《3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)》Ch.8


"First I'll write a note to mom and dad" he said getting up. "Colt you find all the money in the house with Blaze, and Tum Tum you call a shuttle" Rocky orders.

"We'll be packed by the time it gets here" Rocky says.

"How are we gonna do all that before mom and dad gets home?!" Tum Tum asks.

"You've heard of ingenuity right?" Rocky asks.

"Well, this is 'Ninja-unity" Rocky introduces.

Rocky wrote the note and Colt and Blaze went to get the money.

Blaze went to her house which was next door quickly packing. Colt looks at her through the window she nodded he gave her a thumbs up. She left going downstairs locking the house and meeting up at the front door with the Douglas brothers.

"Tum Tum" Rocky urged. "But I don't want to leave mom and dad!" Tum Tum replied. She sighed going over pulling him in a side hug "Hey they are gonna be okay. Remember we need to help Grandpa." The boys looked at her smiling slightly to themselves.

"She's right it's for Grandpa" Rocky agreed. Tum Tum took the picture. The four all ran with their bags getting in the van.

Colt held the door open she was the last one to get in before she did both Colt and Blaze stared at each other when he sat next to her closing the door.

"Happy?" The driver asks.

"How fast can you get us to LAX?" Rocky asks. "Buckle up" the guy orders.

He drove off fast with the kids all yelling and moving side to side from the speed impact.

They came to a stop getting their stuff and they got out "Did I ever tell you I get motion sickness?" She questions feeling sick slightly she could never ride fast rides that spin around. Rocky laughs and basically drags her along the four all running.


They were now on the plane she sat with Rocky "How are you feeling?" He asked her as she laid her head on the window. "Better actually" she sighed.

"You alright?" He asked. "Just thinking" she shrugs.

He pulls her close to him. She looks up at him he looks down at her slowly leaning in. "So how are you guys feeling" Colt sits next to the two since there was a third seat she sighed with a bit of annoyance.

"Fine... just fine" she leaned her head on Rockys shoulder. Him feeling annoyed as well.

They landed not that long after some people bowing to them slightly they did the same back.

Rocky and Colt joked around doing it to each other. She really wasn't in the mood it seemed every moment she had with Rocky was interrupted.

Colt noticed her mood but didn't say anything knowing how she can get. Him and Rocky accidentally bumped their heads when he wasn't paying attention. "OW-" he said grabbing his head.

Blaze laughed "Idiots" she shook her head as they smiled at her Colt was happy he at least was able to bring her mood up.

"It's okay. We'll just stick together" Rocky reassures.

A random guy grabs a purse from a women. "HEY!" The man with the women shouted. Colt puts his bag down "Rocky, catch!" He handed him a baseball.

Rocky got ready to pitch keeping a eye on the guy going down the steps.

He threw it at him the guy turns around getting hit in the face the purse flew in the air.

Tum Tum caught it. "You're out!" He shouts.

"She thank you want to repay you" the man said the kids were outside with the women and man.

"Oh, could you take us to Tokyo General hospital?" Colt asks.


"She want to know are you sick?" The man translates.

"No. We're fine but their Grandpas here" she said.

The women spoke again as the man translated "Oh- she wants to know if you're one of these young men's girlfriend" "Oh- uh" she blushes slightly. "Yes" she said looking at Rocky but feeling slightly awkward she's telling someone about her relationship.

"She said you guys make a cute couple." The man said the women nodded smiling. "Mori Shintaro. Do you know him?" Tum Tum asks.

"No, but it will be our pleasure" the man said.

Colt stands up in the car through the sun roof top. "Blaze come on" he said she smiled he took her hand and they both stood up her wind blowing her hair back she laughs slightly.

He just smiled looking around slightly.

Somehow there was enough room considering Rocky joined on the right of her. She looked at him and he looked back grinning.

The three move a bit to add room for Tum lifting him up so he could see.

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