《3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)》Ch.6


They were all laughing in the kitchen "Wasn't that great?" Rocky asks "That was awesome!"

"I can't believe the oil trick worked twice" Colt mentions. "People really need to pay attention to where they walk" she said laughing and they joined her.

"Yeah" Tum Tum agreed "What the?" Grandpa comes in confused he closed the door. "I thought you were gonna have dinner ready. What is this mess here?"

"There was these three robbers they tried to rob the cabin!" The four all talked at once.

"What did they want to rob?" Grandpa asks.

"TVs and stuff we heard them talking" Colt said."

"I think I heard them say dagger?" She mentions they looked at her Grandpa quickly went to check.

"Yeah, but we got rid of them. You should've seen it!" Rocky says smiling.

"Yeah, they finally gave up and ran away!" Tum Tum spoke.

"We used everything you taught us. We were great." Colt said. "A true Ninja never brags about his skills" Grandpa corrects. Making Blaze confused.

Colt looks over at her "The next time, call the police" Grandpa orders.

She sighed sitting down.

"We're dropping dad at the airport on our way home" "I think he's really disappointed the kids aren't going" "Believe me I wanted to go" she mumbled when they were carrying out their bags.

"Well, everything they need to know about life, they can learn on the baseball field the way I did" the boys father said.

Blaze and Colt put their bags in the car.

Colt laughs "Hey, don't forget to dad was a kid once, too" his mom says.

"I thought he was born full- grown with a briefcase" she bit her lip trying not to laugh. "That's enough, Colt."


"You know, when I was a kid, at least I played like a member on the team out there, huh." His dad said. "It's always when I was a kid" she mumbled annoyed.

"The way you're gonna play next week, right?" Colts dad asked. "Yes." Colt replied trying not to sound annoyed he looks at Blaze when she got in the car.

"Michael come on!" They all were in the car and arrived at the airport she got out to say bye to Grandpa.

"Goodbye kids wish you were coming with me" he said.

"Sorry" she whispers and he smiled sadly pulling her in a hug and they soon let go. "Me too Grandpa" Tum Tum says hugging him.

The boys didn't hug him and he left them saying goodbyes. She nudged the boys next to her "You could be nicer you know" Blaze rolls her eyes and got in the car.

"My fortune say "Love will appear on a journey"

"Well you blew that one for us"

"Hey you voted to stay too!" "I know"

"But I wish I hadn't"

"Besides all love fortunes are for Rocky" Tum Tum teases. "Like you and Blaze almost kissing earlier" he makes kissing noises Colt slightly laughs but is hurt from the flashback and Rocky has a bit annoyed and flushed look.

"That means you got mine. What's it say?" Colt asks.

"Come on put them on. Grandpa says you make it worse when you squint" Colt orders.

"You look cute in them anyways. You don't need to hide it" she said out of no where the boys looked at her forgetting she was there and Rocky just blushed looking down.

"Put them on Rocky. We won't make fun of you" Tum Tum urges. Rocky got his glasses and puts them on.


"AHH the four eyed beasts!!" Tum Tum yells. Colt laughs and Blaze hits Tum Tum slightly on the shoulder shaking her head smiling.

"Mine says I have an insect of a brother and I should squash him!" Rocky jokes.

He then grabs ahold of Tum Tum and tried to tackle him Colt joins in. She laughs standing watching.

"Colt, Blaze help me!" Tum Tum yells.

Colt tackles Rocky she runs over tackling Colt off of Rocky the four wrestling around laughing.

"He's right" she stops messing with the boys looking up. "Yeah" Bully 2 (a different bully) said. Colt was half on top of her when she was laying next to Rocky.

Tum Tum stood up as there was four boys in front of them. Colt helps Blaze stand up Rocky stood up also.

"You do look like a four eyed beast." The tall guy said.

"Only I can call my brother that" Tum Tum mentions.

Rocky took his glasses off. "What do you call him? My little pony?" Bully 2 asks.

"Kick their butts Colt and Blaze" Tum Tum orders.

Rocky slowly held Blaze hand feeling slightly nervous but doesn't show it.

"I'd love to see you try. Come on" Bully 1 dared.

"Let's go. Let's go inside" Rocky orders.

"Why? We just want to have a little fun" Bully 1 laughs shoving Blaze down.

"HEY!" Colt yells anger taking over with him stepping forward. Rocky helps her up. "Let's go inside now. "You're not my boss!" Colt argued back.

"I said, NOW!" Rocky shouts.

"Yeah go inside. The strikeout kid" "We'll have more fun with her later" Rocky takes her hand pulling her close next to him as they went to go inside. She looked back at Colt when he grabbed his skate board following close behind Blaze.

"See you Sunday, Dragons!"

"Why did you do that? I've could've taught them a lesson" Colt yells.

"You're acting like Grandpa!" Blaze just looked down thinking not really knowing what to say.

"You would have murderlized them!" Tum Tum says with annoyance. "Yeah- I would have if Rocky would've let me but NO! You made me look like a wimp in front of those guys! I wanted to help Blaze you didn't even seem to care!" He yells.

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