《'My Lavender' (On-going)》21⚡ (pt. 3)



Number 2 and 3 nodded and 2 put a chair under the door to make sure that the babysitter can't come out.

Colt and Lavender entered their room with worried faces.

"Guys, we've got some good news and some bad news." Colt said to his brothers that are playing games

Rocky looked at them for a split second

"The good news is.. the delivery guy just creamed the babysitter with the pizza." Colt started

"Really?" Lavender said making Colt shrug

"AWESOME!" Rocky and Tum-tum said while fist-bumping

"The bad news is.. they're carrying guns!" Lavender continued

The oldest and the youngest raised their heads slowly in shock

"Okay! Okay! Don't panic, we'll call the police!" Rocky said as he jumped off his bed


"Yeah your mom took our phones remember?" Lavender reminded

Rocky thought for a bit

"EMILY! we'll call Emily and she'll call the police!" Rocky said as if there was a lightbulb above his head

"HOLD IT!" Colt said making Rocky stop his actions

"Rocky, this could be our chance!" he said

"If we could take these three robbers ourselves.." he started

"..Then maybe dad will see that our ninja training's worth it! YES!" Rocky said catching up to what his brother is saying

"Should we do it?" Lavender asked

"Let's murderlize them!" Tum-tum said

After Tum-tum had said that they immediately approached their drawers where they hid their ninja outfits and masks.

The very top drawer belonged to Rocky, followed by Lavender, Colt, and lastly Tum-tum.

(Insert very cool clothes changing sequence!)

"AYA!" They all said with their masks on


The perfectly cooked pizza that the kids had ordered is now being devoured by 3 grown men instead of 4 hungry and bored children.


"Man! This kidnapping is SO much easier than armed robbery." Fester said picking up a slice of pizza for himself

"Dude!" Number 3 agreed with Fester

"Yeah, I never got a pizza on a robbery." Number 2 said chewing the last of his pizza slice

"Yeah, this has good sauce too." Fester complimented

"Hey, you know we should save some of this for the kids were nappin'. " Fester said

(that's really sweet but I don't think you'll have the chance to give them some pizza...)

They all nodded

"They're probably pretty nice kids!" Number 2 said

(yeah probably..😬 )


"WHERE ARE ALL THE WEAPONS? THE SLINGSHOTS? THE KNIFE THROWERS?" Coltexclaimed while looking for the said weapons in a drawer

"Dad has them. He said he didn't want us messing with 'em" Tum-tum explained

"aya!" Lavender silently whispered while practice fighting with Rocky

"oh great! so what are gonna use against those guys with guns?" Colt said

The alarm in their room started buzzing indicating that there are people approaching.


"Okay. Dudes you ready?" Fester said, his hand being 2 inches away from the door

"We're on!"


"Okay 1, 2, 3!" He counted

They entered the Lion's Den.

(what? just a touch y'know?)

"Woah! Cool room!" Fester said as they toured the bedroom

"HIDE!" I whispered as we hid in different areas of the room

I hid in my laundry basket as for the others... I don't know I was busy on my own.

We hear the door open and close as one of them said that the room was "cool".

(heck yeah!)

I put my hand on top of my mouth to prevent me from making noise.

Fester motioned his hand to start looking for the kids.


"Little Dudes! Pizza's here!" He lured

The other two started to look in their closet/table and Fester looked at their beds.

(the table? really?)

He laid in the bed as Rocky was right behind the top of his head.

"Where are all those little boogers?" He questioned himself

"If I was a little booger where would I be?" He said as he thought for a bit

"MOM AND DAD'S ROOM!" He said making a conclusion

Rocky silently sighed after hearing that.

"Come on guys! Last one out closes the door!" he said excitedly

Number 2 was the last guy out and he closed the door unwillingly

(at least they still thought of closing the door)

The kids came out of their hiding spots.

Colt in a chest/crate

Rocky in between Tum-tum and Colt's bed

Tum-tum in their laundry basket

Colt grabbed Tum-tum and pulled him out of his hiding spot.

"Hey, where's Lav?" Rocky asked

"Over there." Tum-tum pointed to her laundry basket

Rocky went there to bring her out.

"Lav, they're gone" He said

He didn't hear an answer so he opened the basket/box.

She was sleeping that's why she didn't answer him.

"Lav.. wake up." He said slowly shaking her

"I'm awake." She slight whispered

"Hey. Stop being lovey-dovey we gotta go" Colt told them

Rocky sighed

(he didn't even deny ☺)

"Here, let me help you up" He said taking out his hand

She grabbed it and got out of her hiding spot

"Okay. Colt, Lav you've got the room at the end of the hall that mom's re-doing." He instructed

"Check." both of them said

"Tum-tum you've got the kitchen." He said

"Check." The younger said

"Now guys, prepare for phase 1." Rocky said

-Lesley ❤

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