《'My Lavender' (On-going)》22⚡(pt.4)



"Now guys, prepare for phase 1." Rocky said

As the "robbers" are searching for the kids, the door of the "restricted" opened revealing 4 children.

"Go tum go!" Rocky said as they dispersed

We entered the room that Jessica's re-doing.

I opened the lights to see better since it's night time.

"Lights are broken. They won't see us here." I told Colt as he took off his ninja suit

"Okay.. give me your mask" he said removing his own

Confused but I gave it to him anyway.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Painting our masks white. Now turn your suit inside out." he said

I did what he told me to and picked up a piece of wood.

Tum-tum ran to the kitchen and grabbed the dishwashing soap and some oil.

Rocky tied a white band in their bedroom door as Colt came out of the room.

They gave each other a thumbs up before Colt slammed the door making his presence known.

"Hey! Found one!" Number 2 said

Rocky hid behind their door preparing to lock them all in.

"Oh no! Robbers!" Colt said with his hands on his face

(plus the terrible acting I should say *sigh*)

"Robbers? I thought we were kidnappers?" Number 2 said

"We are!" Fester assured

(The most useless, dumbest, and idiotic kidnappers to EVER exist)

Rocky closed their door and quickly followed behind closing and tying the door locked.

"HEY!" They all said trying to open the door

Locking the kidnappers in Rocky tied the rope again to their door to be secure.

"Good luck Colt, Lav" he sighed

Fester opened the light switch but to all of their surprise it's broken,

he tried doing it again multiple times but the room wouldn't light up.


Giving up they looked behind as if there was a ghost behind them.

"Okay little dude, I know you're in here somewhere." Fester said

"We don't wanna hurt you.. we just wanna KIDNAP you! haha!" They laughed

They split up to find Colt

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that statement I mean really? Is that supposed to scareus or something?

Colt tapped me on the shoulder gesturing me to go somewhere else, I nodded my head and went my way without them noticing me.

Tum-tum is currently spilling both the dishwashing soap and oil on the floor so it'd beslippery.

Rocky is at their parent's room looking at what he can use as a weapon. He grabbed his father's tie's as well as the room's keys

Back to Lavender and Colt~

"Where are you, you little idiot?" Fester said trying to get Colt out of his hiding spot

'Did he just call us an idiot?.. He should speak for himself.' Lavender thought

(Colt is hiding under the ladder)

"Little kid come here! *poor kissy noises*" Fester said as they walked past by Colt

Colt moved slowly and got out of the ladder and kicked number 2's butt.

Number 2 turned around and saw that number 3 had grabbed him and Fester was ready to punch him.

"DUDE! DUDE IT'S ME!" he said as Fester raised his fist

"Dude you're right! Dude I'm totally sorry." Fester said

"Dude you hit me first!" number 2 said to 3

"shh shh stop! That little kid!" Fester stopped them

Tum-tum is really using all of their soap and oil spilling them all on the floor.

Rocky is tying the ties all together to make some kind of rope.

The kidnappers laughed as they see a shoe covered with a cloth thinking it's Colt.


"HA!" They said as Fester removed the cloth

They see a normal shoe with no child wearing it.

"Fake out!" number 2 said

Lavender climbed the sofa and grabbed another piece of wood and hit Fester and number 3 on their heads making them punch number 2 thinking it's him.

"Dude what happened?" Fester asked seeing number 2 groan in pain

Number 3 looked around and saw nothing.

"YOU HIT ME!" number 2 said

"AYA!" Colt said kicking number 2 again

"AHHH!" They screamed

Fester and number 3 tried to catch Colt but ended up bumping their heads together.

Lavender entered under the cloth and Colt followed soon after.

"HEY DUDES! DUDES! THERE HE IS!" number 3 said pointing to Colt

Colt entered the cloth and the 3 idiots followed him.

"We're going in." Fester said to his buddies as he went inside the cloth

"No I got him!"

"I did!"


Both Colt and Lavender got out and started hitting the men inside the cloth.






Lavender silently laughed and Colt gestured for her to get to the door

"OKAY OKAY! STOP IT! Somebody caught one?" Fester said

They stood up getting air and breathing heavily.

"what now?" number 2 asked

"Let's get this jerk later... there are 3 other jerks let's get those first. The fourth is much cruel." Fester said

(they're unaware of Lavender's presence yet)

They got out of the cloth and moved closer to the door.

Number 2 tried to open the door but it still won't open.

Meanwhile outside Tum-tum is standing in front of the rope with scissors in between.

"It's still locked" number 2 said

"Pull harder" Fester said

He did, but was knocked to the ground as well as the other men and they had tripped over Lavender and Colt as they ducked.

They raised their heads to see Tum-tum waiting for them to come out.


-Lesley ❤


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