《3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)》Ch.5


She made eye contact with Rocky who put his mask up hearing two voices by the front door.

Blaze bit her lip trying not to laugh seeing he had a string in his hand.

The robbers opened the door finally after struggling by the string Rocky had them falling down both Rocky and Blaze trying not to laugh.

She snuck in the back of the house quickly waiting for her time to attack.

"I'm gonna go upstairs" she heard she quickly hid under her bed.

The guy went to her room he closed the door she got up yelling kicking him down then quickly disappeared "HEY WHAT THE- OW-" he gets back up and runs to the boys area trying to get on task and away from where he fell "Nope nope gotta hurry and find this thing how hard could it be to find a little dagger?" He asks himself.

Blaze heard yelling "SLAM?!" The guy calls out.

She took this opportunity to swing from a rope she made and kick the guy off the bed making him fall down the steps.

He yelled rolling down the sprial stair case she tried to not laugh but failed "What was that?" She quickly ran or went to anyways but the guy goes back up steps grabbing her foot and she struggled to get him to let go "You're not going anywhere!" He yells.

"Is that a yes?!" The guy that grabbed her foot yelled "I don't think the house is empty" Slam calls "DUH I found a girl and we're taking her with us!" He laughs she struggled and decided to kick him hard with her other foot her falling on the side in response but he let go grabbing his face she scrambled up and ran to her hiding spot.


"Lemon meringue" Slam said "Banana Cream, bozo!" Tum Tum corrected. "Nice try!"

Colt kicks the guy next the guy doing a back flip on the beds.

"You're right. There's somebody here!" Colt jumps out kicking the guy again and he went back down the steps. Colt goes over to Blaze and helps her out of her hiding spot "You alright?" He asks. "Yeah" she said smiling slightly.

They both run down the steps the guy sits up when Colt grabs Blaze and lifts her in the air she swung her legs around kicking him.

They both run to where Tum Tum is.

"I'm tired of playing with you two you little!" The guy says but was cut off by Colt grabbing his arm and pulling him forward into Slam they both fell down.

Colt and Tum Tum had two bottles spraying it on the floor to make them slip.

"That's it, you runts! You're mine!" He yells when they stood up. "Please, Mr.Man, don't hurt us!" Tum Tum spoke acting 'scared'.

Colt smirks lifting his mask and Blaze did as well "Come on!" The guy yells the two ran forward but slid into their other friend falling the three laughed.

"Get over here" the blonde yelled.

The three kids went to them as they stood up.

Colt got in fighting position yelling then so did Blaze and Tum Tum.

"Who are you guys Teenage Mutant wannabes?" The guy asked.

"NO!" Rocky yells.

Rocky yells swinging on a rope kicking the three guys from left to right and back to left.

He landed next to Blaze who was now in between Colt and Rocky.

The three robbers fell.

"We're The Four Ninjas!" The four said together.

The four then yelled trying to scare them "Let's get out of here while we're still standing"


"I'm with that" "Out of my way slam!" "I'm out of here" the two ran "I'm working with idiots" the blonde said.

"Oh, yeah, come on! Try and get me. Come on! Come on!" He yells going around the four.

The four chased after him pulling their mask down.

"Now, if I was a dagger, where would I... hi- AHHh!" The blonde guy yelled slipping on the floor from what Colt and Tum Tum put on the floor earlier.

He fell forward with a thud, the Four Ninjas ran down the steep hill dust flying in the air behind them.

They lift Tum Tum in the air to get on the tree. Rocky grabs Blaze hand to run faster with him they pull a rope and keep pulling to stretch it out.

Rocky tied one side to the van giving Tum Tum a thumbs up.

Colt and Blaze walked to the blonde guy slowly with the floor being slippery.

She keeps a eye out for the other guys when he puts the rope around the blondes foot the two trying not to laugh.

The engine started for the van when the blonde guy was confused he suddenly flew backwards past Colt and Blaze she bursted out laughing from his screaming.

They watched him fly out of the house past the front yard.

"Come see us again!" Colt yells smiling as Blaze smirks waving.

The blonde guy sat up after he was past the bridge.

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