《3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)》Ch.11


"Castle Hikone. No one live there very very old" the women replied.

The guy swings the bat at the ball and Miyo went to catch it but missed repeatedly.

"Maybe she should stick to Ninja" Colt said. "Shut up" Rocky said Blaze stepped on Colt's foot making him grab it immediately glaring at Blaze in pain.

But then he snickers at Rockys reaction.

"he tell me to come back when I learn to catch. You see because of Ninja I am good at swinging butt" "What?" Tum Tum asks.

"You know, swinging my butt" Blaze face palms Colt smiled a bit "You mean your bat" Tum Tum corrects.

"Yes. My butt" Miyo replied.

Tum Tum rolls his eyes smiling.

"Hey, I got a idea" Blaze for some reason felt a hint of jealousy and noticed how they haven't talked in a long while.

Rocky picked up Tum Tum and placed him down.

He whispered to the four.

"You teach us Ninja and we'll teach you baseball" Colt says. "But I thought?" She was confused. The mom spoke up "You can still teach my daughter some moves" the mom said grinning. "Yeah" she slowly sat down a bit confused.

Rocky held a bat and handed Miyo a shirt.

Miyo and Blaze were practicing Ninja moves but she felt like Miyo was teaching her more than Blaze was teaching Miyo making her frustrated.

She stood on a balance beam that was over a small river.

"Keep balance-" she looked seeing Rocky take Miyo away with him "Be right back Blaze!" She calls out "Miyo, Rocky wait! -" she calls out but falls over in the water.

Blaze swam up flipping her hair back with a annoyed face. Tum Tum laughs, Colt just stands watching "I thought you were the one teaching her?" Tum Tum asks laughing.


She just glared getting out of the water.

Blaze didn't know why she was feeling this way she didn't like the feeling she didn't want to pout or be immature. But some days she just has a lot of emotions going on at once.

Later that day Colt pulls her to the side "Hey you alright?" He asks, "I'm fine why?" she shrugged and looked over at Rocky and Miyo.

"It seems like you've been jealous lately... I don't think that's 'fine'" Colt mentions crossing his arms.

"Why does it matter to you if I'm jealous?!" She shouted a bit.

He looked at her raising an eyebrow. She sighed "I get your point, but I can't help with all these mixed emotions it was the same way with you when you liked Jo!" She crossed her arms glaring.

"Don't bring Jo into this" he said annoyed.

"Seriously! It seems any guy I like or am with they end up liking another girl! I'm tired of it-" she was cut off with lips on hers.

She stopped kissing back slightly. "I never liked Jo sure I might've thought she was cute, but I was dumb then. I'm sorry if I gave off the wrong signal" he said looking at the girl.

Blaze sighed looking down leaning on the wall next to her. "I'm with Rocky.... Colt. We can't be together" "Do you love me?" Colt asks getting closer.

"I do but I just-" she stops speaking. "Then you can be with me! You just don't want to hurt Rocky" "Believe me when I say I love both of you-" "Who do you love more is the question?" He asked glaring.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT ALL YEAR?!" "It's who do I love more?! I don't know!" She yells making Rocky and Miyo look over. Blaze runs off.


Later Blaze goes to find Rocky "Can we talk?" She asks.

She stopped seeing Rocky kiss Miyo... Rocky KISSED MIYO.

Blaze was frozen but she shouldn't be talking she just kissed Colt. "Blaze I-" Rocky stopped. She pulls him away to another room.

"Rocky.... I have too much to think right now I love you... but I also love someone else and clearly you feel the same way towards someone, it seems every time there's a new girl in your life-" "Blaze-" he started.

"No... no I just think we need a break to see who we really love. We can't keep hurting each other like this" she said a few tears slipping.

"This is goodbye then?" He asked. "For now... till we really decide" she whispers looking down.

He frowns and slowly pulled her in a hug.

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