《The Amber Paladin》I am no Paladin part 3
So, first you had found the Blue Lion. Then you had flown off into the space and into a wormhole. Then you had found the last Alteans alive from an ancient castle. Then they had told you that you were going to pilot Lions that would form Voltron, the most powerful warrior ever known. Then after that you would fight the evil Galra emperor. Wow, what a day it had been. And it wasn't even over. Now you were on your way to find the rest of the Lions.
Pidge and Shiro went to look for the Green Lion, Lance and Hunk for the Yellow Lion, and of course you got stuck with Keith to find your Amber Lion, since his Red Lion's whereabouts were still unknown.
You and Keith sat in a flight pod as you left the castle. Coran had set the coordinates to where your Lion should be. You felt a bit bothered as you sat next to Keith. But he on the other hand didn't really pay any attention to you. It seemed more like he was trying to forget that you were even there.
Keith was piloting the pod since he was a much better pilot than you. You remembered there had been rumours circling at the Garrison about him being the best pilot there had been in ages. And as you sat there next to him, you couldn't help but wonder why he had thrown it all away. You wondered what he did to get expelled.
Eventually you went through a wormhole that Allura had created for you. That way you could get to your Lion faster. The wormhole was open only for a couple of hours so you needed to act fast.
As you flew in the space, your thoughts turned to the Lion you were about to get. You were slightly nervous as you had never been that good at piloting. And soon you would have to pilot something as advanced as the Lion. What if you couldn't do it? What if the Lion wouldn't want you as its pilot? All those thoughts went through your head as your insecurities tried to surface. But instead, you took a deep breath and pushed them back so you could focus on the task ahead.
The atmosphere in the pod was quite tense and silent as you were starting to approach a planet ahead. You tried to think of something to talk about, but for some reason, Keith made you nervous. You didn't quite know how to act while he was there. And it really seemed like he didn't want to start a conversation either.
But you still knew that you were going to have to get along, since you would start working as a team. So you encouraged yourself, took a deep breath and just decided to talk. "So, I don't remember if we ever talked at the Garrison. We weren't in the same class, of course, but maybe we met somewhere..." You started to speak until your mind just went blank.
Keith glanced at you, and it really seemed he wasn't in the mood for talking. "Probably not." He just mumbled an answer to you as the pod started breaching the planet's atmosphere. And then it got silent again.
You looked at the planet where your Lion was supposed to be. It seemed like a nice looking green planet. And you almost sighed in relief as you saw it. You got so excited to see something as green as it, that you totally forgot about the tense atmosphere in the pod.
"Wow, it kind of resembles Earth from above, with so much green. Though nowadays so much of the greens are being cut down. Which is a shame, by the way. One of my favourite things on Sundays is to go on a hike and take in the fresh air. Which reminds me, Coran would have probably warned us if we couldn't breathe on that planet..." You glanced at Keith as you spoke. But when you saw that he was frowning, you realised that you were just babbling headlessly.
"Sorry, I'll just stay quiet..." You whispered as you stopped talking. Why did he make you so nervous just by not talking? You wanted to slap yourself in the face, but instead you just leaned on your hand pouting and decided to keep quiet until you landed.
When you finally landed on the surface of the planet, Keith guided the pod down quite skillfully. Something that you probably could have never done. "Thanks Keith." You said to him as you stood up, ready to get out.
And as you got out of the pod, you looked around. You were on a vast forestlike planet. Thick trees all around you. And as your feet hit the ground, you felt relieved. The time you spent in the Blue Lion and in the flight pod, left you feeling slightly dizzy. You were sure you would get used to it in time, but now it still felt new.
You glanced around, trying to figure out where to go. You closed your eyes and tried to concentrate. Maybe that way you would feel your Lion. But when you got nothing, you just shrugged your shoulders and started to walk to one direction. And Keith just followed you while looking around.
"Coran said that I should start to feel the energy of my Lion when we're here..." You mumbled almost to yourself. Then you stopped again and closed your eyes. You tried searching for the Lion. But nothing. "So?" Keith asked. But you just shook your head and started to move further.
Eventually you entered a thick forest with large trees surrounding you. And the further you walked, the more dense it became. And as you were walking through it, you heard sounds that seemed somewhat similar to what you could hear on Earth forests. Though there was a lot more croaking and squeaking than you were used to. And much more loud.
"Do you enjoy hikes?" You asked Keith, even though you didn't know why. But he just shrugged his shoulders as he mumbled something. And you rolled your eyes. He could at least try. It wasn't that hard. And your tone became more disgruntled as you once more opened your mouth. "Try to bear up with me for a moment longer. If you can."
Then you once more tried to focus on the energy of the Lion as you walked. But still you felt nothing. Why didn't you find it? What if the Lion didn't want to bond with you?
You focused so hard that you weren't looking ahead. Suddenly you stumbled on a tree root and started falling. And you fell flat on your face to the ground. And as you lied there on your stomach, your hands groping the moss on the ground, you felt embarrassed. "Shit! SHIT!" You cursed. You knew Keith saw you and did nothing.
Then you heard Keith. "Are you okay?" He asked. And you closed your eyes and tried to count to ten, so you wouldn't overreact and say something you'd regret. Then you turned to look at Keith and saw that he had crouched down, reaching his hand out to you. And suddenly your anger subdued. He did try to help you. But just as you were about to take Keith's hand, you suddenly felt it. You felt the Lion.
"Wait!" You raised your voice as you stopped. Keith flinched and pulled his hand away. You put your hands on the ground, feeling it gently. And you felt your Lion's energy running through it. And it felt like some familiar feeling surrounded you. It felt so warm.
You got up to sit and glanced at Keith. "Can you be quiet for a moment." You said and almost chuckled at your own comment. As if Keith was going to talk. And before you closed your eyes, you saw as Keith crossed his arms, glancing at you curiously of what you were about to do. "Whatever..." You just heard him mumbling.
You took a comfortable position and put your hands on the ground, feeling the moss beneath you. Then you filled your lungs with air as you tried steadying your breath. You concentrated only on the energy of the Lion. "What are you doing?" Keith asked almost silently. But you just hushed him as you tried meditating.
Before attending the Garrison, you had picked up a habit of meditating almost daily. It started as your coping mechanism for getting through the days. It was your moment, where you could breath freely and clear your mind. Then, as you got used to it, it became a habit you didn't want to lose. It calmed you down. You needed it.
And now you were clearing your mind in the middle of an alien forest planet, super! While you tried to focus solely on the Lion's energy, you started to hear the voice of it in your head. First it was just a faint growl, but eventually as the energy started to flow more freely through you, it became more loud and more clear.
And soon she started to call out to you, giving you the directions to her. You saw how beautiful she was, and how eagerly she was waiting for you to come and bond with her. You felt relieved to know that the Lion was as eager as you. And immediately your worries washed away. You opened your eyes and smiled at Keith. "I know where she is."
You got up and started to run further into the forest. You moved swiftly. You were eager to see the Lion. You didn't mind the thick trees that tried to obstruct your way. You just pushed through everything as you started to get really excited.
Keith ran after you as you made your way to the Lion. And pretty soon you emerged from the thick forest, coming to a vast and bare area. And ahead you saw dead old trees surrounding something huge covered in moss. You looked at it and you were sure that it was your Lion.
And as you walked closer, the moss and the barrier underneath it started to dissolve. Finally you could see your Lion. And you forgot how to breathe for a moment. She was so beautiful, her amber colored parts glimmering in the shade of gold.
"Well hello gorgeous." You calmly said as you walked before her. And as if she had recognised you, her eyes gleamed in yellow, and she lowered her head, opening her mouth to welcome you in. You felt almost touched to know that she was as eager as you were. She wanted you to be her pilot. But before you entered, you still took a deep breath. You were ready.
As you climbed inside the head of the Lion, you sat down on the chair. And it was a perfect fit for you. And when you got the feel of the chair, you leaned forward and petted the console of the Lion. She seemed to purr.
"Hello there. So I am yours now, okay. I hope you are mine." You quietly whispered to her. "Are you talking to it?" You heard Keith's voice from behind you. But you didn't even listen to him at the moment. You were so absorbed on getting to know your Lion.
"Such a good girl. I feel like you and I are going to be great friends." You still said, smiling to her. To that the Lion purred even louder, and screens appeared in front of you. And you smiled even wider. You leaned back on the chair relaxed. All of your worries were gone. "Thank you girl." You still whispered to her.
"We should probably get going before the wormhole closes up." Keith's voice woke you up from your enchantment. And your smile cooled down. You had almost forgotten that you weren't alone with the Lion at the moment. "Yeah, sure." You said as you took a better position in the chair.
You carefully took a hold of the handles and looked at Keith behind you. "Are you ready? You better hold on tight. I'm probably even worse pilot than Lance." You smiled a sincere smile to Keith, who looked back at you a bit baffled. But he immediately took a tight grip of the chair.
You still took a deep breath. "All right girl, let's go. Guide me." You put your trust in her. Then you looked ahead, and pushed the handles fast forward. And the Lion moved. First your heart started to beat really fast, but soon you were able to relax. The Lion seemed to follow your every move.
You pushed the handles again and your Lion soared up in to the sky. "This is fantastic!" You couldn't help but laugh. The feeling was just so great. You felt alive. Your Lion and you were in sync.
And pretty soon you were starting to get a hang of flying the Lion. She really did respond to your every single move, even minor ones. And as you were flying through the air and towards the wormhole, you felt free. Like nothing bad could ever touch you. Like the bond with your Lion was all you needed at the moment. Your Lion purred and gave you courage. You really were a Paladin. You had never felt so alive as in that moment.
Soon you were already back at the castle. And even though the way to the castle was just as quiet as the way to the planet, you didn't mind. You just enjoyed the feeling of flying your Lion.
You and Keith returned to the control room, and found out that Pidge and Shiro were already there. And pretty soon after your arrival, Hunk and Lance also walked in, seemingly beaten. They looked like they had gone through hell.
"You made it!" Allura said happily as she looked at all of you. "How was it?" You asked the others. But Hunk and Lance just let out tired groans. "That was a nightmare. I almost puked out there. I felt like Hunk!" Lance said as he spread his arms, pointing at Hunk. "Think how I felt. I am Hunk." Hunk added while scratching his head.
"Yeah. We had a tough time also." Pidge said, smirking at Shiro. "Well it was a pretty calm ride for me. A bit quiet though." You smirked, glancing at Keith, who just crossed his arms and looked away, like he wasn't interested at all. But Pidge let out a chuckle as you shrugged your shoulders.
"The most important thing is that everyone got their Lions and are safe." Allura said with glee in her voice as she clasped her hands together. "Did we find the Red Lion yet?" Shiro asked, turning the attention to Keith.
"Allura just located it. There's a bit of good news and bad news. The good news is, the Red Lion is nearby. The bad news is, it's on board that Galra ship now orbiting Arus. But wait, good news again. We're Arus!" Coran stated quite happily. And you just stared at him. "Coran, that's not good news!" You almost whined. It seemed like the Galra were already there. So long for the preparations.
And just then, the castle received a transmission. The large screen in the control room was turned on as a purple male appeared on it. And everyone kind of froze to their places as the male started to speak.
"Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Known Universe. I am here to confiscate the Lions. Turn them over to me or I will destroy your planet." The Galra spoke, his voice low and threatening. And you felt shivers running down your spine. Not because of his appearance but because of the vile energy he radiated.
And just like that the transmission was cut out. The Galra didn't even wait for a reply. The screen went dark and everyone stayed silent. Except Hunk, who started to panic. "The scary purple alien thing is driving his battleship toward us. We only have five Lions!" Hunk raised his voice.
"Technically, only four working Lions." Pidge decided to correct Hunk, even if it just had a bad effect on him. "That's right. Thank you, Pidge." Hunk patted Pidge on her shoulder calmly, until he started to panic even more. "Four working lions and a castle that's, like, 10,000 years old!"
"Actually, it's 10,600 years old. You see, it was built by my grandfather..." Coran started to correct Hunk, who just cut him off. "Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that. See? Now is the perfect time to panic!" Hunk was all over the place as he yelled.
"Wait! This castle has a particle barrier we can activate." Allura seemed to suddenly remember. "Girl, you've already activated my par..." Lance smirked as he looked at Allura, until Shiro cut him off. "Lance!" Shiro said strictly. And you just shook your head. Not a very good timing.
"The particle barrier won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever. The Galra technology must have advanced since we fought them last." Coran pondered aloud. "Panic now?" Hunk asked, wanting to know if you were at a disadvantage. "No. We've just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly." Shiro said, trying to calm Hunk down.
After some fights (mostly between Keith and Lance) of what you should do, you decided (mostly others than Hunk and Lance, who wanted to get into a wormhole and away) to stay and fight. Allura also consulted her father to what you should do. A holographic image of her father in fact. A system, where all her fathers memories and knowledge was stored. From there, Allura got a confirmation that the only way to stop Zarkon was to form Voltron.
When Allura came back to the control room, she had changed out of her dress and into a bodysuit. Her hair was also tied up. And suddenly she seemed more like a fighter than a princess, and it suited her. You also saw as Lance's jaw dropped to the floor as she entered the room. And it made you chuckle silently.
"You six Paladins were brought here for a reason. The Voltron Lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is our destiny. Voltron is the universes only hope. We are the universes only hope." Allura walked to the center of the room as she encouraged you with her speech. And even her attitude seemed a bit different from before.
"We're with you." Shiro said and you all nodded after him. Shiro was right. You wanted to help. You wanted to do this. Ever since you had flown with your Lion, you didn't want to stop. And as you had gotten a taste of what it was being a Paladin, you wanted more.
You followed Allura and Coran into a room with six pods in it. All the pods had suits of armour in them, matching the colours of all the Lions. Your eyes widened with amazement as you saw the amber coloured armour in the pod. It was white with beautiful amber details slightly glimmering in orange and gold. "It looks great." You sighed in excitement. "Cool!" You also heard Lance cheering. And as you glanced at him, you saw that he was just as excited as you were.
"Okay, suit up!" Shiro stated excitedly. And you immediately nodded smiling and started to change. The armour felt strange, as it seemed to almost use magnetism to fit over you. And even though some armour plates felt a bit suffocating at first, soon they seemed to adapt to your body size. Like the armour was alive.
After you all had your armour on, you looked around at Pidge and the guys. The armour really did seem to adapt to every wearer's body size. And everyone looked so good wearing them. That Altean technology was amazing.
Allura placed her hand on a stand at the side of the room, revealing five weapons of some sort. "The bayard is a traditional weapon of the Paladins of Voltron. It takes a distinct shape for each Paladin." Allura explained as the bayards started to float towards each of you.
Hunk's bayard turned into a heavy shooter. He seemed to be quite pleased with it. He probably was the only one who could handle that kind of a weapon. It was huge.
Keith's bayard turned into a sword, and on his other, appeared a holographic shield. He swung the sword around couple of times and seemed to be happy with what he got too.
Lance's bayard turned into a gun, smaller than Hunk's, but probably better that way. He excitedly aimed a couple of times and pretended to shoot.
Pidge's bayard turned into a green electric zapper of some sorts. "Aww you got a cute little bayard." Lance commented laughing at Pidge's weapon. But Pidge hit Lance with her bayard, getting him zapped hard. "Yeah it's pretty cute." Pidge smirked as Lance fell down on the floor. And you giggled at her. That's Pidge at her best.
Then you turned your attention to the bayard floating towards you. Pidge also looked at you. "I know what you'll be getting! You wield it so well." She said happily. And you also had a hunch on what you were getting.
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