《The Amber Paladin》Free Olkarion part 1
It was early in the morning and you had been summoned to make some repairs on the outer surface of the castle. And when Allura and Coran ordered, you obeyed, even though you didn't know why you all had to go. Pidge and Hunk would probably be the most useful out there.
You had just enough time to eat breakfast before changing your Paladin armour on. And as you rushed to meet the others, you felt so light, so free and so happy. After your talk with Keith yesterday, you were certain that he cared for you as you were.
The others were waiting for you by the airlock already. And as you approached them, you noticed that Keith was a bit further from everyone, seemingly lost in thought. But when he saw you coming, he perked up a bit.
"Sorry it took me so long!" You apologised. "I think we already know that you're lousy at waking up." Pidge smirked at you while lifting her glasses. "At least I don't wake up with a laptop in my arms." You just said, sneering back at her. "Well, who do you..." Pidge started to say back when Shiro interrupted her. "Alright, save that for later. We've wasted enough time already." He said firmly. And you both got silent. Shiro seemed to be on the edge that day.
"Coran, we are ready to go." Shiro then said on the intercom. "Well, finally!" Coran sighed on the other end. And that's when Pidge burst out laughing. And even Keith chuckled a bit. But you just rolled your eyes as the airlock door opened up and you all went in.
After that, you were pretty much just floating in space, close to the castle's exterior shell, getting ready to do some repairs. And it was still weird to feel weightless. The feeling wasn't exactly to your liking. And even though you would've rather had something firm under your feet, you just had to endure it.
Then Hunk opened up a panel full of buttons from the exterior shell of the castle. And since you had no idea what to do with the repairs, you just pretty much stared at the thing. "Let's hurry up with these repairs. Zarkon could be here at any moment." Shiro then urged you after a moment of silence, seemingly nervous when nobody did anything. And that's when you realised why he seemed to be on the edge that day. He was being cautious, and still probably troubled by Ulaz' death.
Then finally Hunk took charge, starting to examine the panel. "Okay, so...what?" He then asked puzzled after a moment of hesitation. "Just loosen the blaxums on the somoflange." Coran explained on the intercom. And you couldn't help but sigh in an exaggerated manner. What was he talking about?
And as you sighed, you quickly glanced at Keith, who was floating a bit further from the others, not even trying to look like he was interested on the repairs. But almost like he had sensed you looking at him, he glanced back. And when you had gotten his attention, you rolled your eyes, signaling that you didn't understand what Coran was saying. And that made him chuckle a bit.
"Could you be more specific?" Hunk asked Coran, clearly clueless even though he tried his best to understand. "Sorry, Hunk, he means the poklones on the agroclams." Allura corrected Coran. And at that moment you couldn't help but giggle. They were talking gibberish and you were in such a good mood that day.
"No, that doesn't help." Hunk answered anxiously, still not knowing what to do. "Easy, Hunk. I got this." Lance then went to him, rudely pushing him away as he started to twist some buttons randomly.
But just then an alarm suddenly started blaring and red light flashing. And Lance froze as the whole panel turned to red and some streams of light spread all through the castle's exterior. "Uh-oh. That can't be good." Lance said frowning, looking like he wanted to run away. "No, not the smalters, the poklones!" Allura yelled. "No, no! It's the blaxums!" Coran corrected her.
That's when Pidge pushed Lance away from the panel. Then she looked at it closely for a moment before pushing few buttons and turning the handle. And that's when the alarm was turned off. "There. Fixed." Pidge just stated calmly, like it was no big deal.
But everyone just looked at her with their mouths open. She was truly a wonder and you couldn't believe they didn't just let Pidge do the repairs in the first place. She would have gotten them right on the first try. "Well done, Pidge!" You said, smiling and even giving her an appreciative applause.
"The tech on this ship never ceases to amaze me. It's so mathematically elegant. Its fit is a 100 times more frictionless than any exoskeleton we have on Earth." Pidge explained, her eyes sparkling as she got lost in her tech dreams. "It's beautiful." She still let out the most satisfied sigh you had ever heard. And you understood the beauty of it, even though you preferred nature's own beauty over something manufactured by a man...or an alien.
"It's not a sunset, Pidge." Lance said to her, smirking, being funny. "You're right. A billion sunsets just happen every day. Some genius engineer actually built this." She just replied back sarcastically as the repairs were finished and she closed the panel. "That actually looks like..." Hunk started, but couldn't finish his sentence as he suddenly got hit on his head with something.
"What the...?" Hunk asked, startled. And as you all turned to look at what was happening, you saw that the castle was on it's way to a giant field full of spores of some sorts. And there were hundreds, even thousands of glowing spores coming your way.
Shiro quickly took out his shield. "All right, we're prepared for this." He said firmly, hiding behind the shield. But as the spores didn't look too dangerous, it just seemed that Shiro was overreacting. He really was tense that day. "Remember your rogue projectile cluster training from the Garrison. First, we need a temporary shelter. Wha...?" Shiro started to give orders when he was suddenly stopped by one of the spores hitting him on the back of his head.
Shiro turned around dumbfounded, and saw Lance smiling at him a bit sheepishly. "Oh, sorry Shiro. I was trying to hit Keith." Lance tried explaining. And you chuckled for two reasons. One, he threw a spore at Shiro. And two, he was supposed to be your sharpshooter, and he missed.
But just then Lance got hit on the face with a spore. It was so sudden that he didn't even see it coming. And then you heard Keith chuckling at his bullseye. "Like that?" He asked, looking so smug with that smirk of his that you liked so much. And you kind of ended up staring at him, until you suddenly got hit with one of the spores. "Yes! Squishy asteroid fight!" Hunk then yelled excited after he had landed a hit on you.
For a moment you were just dumbfounded of the hit, but as you got over it, you were ready for the fight. And pretty soon almost everyone were throwing the spores back and forth. Pidge on the other hand was curiously examining them and not getting in on the game.
You took one of the spores and threw it straight up at Lance. But of course you missed. Throwing precision was never your strong points. "All right, guys." Shiro tried to calm you down before getting hit with another spore. And that made him finally start to laugh and relax, getting in on the game too.
But just then you suddenly got hit with a spore coming from the side. And as you turned to look from where the shot came from, you saw Keith smirking at you. And you immediately filled your hands with the spores, ready to pay him back.
You squinted your eyes as you started to throw them all at Keith, relying more on the quantity than the quality. But he evaded every one of your throws, and he chuckled while doing it. And that just made you want to land a hit more.
But just as your concentration was on Keith, you got hit on your back. How cowardly! "Hey not fair! Why does everyone bombard me?" You playfully yelled as you saw Lance smirking behind you. But before you could even try to get back at him, you suddenly felt as someone took a hold of you and turned you around.
You couldn't even react before Keith squished one of the spores onto your helmet's visor, smirking at the same time. And even though you tried to fight him, he had such a tight hold of you that you were helpless. So you just laughed and screamed playfully. Until you heard Pidge's voice. "Come on, get a room."
Keith immediately let you go and your laughter cooled down. And as you quickly wiped your visor clean, you saw everyone staring at you. And you were blushing like hell as you felt slightly embarrassed. You were sure that it was obvious that something was going on between you. But luckily Keith quickly acted by throwing a spore at Hunk, which made them start the fight again, disregarding you two.
Pidge just rolled her eyes as she turned her attention back to the spores. "I don't think these are asteroids. Coran, I'm going to need a containment unit." She said while investigating one of them. But you weren't really paying attention to her as you were in the middle of the squishy asteroid war of the century.
"This bioluminescent pulsing doesn't seem natural. It appears programmed. I think it's a code." Pidge still wondered out loud as a containment unit arrived to her. "A code? From who?" Hunk suddenly stopped and looked at Pidge, just as you threw a spore at him. And it hit him, making Hunk groan. Yes, you finally hit something!
"I don't know. I mean, it makes no sense. You can't program a spore." Pidge pondered aloud. And that made everyone finally stop the spore war as you noticed that she was genuinely confused. "What could it be then?" Shiro asked from Pidge. But she shook her head in bafflement. "I'll have to analyse this." She just said, already lost in her thoughts.
"If anyone can figure it out, it's you Pidge." You said to her smiling. And just then you still got hit with a spore on your head. And as you turned around, you saw Keith smirking again. "Come on Keith, we were already finished." You sneered at him while crossing your arms. "It just slipped." He just said back, shrugging his shoulders. And you couldn't help but laugh. You were in such a good mood. Until Allura interrupted you all. "Head back in. But before that, everyone needs to come in for decontamination."
Decontamination. What fun. First the showers were turned on. Then came the foam. Then the whole place was filled with water. And after that a nice calm breeze started to blow. And for a moment it felt like a fresh spring breeze on your face as you took off your helmet. Until it suddenly started to get stronger. A lot stronger. Pidge was blown to the wall by the strong gust. And even you had a hard time standing still. But luckily soon the whole process was over.
Pidge immediately went to analyse the spore that she had collected. All the others went on their own. And when you had changed out of your armour, you went to knock on Keith's door. "Yes?" You heard from inside the room after a moment. And as you opened the door, you saw that he was sitting on the bed.
"Hey." You said, smiling as you went in and closed the door behind you. "Hey..." He silently answered you, even though he was clearly lost in thought. "Something on your mind?" You asked while sitting down next to him. But he just shrugged his shoulders. "Nah, just a bit tired, that's all." He answered while turning to look at you and giving you a small smile.
And as he finally looked at you, you quickly leaned towards him, giving him a quick kiss on his lips. And as you soon parted, Keith groaned, letting you know that it was too quick. And that made you giggle. So you leaned in again, taking a hold of his cheeks and planting a proper kiss on his lips. And to that he hummed in satisfaction.
And when you backed away, you wrapped your arms around him and laid your head against his shoulder. At the same time he took a hold of your waist and pulled you closer. "This is nice..." You sighed as you tucked your hand on his hair, gently stroking them. But Keith didn't say anything, he just closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling.
But just then you saw something peeking from under his pillow. "Is that your knife?" You asked as you parted from him. And you felt that he tensed up a bit. "Yeah it is. I just sometimes keep it safe in there." He hastily answered you while smiling sheepishly. And for some reason you had a feeling that it wasn't true. But before you could ask anything more, suddenly the door opened up and Coran came in. Wow, not even knocking. What about privacy?
You withdrew from Keith, but Coran was like he didn't even see you there as he just looked around the corners of the room. "Keith, did you happen to see a mouse come through here?" He asked. And for a moment there was an awkward silence as you were just dumbfounded. "Uh...no." Keith finally hesitantly answered. "I'll find you, Platt." Coran then cursed and immediately left. But that's when Keith got up from the bed. "Wait, Coran!" He yelled as he ran out of the room, leaving you on the bed, still confused of what had just happened.
But soon you went after them. And you caught up with them on the hallway, just in time to hear Keith asking a lot of questions from Coran. "Do you think the Galra ever went to Earth? Is that possible? They would have taken it over, right?" He asked quite hastily. But you frowned. Where were those questions coming from all of a sudden?
And that's when Coran stopped. "Oh, I think you'd know if the Galra were there." He answered confidently. "The Blue Lion was there. Did a Galra pilot the Blue Lion, too?" Keith asked more. And that's when you got curious too. "Yeah, Keith is right. How did it end up there in the first place? Someone must have piloted it there." You asked too.
But just then a door opened up next to you. And Lance stood there with his morning gown and slippers on. He had a facial mask on and a towel wrapped around his head. And you realised that you were standing in front of his door. "Hey, why are you asking about my Lion? How many Lions do you need?" Lance asked, glaring at Keith. And you couldn't help but chuckle. "Lance, you have something in there..." You said, pointing at his face. "This makes my skin soft." He just glared at you before turning to glare back at Keith.
"What? No, I was just..." Keith tried to answer, not really understanding what Lance meant. "Don't 'What? No, I was just' me! You've had your eye on the Blue Lion from day one!" Lance yelled, poking Keith's chest with his finger. And usually Keith would have been irritated by something like that, but now he just seemed like he was confused. And it was kind of cute.
"Well, yeah. It's the first one we found." Keith tried to explain. "Ah! Bah-bah-bah-bah! The Blue Lion's with me and we're very happy together! Very happy!" Lance still once more glared at Keith before closing the door. And you were all just left there speechless.
Until you heard Pidge's voice on the speakers. "Guys! Come check this out!" She said clearly excited. "Sounds like Pidge might have found something." Coran stated as he started to make his way to where Pidge was. And even though you were still somewhat puzzled of everything that had happened and what everyone was talking about, you still followed Coran. And so did Keith.
Soon you arrived to the Green Lion's hangar. And there you found Pidge, who had a table full of all kinds of gear and one of the spores in the container. And in her laptop screen you saw different kinds of markings, none of them familiar to you.
When all the others had arrived too, Pidge started to explain what she had done. "I ran the bioluminescent pattern through a variety of code-breaking sequences, including this homemade virtual Turing machine." She started explaining very excited. "Of course, I had to make a few tweaks to the original design, because, obviously, there have been several advancements since he designed it. Although, you have to admit, Turing was a shining light in..." She continued her eyes sparkling, until Keith stopped her. "Pidge, what does it say?" He asked frustrated of her babbling.
"Oh, yeah. 'Under attack. Galra. Help.' And then, there are coordinates. It's a distress signal." Pidge answered, smiling a bit apologetically. "Pidge you're such a genius. I wish I would have at least half of your brain capacity." You said, ruffling her hair. "Well, you have other assets." She said at you smirking while trying to back away so that you couldn't touch her hair. But you just sneered back at her not amused.
"Yes, good work Pidge. Get those coordinates into the castle's navigation system." Shiro said, interrupting you two. "And suit up everyone. We're heading out to where the distress signal came from." He continued. And you sighed. You had just gotten the armour off, and now you had to put it back on. Well, fine then.
After you quickly changed back into your armour, you went into the control room. And while you had been away, Coran had found something. "The signal came from Olkarion, home to the Olkari, a proud class of engineers, builders of vast cities that could change shape at the whim of their creators." Coran explained to you as an image of the planet appeared on the screen. And it was a peculiar looking planet. It wasn't just round like many others, but it seemed to be divided in half by a row of enormous mountains.
Allura explained that the Olkari people were an advanced race that had seemingly magical abilities to manipulate solid metal. And that's when Coran took a small cube to his hand. "An Olkari once gave me this!" He said, showing you the cube. And you looked at it wondering, even though it just seemed like an ordinary cube.
But just then the cube started to float. And you gasped. Okay, that was an extraordinary cube. "And watch!" Coran then said. "My name is Coran and I'm a gorgeous man!" He then said, raising his voice proudly. And everyone just looked at him like he was mad. But just then the cube started echoing Coran's words. "My name is Coran and I'm a gorgeous man." The cube repeated. And you gasped. Was it like an echo cube? That was amazing!
And that's when Pidge really got excited. "I can't wait! When do we get to see this city!?" She said, her voice raising. But Allura looked at her frowning. "Actually, Pidge, the distress signal isn't coming from the city. It's coming from the forest." She said a bit apologetic like it was her fault. And you could see how Pidge's facial expression changed from excited to clearly disappointed.
But you still had to go. And when the Lions soared out of their hangars, you started to fly towards the planet below you. And while you were closing in on it, the sun was setting. Or at least you thought it was the sun. You could never know in those alien planets, but you still enjoyed the warmth it brought. You hadn't seen the sun setting for awhile now.
You followed the coordinates to the forest close to the city. "Why doesn't anyone ever send a distress signal from a cool place?" Pidge sighed disappointed at the intercom as you were flying past the city. And it made you chuckle a bit. And as she heard it, she continued with an agitated voice. "I hate the outdoors. Nothing but sunburn and poison oak." She grunted irritated.
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