《The Amber Paladin》I am no Paladin part 2
So, there you were, standing in front of a large cave with Pidge, Lance, Hunk, Keith and Shiro, on your way to find this Voltron, whatever it was. How did you got yourself into this situation? Except Pidge, you didn't even know them well. One of them was an idol, one a total flirt, one always hungry and one didn't even talk to you. Fun times ahead, you thought.
You had followed Hunk's new Voltron Geiger counter through a deserted landscape and had ended up in front of a cave. And as you stood there, the needle of the counter was going wild. And it meant that there was something inside the cave.
"Okay, I admit it. This is super freaky." Lance said out loud what you were thinking. But as you walked in to the cave, your nervous tension slowly eased up. You let a small sigh escape your lips as you saw some ancient markings on the walls all around the cave. They looked so beautiful. Something that you could only see in history books.
"What are these?" Shiro's voice echoed in the hollow cave. "These are the lion carvings I was telling you about." Keith explained. And you touched one of them on the wall, trailing the outlines of it with your finger. It was so beautiful.
Just then, all of a sudden, the markings started glowing in blue. And you gasped. "What is going on?" You turned to the others. And you saw that Lance had his hands on the wall while the others were just looking around puzzled. "They've never done that before." Keith gasped just as the ground beneath you also started emitting blue light.
And just then, before anyone could even move, the ground caved in on you. You fell down and screamed at the top of your lungs. But luckily the drop wasn't long, and you soon fell down to a small pond. You grunted as you hit the ground until you realised that the fall hadn't been too harsh.
You heard some groaning coming from underneath and you turned to look around hastily. And that's when you saw that you had fallen slightly on top of Lance. "I'm so sorry, are you okay!?" You quickly apologized as you started to get up from top of him.
But Lance just grinned as he rubbed his chest. "No no no, I'd take you up in my arms any day." He said while wriggling his eyebrows. And here you had been wondering whether or not you should be offended if Lance hadn't tried his pick-up lines on you. "Lance, focus." Pidge just sighed, as you slightly giggled in your mind.
As you got up, you realised that Keith was glancing at both you and Lance while getting up himself. But when his gaze shifted behind you, his expression changed. His eyes grew wide. And you turned to look at what he was seeing. And your eyes widened too. "Wow...that is...wow..." You sighed in amazement.
In front of you was a blue lion robot inside a barrier. It was huge. And really beautiful. And you let out a sigh as you looked at the marvelous sight. You had never seen anything like that before.
"Is that it? Is that Voltron?" Pidge asked puzzled. "I don't know, but it's beautiful." You sighed. "This is what's been causing all of this crazy energy out here." Keith said while starting to walk closer to the barrier surrounding the lion. You others followed him. And the closer you got, the more marvelous it seemed. You were just in awe.
"I wonder how we get through this?" Keith said placing his hands on the barrier, trying to look for a way in. "Maybe you just have to knock." Lance said and knocked on the barrier. And just then happened something that none of you expected.
The lion's eyes flashed in yellow and the barrier around it started to fade just as the ground beneath it also started to emit blue light. And just like that, the barrier dissolved. Everyone gasped and took a step backwards instinctively as you started to feel an immense power radiating from the lion. You froze to the spot as you started to feel some kind of electricity running through you.
And all of a sudden you had this vision inside your mind, of a huge manlike robot that was made from six lions. It was strong. And it was miraculous. And you suddenly felt a surge of power going through your body.
Everyone gasped. "Uh, did everyone just see that?" Lance asked. "Voltron is a huge, huge, awesome robot!" Hunk raised his voice enthusiastically. "Incredible." Keith sighed. "And this is only a part of it." Pidge added. "I wonder where the rest of it is?" You wondered. And you all were clearly excited, even though you still weren't quite sure of what Voltron really was.
"This is definitely what they are looking for." Shiro stated seriously. And just then the lion moved. It leaned towards the ground in front of you. And you again instinctively took a step back.
The lion lowered it's head and opened it's mouth, like it was inviting you in. Did it just move on it's own? Was it alive? Everyone just stared at it frozen. Except Lance, who just smiled and ran inside the lion.
Encouraged by his actions, you others followed him too. And as you entered the lion, you arrived to some kind of a room. You saw Lance already sitting on a chair and some screens opened up in front of him. It definitely was some kind of a control room, you thought as you looked around.
"Okay, guys, I feel the need to point out, just so that we're all, you know, aware. We are in some kind of a futuristic alien cat head right now." Hunk said a bit hesitant. And just then Lance gasped.
"Lance, what's wrong?" You asked turning to look at him. His eyes were wide and he was just staring in front of him. "Did you guys hear that?" Lance slowly asked, clearly puzzled.
"Hear what?" Keith asked frowning. "I think it's talking to me..." Lance said as he started to look at the console in front of him. "Hmm..." He hummed as he started pressing some buttons. And before you knew it, the Lion was soaring to the sky, you all on board, Lance on controls.
"What is happening!?" Hunk screamed as you all grabbed a hold of something. The ride was a bit rough, to say the least. You tried to keep a tight hold of the back of the chair so you wouldn't fall down as the lion was going forwards at such a fast pace. But it was really hard as the lion was flying around like a headless chicken.
"You are the worst pilot ever!" Keith suddenly yelled at Lance. And you flinched at him shouting next to you just as the Lion landed on the ground and started to run full speed ahead. You gasped as your hands slipped from the chair and you started to fall backwards.
You were already prepared for the harsh impact, when you felt a hand across your back, stopping you from falling. You immediately reached out your hands to the back on the chair, taking a tight hold of it again. And as you looked to the side, you realised that it was Keith. "Thanks." You said to him silently. But he just took his hand away as soon as you were back on your feet, not replying to you. And you glanced at him. Why didn't he say anything to you?
"Make it stop! Make it stop!" Hunk on the other hand tried to plead. "I'm not making it do anything. It's like it's on autopilot." Lance said as he started to enjoy the ride. But Hunk was clearly not. He was starting to look a bit nauseous.
And just then, the lion again soared straight up into the sky. "Where are you going?" Keith asked with a strained voice. "I just said it's on autopilot! It says there's an alien ship approaching Earth. I think we're supposed to stop it." Lance explained like it was perfectly normal. And you looked at him frowning. Now you were supposed to stop an alien ship? What the hell?
Then finally the ride eased up as the lion got out of the Earth's atmosphere and entered the space. Everyone calmed down a bit as the lion slowly kept on soaring upwards. But Hunk was still shaken. "Well, if this thing is the weapon they're coming for, why don't we just, I don't know, give it to them? Maybe they'll leave us alone. Sorry lion. Nothing personal." Hunk suggested, slight panic in his voice.
"You don't understand. These monsters spread like a plague throughout the galaxy, destroying everything in their path. There's no bargaining with them. They won't stop until everyone is dead." Shiro explained with a serious voice. And that made everyone quiet.
And if that wasn't enough, suddenly a huge dark spaceship appeared in front of you. And it clearly wasn't made by humans. It was really threatening. And you gasped. What was happening? Was this all even real?
"Holy crow! Is that really an alien ship?" Hunk stuttered a bit as he looked at the giant thing in front of you. "I think it is." You replied to him confused and even slightly excited. You didn't know why all these turns of events made you like that. It was a thrill, at the same time scary and exciting.
Just then the ship started to shoot purple lasers at the lion. "We've got to get out of here!" Pidge yelled. "Hang on!" Lance yelled as he pulled the lion's handles. And immediately the lion soared up and started dodging the lasers quite skillfully. And for some reason it seemed like Lance wasn't really flying the lion, but the other way around.
"All right. Okay, I think I know what to do." Lance said quite calmly as he guided the lion towards the ship. And all you could do now was to watch what he would do. You just kept a tight hold of the chair and watched.
As the lion closed in on the ship, Lance took a deep breath. Then he suddenly pushed the other handle. The lion's mouth opened up, and a huge laser beam was shot out of it, straight towards the ship. The laser cut through the ship, creating a bundle of explosions along the way.
"Lance, that was amazing..." You sighed aloud. "Nicely done." Shiro complimented Lance who was clearly having way too much fun, almost laughing. "Okay, I think it's time to get these guys away from our planet." Lance still added a bit smugly as he started to guide the lion away from the alien ship. And soon the ship started to chase after you.
You tried to get far away from the ship, even though it wasn't shooting at you anymore. But the ship was still gaining up on you as you were flying around aimlessly. The only things you saw around you were strange planets and floating debris. And you had no idea where to go.
"Where are we?" Keith asked, looking around too. "Edge of the solar system. There's Kerberos." Shiro explained, pointing at a planet further away. And that's when you glanced at Pidge. She was gazing at Kerberos too, but with a sorrowful look in her eyes. And it made your heart feel heavy.
"It takes months for our ships to get out this far. We got here in five seconds." Pidge cleared her throat, her voice a bit shivering. "That's unbelievable. I never actually thought that I'd get to go to space some day." You said as you turned your attention back to the planets around you.
Just then, to your surprise, some kind of a portal appeared in front of you. "Whaaat?" Hunk yelped. And your eyes widened for a moment as you saw the huge swirling portal you'd think only existed in science fiction movies. But pretty soon you just shook your head. It was all starting to get a bit too overwhelming.
"This may seem crazy but I think the lion wants us to go through there." Lance said slightly hesitant. "Where does it lead?" You asked. "I don't know. Shiro, you are the senior officer here. What should we do?" Lance turned to Shiro for answers.
Shiro went quiet for a moment. He looked up at Kerberos once more, and then spoke. "Whatever is happening, the lion knows more than us. I say we trust it. But we are a team now. We should decide together."
You lowered your head. Just the thought that you were now in space was strange enough to send shivers down your spine. But at the same time it was also exciting. And even though it was unbelievable, it was still real. You were already flying around in a lion, but you were also chased by an alien ship. So what the heck. What else could you do but nod? You were in this together.
But as soon as you entered the portal, an immense pressure started to affect you. You tightened the grip you had on the chair as the pressure started to make you somewhat nauseous. It was nothing like the g-forces that you endured during your training at the Garrison. It was more powerful. Like it was trying to squeeze you until you couldn't breathe.
And as you finally made it out of the portal, you took a deep breath. And Hunk of course threw up. Back at the Garrison, you had been in couple of simulator flights with him, though you weren't on the same class. But you knew that happened every time. You felt bad for him and tried to rub his back to make him feel a bit better. But no, he just threw up again.
"I don't know any of these constellations. We must be a long way from Earth." Shiro's quiet voice made you look around. And just then it hit you. The realisation that you were really far away from home. And that you might never get back to Earth. You saw that Lance and Hunk realised the same thing at the same time as they turned pale. And it got really quiet in the lion's head.
"Um, is it me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole? Why are we even listening to a lion anyways?" Hunk asked silently, like he was regretting ever getting on board the lion.
"It got us away from that alien warship, didn't it?" Lance looked at Hunk. "I don't know if you notice but you are in an alien warship." Keith stated, glaring at Lance, almost challenging him. "Oh, are you scared?" Lance taunted Keith. "With you at the helm? Terrified." Keith glared back. And it seemed like they were almost at each other's throats.
"Alright, knock it off." Shiro interrupted them. "Nobody is happy about the situation, but we're here now. Why fight about it?" You calmly stated, putting your hand on Lance's shoulder. He turned to look at you and seemed to cool down a bit as you gave him a small smile. Then you glanced at Keith who was still glaring at Lance with a scowl on his face. You wouldn't even dare try the same thing on Keith. He would probably cut your hand off if you tried.
"So I guess we'll just have to see where this things takes us..." Lance still said silently. And for now there was really nothing else you could do. You were in a strange situation. The best you could do now was to try to get along and face whatever would come with a calm mind.
Soon you were approaching a planet that somehow resembled Earth with green and blue covering the surface. And as you got closer, it seemed like the lion was going towards a huge castle up ahead. The castle looked like it hadn't been used in awhile, even though it looked really advanced at the same time. And just as the lion got closer to it, the castle's towers started to glow.
The lion landed in front of the castle's door, like it wanted you to enter it. You walked out of the Lion, and as you finally felt the ground beneath you again, you realised how wobbly your legs seemed to be. The ride in the lion had made your muscles feel weak, probably from the nervous tension in your body.
As you approached the door of the castle, the lion suddenly lifted it's head and let out a piercing roar. And to that, the front door responded by opening up. And even though you all still seemed a bit hesitant, you started to carefully walk inside. There was really no backing down now.
You walked through a huge hallway. It was dark and eerie, and you wondered if the castle was really deserted. You heard nothing. And as you arrived to a set of stairs, you stopped.
Suddenly a light turned on at the end of the stairs and a voice was heard echoing through the empty hallways. "Hold for identity scan." A mechanical voice said as the ground beneath you light up and scanned you from your head to your toe.
"Why are we here? What do you want with us?" Shiro raised his voice, wanting some answers. But the voice didn't reply. Instead, after the scan was complete, the lights in the hallway were turned on. It wasn't dark anymore, and suddenly the castle didn't seem as eerie as it did before.
Then another hallway light up at the end of the stairs. "I guess we're going that way." Pidge said as you all started to walk up the stairs. And soon you realised that the lights started to lead your way further into the castle.
As you followed the lights, you soon ended up to a round room. And in there you found two pods emerging from the ground. It really was like something from a science fiction movie and you still had a hard time trying to really understand that it was real, not fiction. There was just too many new things all around you, that you didn't even know how to react to anything anymore.
A woman woke up from the first pod. She had kind of a rude awakening as she fell straight into Lance's arms, and the first thing she heard after waking up was Lance's pick-up lines. "Who are you? Where is King Alfor? What are you doing in my castle?" The woman started questioning you with slight panic in her voice as she backed away from Lance.
"A giant blue lion brought us here. That's all we know." Lance tried to calm the woman down. And as you looked at the woman, you noticed that her skin was darker than yours, she had some lines under her eyes and her ears were also pointy. You felt that she was definitely different than you, and not just by the looks.
"How do you have the Blue Lion? What happened to it's Paladin? What are you all doing here?" The woman still questioned you. But you all just looked at her speechless. You had no answers to her. You were still as confused as she was.
"Unless...how long has it been?" The woman suddenly gasped as she quickly made her way to a console in the center of the room. "We don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you tell us who you are? Maybe we can help." Shiro still tried to calm the woman down.
"I am Princess Allura of the Planet Altea. I've got to find out where we are and how long we've been asleep." She said as she put her hands on the console. And suddenly a holographic screen appeared on top of it.
Just then the other pod started opening up too. You all turned to look at it and saw a man with similar features as the woman, Princess Allura. But as the man saw you, he immediately started charging towards Lance with a flying kick. "Enemy compatants!" The man yelled.
But Lance just lazily evaded the man's kick. And everyone else just stared at him. And as the man landed on the ground, he wobbled a bit. "Quiznak! You're lucky I have the case of the old 'sleep chamber knees'!" He yelled at Lance while trying to keep his balance. But you just looked at him speechless. You were all so very confused of the whole situation and of your new acquaintances.
Just then Princess Allura gasped as she looked at the screen. "It can't be..." She let out almost a desperate cry. "What is it?" The man asked, turning towards her. "We've been asleep for 10,000 years..." The Princess said with desperation in her voice.
"Planet Altea and all of the planets in our solar system have been destroyed. Coran, father is gone..." The Princess turned to look at the man, apparently named Coran, with a devastating gaze that was filled with sorrow worth of 10,000 years. It was heartbreaking, and you felt bad for them. You couldn't even imagine how you would react hearing something like that. To hear that all you once loved would be gone. You couldn't even grasp the thought. It felt terrible.
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He has been waiting for her. His mate. What he didn't know was that she was a werecat and she is alpha. She has been watching over them. Protecting them. She knows her mate is a vampire in the Cullen coven. He doesn't know she watches over them.She will protect them with her life.NOTE: This takes place during Breaking Dawn.One more thing. I DONT OWN TWILIGHT. EVE IS THE ONLY CHARACTER I OWN.
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Stone Cold Pacifist (Horror Sans x Reader)
PLEASE READ BEFORE GETTING INTO THE STORY.Your name is (Y/n), and you play the role of an unusual pacifist. In the story of Horrortale, your unique soul allows you to see WD Gaster who no longer holds a powerful connection with the underground due to the inactive core. After your parents are killed, Gaster makes a deal with you. He will help you extract revenge on your parent's murderer, and in return... you were going to fix the core in the underground. While Sans failed to do it when everyone went insane, you knew what you had to do because well. The creator of the core told you everything that you needed to know. The real trick isn't the resources that you've been gathering during your time on the surface for the job, it's the things that are in the underground that you have yet to obtain.While it is true that you have a lot of experience with fighting and a high amount of LV thanks to Gaster's guidance... you now decided to stop killing, and start saving.......But can a stone cold pacifist truly manage her way through Horrortale?Okay, a quick note. This story is rated mature, blood, gore, some more sensitive things that you might find extremely suggestive. Since people are enjoying my Nightmare x Reader story, I decided to do a little bit extra. My updates with this book will be a bit slower. (Totally didn't write this story because I wanted to do a drawing of horror for the cover.) This story is kind of a slow burn, but unlike my other story, the reader is no pushover.Like in the The King's Queen, the cover DOES belong to me, so please do not steal it, etc.Remember these important keys when it comes to reading the story!(Y/n): Your name(E/c): Eye color(H/l): Hair Length(H/c): Hair color(S/c): Skin color(F/c): Favorite color
8 90