《3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)》Ch.7


Authors note: Happy Easter everyone!! Also hope you're enjoys this fanfic so far. I bought high noon today so when I finish this fanfic I'm gonna do that one also most likely 💙


Rocky sighs as he picks up the phone that was ringing. "Chill it's Grandpa!" Rocky yells.

"Grandpa?" Colt turns around confused.

"Grandpa?" Tum Tum asks.

"Well, hello kids! I'm all right" Grandpa says on the phone.

Blaze sits next to Rocky he lays his hand on her leg she raises her eyebrow at the sudden movement "I'm in the hospital" Colt glared at Rocky and he grabs the phone from him moving his hand off of Blazes leg while at it acting like he was just trying to grab the phone.

"What's wrong Grandpa?" Colt asks. Rocky rolls his eyes.

The oldest Douglas takes the phone back "Oh, I was in a tiny car accident" Grandpa says. "A few bruises"

"I'm at the mercy of a nurse that doesn't speak English" "Actually, she's a witch posing as a nurse" "OW!" She jumps slightly by the yell.

"Do you mind?! I'm talking to my Grandkids" he spoke with annoyance.

"I had all my luggage stolen. Yeah they took everything. Even the dagger"

Blaze stood up moving Rockys hand in the process since he had put it back on her leg she has realization.

"They stole the dagger" she said to them handing it the phone to Rocky.

"Well yeah that's what Grandpa said" Tum Tum said.

"NO- that's not what I'm trying to say listen-"

"I saw this weird Japanese guy with a long, white hair running away"

"SEE?!" She said with annoyance.

"What?" Tum Tum asks.

"Guys what if that's the robbers we fought" "But why would they go that far for a dagger?" Tum Tum asks. "Why wouldn't they Tum Tum? They are ROBBERS" she said sitting on the counter.


"Listen don't tell your mom and dad." "We won't tell mom and dad" "Maybe Blaze is right" Colt said.

"I'm in Tokyo General. Oh. It's a fine hospital"

"Except for this wicked nurse with a face like a dragons butt" she snickered at his comment.

She was using another phone so that she could hear the conversation.

"Some people here do understand English, Mr.Shintaro!" She heard a women's voice assuming it was the 'Nurse'.

"Hope you feel better soon. Bye" both Rocky and Blaze hung up the phone the other two Douglas brothers standing looking at the couple.

"Did he say who hit him?" Colt asks. "From what he described it sounds like the Robbers we fought" she said biting her lip thinking.

"Yeah and he said it was some Japenese guy with white hair" "I was pretty sure it was blonde hair" she said "It does look blonde" Tum Tum agreed. "Whatever" Rocky rolls his eyes.

"Wait so that means those guys are in Japan" Colt says with realization. "That's what I was trying to say" she sighed. "Ah! This isn't my bag!" Tum Tum shouted.

"This is Grandpas bag. Look!" He pulled out a bandanna. "Those guys were after the dagger!" Rocky said. "We gotta go there right away. We gotta help Grandpa" Colt urges.

"Colt, what about the baseball game?" Rocky asks.

"Yeah because of you we didn't go" she glared. "Look- Blaze, I'm sorry and it's just a game this is Grandpa" Colt replied.

"But then where are my Ding Dongs?" "Forget your Ding Dongs. We gotta work fast!" Rocky orders going to the bag.

"First I'll take care of the tickets" he smirks.

"Okay, so that's four children's fares to Tokyo" the women says.

"Well, we're almost grown up." Rocky mentions.


Blaze sat next to Rocky on his bed. Colt glanced at her once a while thinking.

"Can I have the name on the card?"

"Uh, Mori Shintaro. He's my grandfather" Rocky says.

"I'm afraid we'll need his authorization can i talk to him?" The women asks.

"Uh, sure!" Rocky looks at Colt. "Colt. do you have Grandpas message ready from the answering machine?" Rocky asks.

Colt put a thumbs up getting down on trampoline jumping up in the air then landing and grabbing the audio. He sat next to Dash really close so he could lean in and play it.

Rocky held the phone close to the audio as it played. "Hello." "Hello, Mr.Shintaro?" "Hi, how are you today?" The women asks.

Colt plays it forward to the next part "I'm alright!" He stops and fast forwards it again. "That's nice" the women's replied.

"I just took a reservation from a young man..." "My grandson" the three smile at each other. "Yes, that's what he told me" she replied.

"Four seats this afternoon to..." he plays the audio "Tokyo" Grandpa replied. "Yes!" The women said.

"So, I have your authorization for four first class children's tickets? Totaling $11,364?" she asked.

Blaze eyes went wide not realizing on the cost. Colt played it "OW!" She heard from the audio.

Rocky looks at him mouthing a few words. "I'm sorry? Is this amount okay with you?" She asked.

"Yes, everything you vampire!" Rocky hits Colt. Dash covers her mouth from laughing.

"Really, sir! I don't. Set the prices, I just work here." "I'll run this through. And your grandkids can pick the tickets up at the airport" she said.

"Ugly witch" Colt played Rocky hit him again as she tried hard not to laugh.

"Oh. Yeah?!? Well you know what you are?" The women started but Rocky cut her off "GOODBYE!" He hung up and Dash burst out laughing. "You're so mean" she shoved Colt slightly and he almost fell off the bed laughing.

"Alright now we got to get in gear. We got a lot to do" Rocky mentions.

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