《'My Lavender' (On-going)》11⚡



Wait! Let's not jump into conclusions guys I know we are all confused but maybe grandpa will tell us soon ok? - I said trying to ease their minds from thinking about the situation too much

Lavender and Rocky are inside one of the storage rooms in grandpa's cabin.

They are helping grandpa clean the room for Lavender, but since grandpa is out getting groceries with Tum-tum and Colt, Rocky and Lavender are alone.

"Here we go!"- I sighed looking at the place we're cleaning

There were boxes, dust, blankets covering some old furnitures and a lot more stuff.

"how many years has it been since grandpa cleaned this room?"- I asked myself

"should we start cleaning?"- Rocky said entering the area with the cleaning supplies

"sure."- I replied

We started cleaning but something felt missing...

Then it hit me...

"WE NEED MUSIC!"- I exclaimed

I covered my mouth, not expecting to raise my voice.

"huh?"- Rocky said clearly confused

"wait."- I said as I pulled out my phone from my pocket

(I wrote this story particularly in the modern times so yes, they have phones)

I put on some tunes and started gliding thru the music while cleaning.

I hear rocky chuckle behind me but I ignored it

Soon after we were both dancing to the music

30 minutes later...

I am now done cleaning the dust off of a cabinet and headed down the stairs.

But what I didn't notice was there was a puddle of water at the bottom of the staircase.

(it was raining last night and some water got through the roof)

(we all how this is going...)

I slipped and waited for the impact of the floor to collide with my body.

I was greeted with a pair of hands.


One around my waist, and the other holding my wrist.

I open my eyes to see rocky's beautiful green ones

"are you okay?"- he asked

That was enough to wake me up to my senses

"y-yeah I'm alright"- I stuttered

'shoot why did I stutter? ugh this is so embarrassing!'- I thought

By the time I was done scolding myself I noticed he had already let me go and went back to what he was doing

'well that was a moment..'- I continued to think to myself

"We're baaaackk!"- I hear Tum-tum yell from outside

(2 hours before they headed back to the city)

"I don't wanna go back homeee..."- Tum-tum whined

"us too but we have to, remember school?"- Rocky reminded

"but-"- tum-tum starts

"boys are you done packing? come on have breakfast"- Lavender semi-shouted from downstairs

"coming!"- Colt replied

I laughed as I removed one of my earbuds because the boys were singing this song about a boy shooting it's teacher? idk.

Which I think is a very inappropriate song for 8-12 year old boys to sing don't you think?


We are now headed back home from grandpa's and I try my best to not be seen by our other neighbors which would probably report to my mom if they had seen me with the Douglas family

(she is beside tumtum)

Oh and don't worry my mom is probably at work at this hour, so she wouldn't see me until she comes back at night.

"woohoo! look who's here"- Colt said teasingly

I look to where he was looking and I saw emily and her group of friends

Emily and I weren't exactly friends but we weren't enemies either.

We just knew each other.

"shut up colt!"- Rocky said to his brother


Oh yeah he has a crush on her..

"it's your girlfriend! look! she chasing after us"- as if colt stated the obvious

I roll my eyes

Thankfully they didn't see that

"she's not my girlfriend okay"- Rocky defended

"you gonna kiss her?"- Colt continued to tease his older brother

'If I could just cover the mouth of that boy I would've done it already'- I thought

"yeah you gonna kiss her?"- tumtum teased with colt

'not you too tum' I thought again

Mentally facepalmed myself right then and there...

"no but i'm gonna kill you two if you don't shut up"- Rocky 'threatened'

yep i'm just not gonna talk.

"hey there's dad!"- Colt exclaimed


"hey dad!"






They jumped out of the car to greet their father

I stayed since I have no one to greet

(btw new piece of info. Lav's father is great friends with Mr. douglas they worked together in F.B.I but her dad was moved to another country, hence why he is not here and also lav's parents are divorced ever since lav was very young)

Mr. Douglas nodded his head at me while I bowed mine

He had always acknowledged me ever since my parents separated and treated me and kevin as his own.

"hey guys, how was your summer with grandpa?"- Mr. Douglas greeted

"great I wanna show you a lot of stuff we learned"- Colt said excitedly

"look, jeffrey show me that stuff later-"- Mr. Douglas starts

"it's not jeffrey, it's colt"

"i'm tumtum!"

"yeah and i'm not sam, i'm rocky"

"and elli over there is lavender" I heard colt introduce my new name

"sam? michael you're tumtum?"- he asked confused

"yeah. you see I'm colt cuz I'm fast, he's Rocky cuz he is solid, Elli is Lavender cuz she's subtle, and he's Tum-tum cuz... he'll eat anything" colt explained

"I won't eat dog poop!"- Tum-tum answered

"it's bad enough he's got you doing karate, what they need new names?!"- he shouted the last part to grandpa, asking him.

I could see the look on Tum-tum's face, I feel a bit sad too

grandpa just shrugged

"I like my new name..."- Tum-tum said with his voice softening

"sam! come on sam we gotta roll!" I heard his co-worker say

"look guys uhh- I gotta go, glad you're back!" he said getting into his friends' car

"don't forget to kiss your mother hello, jeffrey"

that was the last thing he said before they drove away

"it's colt."- Colt said with a little disappointment in his voice

"is he gonna be alright grandpa?"- I asked

he just sighed

Rocky and Tum-tum ran towards the car and I handed them their bags

"hi."- I hear Emily's voice

"hi"- Rocky replied blushing

I was already out of the vehicle and just watching the scene in front of me unfold

It was quite awkward I would say...

"did I hear your new name was rocky?"- she asked

"nah. it's just a new name my grandpa gave me"- Rocky answered while still having a visible pink tint in his cheeks

she nodded

oh goodness I can't WAIT to get outta here

"I like that name it's...cute"- she said

Tum-tum rolled his eyes

HAH! couldn't agree more

"I gotta go."- Rocky said

"yeah me too"- Emily said agreeing

"yeah me too."- Tum-tum said following Rocky inside their house

"me too."- I quickly said getting my bags out the car

"hi ellianna you're lavender right?"- she greeted

"yeah, and hi to you too emily"- I confirmed

I high-fived her

and walked away

not before I heard mrs. douglas say

"you think being a ninja is hard work, try being a mom."



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