrong two's together..." He gives me a questioning look, and I smile sheepishly, kind of thinking how stupid it is now. "I thought he was a Mafia leader."
The whole house practically shakes with his laughter, and for a moment, I fear the old house might not make it.
"Of course you would come up with that," he says, shaking his head. Why does everyone give me that reaction? Come on, it seemed reasonable at the time!
"Moving on," I say, holding up my hand to stop him from commenting any further.
"You know, I thought that you were willingly handing me over to a kidnapper. You should have just told me what was going on!"
"That was Cayton's job. And I see he did that, so what's the problem?"
"Um, I starved myself for three days to call you, and you couldn't explain to me what was going on," I deadpan. I could care less about the situation now, but it irked me at the time.
"You are the dumbest smart person I know," he says, shaking his head once again. Instead of coming up with a mature response, I simply stick my tongue out. Trina and Tami come back into the room, Trina yapping away about something, and Tami listening dejectedly.
"Oh Macy, I think we should be heading back soon!" Tami chirps, her eyes practically pleading with me to save her from my yappy sister. Trina could talk up a storm if you let her.
"I guess you're right," I sigh. "But I will be back!"
"You're welcome anytime," dad says, getting out of his chair and kissing me on the forehead. I smile and give him a hug.
"You're leaving already? You're not even going to make me pancakes?" Trina says.
"Sorry kid. You're on your own with that." I laugh, giving her a hug. As a second thought, I snatch up my phone and headphones from the couch and give Trina a small but playful glare. "And I'm taking my phone with me." I shove it in my pocket, and Trina pouts.
"Great! Now what am I supposed to entertain myself with?"
"Go play in traffic," I suggest. She scowls at me and I smile, messing up her short hair.
"I'm not going to miss you," she says matter-of-factly, turning up her nose.
"Well I'm not going to miss you either," I say, mocking her. She sticks her tongue out at me, and for once I decide to be the mature one and smile.
"Love you Daddy! I'll see you soon. Bye Trina. I love you," I say, giving her a hug once again.
"I guess I love you too," she sighs. Giving them both one last wave, I follow Tami out the front door, only to be stopped by Trina calling my name.
"I almost forgot! Can you do me a favor?"
"Sure, what is it?" I ask.
"Can you tell Carter I said hi?" she asks.
"What's up with you and Carter?" I laugh. Cayton had mentioned that Carter has a way with kids, and it obviously has affected my sister. Not that I get that, Carter is an asshole sometimes.
"He's awesome!" she says. "Plus, he's really hot."
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