《3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)》Ch.12


Miyo told her to stand on the beam again. she stood there trying to balance but fell down again the four sighed watching her come back up from the water.

She can be good at balance but sometimes when she's distracted she can not be.

Miyo stood in front of her to show her she tried doing the same thing again. Getting the hang of it she smiled slightly the five were all sitting down now. Miyo handed them a new Gi.

She felt like she didn't teach Miyo anything but in the end she thought it was worth it for what she got.

Colt walked up to her "Seems you're getting better at balance" "But I shouldn't have to get better I've always been good at balance" she sighed. "Sometimes you need to learn from others" he shrugged. She looks at him.

They were now all eating Colt and Tum Tum were sword fighting with chop sticks but stopped when the mom came.

"This is great" Tum Tum spoke up.

"Rocky, tell Miyo's mother how good this is" Tum Tum said.

Rocky spoke in Japanese to Miyos mom.

Blaze looked down still thinking about the other night noticing how it wasn't affecting Rocky at all. Maybe Colt was right maybe she should move on in a way. "Thank you" the mom said. Tum Tum repeated and so did Colt and Blaze. "And we know what a picky eater my brother and best friend is" Colt said making everyone laugh slightly. "Hey-" she said glaring but then smiling.

He put his hands up in surrender.

"I kicked you once I won't be ashamed to do it again" "Okay- okay I'm just messing" he laughed soon eating while the others laughed a bit at them.

"Your Japanese is getting good, Rocky." Miyo complimented.


"You should learn something to say to Grand Master tomorrow" "Like clip your toenails?" Tum Tum asks. Blaze spit her drink slightly back in the cup from laughing slightly, Colt joined laughing a bit as well.

Rocky chuckles a bit "I have a idea what will help. Comes I will show you" she says and left with Rocky.

Blaze was in her room sitting down thinking when there was a knock at her door "Come in" she said she looked up seeing Colt.

"How is everything?" He asked sitting next to her. "Well, we're on a break most likely assuming break up" she said considering how Rocky is. "Well since you guys are broken up does that mean I can do this now?" He asks pulling her to him kissing her.

She kissed back slightly feeling a bit awkward since she wasn't used to it. Blaze pulled away "Everything fine?" He asked confused. "Just not used to it I also don't want to rush" "Got it" he said sighing looking forward.

"I'll be right back" Colt says getting up and left then she heard a loud crash and went over seeing Colt and Tum Tum fell through a wall laughing.

"Rocky loves Miyo!" Tum Tum chants.

"Rocky loves Miyo!" "Rocky loves Miyo!" Colt chants but they all stop seeing Blaze.

Rocky looks down. She smirks slightly going to Rocky and shoved him into Miyo laughing the others joined in "Rocky loves MIYO!" The three chanted Colt pulled Blaze towards him as the five all laughed together.

"Grand master says he will start your training today, too" Miyo spoke Colt held Blaze hand while walking.

"We're ready for him!"

Rocky shoves Colt "You were a great help, Miyo"

"I wish I could go with you" Miyo spoke the two boys kept shoving each other. Blaze almost tumbled over a bunch of times from holding Colt's hand while they did it.


"Well good luck!" She says the four held their bags "Thanks!" "We'll do great. See you later!"

Rocky shoved Colt, Colt let go of her hand running after him she rolled her eyes smiling going after the three to catch up.

"Bye Miyo!" The three said.

"Bye Miyo my little chicken pot pie" Tum Tum said in a weird voice, Rocky pulling him along.

They went inside kneeling down, Ninjas pulling the blinds down. "So" "You are the grandson and best friend of Mori Shintaro?" The Master asks.

"Hey, how come you didn't speak English at us at the tournament?" Tum Tum asks.

"In front of other people?" The master asks.

"They would not understand us. It would be rude"

She had a weird feeling about the guy. "Did you bring the dagger your grandfather gave you?"

"I thought you wanted to wait till he arrived?" Colt asks taking ahold of Blaze hand.

"I changed my mind" he said calmly.

Colt looked at his feet seeing he has shoes then looked up as he stood up.

"I want it now." The master said.

"Weren't you shorter the other day?" Tum Tum asks.

The guy bent down slightly "ROCKY! BLAZE! COLT! TUM TUM!" Miyo yells.

"Why do you wear shoes inside but not out?" Blaze asked.

The 'Master' pulls his mask off and it wasn't him! She stood up immediately.

"He's a fake!" Miyo said pulling the blinds up.

"SCRAMBLE!" Tum Tum yells.

The four ran out of the place Miyo holding up blinds.

They ran down the steps people chasing after them.

The five went inside another place she waited around the corner when three ninjas came in, she kicked one of them knocking him down Tum Tum knocked the other two down with a machine.

The three laughed at the duo.

The Ninjas got their weapons out one had a phone.

"What are you gonna do, talk us to death?" Colt asks she laughed.

The guy in front of her swung at her she ducked immediately kicking him.

The Ninja kept swinging she grabbed a wrench that was somehow near her blocking it with that.

She hit him in the head he fell on his knees she hit him again knocking him out.

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