《The Amber Paladin》Locating allies part 2
You were in the lounge area, interrogating Ulaz, the Galra who had intruded the castle, and who had initially helped Shiro escape. Without him, Shiro might have never ended back on Earth, and you might not even be at the castle. So you owed him pretty much everything.
Even though Ulaz was cuffed, his presence still tensed up the atmosphere between you all. And on top of that, your own anxious feelings tried to surface every time you glanced at Keith. He still hadn't said anything to you after what had happened, so you had no idea what he was thinking. But you had to hold yourself together for now, even though your thoughts were muddy as hell.
Allura seemed most displeased by Ulaz's presence in the castle. "I will not have some quiznaking Galra soldier on the bridge of my ship!" She said angrily, glaring at him with a murderous stare while crossing her arms. And you knew she had reasons for her behavior. Galra did destroy her planet after all.
But Ulaz just looked back at her, surprisingly calm. "If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already." He just answered back with a firm tone. And you sighed. Maybe not the best approach. Allura seemed even more pissed by that. "Are your Galra threats supposed to win my trust?" She raised her voice, glaring at Ulaz.
"I'm not trying to win your trust. I'm trying to win a war. And, because of Shiro, we are closer than we've ever been. Our gamble on you paid off better than we could have ever imagined." He just replied calm as ever. And as you looked at the two of them interacting, you started to feel that Ulaz was trustworthy. Compared to him, Allura seemed to act like a child who didn't get what she wanted. And by now, you had already learned to trust your intuition.
That's when Shiro interrupted them by addressing Ulaz. "When you released me, you also mentioned that there were others working with you." He mentioned. "Yes. We are called the Blade of Marmora." Ulaz answered him with a proud tone in his voice.
"Uh, others? Are they here?" Hunk then asked, suddenly looking very frightened. "Hunk, can you try not to act so scared around the chained-up prisoner?" Lance said to him while letting out an exasperated sigh. And that's when you couldn't contain your smile. You were interrogating a prisoner and everyone still acted like themselves. Maybe you should at least try to act like decent Paladins. "Yeah Hunk, it makes us seem little lame." You said while smirking. But when almost everyone turned to glare at you, you stopped.
And when everyone had quieted down, Ulaz finally continued. "No, I am alone on this base." He just said, his voice still steady. But as you turned to look at him, you sensed something lingering in his voice. Some kind of a longing perhaps?
"What is this base you're talking about?" You then asked him since you hadn't seen any base anywhere near there. "Yes, Shiro's coordinates just led us to this wasteland." Allura said, still glaring at Ulaz, clearly doubting him. "The base is hidden. Now that I know it is Shiro that has come, you are welcome to our outpost. It lies dead ahead." Ulaz just calmly answered you.
But you still couldn't see any base anywhere. "Behind all the xanthorium clusters?" Pidge asked frowning. "No. Right in front of it, in a hidden pocket of space-time." Ulaz answered her. And you heard Pidge gasping. Suddenly she had a hard time trying to contain herself. "Are you alright Pidge?" You asked her. And she just looked at you with wide eyes. "...hidden pocket of space-time..." She just repeated it, like she was in a trance.
That's when you heard Coran's voice from the speakers. "I am picking up some kind of anomaly on the screen. I suppose it could be a cloaked base." He explained, still trying to locate the base in the control room. "Just fly straight for the center of the xanthorium cluster. You will see." Ulaz said confidently to him. But that's when Allura again glared at him. "You think you're going to get me to destroy our ship just because you say so!?" She raised her voice while crossing her arms.
But that's when you sighed. You just couldn't stand in the sidelines, you had to intervene. "Allura. I feel Ulaz is to be trusted." You said to her. And she looked back at you, first frowning, then calming down a bit. She knew your sense of intuition was strong, but she still couldn't let it go that easily.
"I still think this is a bad idea." She said, averting her gaze while almost pouting. "We came out here to find some answers. Are we going to turn back now?" Shiro then tried reasoning with her. "I think we should see where this leads." You still added, trying to get her to agree.
Then you suddenly heard Keith's voice. "You know I trust you Shiro...and (Y/N), but this doesn't feel right." He said without looking at you. And the way he just said it made your heart sink to your stomach. He had to pause before saying that. Did he not trust you? What was he thinking? And suddenly you again felt so tense and anxious. You had to hold your breath for a moment to push back the emerging feeling.
"And you know I hate to agree with Keith, but it's a big fat ditto for me." Lance then agreed with him. "Galra could have implanted fake memories of the escape in your head." Pidge also joined in the bunch of doubters. "Come on Pidge, wouldn't that be a bit too far-fetched?" You asked, trusting your instincts. Even though Ulaz didn't give much from how he acted, you still could read something from his stoic demeanor.
"No, that could be possible, though evil...which of course, they are. But they'd have to come up with some molecular level storage unit...which his hand does have. But, to be linked up to memory, it would need a direct pathway to his brain...which...yeah." Hunk tried to reason, but ended up contradicting himself. "Ulaz freed me. Without him, we wouldn't be here." Shiro then tried to reason with everyone. And he was right. You owed him a lot.
Then Allura slouched her shoulders, letting out a deep sigh. "Fine. Slow and steady, Coran. Head for the xanthorium cluster." She said, agreeing even though many others disagreed. "Thank you Princess." Shiro then said smiling, clearly relieved. "Beginning approach." Coran said on the speakers as the castle moved again. And you really hoped that your hunch would turn out right. You really hoped that you could trust Ulaz. Otherwise you would collide in just a moment.
"Impact imminent in five, four..." Coran started counting, his voice echoing in the silent room. And as you listened to the numbers decreasing, you glanced at Keith. And as your eyes suddenly met, your heart skipped a beat. But even though you tried giving him a small smile, he immediately averted his gaze. He seemed so tense and all you wanted was to see some emotion in his eyes.
But just then you suddenly heard Coran gasping as he stopped counting. "What is it?" Allura asked, clearly tense. "Putting it up on the screens." Coran then said as an image appeared on the lounge screen. And you all looked at it puzzled. Suddenly it seemed like the castle was in some sort of a space tunnel.
"Amazing. They're folding space." Pidge sighed aloud, her eyes sparkling. Then Hunk also got excited, even though for different reasons than Pidge. "It's like a space taco. Or a space calzone. Or a space-time soup dumpling and we're the soup. Hey, is there a cafeteria on this thing?" Hunk asked from Ulaz, who suddenly showed slight amusement in his normally stoic expression.
Just then suddenly a bright light flashed on the screen, and the image changed. And suddenly there was some kind of a ship in front of you. Was that the base that Ulaz was talking about? If it was, it was a great hiding place. Those guys were pros, definitely.
"Welcome to the Blade of Marmora Communications Base Thaldycon." Ulaz then spoke with pride. "Now, if you'll free me, I need to send a message to the leadership. They need to know I've made contact with Voltron." He then added, looking at Allura. But she didn't even look back, still clearly irritated while glaring at Shiro. "Go with him and keep an eye on him." She ordered.
"Ooh! Can we go?" Hunk suddenly asked excited. "I want to see how they make the space pocket!" Pidge then yelled, her voice getting more high-pitched, the more excited she was. "I guess I want to see this too..." You then said, slightly hesitant. And that's when Lance smirked widely. "Yes, you guys just go ahead. I'll hang back and protect the Princess." He smiled at Allura, who just rolled her eyes back.
You decided to all go in the Red Lion. Then you flew to the communications base with Ulaz. And as you were closing in on the base, you saw how brilliant it really was. You couldn't really comprehend how anyone could build something like that. It was amazing.
"What is that exactly?" You asked curiously as you saw some electric beams crossing outside the base. "That is the gravity generator that creates the space-time fold that hides the station. It was created by a reclusive genius engineer named Slav. His technology allows us to remain hidden while we work to take down the Galra empire." Ulaz explained. And you listened him intensely. It was really interesting to listen to someone who you always thought was on the opposite side.
"So there are Galra out there that aren't loyal to Zarkon?" Keith suddenly asked while guiding the Lion towards the base. "We thought expanding the Galra Empire would bring stability. We learned too late, a tyrant doesn't seek stability, only power." Ulaz replied. And in that moment you felt respect towards him. You had the same goal, only they were working against their own kind.
As you soon arrived to the base, you realised that it wasn't that big. It was basically just one big control room. And as you gathered around the control panel, Ulaz wanted to show you some intel that the Blade of Marmora had gathered from Zarkon's command center. "With our members working on the inside, and planning coordinated attacks with Voltron, we may finally have a chance." He explained to you, seemingly content.
"So, you have someone working on the inside?" You then asked while looking closely on the images. And that's when Ulaz stopped and turned to look at you. And he seemed surprisingly frustrated all of a sudden. "How do you think you got away from Zarkon in that last fight? Do you think those shields around Zarkon's command center went down on their own?" He raised his voice like he was offended by your question. Like you were stupid for not understanding the connection.
And you immediately averted your gaze, looking at the ground frowning. You realised that you hadn't even thought about it. At that time you were just happy to get out of there. "Hey, back off, none of us realised that then." Keith suddenly raised his voice, glaring at Ulaz. And as you turned to look at him, you felt slightly baffled. Was he just defending you?
But that's when Pidge interrupted them. "If you have people on the inside, can they tell me where my family is? They were taken the same time Shiro was." She asked a bit hesitantly. And that's when you realised that you had totally forgotten about her father and brother. And you immediately felt bad for it. You knew you needed to concentrate more on what was happening around you, not just your own feelings.
"I knew others from Earth were captured. I never saw them, but I have some records of Galra prisoners here. I can transmit them to your ship." Ulaz replied to Pidge, who seemed to lighten up a bit.
But just then Keith spoke, changing the subject. "What's that weapon you carry?" He asked while glaring at the blade on Ulaz's back. "It's a ceremonial blade that each member of our order carries." He explained while taking the blade and showing it to Keith. And it was a beautiful blade indeed. It had a glowing mark of some sorts on the handle. But then Keith just shrugged his shoulders, like he didn't care. "Hmm, nice." He just hummed, turning to look away, seemingly tensing up again.
But that's when alarms suddenly started blaring and red lights flashing. And everyone immediately startled and turned their attention to the screen, from where you saw some kind of a ship approaching you behind the xanthorium clusters.
"Oh, no! You were tracked!" Ulaz immediately exclaimed with a harsh tone in his voice. And you gasped. That couldn't be! But Keith was quick on blaming Ulaz instead. "If Zarkon knows we're here, it's because you ratted us out." He replied, raising his voice.
And just then something emerged from the incoming ship. And when you saw what it was, you all gasped. It was a huge beast with gleaming eyes, two metallic arms and enormous mouth. "It's another one of Zarkon's robot...beasts...ro-beasts!" Hunk yelled, his panic levels rising, at the same time inventing a clever name for those beasts that Zarkon kept sending after you.
"We have to get back to the ship!" Shiro said immediately. But Ulaz stopped him. "Shiro, wait. These are instructions on how to reach the Blade of Marmora headquarters." He said, handing a chip to Shiro. "Before you go there, find out how Zarkon is tracking you." He still instructed. "I will, I promise." Shiro agreed, taking the chip and heading straight back to the Lion. And as you followed him, you still quickly glanced at Ulaz, and saw that he was looking at you all with a content expression on his face.
After leaving the base, you immediately flew back to the castle. "Everyone get to your lions, but don't launch. We'll wait to see what it does. I don't want to risk fighting it if we don't have to." Shiro ordered. And you obeyed, going straight to your Lion and waiting.
And as you just sat there, you looked at at the image of the ro-beast on your screen. You had no idea if it knew that you were there. But when it opened it's jaws and started pulling the xanthorium clusters inside, like a tractor beam, you had a hunch that it knew. And when it had enough, it started to fire them back towards you, making the clusters around the castle explode. And you gasped while taking a tight hold of your chair.
"He definitely knows we're here!" Coran immediately yelled on the intercom. And just then the castle got hit. "Get the particle barrier up!" Allura commanded, and immediately the barrier got up, shielding the castle just in the nick of time as it was hit again. "Why aren't we heading out already?" You asked nervously, puzzled of the situation.
And just then Allura's anxious voice echoed on the intercom. "He's pulling us in as well!" She yelled as the castle started to move towards the ro-beast along with a bunch of xanthorium clusters. "Paladins, I think it's time to launch! Form Voltron!" Shiro finally ordered. And immediately you took a hold of the handles of your Lion, pushing them and making her move. "Alright, let's go girl!" You encouraged her as you flew out of the castle.
As soon as you were out, the Lions soared upwards in total unison. They started to transform, everything clicking into place as the magnetism pulled you together, forming Voltron. And with Voltron, you emerged from the cluster field, flying straight towards the ro-beast and punching it to it's face.
But the ro-beast didn't seem that bothered by it as it immediately fired back a beam that made the cluster field start exploding behind you. And as the explosions grew larger and wider, suddenly the space-time fold was gone. Suddenly both the castle and the base were exposed. They were like easy bait now.
And as you punched the ro-beast again, trying to draw it's attention, you noticed a small ship leaving the communications base. "Well, there goes Ulaz." Coran said, clearly disappointed. "I knew we should never trust a Galra!" Allura then immediately stated, almost mockingly. But you sighed. What did she expect? That Ulaz would just stay at the base, waiting for his doom?
But as you kept on punching the ro-beast, you realised that nothing seemed to happen. And as you tried shooting lasers at it, the ro-beast just started pulling in more clusters to it's mouth, like you hadn't even touched it. It was that strong.
But just then you had to fly away from the ro-beast as it pointed it's tractor beam towards you, trying to get you trapped. "We've got to keep some distance between us and that ro-beast!" Shiro ordered as you flew further away from it. But before you could get any further, it started to fire single shots at you. And those shots made the clusters around you explode.
And just as you were trying to get away from the explosions hastily, the ro-beast started to pull in the clusters again. And suddenly you felt as you were being pulled towards it. You had been caught up in it's tractor beam, even though you tried avoiding it. "This is hopeless!" You yelled frustrated when it seemed like you couldn't move, even though Lance and Hunk tried their best.
"I'm burning thrusters at full capacity and it's not making any difference!" Lance yelled, frustrated too. You were in trouble and you couldn't do anything about it. If the ro-beast would get you any closer, it could just shoot through you.
But just then suddenly your Lion spoke to you. "Huh?" You looked at her puzzled. Why did she want you to push the handles? You were already used to not being much of a help when you were in Voltron, that for a moment you didn't know how to react. But you still decided to listen to her.
"Fine, here goes." You said as you pushed the handles. And just then Lance gasped. "Ummm, what is happening?" He asked hesitantly. "Umm, well, what is happening there?" You asked also unsure. "My booster power just went up a notch!" He then yelled like he didn't believe it. "Mine too!" Hunk then also yelled.
And that's when you felt like Voltron was giving more resistance to the tractor beam, slowly pushing out of it. And that's when you remembered what Allura had said to you awhile back. She had told you that as the heart of Voltron, the Amber Lion was capable of boosting and giving energy to the others. "I think it's my Lion. She's boosting you up!" You said slightly dumbfounded.
But too soon your joy turned into disappointment. "It's still not enough!" Shiro said as you still couldn't get out of the ro-beast's grasp. And you sighed. For a moment you had thought that you could actually help the others out. "That's alright girl, you're doing your best. It's just too strong." You said to your Lion, comforting her.
But just as the ro-beast was pulling you closer, suddenly a huge laser hit it, and a large explosion sent you flying away from it. And you knew the castle had just come to your aid. "Is everyone all right?" Allura asked on the intercom, clearly concerned. "Alive, yes. All right, no." Lance answered with a panicky voice as you were really in disadvantage.
And again, the ro-beast started to use it's tractor beam, but this time it was targeting the castle. And the clusters exploding around the castle hit the particle barrier again and again. "We need to find a way to stop its tractor beam!" You yelled, seeing the barrier weakening. "I've got an idea. Pidge, form the shield!" Shiro immediately ordered. And Pidge formed the shield as Voltron flew to the ro-beast and hit the shield straight to it's mouth, blocking the beam literally. Now it couldn't use that, at least for a moment.
Then you took a hold of the ro-beast. And you used the boosters to gain more speed before you pushed it towards a giant cluster, making everything around it explode to pieces. But even though the ro-beast was in the middle of the explosions, it still wasn't going down.
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