《'My Lavender' (On-going)》24⚡(pt. 6)



The idiots kicked the door as if they were in a crime scene.

The kidnappers slowly entered the kitchen.

No. 3 noticed No. 2 wasn't following behind him he pulled the other's arm and pushed him inside the kitchen.

"HAH!" The 4 children said before attacking them with the spice bombs

"AHH!" No. 2 and 3 screamed in shock

(They enjoyed that 🤭)

"Stop..!" The two kidnappers said while coughing because of the powder

The ninjas laughed amongst themselves

"IT WORKED!" Tum-tum said excitedly

"Sure did!" Lavender replied

"Dude, it's burning!"

"Aww dude!!" The kidnappers said in pain

"Come on!" Rocky said

They exited the kitchen but Tum-tum came back to say something to the kidnappers.

"SORRY IF IT STINGS!" He said mocking them

No. 2 was agitated

"Where's the sink?.. where's the sin- oh!" He asked to Tum-tum but bumped into the fridge instead

"Are we winning?" Tum-tum asked

"Ok, phase two." Rocky said

"Hold up!" Colt stopped Rocky

He pulled out a bottle from his suit

"Before phase two, I've got a little surprise." He said leading them to the coffee table

"What's that stuff?" Tum-tum's curious self asked

"Remember last year when you were sick, and you couldn't take a dump for 3 days?" He asked

"Let me guess, this was the stuff that made him go?" Lavender answered

"Correct." Colt said as he put the liquid into the soda that was left by the kidnappers with their pizza

"Instant Diarrhea!" He said as he closed the bottle

Rocky face-palmed himself at his brother

"Where'd you even get that?" Lavender asked Colt

"Just...somewhere.." He replied

(that's mega sus bro)

"You're sick!" Tum-tum said to his brother


"Not as sick as they're gonna be.." Colt said as he mixed the Laxative in the soda with his finger

"Lavender.." Colt said as he handed her the 'dangerous' drink

"what? me?" She asked looking at Colt like he was crazy

"Just do it, so we can get them outta' here." Rocky said to her

She looked at Rocky

"fine..." She said as she grabbed the drink from Colt's hands and walked towards the kitchen

"Thanks bro, you knew she could never say no to you~" Colt teased

"What? this again?" Rocky said

"Huh? I thought he liked Emily?" Tum-tum asked

Rocky covered Tum-tum's mouth

"What are you guys talking about?" Lavender asked as she approached the boys

The kidnappers found their way to the sink and are currently washing the powder off theirfaces.

"Get over man, I'm hurtin'!" No. 2 pushed 3 to the ground and washed his face with water

Lavender sneaked back into the kitchen pretending to like the smell of the 'harmful' drink

"Mmh, This stuff tastes good!" She said as she placed the drink onto the counter and ran back to the living room


"HEY!" The men exclaimed

And so they drank the soda


"Those kids man! I'm really going to... injure them!" No. 2 said in-between breaths

They're catching up with their breathing and drinking

"We were.. talking about nothing!" Rocky said to the girl

"weird... anyway, mission accomplished" She said to them

"Okay guys, phase two?" Rocky asked his fellow ninjas

"Phase two!" They all replied

"Dude? Dude!" No. 3 said to No. 2 'cause it looked like he was drinking all the soda

He grabbed the drink from No. 2, spilling some of its contents.


"Where... is Fester?!" No. 2 said still out of breath

In a distance they hear a muffled voice or more like a voice that's suffocating.

"Ahgg Dudes! Dudes bail me out! *cough* *cough*" Fester said

They heard their friend and went to help him.

"help..help.." Fester kept saying as his buddies came to help him

(ehh it was more like *author clears throat* "HALP! HALP!"...I'm sorry.)

No. 3 landed on top of Fester because the floor was still slippery

They tried to get the rope out but it suffocated him even more since they pulled tighter.

"Other way! other way!" Fester said with his hoarse voice

He coughed as they finally removed the rope on his neck.

"I say... we kill those little boogers!" He said while coughing

(say what now?! 😳😠)

"I thought we wanted them alive?" No. 2 whispered

"I want US alive dude!" He said to his friend

"Those little kids are dangerous.." He said with fear

"So what's the gag?" No. 3 asked

(I did not understand what he said, also I know No.2 said this line but I hate the fact that they barely gave No. 3 lines besides "Dude!", Fester and No. 2 did all the talking.)

"We go to their room and find their fatal flaw.." He said ending the conversation


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