《'My Lavender' (On-going)》23 ⚡ (pt. 5)



They raised their heads to see Tum-tum waiting for them to come out.

"Colt! The oil!" Tum-tum whispered as Colt smirked

Lavender slid first then not even one second later Colt followed




The kidnappers finally stood up and saw the three children waving at them.

They laughed as they started to walk towards them.

Each and every one of them fell because of the oil and dishwashing soap that Tum-tum had put on the floor.

"WIPE OUT DUDE!!" Lavender said teasing them

(I know it was one of the three idiots who said that but I gotta include her somehow..)

The three of them laughed and started to walk over their bodies on the floor.

(quite hard..)

Colt slid down the stairs while Lavender thought it was better to just run down the stairs.

Tum-tum splattered most of his jelly beans on the floor to trip the kidnappers even more.

He also slid down the railings.

"What's with the CD's?" Tum-tum asked

"Just throw them towards 'em" Lavender gestured her head above the stairs

"Get 'em dudes!" Fester said

"Here they come!" Colt said

They laughed

"Don't you just hate us?" Tum-tum said


They started to throw the CD's to the kidnappers hitting them wherever.

"Tum, the kitchen." Lavender whispered

They both went to the kitchen to find some distraction for the kidnappers.

"Watch my nose dude, it's bad news already!" Number 2 said seeing as his nose was already sore from all the beating from his buddies

But Colt didn't listen he still hit Number 2's nose.


Number 3 laughed at Number 2 but he also got hit in the face.

Colt ran away to find a 'weapon' as the CD's had ran out


Meanwhile... (with Rocky)

"Where are you little dude..?" Fester whispered

Rocky took a silent breath, wrapping his hand tighter to the 'rope' that he had made minutes ago.

"You're gonna get it so bad.." Fester whispered trying to threaten Rocky

(here we go!🍿)

"AYA!" Rocky exclaimed as he kicked the door

"AYA!" He kicked Fester in the shin

"YAH!" He pushed him into the pointy part of their parents' bed frame

Fester was groaning in pain.

Rocky spun the rope like a lasso and aimed it towards Fester's neck.

He jumped on Fester's back and wrapped the rope around Fester's neck, strangling him.

Fester pushed Rocky away from him and Rocky fell on the bed as he started to kick Fester again and again on the face.

He kicked Fester onto the walls and kept beating him up to the ground.

(I can say that Fester is struggling..)

"Hi." Rocky said before dragging Fester out of the room

"Grab the coffee filters!" Lavender instructed as she headed to find some seasonings and spices.

Tum-tum did what she said and helped Lavender carry the seasonings to the counter.

They started to put the spices into the coffee filters and closed them into a ball.

(spice balls!!)

"AYA!" Colt exclaimed as he kicked both No. 2 and 3

He kept punching them and moved away when he saw No. 3 aiming his leg ready to hit him.

Instead, No. 3 had kicked No. 2 in the stomach.

This went on until Colt left to ask something in the kitchen.

"Tum-tum you ready?" He asked through the door

"Not yet!" Tum-tum screamed at the other side

Lavender had put some of the spice bombs inside her suit thinking 'just in case.'


"What are you doing?" Tum asked noticing that some of the bombs they had made were missing

"Keep making more, I'm saving these for later." She said as she headed back to make more bombs

Colt sighed and went back to beating up those kidnappers.

"HEY!" He said as kicked them as they were standing up

No. 2 had been pushed into the piano that was still open.

No. 3 tried to help but he too had been pushed trapping No. 2's fingertips inside the piano.

Colt put up his fist acting like he was gonna punch No. 3 but he kicked him instead.

He also punched, kicked, and pushed No. 2 into No. 3 who was on the floor.

"Thanks for the ride!" Rocky said as he sat on the railing

Fester shook his head with fear as Rocky jumped down pulling him to the railings

Rocky climbed the rope and tied it tight!

"AYA!" Colt said as he started to beat up No. 3 and had pushed him to the sofa

He also just slapped him all over the place


No. 3 kept wiggling as if he was being hit but Colt wasn't there any more

Colt found a weapon that looked like a scissor and grabbed it

(I don't know what it is)

(It looked like this)

'good enough' Colt thought

He wrapped around No. 3 and it started to strangle him

He pulled No. 3 off the couch and pushed him around to the kitchen still keeping the weapon around No. 3's neck

"Lav, you ready yet?" He asked

"Almost done!" Lavender yelled

He sighed again as his captive was turning red due to lack of air

(how can no. 2 do nothing? I mean he could've at least tried to get no.3 out of Colt's grip🙄)

Rocky tied the rope tighter as Fester was running out of air.

He tried to reach up to rocky but he couldn't

Tum-tum and Lavender had finished the last batch of spice bombs

"We made it?" He asked

"Yeah, made it." She answered

"COLT! COLT!" She called out

Colt had heard Lavender so he quickly finished his deal with the idiots.

He had pushed No. 3 to where No. 2 was and let go of the weapon to let him breathe.

After that he had pushed both of them into a chair and raised the weapon behind his head.

The two idiots held on to each other for support, but no pain came, they opened their eyes to see that Colt was gone.

They see that the door to the kitchen had opened and closed knowing that that was Colt they stood up and approached the kitchen.

"Dude!" No. 2 stopped No. 3 and pulled out his gun

"This'll scare 'em" He said as No. 3 also pulled out his gun

(I literally forgot they had guns in their pockets 😂)

They didn't notice Rocky sneaking up on them.

He tapped them on the shoulder and smiled at them before smacking them in their faces, punching, and kicking them.

He shook his head in disappointment that these kidnappers didn't know better.

(I would've too honey, I would've too)

He entered the kitchen and spotted his siblings.

"You ready?" He asked

"Yeah." They all answered and hid behind the counter

The idiots kicked the door as if they were in a crime scene

(well.. they are.. but they ain't the police)

To Be Continued...


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