Two days went by and I found myself looking forward to the new timetable I received. Over the two days, Maddie and I had grown closer. We had built up a steady friendship over the small amount of time we had spent.
Mr Joan's was more than pleased about that. He said something about in order for us to work well, we needed to get along with one another. I guess he was right about that.
During the two days, I had reviewed my notes about the patients I was handing over. She seemed to be understanding, and non-judgmental as she read over them.
Instead, she happily smiled, saying 'This will be fun'.
And I agreed with her. It was, but only if you didn't fall in-love with one of your patients.
Sighing, I felt a bottle of nerves, sadness and little bit of excitement settle inside my stomach. My next patient would be coming in and it was no other than Sam.
The man I fell in-love with.
After our little encounter two days ago, I was feeling less confident and looking less forward to seeing him as I worried about rejection. The same rejection I faced the day when I tried talking to him.
"Belle?" I heard Maddie call. I pushed my thoughts to aside, arching a brow at her.
"Are you okay?" She frowned a little. I nodded, smiling at her.
"I'm fine," I cleared my throat, watching as she collected up her things. She flashed a smile, tapping the top of my head, as if I was a dog.
"God, you're so weird." I chuckled, at her. She shrugged, removing her hand from my head.
"I'll see you later." She smiled, opening the door. I nodded, biting down on my bottom lip.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there." She giggled, stepping to aside. Marco stepped inside, followed by Sam. My heart sped up when I saw him.
"That's quite alright," Marco charmed, almost as if he were flirting.
If only he knew she didn't run in that circle.
Smiling, she sent me one last wave before exiting. Marco following. That's when it left just him and I alone. His head was bowed, a low sigh leaving his lips. Blushing, I finally tore my eyes away from him and focused them on the brown folder in my hand.
"Would you like to take a seat on there?" I gestured towards the lounge chair. Without saying a word, he made his way over to it, and took a seat. I swallowed, picking myself up and making my way over to the chair across from where he was sitting.
A motionless expression was on his face, his hands stuffed inside his hoodie pockets.
"Can you stop staring?" I heard him lowly ask. Embarrassment flooded me, as I felt my heart tug in sadness.
"Sorry," I whispered, pulling out the sheet containing his details in my hand. The last session I had with him was over a week ago. I pursed my lips, pushing up my glasses as my eyes skimmed over the piece of paper.
"A-Alright, how are you feeling today?" I softly asked, inhaling a deep breath. His eyes were locked on the ground.
"Fine." He nonchalantly replied, his jaw clenched. I wrote down the reply, my hands shaking slightly.
I'm a fucking asshole.
I thought to myself, seeing Belle's eyes prick with noticeable tears. The pen in her hands shook as she wrote down my short replies. And boy was I the biggest hypocrite. I selfishly glanced over her, not caring if I was staring.
"So, i-it's been more than a week s-since our last session, and I-I was wondering if there's anything new you'd like to talk to me about. Or share?" She softly asked. I sighed to myself, pulling my hood off from my head.
"No." I flatly replied, pressing my back against the wall for support. Her eyes narrowed and a frown drew onto her lips.
"Are...are you sure?" She all so sweetly asked.
"Yes," I muttered. She sighed, not bothering to write anything down on her paper. Instead, she glanced up at me with saddened eyes.
It wasn't right. It didn't feel or look right seeing the dull emotion flood her eyes. My Belle deserved to be smiling and her eyes glinting in happiness. Not the complete opposite. And to make things worse, there was only one person to blame. That person being myself.
"S-So, today I've been t-thinking about -"
"- Can you stop stuttering?" I asked, being the biggest dick ever. Her face deflated and I could see the sadness overcome her expression.
Fucking hell, Sam.
"Y-Yes - sorry, of course." She swallowed, plastering on a forced smile. My heart churned when seeing her hands shake in nerves. I hadn't seen this Belle for so long and I had gotten used to more talkative, confident side of her. This was the Belle I had been around first, but changed to the woman who...who loved me.
I frowned at that. I wasn't sure if she was really, truly speaking. Or if she was saying that just because she didn't want me to be upset at her. If she was aiming for the latter, it failed terribly.
"As I was saying, I've been wanting to start a naming game. I say a word and you tell me the first thing that comes to your mind." She spoke, without stuttering.
"Understand?" She arched a brow. Almost with sass. I inwardly smirked, and nodded at her.
"Alright. First word; Money."
"Greed," I firmly told her. She nodded, writing down the word.
"Okay, why do you think of that?" She softly asked, peering up at me with those welcoming blue orbs of hers. I almost forgot why I was mad at her when I looked into them.
"Because...people will do anything for money. They...they let their greed overcome them." I cleared my throat, rubbing a thumb across my chin. That reminded me, I need to shave off the little stubble growing.
"I see," She whispered, writing down my answer. I cleared my throat, playing with my hands.
"Okay, next word; Evil."
"Humans." I blurted out, the word automatically flying to my mind. Her eyes narrowed as she awaited for me to explain it.
"Humans...we're capable of evil. It's human nature." I told her, glancing away from her intense eye-contact. Her eyes lingered on me and for a second, I pushed away why I was mad at her.
"What?" I sighed. She blushed, glancing away from and to the ground.
"I...was just - never mind." She cleared her throat.
Fuck, I hate when people do that.
"Belle," I pressed. She exhaled, glancing up at me with a shy expression. She looked adorable, but I wasn't going to be telling her that anytime soon.
"I...I was just wondering if you were referring to your, uh, father." She swallowed. I opened my mouth, a little surprised at her assumption, but clamped it closed when I realized I was. I nodded, clearing my throat.
"Oh, alright. You're doing great, by the way." She whispered. I inwardly smiled, but kept on an emotionless expression.
"Next word; uh, love." She quietly said. I noticed how she awkwardly shifted on her seat.
"I have two words for that. Trust and betrayal." I licked my lips, noticing her eyes widen at my sudden urge to talk.
"M-May I ask why?"
"Because there can't be real love without any trust." I firmly told her, looking right into her eyes when I spoke. They narrowed a little with regret and remorse.
"B-Betrayal?" She asked in a whisper.
"If you can't trust the one you love it - it always turns into a betrayal." I told her. Her mouth parted and it looked as if she wanted to say something.
"You should know this, Belle. You're an expect at betraying people." I taunted. Her eyes widened with disbelief and suddenly, the sadness mixed with what seemed like frustration, danced through them.
"I told you I'm sorry, Sam! What else do you want me to do?" She cried, closing the brown folder in her lap.
"Nothing. Absolutely, nothing. Because that's what I want to do with you - nothing." I fired back. That's when a tear slipped from her precious diamond eyes. Sadness and hurt washed over them. Only then did I realize what I had screamed at her.
"You want noth-nothing to do with me?" She uttered, the hurt evident in her tone.
"Belle -" I cut myself off, not knowing what to say. Instead, I avoided eye-contact and clenched my jaw.
"No, Sam. You really want nothing to do with me?" She repeated the words I all so stupidly let out. I daringly glanced at her, her watery eyes staring back at me with hurt.
Hurt that I fucking caused.
"Answer me, Sam. B-Because I need to know if there's still an us." Her words trembled. I tightly closed my eyes, trying to think of what to say.
I had pretty much fucked up.
Suddenly, I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. I tensed, from the sudden feeling. My eyes snapped open, gazing up to see a pained looking Belle. I so badly wanted to grab her by the waist and tug her forward to me. It had been a week and two days since I last got to touch her, fuck - kiss her.
So, that's exactly what I did. Without a single thought, I reached out to tug her forward. A gasp left her open mouth. Silence waved across the air, as I peered up at her. The emotion of relief played in her eyes, but the hurt lurked within them.
"I...y-you know I didn't mean that. I'm just mad at you, Belle." I lowly said, breaking our eye-contact. Hesitantly, she placed a hand on my face and I almost forgave her right then. The soft, gentle touch of hers reminded me why I was so enticed by this woman.
"I'm sorry, Sam. I-I only did it for you, because you deserve to be set free. You don't belong here, Sam. You're not supposed to be here." She whispered. I closed my eyes, slightly leaning into her touch.
Sighing, I reluctantly pulled her closer to me.
"I...I forgive you, Belle." I cleared my throat. Her eyes flashed with relief and another welcoming emotion I wasn't familiar seeing.
"- But, you didn't let me finish." I interrupted. A frown drew onto her lips.
"I forgive you for going behind my back and doing...doing whatever you did. But I'm still mad at you." I told her, quietly. Disappointment waved across her eyes and she slowly took a step back, which only made me feel more like a dick.
She was going to touch me.
"Oh....okay," She nodded to herself, slowly going to remove her hand from my face. But I stopped her before she could. I brought her wrist to my mouth, leaving a gentle kiss on it.
"I, uh, I don't know how long it will take me to forget this. But you know I still care for you, a lot." I told her, truthfully. I inwardly cursed myself for not saying the three words right then. The little anger inside me still didn't want to.
"Sam...d-do you love me?" She breathed. I flinched, dropping her hand from my face. Love wasn't something I was familiar with, but from what I knew, it was supposed to be a magical feeling which made your insides feel funny. That's exactly how I felt around Belle.
"I need to get some fresh air, Belle." I told her, not saying another word as I stood up from the lounge like chair and made my way towards the door. I felt her eyes follow my movement and I could almost feel the hurt she was feeling.
"I forgive you, Belle. Just...just give me sometime before everything can go back to normal." I cleared my throat, my hand on the doorknob. I glanced over my shoulder, to see Belle sadly looking at me with teary eyes. A forced smile pulled onto her lips and she nodded.
"Be careful." She choked out.
"I will," I whispered.
Ignoring the churning feeling occurring to my heart, I turned the door open and hurriedly made my way outside.
I do love you, Belle.
I thought to myself.
I wasn't sure how long it had been with me just wondering carelessly around the prison grounds, but I could tell it had been some time. I avoided bumping into any guards, not wanting to be sent back to the station I should have been at, or worse, be sent to isolation for running out of a therapy session.
However, I had a feeling Belle wouldn't tell on me.
I smiled sadly as I thought about her. I was being a stubborn dick. I had forgiven her, so she no longer had to worry about me holding a grudge against her. But I told her I was still mad at her.
Groaning to myself, I made my way down the corridor. These guards thought so big of themselves, but couldn't even catch a wondering inmate. I snorted at that.
Suddenly the sound of an unfamiliar feminine voice entered my ears.
"I got it, Mark." She uttered, sounding irritated. I slowed down my pace, leaning against a little dent in the wall to see who it was. I peered over only to see the familiar chirpy looking blonde, holding a phone in her hand and an annoyed expression playing on her face. However, what caught my attention was the knife in her hands.
What the fuck?
"Stop yelling at me! I have it planned out!" She raised her voice, nearly giving away her presence. I pursed my lips, slyly watching as she twirled the knife around in her hand. It was like she was skilled with using it.
"Fuck. Fine, since your old ass is so thick, I'll go over it again." She muttered with attitude.
Well shit.
"I'll see tomorrow, while she's busy with whatever, I'll take the knife out and stab her." She uttered, in a monotone, as if she was bored with saying it. My heart dropped as my stomach churned.
She was planning on harming my Belle?
"Yeah I know what to say. 'Never mess with, Mark. Your little boyfriend's next. Thank him for it.' - I already know!" She screamed. My mouth parted as furious heat of anger blazed over me. However, I kept my anger in check, awaiting for her to finish giving herself away.
"Really? I can't have a little fun before? She's got a nice pair of tits."
My face scrunched up in disgust.
Those were my fucking woman's tits she was talking about.
"Okay, fine. Bye, Uncle Mark. Love you." She hung up. I hid away when I saw her glance around.
"What I do for family - little piece of shit." She muttered to herself, the sound of heels clinking fading away. I let out a deep, furious breath, my hands clenching into fists.
So many thoughts were running through my mind. But I only paid attention to one.
I needed to save my Belle.
Hey guys! So shit's going down! Lmao - I bet you all never saw that one coming. Anyways, what do you think will happen next? What did you think about the chapter? And do you think it will all end well?
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Guilty x Creatures
Dark Elves.Enchanting, mysterious, dominating mavericks blessed with haunting beauty, great magics and built by the Gods themselves to reign over the lives of others.Hated by their Elven brethren and feared by the world at large. These slave-mongering beings stand tall and confident in the knowledge that they as a whole are of the elite.Too skilled to be conquered, too powerful to destroy, too dangerous to engage.They fear nothing.Born to rule, it is said they bow to no one, can not be controlled and are impossible to tame.But are they? *!*!*!*!*!* First time author here! So any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! *!*!*!*!*!*Original artwork by AkiBesuto @AkiBesuto
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Cell Mates (boyxboy) (Book 1: Behind Bars)
Arrested for a crime he didn't commit, eighteen year old Riley Parker is thrown into a maximum security prison to carry out his sentence. He expected a cold hard life, filled with danger and uncertainty, what he didn't expect was his cell mate Nathaniel Grayson; he was gorgeous and more than a little frightening but Riley soon finds himself feeling much more than attraction for this hard man, only, you can't fall in love in prison..can you?ALL NAMES,PLACES etc USED IN THIS NOVEL ARE PURELY FICTIONAL.NB: NOT YOUR AVERAGE PRISON SETTING.THIS NOVEL HAS BEEN PUBLISHED and is now AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE at select online stores (links on my profile).Cover design by: Ally_the_Secret Ninja
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Avalana Skylar Valerie is a sweet carrying girl with a good grade and a great sport skills. She's the Daughter of Karl Valerie the CEO of Valerie and co. She is a broken girl inside who's hoping for a perfect Family but always got nothing from her family none other than money.Apollo Arthur Hamilton, Straight A student, Arrogant, Careless, Cold and a The school's football captain. Every girl's crush and the only son of Philip Hamilton one of the Most Popular Billionaire in the US who's the CEO of Hamilton Land. Nobody ever knocked his heart, Girls are dying to date him but can only dreaming.Both of them are forced to be Married with each other because of a single promise that both of their parents made, there's no option other than saying yes and agreed to the Arrangement.They act like they don't know each other at all in school, spending a lot of time inside the house. Keeping the arrangement as a secret until they finally fall for each other and steal a moment between the curtain fall.Will they ended as a marriage couple or will they call it off?
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My Bodyguard.
A young girl of fourteen...A boy, no... a MAN, of eighteen.An heiress and an employee...What could possibly go wrong?Scarlette Reeves is the heiress of her parents' rich exporting company. She has the abnormal IQ of 154. She has it all... Looks, intellect, personality. But... She's insecure, and she can't convey feelings properly. She makes herself a puzzle. And she's waiting for that one guy to figure her out.Marshall Davenport is just a teenage scumbag looking for a job. And a job he got. He is about to start working for Scarlette's father... As Scarlette's bodyguard.Neither of them know anything about the other, aside from the fact that they'll be spending a lot of time together... What could possibly go wrong?
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UNSEEN: Undone Realms Book 1
2014 WATTY WINNER!! (Collector's Dream Award for being one of the most want-to-read stories of 2014!). A Wattpad Featured story, and a Summer 2015 #WattpadBlockParty featured book! Undone Realms series: bk. 1Out of countless realms in the multiverse, Clara is trapped in one that won't let her breathe. Her life consists of a hotel in a tiny pocket universe overlapping our own. Population: one. She doesn't know how she came to be there, how she can exist without breathing, or why she can see into the breathing world, but no one can see into hers. Nolan doesn't know any more about parallel worlds or pocket universes than Clara does. Running away from his abusive father, he finds work at the hotel. Depressed, Nolan wants to disappear as much as Clara wishes to be seen. There is little hope that they'll share anything beyond a palpable loneliness until the morning the barrier separating their planes of existence is breached and for the first time, Clara's unseen world is made visible. As Nolan is slowly drawn into Clara's breathless reality, he must decide whether the love of one person is worth crossing into a world that may never let him back into his own.
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You, since forever
She looked at all of them with hopeful eyes. No one belived her. Except Him !She didn't expect him to believe her out of all the people. She had expected some vile remarks and insults which she was used to. But life is cruel in wicked ways. It shows you the most beautiful things at the worst possible time and with the worst possible scenarios. "Your wife is going to be the unluckiest, I swear. God bless her already. Because she is going to need all the blessing she could get, to have her sanity after being married to a vain, controlling, conceited and..... and... a jerk like you." She was looking for words to describe him but had settled for 'jerk' in the end. Little did she know , that those words were going to bite her in the rare when she finds herself married to a man , she thought she hated his guts. The funny part was, she choose to get married to him and a small part of her was glad that it was him , instead of her harasser. Join Haya as she finds herself being rescued by the man she hated and who she thought hated her back. But there are things that doesn't meet the eyes. That we hide in our heart. And there were alot of secrets hidden in his heart. Things that either could destroy everything he had worked for or could bring him the peace and forever that he was looking for !!StatusComplete but not completely edited. I am working on it and it really needs editing. Some chapters are unedited.😁~ Ranking ~28th in marriage 1st August 20201st in Lahore in Feb.20212nd in Pakistani / Pakistan on 3rd September.20201st in Muslim on 12th September 20201st in Desi on 31st August 2020
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