《The Amber Paladin》I am no Paladin part 1
You sat on the bed of your room at the Galaxy Garrison. You were writing on your laptop. At the same time your roommate May was getting ready for a party.
"(Y/N), are you sure you're not coming?" May asked you as she started to put on her jacket. But you just brushed her off. "Yeah, not interested. But thanks." You smiled at May your most cutest smile as you finally looked up from the laptop.
"How can you be so cute and dismissive at the same time?" May leaned over and pinched your cheeks as you laughed. "Have fun! But don't bring anyone back here. I want to get some sleep." You grinned at her as you turned your attention to your writing again.
"Come on, it's not like you're bringing anyone here anyways. Would be nice for at least one of us to have some fun." May said back at you as she ruffled your hair. "Yeah, yeah, just don't get caught by the guards." You softly slapped her hand away.
"You know I'm already a master at this." She laughed once more as she headed for the door. Then she opened it very silently. She carefully peeked outside, and when she didn't see anyone, she looked back at you, waved her hand and snuck out. And as the door closed after her, you let out a small laughter before again focusing on your writing. Peace at last, you thought.
You knew that many of the students were on their way to a secret party outside the Garrison that night, but you had a long day of training that day in the flight simulator and you weren't really in the mood for partying. You kind of just wanted to have a good night's sleep.
But suddenly there was a faint knock on your door, and you were torn out of your thoughts. "Just a moment!" You yelled to someone on the other side. You finished the sentence you were writing before you shut your laptop.
You got up to open the door. And behind it was Pidge. "Hey (Y/N), whatcha doing?" She smirked at you while whispering, trying not to draw any attention. And you frowned a bit. You knew what that look meant. She had something on her mind.
"Nothing special..." You answered her a bit suspicious. Then Pidge raised her glasses and smirked even wider. And you were so certain that she was up to something. Otherwise she wouldn't be there that late. "Want to come with me?" She asked.
"Are you going to the party?" You asked her, ready to decline the invitation. But she just winked at you. "No, it's something even better. I have something cool to show you." She said. And that's when you realised that she had her backpack with her.
And even though you had a hunch that she would lead you in to some kind of trouble, you still went with her. And on that night, Pidge took you out to the roof of the Garrison.
Pidge was one of your best friends in the Garrison. And you were one of the few people that she had told her little secret. Even though you knew it straight away without her even saying it aloud. Initially you had bonded in the library as you were sitting opposite of each other. You had randomly started to talk about understanding nature and technology.
You had so much fun challenging each other that you had started to do it nearly every day after that. You were older than her, but it didn't matter. Her sarcastic humour suited your sense of humour well and you laughed a lot together. You loved her company. That's why you were ready to risk getting detention by breaking curfew as you went along with her on that night. And on that fateful night, you first heard about Voltron.
As you arrived on the roof of the Garrison, Pidge started to lay down some equipment. She had a laptop, a radar and some other tech stuff with her. "What is all that?" You asked her. But she just hushed you, signalling for you to sit down. She gave you headphones, while taking one to herself. And even though you had no idea what was going on, you obediently sat down.
You put the headphones on as you saw Pidge doing the same. And then she closed her eyes and started to listen. So you did the same, even though you didn't know why. You closed your eyes and started to listen. But all you heard was some strange noise. And you frowned. Were you supposed to hear something meaningful?
But just as you were turning towards Pidge, someone took off your headphones. "What are you doing?" You heard a voice close to your ear. You startled and immediately turned around. And there you saw two guys smirking. Lance and Hunk. Oh boy.
You weren't in the same class, but you knew Hunk from before. You had few chats with him here and there. And just from those you knew he was a kind soul. Probably the kindest you would ever meet. He was the kind of person you could spend the day with either laughing at something stupid or just staying quiet and still feel comfortable.
Lance you didn't know well from before. Which was strange, because it seemed like everyone knew him. Or at least knew of him. Especially the girls. You always heard stories of some crazy pick-up lines that Lance had used on your roommate May. And now that you thought about it, you didn't remember him ever trying those on you. And you weren't sure if you should be offended or grateful. But as soon as you started talking, you knew that underneath all that show, he was a very sensitive and kind guy.
But on that night, Lance and Hunk seemed more like a nuisance, especially if you would ask that from Pidge. They pretty much just interrupted of what she was doing. "Man, where'd you get this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech." Lance looked at Pidge's gear a bit suspicious. "I built it." Pidge just answered back with a very proud smirk on her face.
"You built all this?" Hunk asked clearly impressed as he was trying to fiddle with the laptop Pidge had. But Pidge just slapped his hand away. "Stop it! With this thing, I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system." She said proudly as she turned to look at the stars.
"That right? All the way to Kerberos?" Lance asked, squinting his eyes sharply, looking at Pidge. And that's when her expression turned sour. And you knew the reason for that. Her father and brother had gone missing in the Kerberos mission. Five months after they left Earth, they were reported missing and presumed dead due to a pilot error. But Pidge didn't believe that. And that's why she was in the Garrison in the first place, disguised, trying to search for the truth.
"Fine. The world as you know it, is about to change. The Kerberos Mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake." Pidge explained quite calmly, looking sharply back at Lance.
"What do you mean?" You asked while frowning. That sounded way too dramatic. "So, I've been scanning the system and picking up alien radio chatter..." She started explaining. And you others gasped as she mentioned aliens. You hadn't expected that.
"Whoa. What? Aliens?" Hunk asked, clearly shocked. "Okay. So, you're insane. Got it." Lance just commented, like he wasn't believing it at all. But you knew Pidge better than he did. And even if she sometimes said some crazy or unbelievable things, you knew she wouldn't lie. Especially when it came to the Kerberos mission, her father and her brother.
"I'm serious. They keep repeating one word, Voltron." Pidge said as she showed you a notebook full of some drawings. And there you saw the same word again, Voltron. "And tonight, it's going crazier than I have ever heard it." Pidge explained. And that's when you finally understood why you were on the roof that night. So that was what she wanted to show you.
But just then, suddenly you saw something breaking through the atmosphere, falling down to Earth, heading down a distance away from the Garrison.
You all ended up speechless as you looked it with wide eyes. It looked like some kind of a meteor on fire as it was falling down. But with Pidge's binoculars you saw that it wasn't a meteor, it was a ship. And it wasn't one of yours from Earth. And suddenly you had this strange feeling in your gut that this night wasn't going to end well.
But as you saw some vehicles leaving the Garrison, heading down to the crash site with haste, your curiosity started to take over. Pidge quickly started to pack all her gear in her backpack. And then you started to run. Not back inside the Garrison, but towards the crash site. You all wanted to see what was going on.
It took you awhile, but you eventually got closer to the site. You climbed to a ledge a distance away, so that you wouldn't be noticed. And again, Pidge took out her laptop and opened it up.
"Can't we get any closer?" You asked, standing up, trying to see what was happening on the site. There was already a tent set up to cover up something on the inside. And on the outside some people were already starting to transport away the ship that had crashed down.
But thanks to Pidge's skills, she captured a feed from a camera that was set up in the tent. You looked at Pidge's laptop as an image from inside the tent appeared on it. There you saw men dressed in white radiation gear. And in the center of it all, was a man strapped to a table, yelling his lungs out anxiously. "You have to listen to me! They destroy worlds! Aliens are coming!"
That's when Lance flinched. "Wait! That's Shiro! The pilot from Kerberos mission. That guy is my hero!" He started to yell while pointing at the screen. And that's when you recognised him too, even though his appearance had changed.
Everyone knew of Shiro. He was almost like an idol to everyone at the Garrison. He was the perfect image of a perfect pilot. All the girls in your class wanted to be his girlfriends and all the guys wanted to be his friends. He had something magical about him. But now he was a yelling mess, and his hair had changed. He also had a scar across the bridge of his nose. What happened to him? Why was he there? The last time you had heard from him was when the Kerberos mission was reported as a failure.
"Guess he's not dead in space, after all." Hunk said a bit puzzled. "Where's the rest of the crew?" Pidge asked, clearly thinking of her father and brother again. "Why is he there? Should we try to help him somehow?" You asked, slightly confused of what was really happening.
Just then Shiro started to yell again. "Look, there's no time! Aliens are coming here for a weapon! They're probably on their way. They'll destroy us. We have to find Voltron!" He yelled to the men in white as they were starting to put him to sleep. And you all gasped. Voltron again. Why did that word emerge in every situation that night?
That's when Pidge put her laptop back to her backpack. "We have to get him out." She stated seriously. "I agree, but how are we going to do that?" You asked while spreading your arms. You had just been observing the situation from the screen since you couldn't get in the tent. So how could you get Shiro out?
"Yeah, what we need is a distraction." Lance said deep in thought. And just then you heard loud noises coming from near the site. You all flinched from the surprised as you turned to look. And your eyes widened in shock as you saw explosions going off one after another all around the site.
Immediately the people outside the tent got into their vehicles and started heading out towards the explosions. And at the same time you saw someone heading down towards the tent from the other direction. It was too far away for you to see who it was, but that was clearly your cue.
"Well that might help." You chuckled a bit as you started to head down towards the site. "Come on, let's go!" You yelled as you descended down the cliff carefully. Pidge quickly shoved the rest of the gear into her backpack and followed you. Lance and Hunk also followed, even though you could hear Hunk trying to protest.
But as you were running towards the tent, Lance suddenly ran past you as fast as his legs could carry. And as he went past you, you heard him muttering. "He is not stealing the show this time."
Lance ran right in to the tent. You came after him, Pidge and Hunk right on your tail. And as you entered the tent, you saw the men dressed in white now unconscious on the ground, and a black haired boy holding Shiro up. And as you stopped, they boy looked at you and your eyes met.
As you looked at him, you realised that you had seen him somewhere in the Garrison. And for a moment your mind was trying to remember his name. Then it hit you, Keith. His hair had grown a bit, but you recognised him. You had never spoken to him, but you knew that he was the one that had been expelled from the Garrison because of some discipline issues. You remembered seeing him here and there in the hallways, and he used to always give you these looks, but never talk to you. And now he was there. And he was staring straight at you, until Lance started to yell.
"No! No no no no! No you don't! I'm saving Shiro!" Lance grabbed Shiro's other arm and put it around his shoulder. "Um, who are you?" Keith asked looking at Lance puzzled. "Uh, the name's Lance." He answered. But Keith clearly didn't remember him. He looked rather annoyed and seemed like he just wanted to get out of the tent and away from you.
"We were in the same class at the Garrison. You and I were rivals, remember. Keith vs Lance?" Lance still tried to make him remember. "Oh I remember you. You're that cargo pilot." Keith finally remembered. "Well not anymore. I'm fighter class thanks to you dropping out." Lance replied proudly.
"Well congrats, I guess." Keith said in a monotonic voice as he started to drag Shiro out. But Lance wasn't giving up. He started to help drag Shiro out. And even though you others were slightly dumbfounded of the situation, you still followed them out of the tent.
Lance helped with dragging Shiro out to Keith's vehicle. And it seemed to annoy Keith greatly. He tried saying that the vehicle wasn't big enough for you all, but he was outnumbered. And it was too late already. You saw lights in the distance, heading towards you. The people who had set up the tent were coming back.
Keith quickly sat to the front of the vehicle, and you were pulled behind him. Shiro laid partly on top of you, pressing you down a bit, so you almost instinctively took a hold of Keith. But when you realised what you were about to do, you backed away and took a hold of the vehicle instead.
Keith turned on his vehicle, and started heading out away from the approaching lights. But since there were so many of you on board, you couldn't move that fast. And Keith seemed really annoyed. "Can't this thing go any faster?" Lance tried yelling as the men were gaining up on you.
"We could toss out some non-essential weight!" Keith yelled back at him. And even though you couldn't see Lance now, you were sure of what his expression was at the moment. And it made you almost laugh aloud.
"Big man lean left!" Keith suddenly yelled. And Hunk immediately knew that Keith meant him as he leaned left. And as the vehicle turned, one of the cars following you was derailed from the road.
But as the vehicle quickly turned, you accidentally leaned closely on Keith's back. Partly because of Shiro's weight and partly because you were afraid of falling. And as you realised that he tensed up, you tried withdrawing a bit. "Sorry." You said to him, but he didn't reply.
"Big man lean right!" Keith yelled again, and Hunk leaned right. And the vehicle flew over a chasm to another road. And you all screamed. But again you got rid of one of the cars chasing you. Only one more to go. It sure was a wild ride. But Keith was really good at maneuvering the vehicle.
"Guys, is that a cliff up there!?" Hunk yelled, pointing out straight ahead of you. You raised your head and looked from behind Keith's shoulder. And yes, it sure was a cliff coming up. Oh no!
But Keith just speeded up the vehicle, leaning forward, getting ready to drive over the cliff. And you unconsciously grabbed his jacket. You didn't mean to, but you couldn't help it. You instinctively closed your eyes as you realised that the vehicle was no longer on even ground. Everyone started to scream as you felt an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach as you were falling down. And you squeezed Keith's jacket until your knuckles were white.
But as you landed on the ground and continued your journey, you had gotten rid of all the men chasing you. And you finally opened your eyes as you felt the speed slowing down. And as you looked around, you realised that you were somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Eventually you ended up to a small cabin in a deserted location. And just as you arrived there, Shiro finally woke up. Keith wanted to talk to him, so you left them outside together. You others went inside the cabin that Keith had been living in.
And as you walked in the cabin, you looked around. It was simple and a bit rusty. Just books, a table, a couch, a sheet covering the window and some other random stuff. And you couldn't help but wonder what he had been doing ever since leaving the Garrison, and why was he living there in such a desolate location.
For some reason Keith intrigued you straight away. You thought that you had always been pretty good at reading most people. Even though you didn't know Lance well at the time, you felt like you could read him like an open book. Hunk too. Pidge you could read well on most days, even though sometimes even she was an enigma to you.
But Keith was different. You couldn't read him at all. He seemed so guarded. And those who you couldn't read, were your Achilles' heel. They were an intriguing puzzle and sometimes a threat to you, as you had found out before attending the Garrison.
But now you were no longer in the Garrison, instead you were standing in Keith's cabin. Lance and Hunk were lying on the couch exhausted, while Pidge was curiously inspecting the place.
"I wonder what we have gotten ourselves into." Hunk groaned from the couch as he covered his face with his hands. But that just seemed to cheer Lance up. "I don't know, but there must be some kind of a reward for this!" He almost jumped up, like he had just woken up to reality.
"A reward? We just kind of kidnapped a man from the authority." You looked at Lance frowning, questioning his statement. And just then Lance looked at you, like he had just realised that you were a girl. "Well then, maybe you'd like to be my reward?" He said while wriggling his eyebrows. You could hear as Pidge facepalmed behind you, but you just chuckled at Lance's comment. He was kind of funny in his own way.
But just then you saw from the window that Keith and Shiro were walking back to the cabin. "They're coming back." You lowered your voice. And everyone quieted down as a sign of anticipation.
As they both entered the cabin, Keith went to one of the walls that was covered with some sheets. "I've got to show you something." Keith said as he removed the covers. And behind them you saw a board full of curious things. There was a map, some pictures and post-it notes. It looked like something you could see in a detective series.
You went closer, trying to inspect all the details when you noticed Keith glaring at you. You tried smiling a bit to him, to ease the tension. But when he didn't react at all to that, your smile cooled down and you decided to keep your distance. He seemed so reserved that you felt slightly awkward.
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