《'My Lavender' (On-going)》13⚡


(this is just an extra scene i'm adding before we proceed to the story.)

(it's also kind of a prompt but it's not, do you get me?)

(btw this took place when they were still at the cabin and also before grandpa announced the day of names:))


I woke up early and decided to take a shower.

After I was done grandpa called me to go and wake the boys up, so that's what I did

I climb up the mini spiral staircase and see the boys sound asleep

"Wakey wakey sleepyheads!" I said while shaking them awake

"El it's 2:00 in the morning" Jeffrey said eyes closed

"Excuse you sir it is currently 5:38 in the morning can't you see the sun rising?" I replied

"Michael wake up I have your favourite candyyy..." I said trying to lure him

"I'M UP! Where is it?" he asked me

"You'll get it after breakfast now c'mon up!" I pulled him out of the bed he was just laying on seconds before

"He-hey! you can't do that elli!" he told me

"Yes I can! Jeff could you please wake up Sam?" I favored

now i'm wondering.

Samuel is usually the easiest one to wake up amongst the three of them but after all that ruckus he still isn't awake? weird.

I hear Jeffrey waking up his older brother

"El...EL!" Jeffrey called

"What?" I answered


"WHAT?! OK uhm go tell grandpa about Sam and Michael go get me a bowl of iced water" I instructed

The boys did what I told them to and I went up to check on samuel

I put the back of my hand against his forehead and he was indeed hot

I grabbed the thermometer and placed it in Sam's mouth

Grandpa came in as soon as I was done checking his temperature


"How high is it?" Grandpa asked

"38.4" I answered

Michael came in with the bowl and I grabbed a towel

"What took you so long?" I asked

"Sorry. the ice was too high in the fridge, I had to use a stool." he explained

I just nodded

I squeezed the water out of the towel and started to wipe his face and neck

"Is he gonna be okay grandpa?" Michael asked

"It's just a normal fever it'll go away in a day or two. I'm gonna go and buy some medicine for him" Grandpa said

"Grandpa is-" Jeffrey was gonna ask something but was immediately cut off

"No. training is still on for today except for samuel of course" Grandpa said

I feel both boys frown but I was too busy worrying about samuel

"But someone needs to take care of him grandpa" Michael said

"I kno-" I cut him off

"I'll do it! I can stay here and watch him while you train" I suddenly blurted out

"Fine Ellianna but you have to stay 2 more hours training tomorrow is that okay?" Grandpa said with a look I can't explain

"Understood sir." I said

"Ok let's have breakfast i'll buy medicine for him later." Grandpa said as he and Michael headed out

"El he's fine now you can put the towel on his forehead and let's go eat" Jeffrey said to me

I knew I couldn't say no and just did what he told me to

A few hours later...

"Hey. Grandpa got the medication for Sam he said to give it to him a few hours after dinner." Jeffrey said as he passed me a packet of pills

"Yeah thanks i'll make sure to give it to him" I thanked him

"Are you sure you can make him swallow that without puking?" he said while pointing to the pills

oh. he can't take his pills well?

oh boy, we're in for a treat I guess


"Ahhh, i'm sure i'll find a way." I replied


moments later...

It is currently quarter through 2 o' clock in the afternoon

After our breakfast grandpa was the one to bring food for him now i'm in charge

I made him some porridge and put two slices of bread at the side of his plate

I brought it up and I found him still sleeping peacefully

By gently shaking his shoulder I woke him up

"Sam, sam. it's time for your lunch" I said in a whisper

I slowly helped him to sit up so that he could eat his food properly

"Still feeling weak?" I asked

he could only nod

"Here this'll boost your energy up a bit" I said before blowing the hot porridge in front of me

"Say ah."

"I'm not a kid." he said in a hoarse and weak voice

"I know but it makes it more fun that way, now ahh" I put the spoon closer to his lips

he can't do anything else besides follow

after dinner...

"Sam?" I asked


"Since you're sick you have to take medication..." I started

"So are you ok of drinking this? not that you have a choice but.. y'know?" I said to him

"Uhm i-i'm afraid of swallowing pills" he stuttered a bit

"I know" I said

"I don't wanna take it" he said so softly

"You have to." I said

"But I don't want to" he said

We started fighting back and forth whether he was gonna take the pill or not

I knew he HAD to take this pill so while he was saying something I shoved the pill inside in his mouth that he had to swallow it beacause of reflexes

I gave him his cup of water

"You can't just do that" he said breathing heavily

"But I just did" I said before sticking my tongue out like a toddler

"Hey, at least you took the pill without vomiting or spitting it out right" I said to to him making my point

he looked at me like he was saying 'I guess you're right'

meanwhile downstairs...

"What's going on up there?" Michael asked

"El is making sam take his medication" Jeffery answered him

Jeffery and Grandpa smiled knowing what kind of fuss is going on upstairs

Jeffery chuckled imagining Ellianna forcing Samuel to take his pill

"Why are you laughing?" Michael asked again

"Nothing." Jeffery said stiffiling back a laugh

Michael just looked at him with confusion written around his face

(aw my sweet michael)

12:23 am

I slept beside michael so I could keep an eye on Samuel's temperature

I woke up because I heard the sheets rustling

I see Samuel acting like he was having a nightmare

"L-lia.." he whispered

I got out of where I was laying in and moved closer to him

"Where are you..." he said so faintly I almost didn't hear it

"I'm here" I whispered

he kept turning his head left to right like he was looking for someone

his face shows panic and discomfort

I was in the woods looking for Ellianna

"LIA!" I shouted

I kept looking even if it was dark

"LIA!" I pointed the flashlight to an area

"ELLIANNA! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" I kept shouting hoping I could find her

I ran and ran

I don't even know where I am

Until the trees start to change it's like i'm being teleported to a pitch black room

(in the dream)

I'm in a very dark room

I've been trying to find samuel but he's not here

I started crying begging that somebody would find me

"Sam, i'm here" I hear a voice


after 5 hours (timeline there is slower and actually it's been 5 mins.)

I found her.


I approached her

I hugged her

"I thought I lost you." I said relieved

"Wake up." she said


"Wake up! Sam!" she said again

It felt like I was in a trance

"SAM! WAKE UPPPPPPPPP!" She screamed as her face turned to look like a ghost

I woke up

"Sam! Wake Up!" I lightly shook him

he opened his eyes almost immediately

he started breathing heavily

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Lia!" he said in a whisper

he hugged me

"Don't go." he said

"Please." he whispered

I'm confused but what can I do?

"I won't." I said

"I'm right here." I assured

he snuggled his face against my neck also tightening his embrace

now i'm stuck.

but I don't mind,

as long as he's happy.



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