《'My Lavender' (On-going)》12⚡



'you think being a ninja is hard, try being a mom.'

So apparently my mom has to go on a business trip for a week so I wouldn't be seeing her.

My brother is staying at our aunt's place but my mom said to me that I was practically a grown up and I would have a friend or two who are generous enough to take me in for a week...

And here I am in front of the Douglas Household they'd be fine with me staying for a week won't they...right?

Honestly the boys are my only close friends that I trust and Jessica and Samuel Sr. treat me as family but still I feel embarrassed to ask them this.

I could've just stayed at home because I can live with just me in our house

Snapping out of my thoughts I rang the doorbell being more nervous as I hear the door click

I gulped

"Ellianna? what are doing here outside at this our dear?" Jessica asked me sweetly

"uhmm I hate to intrude but my mom said she's out for a business trip and I was wondering if you could take me in for a week?" I said while looking down

"You're not intruding honey we'd love to have you here. You know that this house is always welcome for you right?" she said assuring

(I swear she's the sweetest, the boys are lucky to have you as their mother. we love you jessica!!)

"come on in, the boys are probably resting" she said welcoming me

"thank you, this means a lot to me" I thanked her

she just smiled

(aww i'm soft)

A few moments later...

I knocked at the boys' room and opened the door

"hi." I said




Tum-tum hugged me

"what brings you here?" Rocky asked

"well..." I spoke as I brought out my bag for them to see

"I'll be staying here for the week if it's okay-" I got cut off

"Are you crazy? of course it's okay right Tum? Rocky?" Colt says


I look to Rocky

he nodded his head

Tum-tum and Colt high-fived


We chatted for some time

Eventually we all did our own thing

Tum-tum played video games

Colt jumping on his trampoline

(so cool! I swear their room is all I wanted when I was a child)

I was reading a book while listening to songs

I had one earbud out in case anybody wanted to talk

and Rocky speaking to Emily...

They had this can thingy that was connected to their beds and they could talk to each other

Of course I have one too in my room.

Colt asked me to make one just like that so we could speak to each other as well

My mom asked me what was the purpose of the can in my room

I said it connected to a friends' house

but I didn't say which house and friend


Rocky's can

Emily's can

"School bites it, I wanna stay with grandpa" I hear Colt say while jumping on his trampoline

"yeah, me too" Tum-tum agreed

"what he said." I followed

"Can you guys shut up? Emily will hear you." said Rocky


"oh. Say hi to your girlfriend for me" Colt teased

"yeah, say hi to your girlfriend for me" Tum-tum copied

"she's not my girlfriend okay" Rocky whispered

"Hey Emily!" I raised my voice so she could hear


"oh. is Ellianna there?" I hear her ask

"yeah, she's staying with us for the week since her mom is out on a business trip" Rocky explained

We hear nothing come out on her end

"are you sure she's not your girlfriend?" Colt continued to tease

"Colt! she's not my girlfriend."

"rocky loves emily!" Colt started to chant

"rocky loves emily!" Tum-tum followed

they chanted that over and over

I just chuckled and shook my head

(at least she's not an overly jealous person right? don't worry we're here Lav)

"what's going on?" I heard Emily ask through the can

"my brothers are retarded" Rocky insulted

(oof. that had to hurt)

"what time are you guys gonna go to school tomorrow?" she asked

"9:48 I guess?" rocky answered

and yes, the other boys are still chanting 'rocky loves emily' but louder this time so she could really hear it

"i'll ride with you!" she said

does she seriously wanna ride with us tomorrow?

not to be mean or anything but...

she's kind of a slow biker


"fine, but don't be late!" rocky reminded

"rocky loves emily!

"rocky loves emily!"

"rocky loves em-"

The buzzer in the room went off

"mom's coming!!" colt said panicked

I closed my book and turned off my phone and put everything beside my pillow

"gotta go, bye!" Rocky said to Emily before pushing the can away

Tum-tum turned off his video game

Colt closed the lights and turned off the buzzer

he jumped to his bed using his trampoline

All of us closed our eyes once we heard the doorknob click

Jessica closed the main light in the room and now it was dark

The only source of light was coming from the window beside rocky's bed

"Rocky.. should we tell dad about the guy we saw grandpa with?" Colt asked

"we'll tell him tomorrow, go to sleep" Rocky said

"hey you guysss I have a new stash of jelly beans do you want some?" Tum-tum offered

"no." both the older douglas boys said in chorus

"I'll have one" I asked reaching my hand onto Tum-tum's bed

he gave me a jelly bean

"good night rocky, good night tumtum, good night el." Colt said

"good night colt" tumtum said still eating his jelly beans

"good night boys" I said closing my eyes

rocky sighed

"good night." Rocky said pulling the fabric over the window

seconds later I hear tumtum choke

"choked on a jelly bean..." Tum-tum said after he choked

We can't help but chuckle at the young boy


1094 words~

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