《'My Lavender' (On-going)》19⚡(pt.1)



'What an eventful first day of school it is.'

It was now night time and the kids are preparing to go to sleep.

well.. kinda?

"coming through! coming through!" Tum-tum said holding his toy truck

"Tum-tum have you seen Colt?" his mother asked

"I don't know" he answered

"Could you go upstairs and look for him please?" she said picking up her stuff

"Rocky where's your brother?" she asked the eldest

"I don't know.. who cares!" Rocky answered before running up the stairs again

"Lavender.. have you seen Colt?" she asked the girl

"I haven't seen him in the past 30 minutes... sorry Jessica." she said also going up the stairs

"alright.." Jessica said

The doorbell ringed

"baby, get the door it's the babysitter." she told Tum-tum

"okay.." he said as he walked towards the door

He opened the door to an old lady wearing a shower cap?

He gulped

"hi..." he said

She smiled so fake


Anybody wondering where colt is?

"well there you are.." Jessica said to her son who was sitting in his father's office

"you should be getting ready for bed. It's 9 o' clock" she said

"where's dad?.." he asked

"he's working late again on this case honey, I'm gonna go meet him right now." she said

"Is he gonna tell grandpa not to teach us anymore?" Colt asked

"Honey, we'll see okay? dad's pretty upset about his work and I don't think this is the best time to ask him." she answered

"who is this bad guy anyway?" he asked

"there's a picture of him over there on top of that file." she pointed

"what time are you guys coming home?" he asked


"Late. now you be good 'kay?" she said as she closed the door

Colt sighed to himself

He opened the file and found a picture of a very familiar man with his grandparents.

(I assumed the woman on the right of Mr. Morri is his wife, I could be wrong tho.)

Colt immediately ran to their shared bedroom

"guys! guys, check this out!" he said while walking towards Rocky

Rocky stood up to see what was Colt holding

"This was the guy from yesterday, he's the one dad's after!" he said

Intrigued, Lavender stood up and stood beside Colt as well

Rocky threw the book he was holding into his bed

"Grandpa is friends with a criminal?" Rocky sarcastically asked

"no way!" both Lavender and Tum-tum spoke

"yes way! it says so on the back." he said while turning the photo

Rocky aggressively grabbed the photo and read its contents

"Hugo Snyder... business associate Morri Tanaka." he read

"that's grandpa.." Lavender said

"you think grandpa's a crip too?" he asked

"no, he can't be." Lavender said

"Colt c'mon no way!" Rocky said

"but he says he's friends with that guy!" Colt spat

"and you believe that?!" Lavender spoke in the same tone

Rocky shook his head in disbelief and sat down

"we saw him joke around with grandpa yesterday." he spoke in a calmer tone

"we gotta tell dad." Rocky said

"we can't tell your dad." Lavender said

"yeah, she's right, if he knows that they're still friends, he'll never let us see grandpa again." Colt agreed

"I can't believe grandpa's a bad guy.." Tum-tum said while burying his cheeks into his palm

Lavender came to comfort him

"he's not!" Colt said to Tum-tum

"is he?" Colt questioned Rocky

Rocky slowly shook his head as a term of "I don't know".



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