《3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)》Ch.10


They got out of the car with their bags running slightly looking around at sales.

The four walk forward seeing Ninjas wearing numbers on back with different colors

She smirked making sure the boys were not looking and left.

Blaze put her pink uniform on she found even though there wasn't any pink team.

Rocky POV

The three looked around and sat down at a bench to watch the show.

He was amazed seeing how fast and good the person in pink was doing.

The crowd did a wave.

"Is this what Grandpa wanted us to learn the next level of screaming?" "Huh that screaming sounds familiar" Rocky says Colt and Rocky look at each other shrugging.

"The one in pink is really good"

"I could take him" Colt says.

Tum Tum looked up at Colt, Colt looked down.

"Those moves look familiar" Tum Tum says.

"Exactly why I can take him" Colt smirks.

"Hey Colt. If number 16 wins this one, he'll be in the finals" Rocky replied.

"I'll be right back" Colt soon says getting up and leaving.

Nobody's POV really

Rocky watched the pink one and blue one fighting.

"YA!" They both yelled.

"Who are you?" The one in blue asks seeing as the person sounded familiar.

"Who are you?" The person in pink asks.

The number 16 (blue) swung first but the person blocks.

He swung above her head her ducking down then standing up.

The one in blue went to punch but was dodged again.

The mystery person swung at the one in blue multiple times finally getting the one in blue on the floor.

He tumbled her over.

"Hey! That's guys not bad" Tum Tum said.

The guy in blue jumped in air but the person in pink kept blocking.

"He's kind of wild like Colt. The person also has a lot of balance"


The two continued fighting "COLT" "BLAZE" they realized.

"Come on they are going to get each other's brains splattered!" Tum Tum went to get up.

Rocky stopped him "Stay here maybe this is the lesson Grandpa had for them" Rocky said.

The two continued fighting Colt kept trying to pull her face mask off to see who it was.

"Don't!" She yelled annoyed kicking him from behind.

He grabbed onto her as she struggled to get him off. Rocky stood up slightly.

Blaze took the guys hands off not knowing it was Colt but his hands felt familiar, she kicked his head from behind.

She jumped kicking his head again and he fell down.

"Ow!" Rocky cringed from the hit.

She turned around seeing the guy stand up and wrapped her legs around his neck flipping him over and got on top of him.

"That's it who are you?" Colt asks annoyed underneath the girl.

She sighed taking her mask off. Leaving Colt shocked.

"Blaze?"she was confused on how he knew her not able to see his face she helped him up.

He took his off. "Colt?" She said shocked.

Blaze POV

She looked down blushing slightly "Sorry about your head" she said moving his hair.

"It's alright" he said, "Guess we both had the same thing in mind" she laughed a bit as the crowd cheered "Yeah"

"I'm such a spaz" Colt said looking at the score board "How long were you in this?" Colt asks.

"Almost the entire tournament?" She bit her lower lip sheepishly.

"Rocky if she's the winner does that mean we give her this?" Tum Tum asks.

"Let's go ask Mr. Big over there" Rocky says standing up going over.

"I'm sorry, you're going too fast" Rocky says.


"Perhaps I can help" a girl came out of nowhere the four standing there.

"I speak some English" the girl said. "Also, congrats out there" the girl said smiling at Blaze.

Blaze smiled slightly feeling a bit embarrassed by her actions.

"Yes, tell him we bring the dagger from our grandfather, Mori Shintaro" she repeated it in Japanese.

"Whoa! Look at those feet!" Tum Tum said.

"He said he know everything he spoke with your grandfather from Tokyo"

"Bet he's ticklish!" Tum Tum spoke.

Colt grabs him making Blaze laugh a bit.

"he says ceremony will wait a few days until Mori Shintaro arrive. We must uphold the tradition" the girl said.

"What shall we do with this?" Tum Tum asks he held up the dagger.

"Grand Master says if your grandfather trusted you with it, so does he"

The girl walked down the four following.

"Colt got beat by a girl!" Tum Tum chants.

Blaze blushes slightly staying next to Rocky.

"I'm still better than you!" Colt replied defensively.

"Shut up, spaz!" Tum Tum said.

"You are worthy opponent spaz" The girl said.

"Oh, no it's Colt." "This is Rocky, Blaze and Tum Tum"

"I am Miyo. This is my mother" she greeted.

"I would love to hear about America. You live near Bart Simpson?"

"No." Rocky replied.

"We're do you stay in Koga?" She asked.

"I don't know we didn't plan anything" Rocky replied.

Miyo talks to her mother in Japanese.

The mother looked at them and nodded.

"Then you come home with us"

"We'd be honored. But first we must hurry. Maybe you can teach my daughter some lessons?" She asked Blaze. "I'm not that good-" she was stopped with Rocky looking at her.

"Okay yeah sure" she nodded smiling.

"One more important place to go" the women took the daughter and the kids following.

"Every year she is the only girl to try out" "Really? That's how it is with Blaze" Tum Tum says.

She looks at Tum Tum shaking her head not liking being center of attention all the time.

"Oh really?" The mother asked smiling at the young girl.

"You and Miyo will be best friends I'm sure" she said the girl nodded slightly.

She was always awkward at making new friends that's why she got bullied a lot.

"Hey, who lives in that castle over there?" "The evil umpire?"

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